Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Allegations Made Against Christian Combs (Part 4)

We previously learned that Christian Combs was also named in a lawsuit claiming that he abused a woman who was employed on a yacht that his family rented.    

In this episode, we begin our look at that complaint.  

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Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. In this episode we're going to pick up where we left off with that Christian Combs paperwork. Third cause of action, sexual assault, 131. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference, as though set forth fully at this point, each and every allegation contained herein, 132. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference as though set forth fully at this point, each and every allegation contained herein. 133. On or around December 28th, 2022, defendant C Combs sexually battered plaintiff by violently grabbing her, groping her legs, breast, anus, and vagina. 134. He also tried to kiss her and proceeded to kiss her neck, face, and hands. 135. Prior to the assault, defendant C Combs also forced plaintiff to drink alcohol, which she now believes was laced with drugs. 136. Defendancy Combs also exposed himself to plaintiff, bearing his naked, erect penis, trying to physically force plaintiff to perform oral copulation. 137. Plaintiff was seriously bruised as a result of the attack, 138. Fifth did not consent to any of the sexual assault or misconduct, and was drugged intoxicated by defendant C Combs. 139. Through the aforementioned acts, defendant C Combs caused harmful or offensive contact with an intimate part of plaintiff's body, as defined by California Civil Code Section 1708-5. 140. Through the aforementioned acts, defendant C Combs caused harmful or offensive contact between an intimate part of defendant's body and plaintiff's body, as defined by California Civil Code Section 1708-5. 141. Through the aforementioned acts, defendant C Combs caused plaintiff an imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contact with an intimate part of plaintiff's body and sexually offensive contact with plaintiff resulted. 142. As a result of defendant C Combs' conduct, plaintiff, has suffered economic injury, all the plaintiff's general, special, and consequential damage in an amount to be proven at trial, but in no event is less than the minimum jurisdictional amount of this court. 143. As a result of defendant C Combs' above-described conduct, plaintiff, has suffered and continues to suffer great emotional distress, and was prevented and will continue to be prevented from performing daily activities and obtaining the full enjoyment of life. 144. As described in this complaint, defendant C Combs' conduct was done with oppression, fraud, and/or malice warranting significant damages, including punitive damages. The Fourth Cause of Liability Premises Liability 145. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference as those set forth fully, at this point each and every allegation contained herein. 146. Defendant as Combs least occupied and/or controlled the yacht, on which plaintiff was sexually assaulted and battered on the date and time plaintiff was sexually assaulted and battered. 147. Defendant as Combs' had control over the staff and the happenings aboard the yacht. 148. Defendant as Combs completely controlled the premises of the yacht, allowing who he wanted on, throwing parties, having sex workers come to service his guests, allowing fights to occur, and non-stop illegal drug use and alcohol use. 149. Defendant as Combs' had a valid lease given him control of the yacht for the entire holiday season and occupied the yacht in order to throw lawless parties and allow illegal activities to occur. 150. Over the 2022 holiday season, Defendant as Combs used the yacht that he leased and had control over as the location for mayhem, including illegal prostitution, drug use and reckless partying. 151. Defendant as Combs was negligent in the use of maintenance of the yacht. 152. Defendant as Combs allowed and encouraged the people around his yacht, including his son C. Combs, to engage in the drugs and reckless behavior while aboard the yacht. 153. Plaintiff was sexually assaulted and battered by Defendant as Combs' son, C. Combs, when he forced her to drink a likely-laced drink, violently grabbed her, groped her, exposed his erect penis to her, and tried to force her to perform oral copulation on him, all while on the premise of the yacht in question. 154. Defendant as Combs also tried to kiss her and proceeded to kiss her neck, face and hands. 155. Plaintiff was severely, mentally, emotionally and physically harmed while on the yacht. 156. Defendant as Combs, negligence, was a substantial factor in causing plaintiff harm because of failing to properly use and secure the yacht and for fostering an environment for drug use and assault to occur without ramifications. 157. Through the aforementioned acts, Defendant as Combs cause plaintiff an imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contact with an intimate part of plaintiff's body and sexually offensive contact with plaintiff resulted. 158. As a result of Defendant as Combs' conduct, plaintiff has suffered economic injury, all the plaintiff's general, special and consequential damage in an amount to be proven at trial, but in no event is less than the minimum jurisdictional amount of this court. 159. As a result of Defendant, Combs' above-described conduct, plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer great emotional distress and was prevented and will continue to be prevented from performing daily activities and obtaining the full enjoyment of life. 160. As described in this complaint, the defendant as Combs' conduct was done with oppression, fraud, and/or malice, warranting significant damages, including punitive damages, fifth cause of action, aiding and abetting, 161. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference as though set fully forth at this point each and every allegation contained herein, 162. Defendant as Combs knew that an assault battery, sexual assault, was being committed and was going to be committed against plaintiff because he encouraged and fostered an environment in culture to his son and his employees to do whatever they want with plaintiff and other yacht staff, 163. As Combs provided drugs and alcohol to be used to take advantage of many women on the yacht, including plaintiff, 164. As Combs' new plaintiff had been assaulted because he paid off the yacht captain after hearing of plaintiff's complaint, relating to his son defendant C Combs' assault battery sexual assault against plaintiff, 165. Defendant as Combs' conduct was a substantial factor in causing harm to plaintiff's harm, 166. Through the aforementioned acts defendant as Combs caused plaintiff an imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contact with an intimate part of plaintiff's body and sexually offensive contact with plaintiff resulted, 167. As a result of defendant as Combs' conduct, plaintiff has suffered economic injury all to the plaintiff's general, special and consequential damage in an amount to be proven at trial, but in no event is less than the minimum jurisdictional amount of this court, 168. As a result of defendant as Combs' above-described conduct, plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer great emotional distress and was prevented and will continue to be prevented from performing daily activities and obtaining the full enjoyment of life, 169. As described in this complaint the defendant as Combs' conduct was done with oppression, fraud, and/or malice, warranting, significant damages, including punitive damages. The six cause of action, intentional infliction of emotional distress, 170. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference, as though set forth fully at this point, each and every allegation contained herein, 171. On or around December 28, 2022, defendants seek Combs' assault at plaintiff by violently grabbing her, groping her legs, breasts, anus, and vagina, 172. Prior to the assault, defendants seek Combs also force plaintiff to drink alcohol, which she now believes was laced with drugs, 173. Dependency Combs also expose himself to plaintiff, bearing his naked, erect penis, trying to physically force plaintiff to perform oral copulation. 174. He also tried to kiss her and proceeded to kiss her neck, face, and hands, 175. plaintiff was seriously bruised as a result of the attack, 176. That's extreme, end outrageous conduct alleged in this complaint, including but not limited to assault, sexual assault, and battery upon plaintiff, were done in wanton and reckless disregard of such consequences to plaintiff. 177. plaintiff now experiences seizures and has to constantly be helped by others for tasks that she could previously do independently. 178. plaintiff has also been unable to secure another job in the industry she knows and loves. The outing industry, since she was wrongfully terminated from her position with the Frazier. 179. plaintiff's relationship with her significant other prematurely ended because her significant other could not bear to deal with the physical and emotional ramifications of the assault by sea Combs. 180. Dependency Combs actions were extreme and outrageous. 181. As a direct and approximate result of said extreme and outrageous conduct by defendant sea Combs, plaintiff did suffer humiliation, mental anguish, and emotional and physical distress and has been hurt and injured in her health, strength, and activity, sustaining an injury to her nervous system and person, all of which have caused, continue to cause, and will continue to cause plaintiff great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering. 182. As a result of such severe emotional distress, plaintiff, has been generally, specially and consequentially damaged to an amount to be established according to the evidence. 183. Defendant sea Combs committed the aforementioned infliction of emotional distress willfully and intentionally and by means of oppression, fraud, and malice and unconscious disregard of plaintiff's rights. 4. plaintiff is entitled to an award of exemplary or punitive damages in an amount to be established a trial to meaningfully punish defendant sea Combs, thereby deterring similar conduct in the future. 7. Cause of action, negligent infliction of emotional distress, 184. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference as though set fully forth. At this point, each and every allegation contained herein, 185. The plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference as though set fully forth. At this point, each and every allegation contained herein, 186. On or around December 28, 2022, defendant sea Combs assaulted plaintiff by violently grabbing her, groping her legs, breasts, anus, and vagina. 187. Prior to the assault, defendant sea Combs also forced plaintiff to drink alcohol, which he now believes was laced with drugs. 188. defendant sea Combs also exposed himself to plaintiff, bearing his naked or wrecked penis, trying to physically force plaintiff to perform oral copulation. 189. He also tried to kiss her and proceeded to kiss her neck, face, and hands. 190. plaintiff was seriously bruised as a result of the attack. 191. defendant extreme and outrageous conduct alleged in this complaint, including but not limited to assault, sexual assault, and battery were negligent. 192. plaintiff now experienced seizures and has to be constantly helped by others for tasks that she could previously have done independently. 193. plaintiff has also been unable to secure another job in the industry she knows and loves, the yachting industry, since she was wrongfully terminated from her position with the Frazier. 194. plaintiff was also abandoned by her significant other, who cannot bear to deal with the physical and emotional ramifications of the assault by defendant sea Combs. 195. As the direct and proximate result of said extreme and outrageous conduct by defendant sea Combs, plaintiff, did suffer serious emotional distress, including humiliation, mental anguish, and emotional and physical distress, and has been hurt, injured, inner health, strength, and activity, sustaining an injury to her nervous system, and person, all of which have caused, continue to cause, and will continue to cause, plaintiff great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering, 196. As a result of such severe emotional distress, plaintiff has been generally, specially, and consequently damaged in an amount to be established, according to evidence. 197. Intentionally, and by means of oppression, fraud, and malice, and unconscious disregard of plaintiff's rights. Therefore, plaintiff is entitled to an award of exemplary or punitive damages in an amount to be established at trial to meaningfully punish defendant sea Combs, thereby deterring similar conduct in the future. Wherefore relief, wherefore a plaintiff grays Omar Kay, prays for judgment against defendants, jointly, and severly, as follows, 1. For a compensatory special in general damages, according to the proof, 2. For punitive and exemplary damages, 3. For cost of suit, prejudgment, and post-judgment interest, and 4. Such other and further relief as the court may deem necessary or appropriate. This was dated April 4, 2024, and it was signed by Rodney Diggs. All right, folks, well, that's going to do it for the document accusing Christian Combs of basically the same stuff his dad was up to. So like usual, I leave it up to you to decide. That's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.