Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Goncalves Family Responds To Kohberger's Alleged Alibi

Bryan Kohberger and his "I was out for a gander at the stars" routine isn't sitting well with the Goncalves family and they had no  problem calling it absurd and a delay.

In this episode, we hear from the Goncalves family in the wake of the alibi claimed by Bryan Kohberger and what we might expect as the process continues to grind forward.

An alibi in a criminal trial is a defense strategy where the accused presents evidence to show that they were somewhere else at the time the crime was committed, thereby making it impossible for them to have committed the crime. It's essentially a form of proof of innocence by demonstrating that the accused couldn't have been at the scene of the crime.Corroborating an alibi using digital evidence involves gathering electronic records or data that can confirm the accused's presence elsewhere. Here's how it can be done:

  1. Surveillance footage: If there are surveillance cameras in the area where the accused claims to have been at the time of the crime, the footage can be reviewed to verify their presence.
  2. Cell phone records: Mobile phone records can show the location of the accused at the time of the crime, either through cell tower pings or GPS data if enabled. This can be corroborated with witness testimonies or other evidence.
  3. Social media or online activity: Posts, check-ins, or messages on social media platforms or other online services can provide a digital footprint of the accused's whereabouts. However, these can sometimes be manipulated, so additional evidence may be needed to corroborate them.
  4. Credit card transactions: Credit card transactions or ATM withdrawals can provide evidence of the accused's whereabouts if they made purchases or withdrew money around the time of the crime.
  5. Email or electronic communication: Emails, text messages, or other forms of electronic communication can provide timestamps that establish the accused's location or activities at a particular time.
  6. Digital photos or videos: If the accused or someone else took photos or videos at the time in question, these can serve as evidence of their presence elsewhere.

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Family of Idaho murders victim Kaylee Goncalves bite back at Bryan Kohberger's 'moon and stargazing' alibi, saying 'if it had weight, it would have been submitted months ago' | Daily Mail Online

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. For a month now we've been hearing from Brian Kohlberger's team that he has an alibi and they're going to provide that alibi to the court. Well that alibi has been provided and as you can imagine it's as ridiculous as we all thought it was going to be and of course there's nobody that can provide us with eyewitness corroboration about what Brian Kohlberger says that he was doing. Now according to him he was just out on a nice long drive you know checking out the stars having a hike just a modern day Ansel Adams over here going to leave his house in the middle of the night to go out and stargaze in the middle of nowhere and it just so happens that these kids are killed that same night and your DNA is found on the knife sheath under Matty's dead body. We're going to need a little bit more than I was out stargazing and you can bring as many experts out as you want. When all is said and done unless that expert can explain how that DNA got on that sheath I really don't care what they have to say. Today's article is from the Daily Mail and the headline, "Family of Idaho murder victim Kaylee Gonzavas bites back at Brian Kohlberger's moon and stargazing alibi saying if it had weighed it would have been submitted months ago and that's what I've said from the jump. If they had a real alibi something that held merit something that was going to move the needle, we would have learned about that shit a long time ago. Defense attorneys don't sit on that kind of information. They want that out there. They want potential jurors to know that their guy is not the guy. But we never heard anything like that. We never heard anybody stepping up to the plate saying, "Ah, you know what, Brian was with me." We were playing Fortnite. We were at the local bar hollering at some tail. None of that happened and instead we get this milli-mouthed BS alibi that he was out having a drive doing some stargazing howling at the moon or maybe just maybe none of that was occurring and he was in Moscow murdering four college kids. This article was authored by Will Potter. The family of Idaho murders victim Kaylee Gonzavas have slammed suspected killer Brian Koburger's alibi feeling that if it had weight it would have been submitted months ago. Koburger's defense came under scrutiny this week after he submitted his alibi after months of delays where he claimed he couldn't have committed the quadruple murders because he was out driving to see the moon and the stars. Now look, prosecutors say his phone was turned off between 2.47 a.m. and 4.48 a.m. on the night of the murders of University of Idaho students Gonzavas 21 Madison Mogan 21 Zana Colonel 20 and Ethan Chapin 20. In response to the alibi filing Gonzavas family pointed out that this means that if Koburger disputes cell phone data as his filing indicated he would it would be either before or after the times of the murders. Hence not really an alibi they said and they're not wrong. This is not an alibi this is him throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall hoping some of it sticks the victims family posted in response we have been waiting on this information for months and it is finally arrived it's so hard not knowing anything about the case and you find you have to cling to dates motions and hearings in order to figure out anything a big part of this has been waiting on the alibi information now that it's here we feel even more confident in the prosecution of the defendant. The defense's claim is that Koburger was driving late at night hiking running and stargazing we're not sure why it's taken over a year for this to come out as those don't seem to be complicated activities 1000% if that's what koburger was doing why didn't we know about it earlier what took them so long to get this alibi together well they have to find an expert right somebody that could piecemeal it together for them somebody that can sew the smoke screen and they found their expert and what it's going to come down to like usual will be a battle of the experts when sy vans gets on the stand the expert that's been hired by koburger's team you better believe that the prosecution is going to look to just batter them on cross and that's how it works with these experts every expert that the defense puts up there the defense is going to put an expert up there to counter the testimony and it's going to come down to who has the evidence on their side and what the jury feels is the truth and if I was sitting on the jury and somebody shows up talking about I was stargazing and having a drive around town well at the same time I have evidence of their DNA on a knife sheath under a murdered girl you better believe that that alibi isn't going to really hold too much weight with me as a juror we also believe that if this alibi had any weight it would have been submitted months ago it's also in direct conflict with the probable cause affidavit that states that the defendant's phone was turned off between 2 47 a.m. and 4 48 a.m. and that's another thing all we heard leading up to this was how the phone towers and the pings oh it's so unreliable but now that koburger is trying to use this as an alibi all of a sudden we should give merit to the phone pings you're going to need more than that and if koburger and his team had more than that they would have already offered it up so if the defendant was driving around there is cell phone information that he was in different place it would be either before or after the times of the murders hence not really an alibi we continue to look forward to justice in this case and can now put this part of the proceeding behind us thank you for all the support for our family and it just has to be brutal can you imagine waiting on justice for as long as people have to wait i mean look at what's going on down in delphi then you add in the circus like atmosphere that popped up and it's just all bad now you have over here in moscow certainly not the circus like atmosphere but still a delay and if it was my daughter who was murdered i'd be fired up too and then you get this alibi after waiting all this time for it only for it to be as ridiculous as we see this alibi to be it almost makes a mockery of things right if you have an alibi provided if you don't well you don't you're not going to be able to make one up one's not going to materialize out of thin air not one that anyone's going to believe anyway the gansalbus family have previously spoken out over their frustration at delays in the case with koburger's defense attorneys accused of delay tactics that have seen the trial date push back to at least the spring of 2025 in december after another previous delay the gansalbus mother christie said the ongoing process has been gut wrenching why does this have to be so drawn out she questioned to khq i can't believe that this is how it works unfortunately this is how it works the wheels of justice grind slowly and it takes a very long time for a case like this to be built but i can't say i disagree about the defense using some delay tactics they're definitely going to try and have as much time as possible to build a defense right and if that means delaying and causing some chaos they're going to try and do it so it's going to be up to judge judge to make sure that that nonsense doesn't occur and like i've said before i think judge judge has done a pretty good job here and hopefully that continues as we move forward on april 17th koburger 28 claimed through his attorneys that he was out driving on the night of the quadruple killings on november 13th 2022 as he often did to watch the night sky in a newly released court filing his lawyer said that his demanding schedule lecturing at washington state university met he didn't have time for his normal hobbies of running and hiking instead he claims to have taken up driving at night time as a past time and says that phone records will show he frequently drove around the countryside near well why county park in wittman county yeah well maybe he was out looking for other victims since we're just inferring things here and speculating why not and it's interesting to me that the defense is even going down this road considering all of the digital evidence that the prosecution has compiled against koburger one of their main defense points before was that the pings when it comes to the phone data it's not reliable so now all of a sudden everything's reliable they're going to run into some issues with that believe it and i highly doubt that the prosecutors aren't going to look to string them up over it prosecutors say they track koburger's phone to near the home where he allegedly murdered the students however his attorneys also say they plan to present an expert on cell phone information to dispute this last year koburger's legal team had claimed that he was out driving alone on the night of the murders but declined to offer specifics what were they gonna offer oh he was out having a nice little casual drive and his only companions were the coyotes and the rattlesnakes as the victims families spoke out over ongoing delays a judge ordered a wednesday deadline to provide more details after previously saying the excuse of driving alone was insufficient branding it a so-called alibi now koburger's lawyers say they have further details of the alibi but claim that prosecutors have been shared more discovery information as requested they claim that without the discovery evidence the cell phone expert's testimony will also reveal that critical exculpatory evidence further corroborating mr koburger's alibi was either not preserved or has been withheld so what they're looking for is to catch the prosecution here in some kind of discovery misconduct and hopefully in their minds that gets the death penalty taken off the table like we saw with lori valo so if you slow walk discovery you could be sanctioned by the judge and the judge could easily take the death penalty off the table now do i think that's going to happen here i highly doubt it but we'll have to see right look i'm not one of these people that believes that prosecutors are infallible there's many times where prosecutors screwed things up so far that doesn't seem to be the case here but that certainly seems to be the angle that koburger is shooting from koburger is next doing court on may 14th when a judge will decide over a change of venue motion from his attorneys who claim the fervent attention around his case in the area would impact jury impartiality when koburger was arrested in december of 2023 over a month after the slangs cop said a key piece of evidence was a white honda seen in surveillance footage driving to and from the site of the killings that match koburger's car however koburger's alibi filing claims that cell phone experts sirei will offer testimony that shows his cell phone did not travel towards the home and thus could not be the vehicle captured on video along with the surveillance footage another key piece of evidence put forward by prosecutors is koburger's dna allegedly found on a knife sheath left behind at the massacre this is where he's going to have his biggest issue this is what i've said from the beginning and i'll continue to say it without this dna things get a bit murkier but having that dna there makes it very difficult for brian koburger to deny being in this house koburger's legal team have come under fire from the families of his alleged victims amid claims they are using delay tactics to help his chances at trial which remains in its preliminary stages over one and a half years after the slangs although he was initially set to stand trial in the spring of 2024 the repeat delays saw a judge in february push the court date at least to the spring of 2025 i mean i don't even know what else to say about the alibi like if that's what you're bringing to the table and i'm a juror you're gonna have to do better than that but unfortunately in my opinion this is the best that koburger's gonna be able to do and that's because there's nobody to corroborate his nonsense nobody to come up and say look i was with him so it comes down to do we believe koburger's story and for me looking at the totality of evidence that has been presented in public anyway against brian koburger not only am i gonna need an alibi as a juror i'm gonna need that alibi corroborated by another human being and short of that you're gonna have a very very tough time convincing me that you didn't murder these kids and it all comes down to the dna on the sheath and unless they can explain that dna on the sheath unless they can figure out a way to prove that that's not koburger's dna in my opinion when all is said and done brian koburger is gonna be found guilty and their only hope is loopholes and technicalities and we'll see a lot more of that strategy come to fruition as we move closer to trial and i'm really interested to see how the prosecutors respond to this alibi that brian koburger has just turned in and what they have to say about it so either way we'll be here following along for all the twists and the turns as this story continues to evolve and we move closer to brian koburger's trial all of the the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.