Beyond The Horizon

The USVI And Their Request For A Summary Judgement Against JP Morgan (Part 4) (6/30/24)

A memorandum of law in support of a summary judgment is a legal document filed by a party in a lawsuit to persuade the court to grant a summary judgment in their favor. Summary judgment is a legal process where the court decides a case without a full trial because there are no disputed material facts requiring a jury or judge to resolve. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this memorandum typically includes:

  1. Introduction and Statement of Facts:
    • The memorandum begins with a brief introduction, outlining the purpose of the document and a statement of undisputed facts. These facts are often supported by evidence such as affidavits, depositions, and other documents.
  2. Legal Arguments:
    • This section presents the legal basis for the motion, citing relevant laws, statutes, and case precedents. The goal is to demonstrate that, based on the undisputed facts, the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
  3. Standard of Review:
    • The memorandum will often include a discussion of the standard of review for summary judgment, explaining that the court must view the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-moving party and determine if there is no genuine issue of material fact.
  4. Analysis:
    • A detailed analysis follows, where the party applying for summary judgment argues how the law applies to the undisputed facts. This section aims to show that the opposing party cannot prove an essential element of their case or that there is no evidence to support their claims.
  5. Conclusion:
    • The memorandum concludes with a summary of the arguments and a request for the court to grant summary judgment, thereby dismissing the case or certain claims within the case without the need for a trial.
  6. Supporting Documentation:
    • The memorandum is usually accompanied by supporting documentation, such as exhibits, affidavits, and a statement of undisputed material facts, to substantiate the arguments made.
Purpose and ImportanceThe purpose of a memorandum of law in support of summary judgment is to convince the court that a trial is unnecessary because there are no material facts in dispute that require a jury's evaluation. It aims to expedite the legal process, reduce costs, and provide a quicker resolution to the case.Legal StandardCourts grant summary judgment only when there is no genuine dispute of material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law, as outlined in Rule 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (or corresponding state rules).

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30 Jun 2024
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In this episode, we're picking up where we left off with the USVI and their request for a summary judgment against JP Morgan. D. JP Morgan benefited from participation in Epstein's sex trafficking venture. JP Morgan argued the government must allege that it received revenue from Epstein in exchange for the bank's furtherance of Epstein's sex trafficking venture. The court is not convinced that the benefit element should be read this way. Order at 31, and indeed the statutory language imposes no such casual relationship requirement. HH vs. G6 Hospitality Incorporated, No. 2, 19-CV-755, 2019-WL, 66, 8252 at 2, SD, Ohio, December 6, 2019. JP Morgan admits it received fees and other revenue from providing services to Epstein and his affiliated entities. Order at 31. In any event from at least 2006 to Epstein's arrest in 2019, JP Morgan knowingly benefited from furthering Epstein's sex trafficking venture. In or about the 2000 time period, Sandy Warner, then head of JP Morgan, told Staley then head PB, "You should meet Epstein. He's one of the most connected people I know of in New York." Warner was right. By 2003, Epstein introduced Staley and Google's founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and helped source billionaire hedge fund, hybrid donor Glen Dubin. By then, Epstein also was bringing in over $8 million in revenue to the private bank, the top revenue and nearly double the amount of the next highest client. In 2003, Epstein, through the trading of his accounts and that of Leslie Wexner, generates one of the largest annual revenue flows of private clients in the bank. The following year, Epstein facilitated JP Morgan's acquisition of hybridge, a game-changing acquisition for JP Morgan. Hybridge a hedge fund with $7 billion in assets under its management was co-founded by Epstein's close friend, Dubin, and Epstein was a founding investor. Epstein advised both JP Morgan and hybridge on the acquisition and worked with Diamond, then CEO and Waiting, Bill Harrison, then CEO, and other JP Morgan Chase executive management on the acquisition. Epstein was paid a $15 million consulting fee for his work on the acquisition. Epstein also continued to facilitate introductions to the bank, including a meeting between Staley and the Sultan of Dubai. Just interject here, you know, a lot of people want to make Epstein like this secret Mossad agent, but the reality is, he had a lot of connections to the Arab world as well. Nobody wants to talk about that. I know it's not the in vogue thing to talk about right now because Magaza, but let's get real, okay? To think that Jeffrey Epstein wasn't on the tit of these oil barons in the sheets in the Middle East, I got to tell you, you're crazy, especially knowing everything we know about these people and the way they get down. Have you taken a look at what happens to Instagram models that go over to Dubai? This sets the stage for 2006 after Epstein was arrested for felony sex crimes and confessed his conduct to Staley, when JP Morgan could have exited Epstein but did not. Instead, at the rapid response meeting, the private bank imposed a condition on his accounts, supposedly to mitigate the risk. He could remain a banking, but not an investment client, but when it later benefited the bank, the restrictions were ignored, and by 2011 Epstein was the private bank's investment arm, biggest revenue producer. The rapid response meeting was a fiction in other respects, though JP Morgan was supposedly considering terminating its relationship with Epstein at precisely the same time. The bank was actively trying to find a New York home for Epstein's accounts as the advisor to the Google founders, a relationship that would become one of the largest in the private bank of plus $4 billion. The bank was also actively growing the Epstein relationship between post indictment and post conviction, rapid response meetings, Epstein's assets under management increased fourfold from 32 million to over 120 million. By September 3, 2008, when Epstein's private banker, Casey, thought his assets were a probable outflow, pending diamond review, Epstein's accounts were worth more than $156 million, and needless to say, were not outflowed. Within months of public reports that Epstein was engaged in sexual abuse of girls, potentially tied to MC2, JP Morgan moved forward with renewing Epstein's loan to MC2. The bank's only concern, are we comfortable taking on additional credit exposure ahead of his pending plea agreement? JP Morgan also kept banking Epstein despite its knowledge of his sex trafficking because it was trying to settle lawsuits he had against the bank, one related to his investments at Bear Stearns and another in redacted. In 2011, as JP Morgan had near settled Epstein's claims against Bear Stearns, Cutler wrote to Erdos, "I would like to put it and him behind us, not a person we should do business with, period." But as shanker, then General Counsel AWM explained to Erdos, Cutler, at conclusion of JE approval of Bear Stearns' settlement, asked when we are off-boarding JE. I reminded him that we have the other matter outstanding. At the time, the bank was still trying to settle redacted. In 2008, Bear Stearns, now part of JP Morgan, had made it known that it wanted to keep Epstein as a brokerage client despite his felony conviction. Allen, Ace Greenberg, former chairman of Bear Stearns, and now with JP Morgan, also wanted to continue to do business with Epstein, and sought an exception to the felon policy, which on paper required that the GC, Cutler, approve retaining Epstein. In addition, throughout spring and summer of 2011, Epstein helped Erdos and Staley, who JP Morgan admits were involved in the decision to maintain Epstein at the bank, put together a proposal for $100 billion donor advised funds for the Gates Foundation, which Erdos and Staley presented to the Gates Foundation on August 31, 2011. Erdos communicated frequently with Epstein during the DAF development and pitch process. Throughout, Epstein continued to connect with JP Morgan and the world's dignitaries and wealthiest people, including, among others, Gates, Boris Nickelich, Advisor to Gates, Summers, the Sultan of Dubai, Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak, Netanyahu, David Gergen, former advisor to Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton, Pritzker, and Mandelson. Epstein also continued to bring in significant revenues to the bank. Epstein was also a personal resource to Staley and Erdos, two business executives who JP Morgan does not dispute were involved in the decision to maintain Epstein at the bank. Epstein helped Staley with redacted. In 2005, Erdos personally sought Epstein's help in resolving a $600 million tax issue for redacted. In December 2008, after Bernie Madoff's investment scandal was uncovered, Erdos wrote Staley, Glenn and I have been going back and forth all night. We have hundreds of clients. Can you call JE to get the scoop from down there? Post-exit JP Morgan continued to benefit from Epstein until months before his 2019 arrest. Duffy, then CEO, USPB, gave Epstein's former JP Morgan banker, Justin Nelson, permissioned to continue a relationship with Epstein as a potential source of referrals. Nelson met with Epstein eight to ten times a week, twice as many, times as Casey, who had been his main banker for a decade prior to his exit, including about business with Leon Black, CEO of Private Equity, Behemoth, Apollo Global Management. In 2019, a few months before Epstein was arrested, JP Morgan was still taking referrals from Epstein. All the while JP Morgan continued to redacted. Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me, and you know what they were doing? They were also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving, having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba and live the Chumba Life. 2. JP Morgan Obstructed Enforcement of the TVPA in Violation of US Code 18, Section 1591D. By 2007, JP Morgan knew of an effort to enforce the TVPA, an intentionally obstruct or attempt to obstruct that enforcement effort, order at 33. Though Epstein confessed the conduct, except the ages, JP Morgan redacted, and instead actively handled payments to Epstein's lawyers, who it knew were discrediting victims, hiring private investigators to target witnesses, and negotiating a deal where federal prosecutors would and did defer prosecution of TVPA charges. The next section is completely redacted, then moving on to the next section. JP Morgan redacted the payments to redacted and Maxwell. The credit cards to redacted and redacted, including for monthly travel, through Paris, Europe, and the US Virgin Islands and the US, the revoked credit card to redacted, who had talked to police, the DDR information Epstein provided, for redacted, or any of the other girls Epstein referred to the bank, the payments to the girls and women, including with Eastern European names or their names and locations, which it also had. JP Morgan redacted that it helped Epstein financially back Brunel and MC2 since 2005, Supra Part 1. In 2019, Brunel was charged with rape of minors and under investigation for trafficking tied to Epstein and was widely known, including to JP Morgan years earlier, as among the sleaziest people in the fashion industry, a conveyor belt, not a casting couch. Even when it knew that the Fed had subpoenaed barestearns for Epstein's account and transaction information related to its investigation, redacted, Supra Part 1. In 2010, JP Morgan learned of new federal investigations of Epstein for child sex trafficking, but redacted this whole section. JP Morgan's own due diligence on Epstein shows that new the names and contact information of material witnesses and additional victims, that would have been extremely useful in investigations and prosecuting the federal case. JP Morgan had the names and information for dozens of accomplices, victims, and other material witnesses, including, for example, his pilots, his assistants, and his accountant, who JP Morgan later acknowledged controlled the movement of Epstein's funds that potentially assisted in facilitating the sex trafficking ring, as well as the long list of dignitaries and ultra wealthy men Epstein referred or connected to the bank. By Epstein's arrest in 2006, there should have been a constant stream of information from JPMC to the FBI about Epstein's ongoing redacted. Human trafficking is an ongoing crime, with harm incurred every day that it continues, redacted. There is no genuine dispute Epstein would have been federally charged with sex trafficking much earlier. 3. The USVI has requested relief for violations of the TVPA. Declaratory judgment and injunction. The government requests that the court declare JP Morgan violated TVPA Section 1591, A&2, and D by participating in Epstein's sex trafficking venture and obstructing federal law enforcement efforts to enforce the TVPA against Epstein from 2006 to 2019. The government seeks an injunction to prevent JP Morgan from participating in trafficking ventures in the future and obstructing efforts to stop such ventures in violation of the TVPA. See Alfred L. Snap vs Puerto Rico 458 US 592 598 through 599 1982. Civil penalties. The government is proven even greater participation by JP Morgan in Epstein's sex trafficking than the NYS DFS found against Deutsche Bank and seeks at least $150 million in civil penalties. Other remedies. The government defers its request for disengagement, compensatory and punitive damages, and other appropriate relief for JP Morgan's TVPA violations until trial. All right, we're going to wrap up right here, and in the next episode we're going to pick up with Part 4. JP Morgan's equitable and false-shifting defenses do not apply to the government's TVPA, Parents' Patriot claims. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. It is Ryan here, and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper? A woohoo! A hand clap or a high-fiver? If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino-style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply