Beyond The Horizon

Stacey Plaskett And Her Attempt To Remove Herself From The Epstein Survivor Lawsuit (6/29/24)

Stacey Plaskett, the U.S. Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress, has requested to be removed from the lawsuit filed by Jeffrey Epstein survivors against the USVI. The lawsuit, filed by six anonymous survivors, alleges that the USVI government, including several high-profile officials, played a role in enabling Epstein's sex-trafficking operations.

In her motion to dismiss, Plaskett argues that the lawsuit's claims against her are unfounded and speculative. She contends that her solicitation of campaign contributions from Epstein, who she was unaware of as a sex offender at the time, does not imply complicity in his crimes. Plaskett also highlights that, as the former general counsel for the USVI Economic Development Authority, she was not involved in the decision-making process regarding tax benefits awarded to Epstein’s businesses. Her legal team asserts that the plaintiffs included her in the lawsuit solely to draw attention to their case without substantial evidence linking her to Epstein's illegal activities​.

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Plaskett Seeks Removal from Epstein Civil Case, Calling Her Inclusion 'Malicious' (

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29 Jun 2024
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What's up everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Stacey Plaskit is attempting to remove herself from a civil case filed by Epstein survivors that claim that the USVI enabled Jeffrey Epstein's bullshit and helped him along the way when it comes to abusing these survivors and others. Well now Stacey Plaskit, who took money from Epstein after Epstein was a felon by the way, and then had the audacity to argue about returning it, and then ignoring all questions about her relationship with Epstein until she was entered into this lawsuit basically. But the real question is, is there ever going to be any accountability for your faves? How many times do we got to talk about people like Stacey Plaskit, who had involvement with Epstein, who took money from Epstein, and who haven't been called out onto the carpet? Oh, everybody wanted to call a cost out, right? And they should have, but where is all that energy now? Where's all that energy? There's a lot of people that need to be called out. Where's the accountability for Bill Clinton? Instead of calling out Bill Clinton, instead you try and shove him down our throats? Not only is it gross, it's offensive. And if people were truly concerned with furthering justice when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein, people like Stacey Plaskit would be held accountable. Instead, she's rewarded. She's put on the ethics committee. She's involved in the January 6 stuff. I mean, for real, we're going to reward people like this. And then you have the audacity to cry about anybody else and accountability. So before you start banging around talking about, let me see the list. What's the list say? How about we hold the people that we know we're enabling this dude responsible for doing it? Wouldn't that be nice? Some responsibility for once from our elected officials? Instead, though, you'll have people that circle the wagons because their demagoguery is way more important to them than justice. Today's article is from the Virgin Islands consortium and the headline. Plaskit seeks removal from Epstein's civil case, calling her inclusion malicious. You know what was malicious, Stacey Plaskit? The fact that you're up there judging other Americans? While taking money from Jeffrey Epstein after he was a convicted felon, and not only that, but it was a tooth and nail fight to get you to return those funds. Remember, the initial stages, she said she wasn't returning that money. Then all of a sudden the pressure got cooked a little bit, and oh, I'm going to return those funds. Meanwhile, nobody's asking her the real question. Why did you accept that money in the first place? Today's article was authored by Ernest Gilbert. Attorneys for delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskit filed a motion on Thursday to dismiss her from the civil complaint brought by victims of Jeffrey Epstein in the New York case against the government of the Virgin Islands. Imagine having the audacity that Stacey Plaskit has to try and remove herself from this? Lady, you were smack dab in the middle. You were smack dab in the middle. Now, look, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that Stacey Plaskit was involved in, you know, bringing girls to the island, but she most certainly had an idea of what the deal was, especially when she was taking his money. Let's not act like Jeffrey Epstein happened in a vacuum, and nobody talked about it. Nobody knew about it. People knew, especially people who were in the know, people who had money, the elites, and the people down in the Virgin Islands. You mean to tell me that people working at the airport, people who were driving cabs, people who were doing housework, they all know that Jeffrey Epstein's a predator, but Stacey Plaskit doesn't. And that's not a problem. If that's the case, that's not a problem for you. That she doesn't even know what's going on in her own territory, but yet let's bring her to Washington, let's bring her to New York, and let's have her judge other Americans. Yeah, that's a great idea. It's always those that are never held accountable that are screaming the loudest for accountability. The motion asserts that the complaint fails to present facts or legal grounds necessary to implicate the Congress woman. According to a statement from his Plaskit's office, the plaintiffs allegedly included the Congress woman in the case due to her high profile, presumably to increase the case's visibility and assist in securing a settlement. No, they included you because you were involved. Nice try, but it's not going to work. And that's some pretty funny stuff right there anyway. Your high profile? No, you're not. The only reason your high profile is because the slugs in the legacy media shoved you down our throats. Besides that happening, nobody would even know who you are. Eric Breslin, a partner at Dwayne Morris LLC and counsel from his Plaskit stated, Congresswoman Plaskit has devoted most of her professional life to public service. First as a prosecutor, then to further the economic development of the Virgin Islands and now as a delegate in the House of Representatives. Yet plaintiffs now seek to malign her good name with wild allegations so unsupportable. They cannot even credibly claim to be speculative. Instead, they are the product of pure fantasy. So he's calling Epstein survivors liars. All of you that support Stacey Plaskit and all these other goofballs. I guess you support all of that too. I guess you support the fact that Stacey Plaskit and the other robber barons in the US Virgin Islands stole hundreds of millions of dollars from the survivors. I guess you're cool with it. I mean, as long as she has to write letter in front of her name, right? Plaintives claims are typified by a lack of specificity, logic, or common sense. The second amended complaint fails nearly every pleading standard and suffers from a litany of faults, all militating in favor of dismissal. Oh, I'm sure I'm sure that a judge is going to take a look at this and be like, you know what, let's just dismiss it. Because that really hasn't happened throughout this whole entire ordeal. Usually when one of these cases is filed, we get to a point where there is a settlement, because a nobody wants to get the discovery and B, it's much easier for rich people to just pay their way out of shit. Meanwhile, the rest of us, well, you all know the deal. I don't have to explain it to you. You're living it while acknowledging the suffering of Epstein's victims, Miss Plaskit maintains that she had no involvement in Epstein's criminal activities. She has spent the majority of her career upholding and enforcing the law, including roles as a prosecutor in the New York assistant district attorney's office, a justice department attorney, and as counsel to house ethics committee, according to a Thursday statement. Well, there it is, folks. That means she could have nothing to do with this. That means that she had no idea who Epstein was. And she's just such a good person that she would never ever even be in his orbit until she was. And you mean to tell me that this lady who spent all this time in the justice department, all this time as a big shot prosecutor had no idea who Jeffrey Epstein was. Is that really what you're trying to tell me? Because if that's the story you're trying to pitch, it seems a bit far fetched. How could you be some kind of hot shot prosecutor in any office in the United States and not know about a guy like Epstein at the very least in passing? Or if you're trying to get donations from somebody and you don't know who they are or what they're up to, you don't have your team look into them. Oh, this guy's a convicted child sex predator. I probably shouldn't get some money from him. Is it really that difficult? Here's the truth, though. They don't care. People like Stacy Plaskett, they do not care. The only thing they care about is getting called out on it, getting called for it, and having to answer for it. But do you really think Stacy Plaskett lost one wink of sleep when she heard about Epstein survivors? You think she lost one wink of sleep when these girls were going through it? Of course she didn't. She was busy, you know, building her empire, making her way to New York City to sit in judgment of other Americans. Maybe we should have Alex Acosta sit on the next committee. How about that? How would people feel about that? I'm sure everybody would love that, right? Right? The statement says that Plaintive have no factual basis to suggest any connection between Congresswoman Plaskett and Epstein's crimes. A campaign contribution and her work in the Virgin Islands government do not imply knowledge of or engagement in criminal activities. Well, didn't the Virgin Islands file a Seaco suit? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they file a Seaco suit, which is a Rico case, basically, but the civil variety? So if it's a Rico case and anybody took even one single dollar, they're part of it, right? So what's Stacy Plaskett even talking about? And this is why it wasn't a Rico case, by the way. If it was, all of your faves that you're so mad that I'm talking about? Well, they'd all be caught up in this and they'd be faced in serious, serious, serious charges. But instead, everything is swept under the rug, and the only person to go to prison is Glain Maxwell. Now look, she belongs exactly where she is. But do you really believe that she's the only person that should be in prison? If you believe that, then again, you have not been following along, you have not been paying attention. And if you have been, it's for the wrong reasons, because every single person that was credibly accused, every single person that was talked about in a deposition should have been under investigation. And if you took money from Jeffrey Epstein, especially after he's been convicted, you probably should just sit this one out. Apologize, sit it out and say you were wrong. But no, Stacy Plaskett can't do that. Her narcissism won't allow it. Ms. Plaskett received campaign donations from Jeffrey Epstein even after his first conviction in Florida for procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute. Now imagine being a politician anywhere in the world and thinking getting money from somebody who has been convicted of that's a good idea. And for those of you out there who might be mad that I'm talking about your faves, well, go be mad at them, not me. I'm just pointing out the obvious. The conviction resulting from a controversial plea deal led him to serving nearly 13 months in custody, during which he was allowed extensive work release. I would be grateful for his support and the support of those that he made direct to assist me. Ms. Plaskett wrote seeking donations from the then convicted felon as revealed by documents submitted in court last year. The Congresswoman said she empathizes with the victim's pursuit of justice, but argues that her inclusion in the case is illogical and possibly malicious. No, it's malicious that you accepted money from Epstein. It's malicious that you were rolling around with Epstein. And you know what's even more malicious that you would get up here and act like you had nothing to do with this, and that you're just, you know, a shrinking violet, somebody who's being targeted maliciously. No, you're not being targeted maliciously. You're being held to account. And it's about damn time, because for far too long, people like Stacey Plaskett have been playing us for fools. Now that she's being called out, she doesn't like it. But guess what? The train has left the station Stacey Plaskett and hopefully accountability is on its way. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.