Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: What Happened To Harper Cadman?

A 15 year old girl named Harper Cadman was supposed to pick up a connecting flight in Denver on her way back home. However, only Harper's bags arrived at her destination, with the teenager no where to be found.

Her mother, who traveled to Denver to look for her tells a gut wrenching tale in this article about the search and about the horrible decision she had to make to leave Denver to head home to take care of her other children.

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Fears grow for Harper Cadman, 15, who VANISHED during layover at Denver Airport as she flew home to California from Montana | Daily Mail Online

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. In this episode we're going to talk about a pretty disturbing story as a 15 year old girl named Harper Cadman vanished during a layover at a Denver airport. Imagine your kids coming home or she's a lay or whatever and she goes to a layover and then she disappears and nobody ever sees her again, nobody knows where she is. It's hard to fathom what this mother is going through right now. So let's get into this article from the Daily Mail and let's see what's going on here. Headline fears grow for Harper Cadman 15 who vanished during layover at Denver Airport as she flew home to California from Montana. This article was authored by Bethan Sexton. Fears are growing for the safety of a California teenager who went missing after vanishing during an airport layover. Harper Cadman 15 was last seen at a Denver International Airport where she was due to pick up a connecting flight back to her home state. She landed on a United Airlines flight from Montana at around 8.27am on January 30th but never boarded the next plane. Now what the hell? Obviously there's more to the story and when we get a little deeper into the story we see that she was coming home from a mental health type of situation. So that probably played a lot into what happened here but that still doesn't make it any less scary right? However her check bag made it back to LA according to the teens mom Ari Petronelli. She and other members of the teens family set out to Colorado on a frantic search to find her daughter but have so far been unable to trace her. Her mom has since returned to look after her other children. That must have been one of the most painful things to ever go through. You have to make the harrowing choice to leave looking for your daughter to go and take care of your other children. So this mother must have been torn like it's nobody's business. I can't even imagine having to make that choice. Not knowing where your kid is. Is she safe? Does she have food? Does she have clothes on? Is she with somebody who's going to hurt her? I mean the thoughts that would be going through my mind are just insane and I honestly don't know if I'd be able to deal with something like that as a parent. And one of the main reasons that I don't have kids. Leaving Colorado without her felt as though I was abandoning my baby girl and ripped my heart in a million pieces. Not knowing if she is warm safe or has food in her stomach, Petronelli said. The second I can, I will return to look for her. And I'm pretty sure that's how anybody would feel. I know that like I just said a second ago if it was my kid, I'd freak out. I mean I can't even imagine anything happening to my dogs. Never mind my children. So when parents have situations like this where you have a kid just disappear and like vanish into the, you know, black, it's scary, scary to think about. And it's the not knowing, right? Not knowing if she's safe, not knowing where she is, not knowing who she's with, not knowing what she's doing. All of that stuff playing through your brain every three seconds on repeat takes a toll. Padman is thought to be in either the Denver or Boulder, but her families are growing extremely worried for her safety as she does not know anyone in the Colorado area. Petronelli said her daughter had been undergoing treatment for mental health issues and was being transferred home. She is especially concerned as Padman was last seen wearing just leggings and a sweatshirt and is without her belongings. My sister and I spent last week searching Denver and Boulder speaking with detectives, advocates, young housed in street kids, Petronelli added, and that's usually what you have to do. If you have somebody who's missing as far as on the street, you have to actually get out there on the street and start looking. You have to go talk to the street kids. You have to talk to the people who are actually out there. Or else, how are you going to know if she's been around? And then you run into the problem of these kids not wanting to talk to you. There's a lot of these kids who won't say a word. They have nothing to say to people who come out there, nothing to say to people who are trying to find other kids on the street. They kind of have a secret society, if you will. What we saw was very cold, scary and dangerous situation for anyone, but especially an at risk 15 year old girl. And I always wonder, in the winter, how are people homeless in places like Denver? How are people homeless in places like New York or Chicago during the winter? What is absolutely freezing out? Have you ever sat outside for a little while just sitting there, not moving around when it's freezing? Then you have these homeless people that are just sitting there and they have nothing else to do or nowhere else to go. And it's all sad for me. I know in Las Vegas, every time I drive by it, it's heartbreaking to see. And then you say to yourself, well, what can I do about it? How can I help? And there's really no way, right? What can you do? So for me, when it gets too cold out, I'll give them some blankets, you know, get some old blankets together, hand them out to some of the homeless, stuff like that. And when it's too hot in Las Vegas, especially, I'm always dropping water off when I see homeless people. So if I go into the grocery store to buy water for myself, I'll get a case for myself, and I'll get a case for the local homeless people that I see. Because it's too hot here in Las Vegas not to have water. And I wonder all the time, like in the winter, how people do it in places like Denver, like it has to be freezing cold and you're out here just, you know, in a tent or something. It's the second time the teen is vanished in a year to the anguish of her mom. All right. So it doesn't look like there's any kind of foul play here, if you will, like nobody snatched or anything like that. And the reason I wanted to even talk about this on the podcast is because maybe somebody out there and bolder or Denver who's listening, maybe you'll see her, right? I know it's a long shot, but we'll give it the old try, right? And this being her second time vanishing within the year obviously leads us to believe that it was mental issues that this poor girl's going through. I am sick to my stomach writing this, and I never thought that I would ever have to post another missing flyer of my own child. But if anything this last year has taught me is that life just doesn't make sense. Petronelli wrote on Facebook, man, mental problems are so hard, like it's really hard to navigate through having issues. And I've been very candid with you folks previously that I have anxiety issues of my own. And over the past few days, I've been navigating through those anxiety issues. And you know, it's difficult. So I can't imagine somebody who's not equipped to deal with their mental issues and being a young girl like that and going through it. You know, once you get a little bit older and, you know, hopefully you've talked to people about your issues, anxiety, whatever it is, you start to have mechanisms that help you deal with it. But the problem is when you're very young like this girl is, she hasn't developed those mechanisms yet. So whatever her issues are, they're run and wild. And basically the only way you have to control them is with medicine. Whereas you start to get a little older and you start to kind of understand your issues better and you find other coping mechanisms. Now does that always work? No, of course not. Plenty of adults who really can't get a handle or a lid on their issues either. But it's always more severe for a child. And that's what this young lady is, remember, 15 years old, she's a child. So she's out there all alone in Denver, no clothes, right? None of her bags. They all made it back to LA. So she's out there literally exposed middle of the winter freezing cold and snowing today, by the way, in Denver. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children put out an urgent alert desperately seeking information. Chadman has described as 5'7", 115 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. She has braces, facial piercings and distinctive tattoos on her waist and the middle finger of her left hand. Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call NCMEC on 1-800-843-5678 or the Denver Police Department 1720-913-200. Again, when you have somebody this age that goes missing, there's a whole host of issues that are facing them. And even if they're, you know, not out here, taken by somebody who was a scumbag, and it certainly doesn't look like that's the case here, but they could run into somebody who's a scumbag out there looking for a place to sleep, trying to get food. You know how many disgusting scumbags are out there that would take advantage of that situation and try and hurt this poor little girl? Oh, there's a lot of them folks, we all know that. So whenever we have this kind of situation crack off, that's always my biggest fear, that somebody like this is going to fall into the hands of a child predator, or are going to fall into the hands of God forbid human traffickers. Because that's something that's possible as well, is it likely, and depending on what she gets into, maybe, but it's certainly something that if I was her parent, I'd be worried about, I'd be thinking about. So time is up the essence here, and they have to find this young lady, and they have to reunite her with her family. And then hopefully after that happens, she can start getting the help that she needs. And I know that's what she was trying to do here, but perhaps, just perhaps, the next time around will be the time that works. When people go to try and get help, whether it's drug addiction or whatever, it's difficult for people, right? It's not the easiest thing in the world. It's hard to kick these kind of drugs get off this nonsense, but if you have the right help, if you have the right people around you and the right support, you're on the right path. So hopefully, this young lady gets home, and her family is able to get her the help that she needs. But the first step, obviously, is locating her and bringing her home. Alright, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.