Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Chad Doerman Gets His Confession Tossed

Chad Doerman was arrested in Ohio for allegedly murdering his three sons.   According to reports, he lined the boys up, one by one and then executed them.   The mother of the three boys was also injured in the attack.    After the authorities arrived and questioned Doerman, he was arrested. 

Now however, a new development has emerged in the case against Doerman as a Judge has now tossed out his confession saying that he wasn't properly mirandized and that when he requested a lawyer, the police officers interogating him continued quizzing him instead of providing him with an attorney and because of this, the Judge has now tossed Doerman's confession out of the court.

So, what will that mean for the rest of the trial?   Let's dive in and get caught up.

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Father's confession that he killed his three sons aged 7, 4 and 3, can no longer be used in court because his Miranda rights were violated, judge rules | Daily Mail Online

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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"What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program!" A few months ago, we were talking about a story that had to do with a man named Chad Doorman who admitted to killing his sons. Well, now we're learning that that confession, it's getting thrown out, and that's because when he was arrested, he wasn't read his Miranda rights. And when we talk about these kinds of cases on the podcast, and we talk about prosecutorial misconduct or the prosecution getting it wrong, this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. And this man's arrest was captured on the body cam footage of the officer, and once that was admitted in the discovery, forget it. So now, this guy's confession has been tossed completely out. So let's get to this article from the Daily Mail, and let's get ourselves caught up on what the hell's going on, which had Doorman. In the headline, Father's confession that he killed his three sons, aged 7, 4, and 3, can no longer be used in court because as Miranda rights were violated, a judge has ruled. This article was authored by Germania Rodriguez Poléo. A Father's confession that he killed his three young sons can no longer be used in court because his Miranda rights were violated and Ohio Judge has decided. At Doorman 33, admitted to killing his sons, Clayton, 7, Hunter, 4, and Chase 3, when he was arrested last summer in Monroe Township, around 20 miles east of Cincinnati, police claim. But detectives fell to properly inform him of his rights against self-incrimination and his right to an attorney as they took him into custody, according to a ruling by Claremont County, please judge Richard Farinich. So this is just all bad, like this is basic police work. You know like if you go to McDonald's and they forget to put something in your bag, you know, one of your items or whatever, same kind of shit, this is like the first thing you learn as a police officer. You Miranda is people that you're going to arrest, it's not that difficult. Moreover investigators did not stop interrogating Doorman after he explicitly invoked his right to counsel, the judge decided, well look, they have no one to blame but themselves. And if this case ends up getting thrown out or the merits aren't there and they can't prosecute this case correctly, they have no one to blame but the police officers who couldn't be bothered to do their basic duties. Meanwhile, you have three dead young boys and family members and loved ones who are demanding justice and now you have this kind of hiccup that gets thrown right into the middle of all of it. Talk about making a bad situation worse. As a result, none of the statements the alleged killer made in the interview will be allowed during his trial scheduled for July. So none of the confessions, none of that is going to be admissible and they're going to have to rely on evidence only to get this conviction. Now with that said, they should still be able to get this conviction considering there is an abundance of evidence. But what it goes to show you is that we can't take things for granted when it comes to an investigation and when we want things to rush through, when we want things to come to a conclusion quickly, a lot of things can get missed. So it's crucial that the investigators especially are taking their time and doing things in the correct manner. The defendant's Miranda rights were violated when the custodial interrogation continued after the defendant had unequivocally and unambiguously invoked his right to counsel when he told the detective, I'll wait for a lawyer. I don't know. Give me a couple of days. I can talk to a lawyer. Farron wrote. So it's pretty obvious that this guy was asking for legal representation and the second that somebody asked the police for legal representation, the questioning should end. The second the words I want a lawyer come out of your mouth, that is the end of it. And if they keep going and they keep trying to get answers out of you or evidence out of you after you've already asked for a lawyer, then they're going to get smacked right in the chops when a judge gets a hold of this shit. And that's what we're seeing here, unfortunately. Detective Michael Ross said that the father said during the interview that the Bible says that you kill your first born, you kill your second born, you kill your third born. Doorman then reportedly added, but first you're supposed to kill your wife. I didn't kill my wife, yeah, this guy's not a deranged psychopath. And anyone who uses religion as a justification for their bullshit is just one of the worst disgusting examples of a human being. You're out here talking this BS about God or whoever a Muhammad, whatever, and then you're going to get involved in some bullshit like murdering people and then Doorman's case, well, not just murdering people, but his own damn kids. So don't try and use any kind of religious justification for your barbaric activity. Prosecutors have previously claimed that Doorman planned the executions for months. Doorman allegedly lined the boys up before fatally shooting them with a rifle, also injuring their mother when she tried to protect them. So what kind of sick, degenerate, disturbed monster do you have to be to do something like this, and the moronic detective and the police officers who didn't give this guy his Miranda rights and then didn't give him legal counsel, they shouldn't be police officers anymore. If you can't do the basic functions of your job, then maybe it's time to do something else. And if you don't do it willingly, you should be forced out. Chief prosecutor David Gast said during Doorman's arraignment that one of the boys tried to flee into a nearby field, but Doorman hunted him down and brought him back to their home before killing them helicopters, volcanoes, not even a question. Deputies responded to the home in Monroe Township shortly before 4 30 PM Thursday after receiving two 911 calls, one apparently from the mother who is screaming that her babies had been shot. Another call came from a passing motorist who said a girl was running down the street saying that her father was killing people, a news release from the Claremont County Sheriff's office said. You imagine what kind of situation that must have been for the motorist, everybody involved? I always try and put myself in those situations, right? When you're reading about something like this? And the abject terror must just be insane, a little kid? Imagine yourself as a little kid and seeing something like this and the trauma it's going to cause you probably for the rest of your life, it's your family, for God's sakes, who are just murdered by your father, so this poor girl, she's going to have to live with all of this trauma for the rest of her life and I'm sure it's going to be an uphill struggle. Her brother is murdered by her father, I don't think there's any compartmentalizing something like that. The deputies found three boys outside the home with gunshot wounds and tried to save their lives, but the children died at the scene. Haunting police body cam footage shows the moment officers arrive to find doorman, calmly seated next to his rifle, moments after allegedly executing his young sons. So with the rifle and the forensics that they're going to be able to pull off of that rifle, chances are that doorman is going to go away for a very long time. And he's not going to end up getting off here, but this is a cautionary tale. And these police officers that are out here that are engaging in arresting people, they have to understand that they have to respect people's constitutional rights. And you have to make sure that you're going through all of the steps and the process that's set out before you as a law enforcement officer, because if not, it's going to lead to big problems or have the potential to lead to big problems. And nobody has any time for that. When somebody is slaughtered, three of their children, and they deserve a date with a helicopter and a volcano, I don't want to hear shit about someone forgetting to read them their Miranda rights. Doorman was detained without incident after he was found on the steps of his Ohio property. I ain't going to hurt nobody. Doorman told arresting officers as he told them that his dog wouldn't bite them. Shut up, dude. You have the right to remain silent. Fucking use it. A deputy tells them. Well, that's the right way to deal with that dude, honestly. I wouldn't want to hear shit from this guy. Imagine you're a cop shows up, three dead little boys. And this dude's talking any kind of nonsense. In the old days, the deputies would have beat the living shit out of old boy. And when he showed up at the precinct or the hospital or whatever, they would have just said he had an accident. Oh, he tried to get away nowadays, obviously they don't do that anymore. And it's a good thing. But in the old days, buddy would have got smashed. The sheriff's office said the 34 year old mother who was not identified was outside the home and had suffered a gunshot to the hand while trying to shield her sons from their father. This lady right here. I can't even imagine the black hole that her life is. Not only did she make the crucial error or having babies with this dude, but then to watch her children executed in front of her. We all know that you're not supposed to die before your kids. And this poor lady has to watch all three of them gunned down by this madman. Doorman's father, Keith Doorman, has said he and his wife are still trying to comprehend how their son could have allegedly killed his own boys, but added they have no answers. He just snapped. He said there was something going on in his life that he couldn't handle no more. I can't talk to him. They aren't letting me talk to him. So I don't have any answers. He probably hit a lot of stuff from me. Yeah, that's probably what happened. And I don't even know honestly if I'd be able to talk to my son. If my son was accused of murdering my grandkids, I really don't know if I'd be able to talk to him. And I don't think there's any gray area here, folks. Okay? Besides the fact that he wasn't Miranda, and they didn't give him the lawyer, which don't get me wrong is a big deal. But as far as the crime itself, not procedurally, but the crime, I don't think there's any doubt that this man killed his kids. Now the question is, how's that all going to play out in a courtroom with all of this other stuff going on procedurally? And unfortunately, that's a question that can't be answered at this time. But we're going to keep on this one too right along with the other ones that we're following along with. And when we have some information and we have some movement, we'll make sure to get it added directly to the catalog. All the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.