Beyond The Horizon

America Decides 2024: About Last Night (6/28/24)

The debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on June 27, 2024, was a significant event in the 2024 presidential campaign. Moderated by CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, the debate took place in Atlanta, Georgia, without a live audience, marking a departure from traditional formats. This debate was part of an early schedule set by both candidates, who have agreed to bypass the Commission on Presidential Debates in favor of debates organized by news organizations

However, things certainly did not go as planned for the President as he was rambling, incorherently at times and just had an all around terrible performance, according to everyone but the most ardent of supporters.   

In this episode, we take a look at what went down last night at the debate and how it might change things as far as the election goes moving forward.

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Analysis: Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid into crisis | CNN Politics

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28 Jun 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun, fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me and the fun. Sign up now at Shumba sponsored by Shumba Casino. No purchase necessary. vGW group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. So I don't know if you folks heard or not, but there was a presidential debate last night and to say that it was a disaster for Jill Biden and the Democrats is an understatement. The man got up there and literally sounded and looked like junior soprano in the later stages of the sopranos when he was calling Tony soprano Little Pussy Malonga. That is exactly what Joe Biden looks like, what he resembles. And people out there trying to force feed him to other people and using all kinds of emotional blackmail to do it should be ashamed of themselves. This man is not capable of leading this country right now. Never mind for the next four years and folks out there that want to get mad when people bring that up, they should do some self evaluation and they should really be mad at the legacy media for keeping this from them. This man obviously is dealing with dementia and even his own pundits and supporters are now saying so. But the real problem is they've been lying to you this whole entire time telling you that he's capable. And it's all about keeping power right politics over people and politics over the country anything to keep their guy in power even if that means lying to you and not telling you the truth. And it's amazing to me that anyone who has followed along with the Jeffrey Hepstein situation is going to sit here and believe what the legacy media has to say. And for just about the whole entire term of Joe Biden's presidency time and time again he shown signs that he has dementia. And then people want to get mad when other people pointed out. It's like a bunch of raccoons who want to fight you over their disgusting garbage. And furthermore, the absolutism that comes from a lot of people that support Joe Biden is straight up gross. Like you're some kind of terrorist or evil person if you're not going to vote for Joe Biden. The good news is a lot of that has swung now. People have got a face full of it for themselves and the media they can't put a tourniquet on this one right everybody saw it and even the pundits on the left are losing their shit. So today we have an article from CNN. So I don't want to hear anything about oh it's a biased article against Joe Biden an article from CNN talking about what a disaster the whole entire thing was for the president headline Biden's disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid in the crisis. I think his reelection bid was in crisis in the first place. I mean take a look at the world stage folks geopolitically speaking everything's on fire and I'm not one of these people that supports Putin. I'm hip to his bullshit too. You got these people out here who think you know Vlad Putin is going to offer a better way a better life. He's not dudes a dictator and a piece of shit. He's also ruthless and I don't think that Joe Biden and his dementia is capable of playing this game of 4d chess against Putin. So while I'm not somebody who's going to sit here and say that Putin should just be left unchecked. I don't believe that. I don't think that Joe Biden and this administration is the right administration to be dealing with these sorts of issues. And all you have to do is take a look at all of these hotspots around the world. And those are the receipts. Okay, those are the receipts and this administration and this president they've had no answers to deal with these hotspots. This article was authored by Stephen Collinson. If Joe Biden loses November's election history will record that it took just 10 minutes to destroy a presidency. Oh, that's a bit much. I think the whole entire time that he's been president and all these disasters popping up probably playing a role. No, probably playing a role. It was clear that political disaster was about to unfold as soon as the 81 year old commander in chief stiffly shuffled on stage in Atlanta to stand eight feet from ex president Donald Trump at what may turn into the most fateful presidential debate in history. Well, here's the thing. It's not like Trump came out and was just this men's right. It was typical Trump. He didn't do anything different than he usually does. Biden was that bad. And I know a lot of people don't want to hear that and a lot of people are going to be offended and people might not want to listen to the podcast. That's fine. These are the facts. Okay. The legacy media might not want to give it to you, but I'm going to give it to you raw dog, like always. And folks, what I witnessed last night on that stage is an absolute disaster. And if I was an enemy of America, I'd be waking up bright and early today and planning some shit. Objectively Biden produced the weakest performance since John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon started the tradition of televised debates in 1960, then as on Thursday in a television studio with no audience. Can you imagine if there was an audience for this one? Good Lord. Biden took an absolute beat down. I was feeling bad watching it almost like it was elder abuse. Thankfully, Trump's ancient to right. So you had two geriatrics have in a fight, but it was almost like elder abuse. And if you're Joe Biden's family, aren't you embarrassed of yourselves under no circumstances? Would I ever let my father get up on stage and embarrass himself like that? There is not a scenario on this planet that would ever allow that to occur minutes into the showdown hosted by CNN, a full blown Democratic panic was underway at the idea of heading into the election with such diminished figure at the top of the ticket. Yo, people have been telling you this for years. And you ignored it. You ignored it and called it disinformation. Russian propaganda, the whole thing. But the reality is this, folks, you've been duped. I hate to say it, but a lot of you have been duped by a Democratic party that is not the same Democratic party that it once was. People want to say that the right has moved its goalposts. Well, so is the left. I mean, supporting Hamas really going to get out here and unfurl a banner of the Ayatollah commande. How about a little bit of a history lesson about what the Iranians have done to Americans who have been in the Middle East? Does that not matter to you? Does not matter to you that American hostages are still being held by Hamas? But sure, go and have your little celebration, your little protest about Gaza and the so-called genocide. Meanwhile, I'm not saying a word that Americans are being held hostage. But yeah, go and unfurl another banner of the Ayatollah. Biden's chief debate coach Ron Kline famously argues that while you can lose debate at any time, you can only win it in the first 30 minutes. By that standard, the president showing was devastating. The tone of the evening was set well before the half hour. It is too early to say how voters will respond and whether the president can rescue himself. I highly doubt it. Have you been to Twitter this morning? You want to talk about full blown panic? Folks, just go and check out Twitter. But Biden barely beat Trump in key battleground states in the middle of a pandemic in 2022. His approval rating was below 40% before the debate when he was at best neck and neck with his rival in the polls. It would only take a few thousand votes to desert him to put Trump back in the White House. And this is why everybody's panicking as if Trump getting elected is going to spell the end of the country. And this is the hyperbole that's going to lose the election, because people in the middle independent voters, they're not buying that bullshit anymore. They remember the whole Russian disinformation and how that was used as a weapon to keep the laptop of Hunter Biden from the public discourse. What you think people forgot? They haven't. And the hubris is going to be punished come election time. And if you fell for that whole entire hoax, that whole conspiracy, that the laptop wasn't real, can you imagine what else you fell for? And this is what happens when you trust the institutions. You know, people have been listening to this podcast, other podcasts talking about how the FBI has absolutely railroaded the Epstein survivors, how the FBI railroaded the NASA survivors. But yet they're going to be honest here. All of a sudden, they're going to clean up their act and we can trust them. I mean, if that's the way you want to roll, go for it. But not me. There has been no public sign that Biden is unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency, which include tough decisions on national security. He's still lying to you right here, folks. The author of this article is lying. There have been signs this whole entire time, bro, falling up the stairs, trying to shake hands with a flag, going the wrong way, not being able to do anything without help. Those are all signs. And as far as decision-making, who knows what's going on behind closed doors? We have no idea. We're not privy to that. He is just returned from two grueling foreign trips, for instance. But on Thursday's evidence, his ability to communicate with the country and even to sell his own vision for a second term is severely compromised. Well, he has dementia. Pretty simple, folks. Look, this is not rocket science, okay? You can tell that he has early onset dementia at the very least. And anyone who's ever dealt with it up close and personal knows exactly what I'm talking about. If the debate was the president's best chance to turn around the tight race with Trump, which has him indeed peril of losing re-election, it was a failure. Biden ended the night with a Democratic party in crisis with serious conversations taking place behind the scenes among senior figures over whether his candidacy is now sustainable two months before the Democratic Convention. So what are they going to do replace them? I mean, that wouldn't shock me, but I don't think it would be a great idea. This late in the game looks like the DNC doesn't know what they're doing. Like they have their house in disorder, which they do. And now you're going to talk about replacing Biden. Look, people been telling you this for years. Now all of a sudden you want to listen? Folks, they knew this whole entire time, and they lied to you. You should be fired up and pissed off about that. Not that people are pointing it out. Trump's task on Thursday was to avoid playing in the Biden's claims that he's unhinged and is therefore unfit to return to the Oval Office. He largely did so as he got out of the way, while president was damaging his own campaign. The presumptive Republican nominees on a custom to restraint, however, did wear thin later in the debate. But in one devastating moment, after yet another Biden waffle, he said, I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. And it was a mic drop moment. Nobody knows what Biden said. It was garbled like usual. And of course, Trump was quick to pounce on that as he should have. The ex president didn't avoid his own disqualifying issues. He was uncouth and divisive. I mean, how are you going to call anyone divisive considering what Joe Biden said about MAGA voters? If anyone's divisive, it's Joe Biden. He spouted outrageous falsehoods about his own presidency, his attempt to steal the last election, and sometimes lapsed into gibberish himself, especially when asked about climate change. So climate change, that's what you have for us. Folks, if America stop producing CO2 gases tomorrow, it wouldn't change anything in the whole world until you can get China on board until you can get India on board. All of this is nothing more than spinning your wheels in neutral. He blatantly lied about his role in the mob attack by his supporters on the US Capitol on January 6 2021. And you haven't got enough run out of that yet, huh? You mean the capital where Stacey Plaskett, the woman who took money from Jeffrey Epstein, and then refused to give it back until she was forced to? You mean that January 6 commission that she was part of? Oh yeah, I take that seriously. How about a commission on Jeffrey Epstein? How about a commission on the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was funding a whole lot of your faves? How about we have that commission? The twice impeached convicted felon repeatedly declined to say that he would accept the result of the 2024 election if he lost and made sweeping vague and often illogical claims that US enemies overseas would bend to his will just because of his personality. Well, look, the proof is in the pudding. When he was president, how many people were out here engaging in adventurism? So there's no doubt that Trump makes a lot of bombastic statements that come from left field. But when he's talking about the fact that if he was president, a lot of this wouldn't be going down. I happen to agree with that. When we're talking about geopolitically, and it's not because he's some kind of geopolitical, you know, mench. It's because he's a wild card. And people don't have any idea how he's going to respond to their shit. So they don't try and push people like that, right? And that's a good thing. People are out here acting like it's not a good thing. It's a good thing. On the world stage, we have to project power. If not, well, you see what's happening in Ukraine. And a lot of that Trump was not wrong was based on the pitiful withdrawal from Afghanistan. Now, at the same time, let's not forget that it was Trump who signed the Doha Accords to get us out of Afghanistan in the first place. But the way it was performed, the way it was executed was straight up garbage. And I have been a big critic of the Doha Accords since the very beginning, if you remember, I think the way we left Afghanistan was straight up garbage, and it opened the door to a lot of players on the world stage to make these kinds of moves. So I don't think Trump is talking illogically here. I think this is something that world leaders pay attention to. And if you were a world leader like Putin or Kim Jong Un, would you really fear a guy like Joe Biden who can't even get a sentence out? And you know, it's not really Joe Biden making the decisions. Come on, folks. It's his people around him. Whereas with Trump, they know that he's a wild card. And they know that if they try some bullshit, he's just crazy enough to reach out and touch him. Ask Iran. I'm pretty sure that Trump sent a hellfire missile directly up Soleimani's ass. The former president also struggled to parry Biden's arguments that he'd slash taxes for rich Americans and leave workers struggling. And he was wobbly on policy just as he was in the White House. By the time the age rivals slipped into bitter debate about who was the best golfer, it was not hard to understand why voters have long full posters that they want no part of the choice they have been offered this year. But you guys ran around telling us that Biden was the greatest thing ever. Oh, he's with it. He has no mental disconnect. His cognitive abilities are all there. No, they're not you lied. And now you're panicking. Well, you made this bed now lying it. People have been telling you and warning you that this guy's not with it for literally years. Why Biden showing could be so consequential. But Biden has rooted his re-election in the idea that he is the last thing standing between America and the second Trump presidency that would destroy democracy and usher in an unprecedented era of American autocracy. As opposed to the white glove communism that we see right now, they're still trying to play on your fears. That's what they're trying to do. They're trying to play on your emotions. They've built Trump up into this big monster. That's just so evil that if anybody supports them, they're evil too. But that's really not the case, is it? And I said this back when Trump got elected and everybody went crazy. And I'll say it now. Trump is not the problem. He's a symptom of the greater problem within the American political system. And anybody who fails to realize that, well, you're a part of the problem too. Biden's voice was weak at times reduced to a whisper early on the president's answer is drifted into incoherence. He missed openings to jab Trump on abortion, the top Democratic talking point. So that's the top talking point, not the talking points of everyone going broke and that I can't afford food. And that just moving into a new townhouse cost me almost five G's. We're not going to talk about that though, right? Oh, Roe versus Wade, the biggest issue. No, it's the biggest issue because that's an issue you think you can win on. That's all it is. Do you really think they care that much about Roe versus Wade? You think the Democrats, these elitist assholes care about you? Think again, and we're in the middle of sleepwalking directly in the World War three. But you want to tell me that Roe versus Wade is the top issue for every voter in America? No, to your base, maybe, and to your ardent supporters. But people are worried about how they're going to feed their families. And excuse me, if you think that that's not something that's important. If you think that's something that people shouldn't care about, sounds like a you problem, because the rest of us out here, the people who are going to swing this election, well, we care, and you better believe we're paying attention. Biden then meandered into highlighting his own biggest political liability immigration. How could that be a liability? I thought that was our great strength. Isn't that what they've been telling us for all these years, letting everybody come into the country? Oh, that's a great strength. Well, tell that to Rachel Morin. Tell that to little 12 year old Jocelyn. We finally beat Medicare Biden said at one point, lapsing into confused silence. It was kind of a debate gap that Democrats had hoped to avoid, worse, while Trump spoke Biden often watched his mouth gaping open, exasperating the impression of a president cruelly diminished his battering of Trump in a debate four years ago was a distant memory. Well, they didn't have the right cocktail this time around, huh? And all kidding aside, in four years, the mental diminishment of somebody's faculties, it happens quick. And look, I'm not trying to bash Biden, right? I feel bad for the guy. He's obviously being used as a tool here, and he's obviously suffering from dementia. But that doesn't matter to his handlers. That doesn't matter to the power brokers inside of the party politics over people every last time. To see a president struggle before millions of people watching on television all around the world was tough to see. As a matter of humanity, the personification of the ravages of age that await everyone was painful. Biden's campaign revealed during the debate that he'd been suffering from a cold. But by that time, the damage had already been done. Really suffering from a cold, a cold that makes him forget a cold that makes him, you know, stop in the middle of a statement, a cold that makes the neurons misfire. Please stop with the lying. And this is my big beef right now. The lying that they're doing the propaganda that's coming from the White House is absurd. Biden had entered the debate facing a somber test to prove to the majority of Americans who believe he is too old and not up to fulfilling his duties in a second term that would end when he's 86. Instead, the president ended up validating those fears and potentially convincing many more voters that his faculties have decayed on one of those many more voters. I'm not somebody who's sitting out here telling you all yeah, Trump's the greatest guy ever. One of I ever said that. But I will tell you this, the president of the United States cannot have dementia, and he can't sit there with his mouth again, looking like a grown version of the kid from deliverance. The stumbling performance raised questions about the strategic choice Biden's campaign made in pushing for a debate with Trump. It also completely undercuts attempts by the White House and the campaign to talk about Biden's hardiness behind the scenes. Memories of the president's barnstorming state of the union address in March, when he put many fears about his age to rest, have now been obliterated. Whose fears did they put to arrest? Bro was on all kinds of Adderall and all kinds of uppers. Are you people for real? I can't believe I have to say that out loud. And even more, it's absurd that people will get offended by you pointing that out. Don't be mad at the people pointing it out. Be mad at the people who put this man in this position and force fed a geriatric to you. Painful. Often presidential debates are remembered for visual moments that become embedded in the collective public consciousness and subsequent days. Troubling for Biden, a viewer only paying attention to visual clues would surely have formed the impression that Trump was the more robust personality. And the history of presidential elections suggests that the candidate, who seems strong, often beats the one who is weak. Well, that's a shock, huh? Considering on the world stage, we're dealing with a lot of strongmen. You really want to send Joe Biden back to the White House to deal with Vladimir fucking Putin to deal with Kim Jong Un to deal with the Ayatollah? That shit keeps me up at night. There are a whole lot of people, a whole lot of actors in this world that wish ill for America and having a man with dementia at the head of the table. Really not a good look. It's painful. I love Joe Biden said Van Jones, a CNN political commentator. He's a good man. He loves his country. He's doing the best that he can. But he had a chance tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base. And he failed to do that. And I think there are a lot of people who are going to want to see him take a different course. It is Ryan C. Chris here. 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Harris told CNN's Anderson Cooper following the debate. And what became very clear through the course of the night is that Joe Biden is fighting on behalf of the American people, on substance, on policy, on performance. Joe Biden is extraordinarily strong. Imagine trying to pump that shit to the base after this disaster just occurred. Oh, don't worry about this. Don't believe what your eyes sit tell you. I'll tell you differently believe that that's basically what the Biden campaign is trying to do. But it's not going to work. And this isn't for the base, right? The base is going to vote for Biden no matter what. This is about the independent voters. This is about voters like myself who still haven't made up their minds. People can debate on style points, but ultimately this election and who is the president of the United States has to be about substance. And the contrast is clear. Look at what happened during the course of the debate. Donald Trump lied over and over again, as he is want to do, she said. Well, kind of like Joe Biden talking about how no US troops have been killed on his watch. What about the troops that got blown up in Afghanistan, pal? Forget about them. And the fact that he brought up Charlottesville cracked me up too. Right now as we speak, or previously in the last few weeks and months, there have been a bunch of mini Charlottesvilles popping up on all these student campuses. All these people that were so worried about Charlottesville, all of a sudden around here talking about free Palestine. Oh, blah, blah, blah. Give me a break, dude. Sure, Charlottesville gross. Anytime you have a bunch of moronic idiots running around talking about Oh, I'm a Nazi stupidity. But to try and act like everybody who votes for Trump is one of them. Well, if that's the case, then everybody who's a Democrat is somebody who supports Gaza is a Hamas supporter is a terrorist. Are those the absolutisms that we're going to be using moving forward? I don't think that's a good idea. But if those are the rules of the game, well, your boys hip to it and your boys ready to play Biden's best moments came too late. Harris is correct in her assessment of Trump's cascade of untruths. And as the debate wore on, the president did seem to get a little stronger. He was especially animated when he spoke about Trump's threat to democracy. What does that even mean? Can somebody quantify that, please? Threat to democracy, threat to democracy, uh, threat to democracy. It's nothing more than a canned slogan. Nobody's quantified that. And nobody's shown how there's a threat to democracy. You ever hear of checks and balances? There's all reason that those checks and balances were put into place. And there's so many people out here that truly don't even understand what they're talking about that it's amazing that so many people follow along with what these idiots have to say. I see some of these accounts on Twitter with like five, six hundred thousand followers who don't know the first thing about the first thing. Yet they're out here pumping all this bullshit to people and people are running with it like it's canon. I mean, come on. So the slogans are all fine and well. And that was all great during the first run against Donald Trump. But now after four years of Biden as president, inflation through the roof, people losing money, hand over fist, and no solutions from the administration. None that work. I don't think that talking about a mod democracy is going to hit the mark this time. People want substance. People want to know that they're going to be able to buy a house. People want to know that they're going to be able to put food on their table. People want to know that if their kid wants a few bucks to go on vacation, they're going to be able to give their kid a few bucks. And right now that's not the case. It might be for you in the ivory tower. It might be for people who are making a bunch of money, but let me tell you right now, people are living paycheck to paycheck and people are feeling the burden and the heat of the decisions that are being made in DC. And because of that, in my opinion, the Democrats are going to feel the wrath come election day. He was scathing about the ex president's failure to admit defeat four years ago. Hell, Hillary Clinton still hasn't admitted that she was defeated. What are we even talking about? You can't stand the law. Spiden said something snapped in you when you lost the last time. And in an extraordinary moment in a debate before millions of television viewers, Biden highlighted Trump's conviction in his hush money and trial in New York. How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public for doing a whole range of things of having sex with a porn star on the night while your wife was pregnant by an ass Trump, you have the morals of an alley cat. Well, I can't really disagree with that Donald Trump is not exactly what I would call a moral compass. But I really don't care about the stormy Daniel stuff. I don't care about that at all. Two consenting adults that wanted to have sex. And I should be caring about that, huh? Sorry. I'm much more concerned that Jeffrey Epstein was at the White House when Bill Clinton was in office more than 17 times. I'm much more concerned that Chelsea Clinton invited Glenn Maxwell to her wedding. I'm much more concerned that Hillary Clinton gave Glenn Maxwell's nephew a job at the state department so you can keep worrying about stormy Daniels all you want. Me? I'll be over here demanding answers about stuff that really matters. The former president was found guilty last month of 34 counts of falsifying business records in his criminal hush money trial. Last year, a jury found him liable for sexual abuse in a civil defamation suit and Trump, his adult sons, and the Trump organization lost a huge civil fraud trial also in New York. Why is it always in New York? Here's an idea. How about having one of these trials for Trump or any political figure in a swing state? Why not do that? Wouldn't that be more fair? Everybody wants to talk about moving venues? Is that the other thing? Do you really think Trump's going to get a fair shake in New York? Would Biden get a fair shake in Oklahoma? Or what if some prosecutor in Idaho decides that they want to charge Barack Obama as a war criminal for drone striking an American without due process? What then? Is that cool? We're just going to do that. That's okay. Come on, guys. This is what I've been talking about the slippery slope now for years. And this is exactly where we're at now. You want to talk about a constitutional crisis? This is it. But the problem for Biden was that his best moments of the night came deep into the 90 minute showdown by which time most viewers would have formed strong impressions. And at times he appeared unable to defend his record or effectively expose Trump's torrent of falses and distortions of his own first term legacy. The president only briefly flashed his beaming smile, which he had effectively used to debunk Trump's absurd arguments in their debate four years ago. And when he rhetorically dismembered Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan during the 2012 vice presidential debate, see, I'm old enough to know Joe Biden from back then. And for those of you who might have just started following politics eight years ago or so, well, welcome to the party. Joe Biden has lost his cognitive ability. And anybody telling you differently is a liar. If the cacophony of behind the scenes venting by Democrats coalesces into more serious questions about Biden's capacity, the crisis around him will deepen. But it's hard to see an easy way apart from a decision by the president not to accept the party nomination that there could be any change to the democratic ticket. And any decision to try and replace a president who has successfully run the table and democratic nominating contests would be unprecedented in the modern age and might end up dividing the party. A step that in itself could help Trump become only the second president to win a non consecutive second term. As bad as this is turning out for the Democrats and Biden, it'll be even worse if they try and get them off the ticket. Mark my words, there has been little effort by the Biden White House to promote Harris as the president's heir. And she has significant political problems of her own and no Democrat with future presidential possibilities. For instance, California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer took the risk of challenging and incumbent who once presented himself as a bridge to the future of the party. Whitmer and Newsom, huh? I dare you to run either of them. Biden is not the first president to have a bad debate. Although his ordeal on Thursday, far surpasses the misfires by Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. Both those presidents bounced back the next time they got the chance on the debate stage and went on to win a second term. Both of those dudes were with it. Now, obviously Reagan later on lost his faculties too. But during the debate, Reagan was completely with it and was capable of, you know, thinking on his feet. Unfortunately for the Democrats, that is not Biden. But while the second debate with Trump is scheduled for September, it's hard to find the tactical rationale for the ex president to offer his rival to do over. One Democratic operatives summed up the president's debate for CNN's Cassie Hunt with a word that now threatens to encapsulate his entire reelection bid unless Biden can turn the story around horrific, the person said. And folks, look again, this isn't Fox News. This isn't Tucker Carlson or anything like that. This is CNN. And when CNN and MSNBC are ringing the alarm bells, I would think that that would be the signal that something is tragically wrong. So you can get mad at people for pointing it out, but you just can't deny the reality of the situation. And the reality of the situation is Joe Biden does not have the cognitive ability to be the president of the United States. And I think that was made very, very clear last night in the debate as Donald Trump exposed them. So now moving forward from that debate, it's going to be very, very interesting to see how the Democrats begin to circle the wagons and what they attempt to do to try to mitigate this disaster. And from now until the election, we're going to be following along every step of the way. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your reckless sandwich. Ugh. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over 100 casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW could avoid where prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply.