Beyond The Horizon

How Hawaii Has Been Targeted By CJNG And The Sinaloa Cartel (6/28/24)

The Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) have expanded their operations into Hawaii, reflecting their broader penetration into U.S. territories and communities.

The Sinaloa Cartel, historically one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations, has been engaged in widespread drug distribution across the U.S. for many years. It has dominated the flow of synthetic drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, which has exacerbated the opioid crisis in the U.S. The cartel's operations involve extensive networks for smuggling, manufacturing, and distributing drugs, often utilizing advanced methods such as tunnels, submarines, and semi-submersible vessels​

The CJNG, under the leadership of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (El Mencho), has rapidly grown in influence and reach. It employs a franchise-like model that allows regional bosses significant autonomy. This cartel has expanded its presence to new markets, including Hawaii, partly by taking advantage of gaps left by other cartels like the Sinaloa Cartel. The CJNG's operations in the U.S. have been marked by extreme violence and significant drug trafficking activities, including the distribution of fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine​.

Both cartels rely on precursor chemicals from China and clandestine labs in Mexico to produce their drugs, which are then distributed across the U.S. through complex networks involving local gangs and criminal organizations. The DEA and other law enforcement agencies have been actively targeting these cartels' operations through various enforcement operations and indictments, aiming to disrupt their networks and reduce the flow of illicit drugs into American communities​.

And now, after establishing a foothold on the Island Paradise, the misery that comes along with the cartels has now arrived.

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Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG target Hawaii with fentanyl and meth. (

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28 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me And you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free any time anywhere So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba and live the Chumba life sponsored by Chumba Casino No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's up, everyone and welcome back to the program. There is not a state, city or community that has not been touched by the ravages of the war on drugs And that certainly includes Hawaii. Now when most of us think about Hawaii, we're thinking about vacation, the beach and all kinds of fun and sun When the Sinaloa cartel or CJNG or insert criminal group thinks about Hawaii? Well, they think about what a goldmine it is when it comes to addicts and getting product to market Because like other places, they can charge more money for the drugs here because it all has to be imported by ship, either that or plane And when you have that added feature, well the cartels, they can charge more money for the product And the thing that they like more than anything folks is money And Hawaii is certainly a good place for them to get it Headline poisons in paradise, how Mexican cartels target Hawaii with meth and fentanyl This article was published by the Courier Journal and it was authored by Beth Warren Locals tout the tangerine sunsets from Oahu's Choir to West Coast but homeless tents that dot the ocean's edge can add a growing problem Poison's in paradise brought in by Mexican cartels Well, let's not talk about the fact that the addiction aspect of this is the biggest problem If those people weren't addicted to those drugs who are living in those tents, buy the beach there? Well, would the cartels be bringing the drugs in? What would be the purpose? What would be the point? So if we don't have an addiction problem, then the cartels don't have motivation to bring the drugs into America And folks, let's be clear, okay? The authorities can't even keep drugs out of prisons How are they going to keep it off of our streets? The dominant super cartels, Sinaloa and its rival, the CJNG, run drug pipelines through California and Nevada, the flood of Oahu with meth and other drugs, including fentanyl, said Victor Vasquez, assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's operations in Hawaii Look, I can confirm that there is an operation that would knock your socks off here in Nevada 1,000% It's a huge transit point We're only about 280 miles or so from San Diego and the border And not only that, but in Nevada, you have Las Vegas, which is nestled Basically right on the 95 and the 15 gigantic huge hubs, interstates that get to just about everywhere in the country So when you have those kinds of transit points, obviously you're going to be a place where these cartels in these criminal groups set up shop And Las Vegas is one of their preferred destinations It's transient, people are always on the move And I hate to say it, but we have a huge problem with drugs here And considering that Las Vegas is called the 9th island, talking about Hawaii, you see the connection It's alarming, he said, if it wasn't for the ocean that drugs would be driven straight into Waikiki Referring to the bustling tourist spot of Honolulu, South Shore Line with high-rise hotels, restaurants, and shops Similar to remote Alaska, cartels face less competition in Hawaii when compared to the mainland So they can demand the higher price And not just that, it's not just a competition It's the logistics of bringing the drugs to the island It's no different than buying milk in Hawaii How much more expensive is milk? How much more expensive is anything you have to import? Then you attack the premium on top of that, because it's an narcotic, and you're looking at a ton of money So the people in Hawaii who are on these drugs, they're already up against it Now you're getting all of these drugs pouring in, and where a pill of fentanyl might cost you, oh, I don't know $3, $4 here in America In Hawaii, you're looking at at least 20 And the cartels are very much aware of this, and that's why they expand into places like Hawaii And Australia, and these other far-flung locales, where they know that there's a ton of money waiting for them What, Coca-Cola doesn't want to expand their market? These cartels are the same as Fortune 500 companies I've been telling you folks that for a long time And if you look at them like that, then you understand That when it's coming to market share, they're going to do everything in their power to make sure That they're making the most amount of money in whatever locale they're in And if there's a locale where they can charge extra prices They're definitely going to get a foothold Drug networks also sneak cocaine and heroin into Hawaii Along with meth and fentanyl, said U.S. attorney Claire E. Connors, who oversees federal prosecutors in the district of Hawaii We know it's cartel-generated drugs because of our interdiction effort, she said Drug shipments first arrive in the state capital of Honolulu, often smuggled in air passengers luggage Or in meld packages, she said, then their traffic to the other Hawaiian islands We also still see a lot coming in through body carry Connors said, meaning from airline passengers, hiding it on their bodies, or in carry-on luggage And my guess is, all of these cruise ships that are coming in Oh yeah, there's definitely some coming in that way There's zero doubt about it These cartels are crafty And if there's a way to bring product to market, these dudes have figured it out It's somehow making its way through TSA operations, she said, referring to the Federal Transportation Security Administration checkpoints You're relying on TSA to interdict drugs? No wonder we're in the situation we're in Mexican cartels, determination to target Hawaii, despite its remote location, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Illustrates a key money-making strategy to reach their tentacles far beyond major U.S. cities And into more remote states, with fewer competitors and fewer police resources That's really not what it's about They're missing the point here Now sure, that plays a little bit into it, because the easier the path, the more money to make But, you really think the Sinaloa cartel is worried about a local street gang in Hawaii? If those locals aren't playing ball at 8, Sicarios are on a plane at 9 And the last thing you want are Sinaloa cartel Sicarios showing up in Hawaii With your name on the tip of their tongue And all of these thugs and hoods in Hawaii know that They know that they're not equipped to deal with the Sinaloa cartel or CJNG So they play ball, they get assimilated These big cartels come in, and they sweep everybody up and they say, "Look, Plata Iplomo, Just like Escobar did, either you're gonna play ball, or that's the end for you" And inevitably, all of these drug gangs and locals, they're like, "You know what? Sure, we might as well make some money and, you know, knock out our heads cut off" Oahu isn't the state's largest island, but it is dubbed the heart of Hawaii, remaining one of the most famous and visited locations Visitors, including drug traffickers, first fly into Honolulu, the state's busiest airport, and home to the Pearl Harbor National Memorial Even if they plan to continue onto another island Some drug shipments remain in Honolulu, but others are spread to all corners of the island, Vasquez, the DEA supervisor said This creates an often hidden dichotomy between the happy vacationers and downtrodden residents battling addiction, like anywhere else Unfortunately, it's like anywhere else You would think that in Hawaii, they'd be a bit immune to this But no, there is not a community, there's nowhere in the world That is immune from the ravages of this genocide And I don't know how much more clear I need to be If you're out here worried about your kids getting killed in some kind of gun violence and all that, I get it Certainly something to keep in mind But your children are much more likely to run into some fucked up drugs Then they are to get caught up in a shooting, and day after day, there are mass overdoses around this country where you have three, four, five people dying You would think that that would be reported at a national level Like the crisis it is, but it's not You have to like literally dig in and try and find those kinds of articles Now if a party gets shot up, somebody gets shot, two people get shot, forget it Wall to wall coverage How come it's not the same when it comes to drug overdoses? Because I'll tell you right now, as somebody who has lived Picking up the pieces after they've lost people they love To this genocide, none of you were immune And if you think you are, think again No one should be surprised, Vasquez said Everybody should be aware, it affects all 50 states and the territories On Oahu's eastern coast, known as the Windward Region Terrace, drawn to the lush rainforests and dramatic valleys Featured in movies such as Jurassic Park, the islands North Shore Is known for world premiere surfing, competitions and the more relaxed vibe Along with dolls, pineapple fields To the southeast, snorkeling attracts millions of visitors annually To the cobalt and teal waters of Hanoma Bay A nature preserve formed within the volcanic cone Every region of Oahu has been impacted by the drug crisis, Vasquez said But the hardest hit is its leeward region or west side Lotted by many locals for having the island's best sunsets And home to a large native Hawaiian population It's also home to a number of crime riddled areas Well, that's no shock Unfortunately, the poorest people are always the ones who suffer the most And inevitably, the poorest people are the ones with addiction problems I'm very concerned that this is at our doorstep And that we will start seeing more tragic consequences In our state amongst our youth, Connor said Unfortunately, it's coming And I hate to say it, but that's just the facts And it doesn't matter where you are in the world When this shit starts happening, the violence And the destruction is on its way And if the rest of the world has learned anything from America Since Nixon announced the war on drugs It's that you cannot arrest your way out of this It doesn't matter how many people you bring to justice It doesn't matter how many cartels you bust up There's always going to be another person ready to step up And bring product to market And until we deal with the severe addiction problems Here at home, on our streets, in our communities This is going to happen Time and time again So while you're all focused on sending money To Gaza and God knows who else How about a few bucks to help the people here in America That are being sucked up into the American genocide And where's all the America first people out here That say that they care about America this, America that Who aren't even talking about this Talking about all kinds of other crazy shit That really doesn't affect our lives Unless you mean arguing with somebody on the internet Meanwhile, people are dropping dead in droves In every single major city in America So I would think that these people out here that say Oh yeah, America first Well, they'd have a little bit of time to worry about, you know Their fellow Americans To better understand the scope of the drug crisis in Hawaii A courier journal, a reporter spent several days On Oahu in June talking to the DEA Local police, an emergency room doctor And leaders and participants Of a leeward region recovery program For native Hawaiian men Most of whom serve time and jail Synthetic drugs such as fentanyl and meth Are blamed in nearly all fatal drug poisonings Across the US According to the DEA's 2024 National Drug Threat Assessment Now think about when people were doing speed in the old days And you had someone in the neighborhood who was a tweaker Bro was up all night Six in his, you know, vacuum cleaner Walking around the neighborhood, riding his bike, whatever Nowadays, it's a whole different beast These aren't the same drug addicts that we were dealing with When we were kids This is a whole different kind of drug addict And what it's doing is making people fucking insane These people are walking around throwing karate kicks Hurting each other, hurting themselves And there's no recourse There's nothing anyone can do about it So what we need to do is we need to re-institute asylums No, not like the old days where you go and drop people off And you just leave them there I'm talking about wraparound service asylums These need to happen And it needs to happen soon And these people that are out there Who are a danger to themselves And a danger to society They have to be swooped up And they have to be brought in for a 90 day hold Instead, you have people out there who think that the streets Should be asylums And it's fucking crazy That does nobody any good And it's certainly not helping the addict Or the neighborhood where the addict has decided To take up shop Gary Yabuda, a veteran loman And retired Maui police chief Said meth has remained the dominant drug Plaging Hawaii for decades The drug brings a jolt of energy But also can lead to paranoia and violence Meth doesn't always get the full blame it deserves Doctors say Because it can kill slowly over time Often causing heart failure Meth on the streets today dubbed ice Typically as a purity close to 100% Much more lethal Than the 50% purity at one point Homelabs popular across the US Years ago And this is what I was just saying Anyone who knows the game knows They just know And I'm not telling you anything that is groundbreaking here But for those of you who aren't hip This isn't the same shit that it used to be You know you had an uncle, a cousin, a friend who was On meth or heroin or whatever And you're like look go dry out You gotta go get right for two weeks bro It's not like that anymore And I try to stress this to people who don't understand Who are still living in the past These cartels are out here Serving up that Walter White blue folks This isn't some shit made in the bathroom From a bedroom We're talking about P2P cooks here With the lucky land sluts You can get lucky just about anywhere This is your captain speaking Yeah we've got clear runway And the weather's fine But we're just gonna circle up here a while and get lucky Oh no nothing like that It's just these cash prizes add up quick So I suggest you sit back Keep your tray table upright And start getting lucky Play for 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No purchase necessary BGW can avoid we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply I call methamphetamine death a cancer You die one day at a time Said Yabuda Who now works in Honolulu Overseeing the states High intensity drug trafficking area task forces It's smuggled across the border By the cartel gatekeepers Yabuda said It has devastated Hawaii Yabuda and the DEA agents Also have noticed an increase in fentanyl A man-made opioid that now reigns As the number one drug killing Americans A blue 30 or fake oxycodone pain pill Sells for as low as $2 in Los Angeles But can fetch 16 or more in Hawaii Exemplifying what attracts the cartel powerhouses To the islands Vasquez said Bingo 100% And the more you can make The more product you want to ship the market 7 out of every 10 pill seized in the US By the DEA Now contain a potentially lethal dose According to the agencies Cautionary one pill can kill campaign A year ago the DEA formed an overdose response task force Partnering with local police And federally funded drug investigators Overseen by Yabuda They trace the overdose victim's last contacts Looking at texts and calls To track the source of the deadly dose Dr. Mark Baker and Oahu Emergency Medicine Specialists said he often asks those Who survive an overdose When they first use meth Some admitted they first tried The highly addictive drug As young as age 11 Long-term problems from meth Are mostly heart failure And psychiatric problems Baker told the Courier Journal In a recent interview during a brief break From emergency room duties If somebody is homeless Their chances of starting to use meth Are pretty high And if somebody starts to use meth Their chances of becoming homeless Are pretty high That's a fact Meth is one of the worst Most destructive drugs ever created And one of my best friends in the world Ended up getting addicted to meth When we were younger And the dude who was as hard as Darth Vader Ended up becoming Just a shell of himself And a junkie trying to sell me meat That he stole from a store But unfortunately You can't do anything for people Who don't want help You can't make them go get help That's not within your power right So the only thing you can do When somebody is an addict in your life And you love them And they refuse help Is to cut them off And it's a painful painful situation Especially when that person that you cut off Ends up dying of an overdose Without you ever Being able to make amends Without ever being able to talk about what went down Because even if you tried to talk to them While they're on drugs They are not the person you knew They're just a zombie A shell of themselves And that scenario unfortunately Plays out time and time again For people Who have friends and family members Who get addicted to this shit Baker founded And spends much of his free time On a mission to warn Hawaiians About the dangers of meth use On the hardest hit west side In the community of Wunai The Hoa Ma'u Ke Ola Treatment program guides Native Hawaiians Many of whom serve time in prison Through addiction Treatment by tapping into culture The program offers residential treatment For 75 days As well as a variety of Outpatient services Said the program's executive director Momi Nelson Look this is good This is what I'm talking about Wrap around services You can't just have somebody dry out There's a reason why they're on these drugs You have to have psychologists It's a whole thing And unfortunately A lot of times There's not enough money for all of that But I contend If we have money to ship around the world For all these fucking wars Then we have money to help the American people The current program participants Recently gathered on a mountain In the valley of Mount Kala Oahu's tallest peak At 4,000 feet The men class pans And take turns During individual and group chants Asking ancestors for permission To walk on the land Dotted with thick trees And budding orange And fuchsia flowers Hyamine Aquionna The cultural director With the program for a decade Teaches the prayerful chance To drive away the negative And harmful thoughts and actions And the focus on gratitude And the brotherhood They need that sense of belonging Aquionna said After the men work up a sweat outdoors They often head to the ocean For a spiritual cleansing Aquionna brags on program participants Like Tajiifala Fatu Who have emerged as leaders He went from jail to the program in November And is thriving "You can change your life through your roots" Said Fatu Who served prison time for an assault "And look there's no doubt that you can get help" The problem often though Is that the help isn't there When it's needed So people have no help Really not real help And instead what they're doing Is just having their addiction maintained And we all know what that leads to Unless you fix it Unless you get off the drugs There are only two scenarios That are open to you Death or Jail Kialis Yezan Who served time behind bars For theft and meth charges Said the program gives him Much needed structure in his life We become one like a family he said While these men are benefiting From recovery treatment On average Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander men and women Are three times less likely to receive treatment For mental health services And medication for mental health issues Compared to non-Hispanic white men And women According to a 2019 finding By the office of minority health Part of the US department Of health and human services Come on You know how many white drug addicts there are Around this country who can't get help either This is about people being poor Okay And when you try and start grouping people Into oh they're white or black Or this or that You're missing the point Okay these are human beings And everybody deserves to have proper treatment And the people who get fucked Are poor people And there are more poor people That are white in this country than anyone else So what about those people Should we just forget them? It's ridiculous And it causes unneeded division Because everybody who's poor Everybody who's on these drugs Deserves are help And if you're going to spend my tax dollars on something I'd much rather my tax dollars Being spent to help Americans The state of Hawaii developed a five-year plan in 2022 To promote culturally appropriate And comprehensive mental health And drug addiction treatments Through the Hawaii State Department Of health alcohol and drug abuse division Some programs offer treatment Through equine therapy Group nature hikes Sunset yoga And ocean therapy Which includes surfing And swimming with the dolphins Along with treating overdose patients And those suffering from heart illness Baker said he will continue to focus On prevention Through his partnership with the state department Of health officials Other emergency room physicians And veteran narcotics investigators It's not going to get better until we As an entire community Do something to recognize how bad the problem is The doctor said And then take steps to end it Yo this doctor gets it And anybody on the front line Gets it unfortunately Because they're living it They see it every day The other day I saw three people overdose Three people And I was only down on Boulder Highway For a little while I was down there handling some business You know Had to bounce around different places Heading to a casino To put some money in an account You know stuff like that Three different people ODing And this is something that's happening On a daily basis In a community near you And unfortunately folks Unless something is done It's only going to get worse All of the information That goes with this episode Can be found In the description box With the Lucky Land Sluts You can get Lucky Just about anywhere Daily Beloved We're gathered here today Has anyone seen the bride and groom? 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