Beyond The Horizon

The FBI Wins The Transparency Fight Against Radar Online's Epstein FOIA Attempt (6/28/24)

Radar Online recently lost a long-running lawsuit against the FBI over its failure to release documents related to Jeffrey Epstein following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The case, Radar Online LLC v. FBI, was decided by Judge Paul G. Gardephe in the Southern District of New York. The court found that the FBI had properly withheld certain records under FOIA Exemption 3, which protects information prohibited from disclosure by another federal statute..

The FBI cited three statutes to justify withholding the documents: the Child Victims’ and Child Witnesses’ Rights Act, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act, and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which protects the secrecy of grand jury proceedings. The court agreed that these statutes were valid grounds for exemption, especially to protect the privacy and safety of minor victims involved in Epstein's crimes. The court also upheld the FBI’s decision to withhold materials as attorney work product under Exemption 5, which protects documents prepared in anticipation of litigation​.

Meanwhile, transparency is once again trash binned by the government and by the court.

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FBI Wins Fight to Keep its Files on Jeffrey Epstein Secret (

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28 Jun 2024
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The following is a high-five moment from By one! Yahoo! Private, put down your phone, this is the army! Sarge, high-five casino is a social casino. It's on your phone, goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash, prizes, three down the rewards, over twelve hundred games. I won again! Platoon presents cell phones! High-five! High-five! Casino! Casino! Wind and high-five casino! Head home! High-five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary. We're prohibited to play responsible conditions apply. See website for details. High-five casino. What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Now I know what I'm about to tell you folks is going to come as a gigantic surprise, so try not to have a heart attack when you hear this information. And that information is this. The FBI is refusing to hand over Epstein files once again, citing the fact that Glenn Maxwell has a retrial possibly coming up. And it's the same old story time and time again when anybody tries to get a freedom of information act that involves Jeffrey Epstein, it's always the same shit. Oh, this is an ongoing investigation. This is still open. We can't give you these files, yada, yada, yada, yet no other arrests have ever happened. Is there an investigation? Or isn't there? At the very least the FBI should answer that. But according to a judge in New York who slapped down the attempt by a radar online to get these documents, well the investigation is still ongoing. So if the investigation is still ongoing, are we ever going to see any other arrests? Well folks, I wouldn't hold my breath. Today's article is from news, K-N-E-W-Z news, and the headline, exclusive. FBI wins legal fight to keep its files on Jeffrey Epstein's secret, government is covering its tracks, claims lawyers seeking their release. This article was authored by Dave Mallion. So we just got done talking about some transparency down in Florida only to run into this brick wall. Isn't that nice? I don't think there is a more frustrating situation than attempting to try to get files that relate to Jeffrey Epstein. It is just a losing proposition more times than not. A New York judge has rejected a bid to force the FBI to release a secret trove of documents related to its controversial investigation into billionaire sex pervert, Jeffrey Epstein, has exclusively learned. Well I don't know about exclusively considering law 360 is also reporting this, but here we are. In a ruling handed down on June 25th, United States District Judge Paul G. Gardipy said the files buried since Epstein's suicide death allegedly in his Manhattan jail cell in 2019 must remain secret because their public disclosure would interfere with a possible retrial of Glane Maxwell is one time madam and girlfriend and I would not be shocked to even see that at this point, a retrial for a Glane Maxwell and her friends letting her off the hook. Who'd be shocked by that considering how screwed up the system is? You'd be shocked? I don't put anything past these crooked SOBs. The nation's top law enforcement organization has asked the judge to keep the files under wraps for fears. It would give the former British socialite a head start to appeal her 20 year prison sentence for her involvement in the Epstein conspiracy. Look, I understand that if that's really the case, but I doubt it's the case considering we've been hearing that same bullshit time and time again. And what really gets me fired up is when they try and deny freedom of information acts that have to do with Epstein's death. Like for real? You would think that they'd want the sunlight to shine on the bullshit operation that they have going on in the Bureau of Prisons, but I guess they don't want that to happen because people don't want to lose their jobs. So they'll just continue doing the same bullshit they've always been doing and not make any changes. Silly me. I was under the impression those OIG reports happen so that changes could be made, but no changes have been made. The whole entire system is full bar and the whole entire Bureau of Prisons needs to be blown up and then put back together the correct way without so much bureaucracy. Maxwell and Epstein are former friends of presidents, including Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, along with Prince Andrew, Bill Gates and other famous identities and handing down the verdict in response to a freedom of information lawsuit brought against the FBI from the website, Judge Gardipi ordered the cash of Epstein files almost always released upon someone's death to remain under lock and key. Oh, I wonder why. But it has nothing to do with, you know, protecting your interests, huh, or protecting the government's interests. I highly doubt it has anything to do with protecting you or I. This court concludes that the FBI provides the vision details for the court to trace a rational link between the information contained in the records and the potential interference with law enforcement proceedings and the FBI has thus met its burden for withholding the disclosure of the records, the Southern District of New York judge said, "The decision is a climax, at least for now, to a seven-year flight from the online news outlet to compel the FBI to release the controversial files." And it's such BS and mark my words, "After they can't use Maxwell as the excuse, it'll be something else." Oh, it's national security. Oh, yeah, it's national security because this dude was an asset for you, huh? National security because you were running him in all kinds of operations. That's why it's national security. Besides that, it shouldn't have any sort of national security implications. Therefore, it should be released to the public. It's been claimed that the FBI received tips, reports and complaints about Epstein's activities from 1996 through 2006, but the agency didn't open a case until July 24th, 2006, and yet we see no accountability? I mean, look, this isn't a one-off here. Look what the FBI did when it comes to Larry Nasser. Look what the FBI did when it comes to those victims. They ignored everything that was going on, just kept going on their merry way, didn't even bother opening an investigation. Meanwhile all these girls were telling them that they were being abused by Larry Nasser. Then the same deal happens with Epstein, and you mean to tell me nobody's gonna be held accountable? Well, unfortunately, yeah, that's exactly what they mean. Nobody's ever gonna be held accountable. And the more morons talk about stupid BS, like, "Oh, Disney was running trips to Epstein's island, the further away from the truth we get." And frankly, I'm tired of it. There's just way too much misinformation out there, and way too many people who think they have a handle on the situation who don't know their ass from their elbow. And it's embarrassing, honestly. If you don't do the legwork and you don't dive in deep, how are you gonna get out there until you're hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter that this is this or that is that, when you don't yourself even know? And for the last five years, trying to navigate through that nonsense has been frustrating as hell, and it gets more frustrating by the day. Because all it takes is one of these gigantic Twitter accounts to say something, and boy, people are off and running. Meanwhile, nobody's talking about this, none of those big accounts. This is something that's actually important. This is something that could actually move the needle, just like the transcripts. So if you're looking for salacious bullshit, you were in the wrong place. Even then, Epstein entered into a 2008 sweetheart agreement with the feds in Florida to instead plead guilty to state charges of soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution. That allowed him to avert a possible life sentence, instead serving 13 months in a work release program. 36 girls, some as young as 14 years old, have since been identified as victims of Epstein's sexual abuse. So this is what I'm talking about with the transcripts and with the other episode that we dropped earlier today. Those transcripts are huge, they're very important, and way more important than any list that might be floating around. And that's why you see the FBI and other organizations fighting tooth and nail to keep these documents from the public view. A lawyer for radar online said the outlet was considering whether to appeal the decision, but vowed to continue to fight for transparency and accountability. The FBI is covering its tracks by using a hypothetical retrial of Glenn Maxwell as justification not to release its Epstein files, Dan Novak, a First Amendment lawyer who acts for the publication told in an exclusive statement. And that certainly has been a big point of contention for everybody following along with this. The fact that the information has been hidden, has been stashed, and they fight tooth and nail to keep it from the public really tells me that we're over the target. And hopefully at some point somebody with some courage shows up and says enough is enough, I'm releasing all of this. So where's the congressional committees? Where are the Senate committees where are all of the people in DC who act like they care? If they really cared, they'd be calling a commission here and at the very least they'd be getting a look at this stuff considering they provide the oversight for the FBI. And then that way, hopefully some sort of action can be taken to get this stuff out into the public. But they know that all they have to say is that it's part of an ongoing investigation and they kill all of that right from the jump and they wield that power like it's a sword. It's a very effective tool for the government when they don't want people prying into their business. Even before Maxwell was prosecuted in 2020, the FBI and the Department of Justice had been relentlessly fighting to keep the majority of the documents from radar and out of the public's gaze, raising questions about what could be in the files. Yeah, 1000% even before a Maxwell was arrested, they were on some other bullshit and I expected to just continue. Do you expect them to wake up one day and be like, you know what, let's be transparent and let's tell the whole entire world that we were protecting Jeffrey Epstein because that's what they were doing. Maybe not the whole agency itself, the FBI, maybe not the whole CIA. But if you think that there weren't players within those organizations utilizing Jeffrey Epstein, you have not been paying attention. In previous filings, the FBI admitted the documents included evidentiary and investigative materials, including copies of records or evidence, analysis of that evidence, and derivative communications summarizing or otherwise referencing evidence. Other material included internal communications among investigators within the FBI, providing updates regarding the status of the investigation, including witness interviews and discussions of evidence gathered during the investigation, and communications between the FBI and other government agencies regarding the investigation. So where's the OIG report into the FBI's handling of Jeffrey Epstein? We ever going to see that or not? Way too busy, right? Way too busy doing whatever it is? The do-nothing, feckless, worthless OIG does. Yeah, it's always a good idea to have the investigators investigate themselves. They admitted only a small fraction of documents in their possession had ever been made public. Maureen Comey, the lead prosecutor against Maxwell from the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, told the court, the disclosure of the material would impact witness testimony, witness willingness to testify, prejudice the jury pool, so as to hinder the government's ability to present its case in court, and provide Maxwell with greater access to the investigatory files that she would otherwise have during the criminal discovery process. We've already been through the criminal discovery process. We're not retrying it here, unless Maxwell gets that retrial. So once again, they're pump faking everybody. They're out here talking a bunch of bullshit that really does not fit with the reality of the situation on the ground. And does anybody shock that it's Maureen Comey out here running front and running cover? The following is a high five moment from high five On one! Yahoo! Private, put down your phone. This is the Army! Sorts. High five casinos. The social casino. It's on your phone. Goes wherever you go. By in three spins. Cash. Prizes. You want to get? Platoon. Present. Cell phone. High five. High five. Casino. When did high five casino? That's home. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited. Play responsible conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. Novak argued the FBI failed to link the documents to any potential harm. He said the FBI insisted that these are simply the kinds of documents that would tend to cause harm, if released, without engaging the reality on the ground, that the target of the investigation has seen millions of records and was convicted in one of the most high-profile trials in US history. But Judge Gardipi disagreed, ruling the FBI had proffered to the court specific harms that would result from the public disclosure of the documents. Oh, I'm sure. Many tyrant over here, Judge Gardipi, has no concerns whatsoever but the law. I'm sure that he has no desire to protect his buddies in the FBI. For example, the FBI has explained the public disclosure of the evidentry investigative materials could influence the testimony of witnesses by providing the opportunity for witnesses to shape their testimony to conform with other evidence gathered during the investigation, including both records and witness statements. He ruled, disclosure of the evidentry investigative materials could also have a chilling effect on witnesses because the public release of information could lead to the identification and intimidation of witnesses who made the client to cooperate with the parties and be disinclined to testify their personal information is released to the public. Judge Gardipi added, public disclosure could also cause unfair prejudice to the government at a retrial based on the fact that certain documents were available to the government but not offered at the first trial. Finally, public disclosure would provide Maxwell with greater access to the investigator materials then she would otherwise have. As news first dot com first reported, Epstein avoided federal criminal charges in 2008 in a deal that saw him become a government informant. And of course, the government says that's not true. The OIG report says it and everybody in government says it. So you know what that means, right? Oh, it's as true as it could be. An FBI document titled synopsis request closing of forfeiture sub file FF included an FBI agent detailing Epstein started spilling secrets to the federal government. The document read on 9/11/08 case agent advised writer that Epstein's currently being prosecuted by the state of Florida and is complying with all conditions of his plea with the state of Florida. Epstein also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida. What secrets the disgraced financier divulged to the FBI which former Trump special prosecutor Robert Mueller ran at the time the agreement was struck have never been revealed. Well, I wonder what that deal was. I can only imagine what sort of information that Epstein was turning over to the government. You have to know that it was a lot and you have to know that it was significant and I find it laughable at best when people try to claim that Epstein wasn't an informant. Now I also find it laughable when people try and make him out to be some kind of spy or special agent. Bro was an asset at best. He was somebody that was the tool that was being used by intelligence services services plural and he's somebody that they were able to gain some information from and when he outlived his usefulness, well, they burn their asset like they always do. Speaking exclusively to last August, Novak suggested the FBI had a hidden motive to keep the files from public view. The Department of Justice protected Jeffrey Epstein secrets during his life and continues to protect his and their own after his death, he said when radar first requested these files six years ago, the FBI insisted that Epstein's privacy outweighs the public's right to know. They have since abandoned that embarrassing rationale yet still refused to turn the documents over. Radar has been engaged in a legal dispute with the FBI since 2017 when it first filed the lawsuit. The investigative news outlet appeared to be on track for a win in the high stakes case. Last year, a judge ruled that some of the documents must be turned over. But when Maxwell 62 filed an appeal in March, arguing that she should be set free under the terms of her previous deal with federal prosecutors, the case at a roadblock. And good luck with that. If that's the way she's going to roll trying to use the non prosecution agreement as the basis to get her off and to get a retrial, she is going to fail spectacularly. She should focus on juror number 50 Scotty David. That is her only way to a retrial in my opinion. And even that is a very, very long haul for Gleyan Maxwell to finish off. I don't think that she's going to be able to even prove that, but she's going to have a better chance with that portion, meaning Scotty David, then trying to use the NPA that has nothing to do with what she was up to in New York. And just because you enter into an agreement with the government in Florida doesn't mean that that non prosecution agreement follows you across the country, you're only off the hook for whatever crimes were committed there under the terms of that NPA. It's not a catch all. It's not a shield to protect you from any crimes that might be charged later on in the future. So the whole entire theory that she's going to use that as some kind of get out of jail free card is ridiculous at best. Separately a dozen victims of Epstein's through the US government in February accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades. As a direct and proximate cause of the FBI's negligence, plaintiffs would not have been continued to be sex trafficked, abused, raped, tortured and threatened. A lawsuit read Jane Doe's one through 12 bringing this lawsuit to get to the bottom once and for all of the FBI's role in Epstein's criminal sex trafficking ring. The plaintiffs also alleged that the FBI had evidence of crimes that the agency refused to pursue. During the FBI investigation, the FBI was complicit in permitting Epstein and co-conspirators to continue to victimize Jane Doe's one through 12 and other young women, the suit read. The FBI had photographs, videos, and interviews and hard evidence of child prostitution and failed to timely investigate and arrest Epstein in deviation from the FBI protocols. Oh, I wonder why. Why didn't they do any of that? Could it be that they were protecting this dude? Nah, the government's never been in bed with anyone who's a scumbag, they've never protected people like, "Oh, I don't know," Saddam Hussein, or Sammy the Bulgrovano, or Whitey Bulger. I can go on, but I guess they draw the line at Jeffrey Epstein, huh? The FBI had a non-discretionary obligation governed by established policies, procedures, rules and protocols to handle the investigative tips concerning potential and ongoing underage child erotica, rape, sex with minors, and sex trafficking in a reasonable manner, and to act against Epstein and to prevent him from committing repeated crimes, it continued. Yet contrary to its own established rules, the FBI failed to take appropriate action and botched and covered up investigations for years. And I think that that's all true, honestly, and hopefully at some point, the FBI is forced to turn over this documentation because of the lawsuit that they're facing by the survivors, and the road map for victory there, folks, has already been etched in stone, they just have to follow the same exact road map that was laid out when it comes to Larry Nassar. And I think that the lawyers for the survivors are hip to that, and I think that's exactly the path that they seem to be on. 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