Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Scott Peterson And The Innocence Project's Push For A New Trial

Scott Peterson is a convicted murderer who gained notoriety for the killing of his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son, Conner, in 2002. Laci Peterson, who was eight months pregnant at the time, disappeared from their Modesto, California home on December 24, 2002. Her disappearance prompted a massive search effort and garnered widespread media attention.

Initially, Scott Peterson appeared to be a grieving husband, pleading for his wife's safe return and participating in media interviews. However, suspicion soon turned towards him, especially after it was revealed that he had been having an extramarital affair with a woman named Amber Frey.

Despite maintaining his innocence, Scott Peterson was arrested on April 18, 2003, in San Diego, where he had fled to, and was later charged with the murder of his wife and unborn son. The case against him relied heavily on circumstantial evidence, including his affair, inconsistent statements to the police, and behavior deemed suspicious.

The trial began in 2004 and captivated the nation with its intense media coverage. The prosecution argued that Scott Peterson murdered his wife to escape the responsibilities of marriage and impending fatherhood, while the defense claimed that he was innocent and had been wrongly accused.

In November 2004, Scott Peterson was found guilty of first-degree murder for Laci's death and second-degree murder for Conner's death. He was subsequently sentenced to death by lethal injection.

Now, after 20 years, the Innocence Project has taken up his cause and they say he's innocent.   

In our second article we spin back down to Delphi for another update as we get more clarifcation from Judge Gull about the location of the trial, while other issues remain in limbo.  

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Judge denies motions to move trial back in Delphi double murders case, hears arguments during contempt hearing (


Scott Peterson returns to court as LA Innocence Project takes up case 20 years after pregnant wife’s murder | The Independent (

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28 Jun 2024
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In this episode, we have two articles to get to. The first one has to do with Richard Allen and his appearance yesterday in a court in Indiana, and our second article has to do with Scott Peterson, and the innocent project attempting to get him a new trial. So, let's just dive right in and get started. The first article we have is from, and the headline. Judge denies motion to move trial back in Delphi double murders case. Here's arguments during the contempt hearing. This article was authored by Jazlyn, Beboat, and Corin Brock. Two motions to push back the trial for Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen were denied Monday during one of two hearings, and that was expected. They weren't going to push this trial back, not now. Richard Allen has already now waived his right to a speedy trial, and with all of the circumstances surrounding this situation, there's no way. Unless there is something that's justifiable, but we haven't seen anything to pop up that would justify another delay here. The hearings marked the first time Allen, accused of killing Libby German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, in 2017, appeared in the Allen County courthouse after an October hearing got cut short, and I know I've said it before, but I think it's worth mentioning again. The whole entire situation down here from the very beginning has been an absolute shit show. And the fact that it's taken this long for a trial to even occur, and that there's been all of these issues that come along with it, it's not good. The optics are bad, and what it's going to do is it's going to give Richard Allen and his team a bit of a lifeline. Now is it going to end up being successful for them? I doubt it. But still, who needs to let it drag out? Who wants to see this thing keep going? Unless you're Richard Allen, my guess is nobody. Allen's superior court judge, Fran Gull, the special judge assigned to the case, denied motions to push back the trial, filed by Allen's attorneys, Andrew Baldwin, and Bradley Lizzie, who recently filed for an early trial. The trial originally set for October is scheduled to begin on May 13th. And you know the saying, "Be careful what you wish for? I think that's going to come into play here when we're talking about Richard Allen's trial." Their rush to get him into the courtroom is going to come back to snap them in the ass. During the earlier of Monday's two hearings, Gull accepted a motion to amend Allen's charging commission, filed by Carroll County prosecutor Nicholas McLuhan. McLuhan filed the request to amend charges to include two counts of murder while committing or attempting to commit kidnapping and replace Allen's original to kidnapping charges. McLuhan said the amended charges more accurately align the charging information with the causes discovery and the probable cause affidavit. The prosecutor filed a request on January 18th when the Indiana Supreme Court ordered the criminal attorneys to be reinstated after other evidence leaks. So was this a retaliatory type of deal by the prosecutors? You could look at it that way, right? If you want to frame it like that, I think that there is some basis to do that. But again, that's not going to hold up in the court. Remember, it's all about what the court thinks and what the jury has to say. Those leaks took center stage on Monday as prosecutors sought the whole Baldwin and Rosie and were unable for the leaks with a contempt hearing. Gull did not take action after the hearing but said she would take it under advisement. So we have no rulings from that hearing, as of yet, but my guess is now that this is all in motion, we're going to see some rulings start getting handed down here in Delphi. During the hearing, David Hennessy, an attorney for Baldwin and Rosie, characterized part of the leak as an email to the wrong person. The three experienced attorneys to the stand to answer whether they had accidentally sent an email with sensitive information to the wrong person before all of them saying they had. So that's likely excuse, huh? Oh, it was just an email to the wrong person. There was no issue here. We didn't mean to screw up. Nobody took this information because we left it unguarded. I mean, for real, what a bunch of Jack Wagons. He also highlighted that it is common to send information about a case to others to see how it will work at trial. Yeah, not anything under lock and key. And there might be a little something called a gag order in place down here, too. That might be a bit restrictive, no? The vast majority of evidence Hennessy tried to admit into the court was denied after objections from the prosecution about the relevancy. When McLealin addressed the court, at the end of the hearing, he said because of the leak that allegedly stemmed from the defense attorneys, Williams and German families live in fear that they may see leaked photos of the crime scene. Look, that is a valid issue. Imagine being the family member of one of these murdered young girls and this picture comes up into your email or it's on social media. I don't know how you can call it anything but a dereliction of duty from the defense attorneys here who let this information get out. If the shoe were on the other foot and I leaked information or my friend did, the defense would be screaming from the mountaintops to have me removed or disbarred, McLealin said, and there is a lot of truth to that as well. But as the prosecution, you're certainly under a different level of scrutiny, in my opinion. And that's because in your position, you wield so much power against the common citizen that you have to have all of your tees crossed and your eyes dotted. There can be zero chance that there was prosecutorial misconduct. And unfortunately, that's my biggest fear when we're talking about what's going on down in Delphi. Gull also took a motion to dismiss filed by the defense attorneys under advisement on Monday. They asked that the case be dismissed due to a video of an interview with a man they believe could be responsible for killing German and Williams being recorded over and unavailable to be viewed. The attorneys also said, information about other men they believe could have been involved was not properly investigated. Gull denied a motion to change the venue of the trial, maintaining it, and all future hearings will be held in Carroll County aside from jury selection. Jurors will be selected from Allen County at the Allen County Courthouse. Gull said questionnaires were sent out to prospective jurors on March 14th. So the ball is rolling down here in Delphi, and it won't be long before we get some more answers. And I'll tell you what, I really hope that the prosecution doesn't mess this up. I hope that they do the right thing and they're able to carry this ball across the goal line. Alright, moving on to our second article, and this article is from the Independent. Headline, Scott Peterson returns to court as LA Innocence Project takes up case 20 years after pregnant wipes murder. Like, I can't even believe all these years later we're going back and revisiting the Scott Peterson case. I mean, there was nobody else that the Innocence Project could pick out and say, look, this person got railroaded. Let's go and pick Scott Peterson, who was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife already. And let's see if we can get him off. Maybe they can check in on Ed Kemper next. This article was authored by Dan Gooding. A man convicted of killing his wife and unborn child 20 years ago in California is back in court today after claims that new evidence proves his innocence. Now, this article was from a few days ago, but this guy gets another court date. Meanwhile, there's people literally rotting in prison for crimes that are a lot less worse than what Scott Peterson was convicted of. You mean to tell me there's no other case worthy in the whole entire California penal system for the LA Innocence Project to get involved with? This is the case, huh? This is the hill you want to die on. Okay, I guess, but you're going to have to come correct. And there better be some evidence because if they come with some bunk ass nonsense, you can expect bombing run after bombing run on this podcast because this is beyond the pill. Now, the caveat, obviously, is if they have some evidence or something like that, then cool. I'm more than willing to see it, but I just think that this is all a bunch of BS, honestly, and the Innocence Project just another way for them to get a little notoriety, right? What better way to do it than going after a case like Scott Peterson? Scott Peterson's lawyers from the Los Angeles Innocence Project are asking a judge in San Mateo County to look at the fresh evidence and grant the new trial. Mr. Peterson, who is now 51, was convicted in 2004 of the murder of his pregnant wife, Lacey Peterson, just before Christmas of 2002. Her body and that of their unborn son washed up on the shore of the San Francisco Bay just a few months later. Yeah, this guy's hella innocent. This is the kind of guy that, you know, you should really go to the 9s for. Meanwhile, Bro was found near the border with some dyed hair and a bag full of cash as he's trying to get away from the authorities. Certainly looks like the behavior of an innocent man. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. 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She was eight months pregnant with her son, who was going to be called Connor. After nearly four months of searching, Lacey and Connor's bodies washed up on the shore of the bay in April of 2003. Why is Scott Peterson's conviction being questioned? Well, the narrative they'll pitch to you is that they believe Scott Peterson is innocent. But in my opinion, the reality is, they just want a little more notoriety for their dumbass project. LA IP argues that Mr. Peterson was only convicted in 2004 on a large amount of circumstantial evidence and a small amount of physical evidence. He has repeatedly argued his innocence over the years with a previous attempt at a retrial in 2021 tossed out. Now, LA IP claims to have evidence that burglars, who were targeting a house across the street from the Peterson's home, may have kidnapped Lacey to keep her quiet after she witnessed the crime. Yeah, and after they were done with that, they went over and hung out with the Odinists. Why do all of these defense attorneys try to make up like a lifetime movie to defend their clients? Nobody's going to buy that it was a bunch of burglars. Who are they? Where are they? Is there any evidence of it? Who pointed to them? Is there DNA evidence of these burglars? See what I mean? They always have all this nonsense to tell us, but then when it comes time for discovery and the time for tough talk ends, well, they always come up short, don't they? The theory is that they then killed her and dumped her body rather than Mr. Peterson. Attorneys also want DNA evidence to be retested. They say that a van that was set on fire close to the couple's home, with a blood-stained mattress in the back, should be reexamined using new testing techniques, over allegations the evidence was mishandled. Now, if that's the case and there was some kind of chain of custody error and the evidence wasn't handled correctly, he might have a little something going. But it's going to be something that's prosecutorial. There's no new evidence that points away from Scott Peterson, stop it. The filing, seen by the Independent, also calls into question other items of evidence, including interviews conducted with key witnesses and police reports. Much of the new questionable evidence has come from Mr. Peterson himself, who asked the LAIP to get involved in his case last year. Oh, that's a shock, huh? Let me whip up a little evidence on my own. Oh, you see, we forgot this one the first time around, this piece here, and let's add this one here and give me a break. What a waste of money, a waste of time, and a waste of resources that could be used on somebody that's really innocent. But God forbid we get in the way of your social justice thing. I believe this additional information will assist in determining what happens in my family and prove that I am innocent and had nothing to do with these horrible crimes that were committed against my wife and son. Peterson wrote in a letter to LAIP, included with the filing. In 2004, I was wrongfully convicted of murdering my wife Lacey and our unborn son, Connor. I have discovered that critical exculpatory evidence was ignored, overlooked or never investigated at all, and in other instances, was suppressed at the time of my trial. Lacey Peterson's family believed Scott is guilty. If the judge grants a new trial, it would mean a complete re-examination of a case that gripped the US 20 years ago. As media attention grew around the missing person's case, evidence emerged of an affair with massage therapist Amber Fry. He had told her that Lacey was dead even though she was still alive at the time while also frequently lying about his whereabouts. A few days later, after Lacey and Connor's bodies were found, Mr. Peterson was arrested in Southern California, having dyed his hair, and appearing to have packed to flee across the border into Mexico. It later emerged that in early December, 2002, he had researched boat launch ramps in the San Francisco Bay and then bought a boat shortly after, which Lacey's family believed shows he was planning her murder for some time. Mr. Peterson's repeated claims of innocence and is apparent lack of remorse during previous court appearances will not be forgotten by Lacey's family, even if his character isn't taken into account by the judge during this latest development. Following his resentencing to life without parole in 2021, Lacey's mother said she saw no sorrow or remorse from him. Lacey's dead, Scott, because she loved you and trusted you. You betrayed her, your evil, selfish act ended to beautiful souls. You just didn't want them anymore. Sharon Rocha said in court, "You chose to get rid of her. You didn't want a baby, nor the responsibility of being a father. You were afraid of being looked down as a failure. It's unbelievable that you thought you'd get away with it." Well that's for sure. Imagine this was your kid and all these years later, these boneheads from the Innocence Project decide they want to get Scott Peterson out. So obviously we're going to keep following along, but I don't think anything's going to come of this. And if it does, you know that the state of California is going to appeal any sort of decision and attempt to keep Scott Peterson where he belongs. And that is, in my opinion, and the opinion of the jurors who found him guilty behind bars. Alright everybody, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over a hundred casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. 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