Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Majorjon Kaylor Gets Hit With A Life Sentence

Majorjon Kaylor has been hit with a life sentence after pleading guilty to killing his neighbors.   According to Kaylor, he took such drastic measures after one of his neighbors was allegedly touching himself in the window in front of Kaylor's wife and small daughter.   

After calling the police and not getting the help he though appropriate from the authorities, he took matters into his own hands and killed the whole family.   

Kaylor and the state of Idaho avoided a trial by agreeing to mediation and it was during these mediation sessions where a deal was hammered out.   

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Idaho man gets life for massacre of neighbor's whole family (

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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"What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program." Major John Kaler, the man who murdered a whole-ass family after he says that their son, exposed himself to his wife and his kid, has now learned his fate. Originally, Major John Kaler was facing the death penalty, but considering the circumstances surrounding this situation, the judge, the prosecutors, and the defense all decided to go to mediation instead. And it was during these sessions of mediation that they were able to hammer out this deal. So, let's get to this article from Law and Crime and let's see what kind of sentence Major John was slapped with. This article was published by Law and Crime and the headline. He killed an entire branch of our family tree. Man who massacred neighbors' entire family after teen allegedly exposed himself to wife and daughter, learns his fate. This article was authored by Jerry Lamb. A 32-year-old man in Idaho will spend the rest of his life behind bars for breaking into his neighbor's home and massacring all four members of the family, including two teenagers on Father's Day in order to execute vengeance after one of the teens allegedly exposed themselves to his wife and daughter. Now, they had him dead to rights. They had all the evidence they needed to get their conviction. So, why would they choose meaning the prosecution to go to mediation? Well, they didn't want a jury to get this. All it takes is one member of the jury to feel some sort of sympathy for Major John Kaler and for what he did and you could have yourself a big time problem as a prosecutor. So, what they did is they took the guaranteed charge and that charge is life sentence. So, instead of pursuing a capital murder charge here and having the chance, even though it might be relatively small, that Major John Kaler wiggles off the hook, they decided, you know what? Let's just take this victory for what it is, except the decision from this mediator and let's keep it moving. And honestly, that's probably the right way to go about it. Because the last thing you want to do as a prosecutor is take the chance of getting hammered by some juror, right? Some juror that might be sympathetic to this sort of thing. And believe me, there's a lot of people out there that are. First Judicial District Court Judge Barbara Dugan on Monday ordered Major John Kaler to serve a sentence of life in a state correctional facility without the chance of parole for the 2023 quadruple murder of Kenneth Gardipis, 65, his daughter, Kenneth Gardipis, 41, and her two children, Devin Smith, 18, and Eagan Smith, 16, court records reviewed by long crime show. So this little ass state of Idaho, we're talking not very populated, two gigantic quadruple homicides back to back basically. What the hell's in the potatoes up there in Idaho? The Sentencing Hearing. During Monday's hearing Dugan on braided Kaler, calling his killing spree a particularly heinous event. Spokane NBC affiliate K HQ reported prior to the sentence being formally handed down, several of the victim's family members were permitted to read impact statements. Now, no matter what happened or didn't happen with the little degenerate who might have exposed themselves, this is not the right way to handle it, right? We're not talking about somebody who murdered your family. We're not talking about somebody you kidnapped your kid and dittled them. So if you want to take the law into your own hands here, wouldn't a beat down suffice? I mean, I don't even suggest that honestly, because the last thing you want to do is get caught up with the law. But that would be something that would suffice in my opinion. Oh, you expose yourself to my kids, you're going to catch these hands. But doing what Major John Kaler did, that is way too extreme in my opinion. And he deserves a jail sentence. And yes, that jail sentence should be a life sentence. My man killed four people in cold blood. He killed an entire branch of our family tree, David Silva, the grandfather of Aiken and Devin Smith reportedly said, never any great grandchildren to watch grow up. I lost my best friend, Aiken Smith. He spent hundreds of hours of volunteering throughout the community, an entire beautiful family taken by one person. And the whole entire situation is just sad from top to bottom. The fact that Major John Kaler called the police to start things off, and nothing was done about the dude allegedly diddling himself. There's the first problem. Obviously, the major problem is the way a major John Kaler went about it. But you can't be out here diddling yourself in a window in front of some dude's wife and kids and not expect any kind of come up. I mean, come on now. In the real world, you do some shit like that. You're getting your ass beat guaranteed 100% a thousand times out of a thousand times. But this is too much. And the most unfortunate thing is those very kids that Major John was trying to protect, they're not going to have to grow up without a pops. So in essence, he really didn't do anything to help his kids when all was said and done, did he? Jerry Silva, the mother of Kenna Gardipi, told the court that her family lost three generations, adding that she had not seen, heard, or touched her kids in the months since the murders. Kenneth Gardipi's brother, Joe Gardipi, read from a handwritten three page statement, Boise, Idaho NBC affiliate KTVB reported, "What a man you are. Not only did you destroy my family, but yours as well," he reportedly said. "You said you were protecting your children? Let me ask you. Who's protecting them now? And look, that is 100% spot on. You want to get out here and act like a lunatic, a psychopath, and start killing whole families? How are you going to sit there and tell me that you're worried about your own family? Because now you're not going to be around for them. No prom, no baseball games, nothing. So tell me how this is a productive way to handle this. Meanwhile, if you flip the script and you just beat the dude's ass, what are you looking at? Maybe a slap on the wrist if it's your first offense, right? Still going to be there for your kids? Neighbors are all going to give you a nod when you walk by them? And now instead of looking like the asshole, well, you're probably the superhero. Hey, you see what Major John did? Slap that dude in the grill after the dude diddled himself in front of his kids? As opposed to, bro, what the fuck is wrong with this dude pulling out a gun and murdering a whole family? So yeah, the whole entire thing, from Major John Kaler's perspective, in my opinion, is counterproductive. After comparing the loss of his family to the pain he endured while fighting in the Vietnam war, Joe Gardipi continued to admonish Kaler over what the convicted killer did to his brother and the rest of the family. You viciously massacred mutilated Kenneth Gardipi with a large amount of lead bullets, he reportedly said. You decided to be judge and jury. You decided to play God. You decided to take matters into your own hands. You decided it was okay to take the lives of four of my family members. As previously reported by law and crime, deputies with the Shoshone County Sheriff's Office at about 720 PM on Sunday, June 18, 2023, responded to a 911 call reporting that multiple people had been shot and killed inside a residence in the 500 block of West Brown Avenue and Kellogg, Idaho, which is about 50 miles from the state's western border with Washington. And when I think about like quadruple homicides, I think about like New York, Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas. I certainly don't think about Idaho and certainly not Shoshone County for God's sakes. But here we are talking about two different events in the same state of Idaho, where four people were murdered. Oh, did I mention that Chad DeBell and the Scafuzza Lori Valle were from Idaho as well? So yeah, again, the question is, what the hell's in the potatoes up there? Upon arriving at the scene, the first responders said they took a 31 year old man who was believed to be connected to the deaths later identified as Kaylar into custody and later charged them with the four murders. And when it was all going down, when we started getting some of the transcripts of the conversation between Kaylar and the police officer, it was pretty telling that right away Kaylar was just copping to it. Yo, I did this. That's the end of it. Take me to jail. And I honestly just can't wrap my mind around why somebody would go to this length. This is just the extreme of the extreme, right? You look at the chart of extremes, and this is turned all the way up to 11. Investigators said that the shooting happened after a dispute between neighbors occurred before victims all lived in the lower apartment of a duplex while Kaylar and his family lived in the upstairs apartment. The families only shared the space for a few weeks prior to the deadly incident. And as far as the guard appears go, like if somebody comes and tells you that your kids didle in themselves in front of them, you should probably take that serious. And you should probably address the issue, right? But according to Kaylar and according to other witnesses, that never occurred. And this dude was left unchecked and continued to do what he was doing. And to Major John Kaylar, that was just a step too far. And that led to what we see here. This man going absolutely bonkers and murdering a whole ass family. According to a copy of the probable cause affidavit obtained by law and crime, the massacre occurred less than a week after Kaylar and his family filed a report accusing Devin Smith of indecent exposure. And in the police incident report, Kaylar's wife said that Devin Smith on June 13 stood fully naked in his ground level bedroom window and masturbated in front of her and her young daughter while they were playing outside. So right there, your asses get whipped, not even a question. Your catching hands, killing somebody though, too far in my opinion. We responded to the call, investigated the call, and the report was done that day and submitted to the prosecutor's office for charges. Kellogg police chief Paul Twitt said after the incident, I stand by what my officer did, and he did everything he could at the time. Nobody could have foreseen anything like this. And according to the police, they sent out an officer to respond. The officer took an incident report, but didn't find enough there to make an arrest. Following Kaylar's arrest, authorities say he confessed to the killing of the four family members. He explained he tried to speak with Kenna, guard, appear in her father about the teen, allegedly exposing himself, but became angry when they did not appear to take the issue seriously. I gotta tell you, if somebody shows up at your house talking about your kid, was rubbing one out in the window, probably something to take serious, because I assure you the people who saw you doing it, they're taking it serious, and their husband probably is too. Kaylar said that he finally just snapped and lost it, and then he did something about it. The indictment stated that all four sayings were a means for Kaylar to execute vengeance. The bodies of the guardopies were found just outside the rear entrance of the home, while the Smith brothers were located inside the home. Each of the victims suffered a gunshot wound to the head with a 45 caliber handgun that authorities say they recovered from the scene. And he was very straight up and forward when the officers arrived according to the affidavit, and he told them right away, look, I did it. So now after mediation, after all said and done, he ends up with a life sentence, and his children end up not having him around to, you know, help them out and guide them and be there for them. So really, when all is said and done, what did Major John Kaylar accomplish? Well, he didn't accomplish anything. All he did was get himself arrested and ruin the lives of his kids, and while I understand the righteous anger, you have to understand that there's a bigger picture, and unfortunately Major John Kaylar, in his rage, forgot about the bigger picture, and now is going to spend the rest of his life behind bars. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.