Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: An 11 Year Old Boy Dies Defending His Mother From An Attacker

Everytime we turn around there's another story about another violent felon who gets out early only to murder someone else.    Unfortunately, today's story is no different.  

Jayden Perkin's was an 11 year old boy, who, according to all who knew him loved life, his family and his friends.   That was fully on display when Jayden stepped in front of a man who planned on killing his pregnant mother to defend her.   Jayden was killed in the attack.   

The man who is responsible?   A violent felon who was supposed to serve 15 years in prison but was let out after just 8 and now, those responsible for releasing this man, are facing backlash, with one board member already resigning.   Jayden's mother, Laterria Smith is in the hospital still, but the baby is expected to survive. 

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Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. Every time we turn around, there's another convicted murderer, convicted rapist, convicted, sexual abuser, whatever, being let out of jail, and then inevitably that same person turns around and hurts somebody else. And once again, that's a story that we're gonna have to talk about today, considering the Illinois parole board? Well, they let a convict out of jail, who was serving 16 years for, abusing his partner, and what do you know? Dude ends up killing his ex's 11-year-old son, as he tried to protect his mother from this sick degenerate one day after being freed from jail. Now, I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I've had my fill of this shit. And this is certainly something that's gonna drive my vote come election time. You can save all of the heart-string bullshit for somebody else, I'm done. I have had my fill. And all of these lame-ass prosecutors and DAs who are out here letting people go and letting people out because it makes them feel good or because they believe it's going to win them votes, those people, they can all go get fucked. Just like this parole board member who ended up stepping down after this piece of garbage killed this little boy. Today's article is from the Daily Mail and the headline. Illinois parole board member resigns after convicts stabbed his ex-girlfriend's 11-year-old son to death as he tried to protect her, a day after being freed from jail. You mean to tell me there was nobody else that you could have let out of jail? Somebody that's not, you know, violent? You want to talk about reform and this, that, the other thing? Well, how about not letting violent people out of prison? If you commit a violent crime like this man did, and you get a 16-year sentence, every last day of that sentence should be served, especially if you're a multiple-time offender. But no, let's let these people out because this guy obviously was rehabilitated, right? This article was authored by Alexa Simineo and James Gordon. A state parole board member as resigned after recommending the release of a man who a day later attacked a pregnant Chicago woman with a knife and fatally stabbed her 11-year-old son while he tried to protect her. Imagine this poor little boy 11 years old, stepping up to the plate like this and protecting his mom from some psychopath? If there's some kind of citizen's award to give out, this little boy should get it. We always talk about the bad people in society, so we better recognize this little boy as the hero that he was. The Illinois Prisoner Review Board's handling of the case prompted Governor J.B. Pritzker to order that procedures for dealing with situations involving domestic violence be revamped. Talk about a reactionary move. What we're just learning that domestic violence is dangerous and that people like this are repeat offenders. They come back and they hurt people. When they get out, they look to target the women that they were hurting previously. This is all new. Maybe if you're J.B. Pritzker. Pritzker on Monday announced that Leanne Miller, 63 of Junction, had submitted her resignation. Maybe you should submit yours, too, Pritzker. Not like you're doing anything for the people of Illinois. The board member had prepared a report recommending Cressette Brann's release from prison. She had served on the board since September of 2021, having spent 20 years working in the Illinois Department of Corrections and 35 years in education at school district 428. The 37 year old felon had repeatedly violated orders of protection and threatened LaTeria Smith in Chicago, please, said, "So not only is he out, he's violating protective orders, acting like a complete and utter animal, and nobody is arresting him, bringing him back to prison. And you can roll your eyes if you want when people talk about the so-called woke DAs, but it's true. These people are out here causing all kinds of grief for the community that they say they're trying to protect. When these people get released into the community, where do you think they go? To Beverly Hills? Or back to the, you know, neighborhoods where they're from, where they're going to pray on vulnerable people once again? So save the whole entire "feel good" bullshit for somebody else. It's time to deal with reality, and the reality is, people like this, violent scumbags like this, need to be behind bars." On March 13th, investigators said that Brann went to Smith's apartment armed with a knife and a saltwater. When her son, Jaden Perkins, intervened, Brann stabbed them to death, police said. Chicago police superintendent, Larry Snelling, said that Brann had been released on parole just one day before the attack. So this guy one day before the attack was in prison, where he belongs, gets let out by these so-called "do-gooders" and ends up killing an 11-year-old boy and stabbing a pregnant woman. So I hope everybody feels good about themselves. I hope that, you know, you can sleep at night knowing that you did a good thing, and hopefully you didn't sprain your arm with all that virtue signaling. Smith, 33, remains hospitalized in critical condition, but doctors expect her and her unborn child to live. Her six-year-old son was also present during the attack but was unentured. And thank God for that. Thankfully this mad man didn't hurt her other son, too, because somebody like this, a violent scumbag, you never know what they're capable of. A message seeking comment was left at a number associated with Miller's home and the prison review board. Pritzker said in a news release that she made the correct decision in stepping down. "It's clear that evidence in this case was not given the careful consideration that victims of domestic violence deserve, and I'm committed, to ensuring additional safeguards and training are in place to prevent tragedies like this from happening again," Pritzker said in a statement. That is so hollow. So you're just learning that this is dangerous? Stop trying to score political points. What you're trying to do is steer the conversation away from the real issue. The real issue is people out there in these positions like this lady are putting you all in jeopardy. Every single time they let somebody like this out and back into the community, everybody's in jeopardy. So keep that in mind when you're voting for these clowns. Playing board procedure to other board members, Ken Toopy, and Crystal Tyson concurred with Miller's draft order, and you see it's not just Miller, she's the fall person here. And granted she should go down, but it's the whole entire board. And it's the whole entire mentality that they all have and share. And that mentality is, "Oh, these people are getting a bad deal, they're in jail for so-and-so reason, no, they're not getting a bad deal." Violent scumbags belong in prison. You know who got a raw deal? Police Browder, that's who got a raw deal. Pritzker ordered the Prisoner Review Board to engage experts and advocates to design and implement expanded training in domestic violence cases for the 15 board members. The board and the Department of Corrections will also review procedures for sharing information on cases involving domestic violence. Pritzker said the case might also raise issues which require legislation to broaden officials' legal authority in such instances. Oh, spare me the political talk. Here's an idea, put violent criminals in jail and keep them there. There it is, Governor Pritzker, there's the whole plan. Broad who police say, had a relationship with Smith 20 years ago is charged in Cook County with first degree murder and a half dozen other violent felonies related to the attack. So this dude was stewing in prison for like 8 years waiting to get out to hurt this woman. And then basically the first thing he does when he's out doesn't go to get a sandwich, doesn't go and get some chicken parm, or anything like that decides I'm going to go kill this woman. So yeah, your whole entire process is fucked. And all of the people making these decisions, let's just call them what they are, a danger to the community. You better pack your feelings somewhere else when it comes to this sort of shit. If somebody's violent, I don't want to hear about the circumstances that led them to violence. I don't care, you're violent, you're dangerous and what if it's my mom? What if it's my girlfriend? What if it's my wife? My sister? So yeah, you're exactly where you belong and you have no one to blame but yourself. And these officials that continuously let these people out, they should all be facing, losing their jobs or stepping down or whatever it might be. But anyone who's involved in letting somebody like this out is a threat to the community in my opinion. Jack Smith had an order of protection against the suspect 15 years prior to this month's attack for repeatedly threatening and attacking her and her mother in an unrelated case. His abuse began in September 2006 after Smith broke up with the suspect. Bran came to her house and threatened her with a gun, firing it in the hallway before leaving. So this is the man that you want to let out, huh? He rehabilitated himself, he went to prison and he became, what, a deacon? Now all of a sudden he is a pillar of the community, the assault and earth type? No, he's not. He's exactly what he showed us he was. And that's a violent piece of garbage. Bran continued to harass the family, throwing rocks at their window and calling them obsessively. Two years after the breakup, he reportedly punched the mother at a bus stop for dating someone else. He had served half of a 16 year sentence for attacking another ex-partner in 2015 when he was paroled last October. You mean to tell me there was nobody else that you could parole? This is a pattern of abuse. Did it, back in the past, did it again and now comes out and kill somebody. So how many times do these people have to show us and tell us what they are before the people that you keep electing? Take them seriously. Because guess what? It's all fun and games until it's your loved one. Bran was shipped back to prison in February after being accused of repeatedly contacting Smith, who has an order of protection against him. He turned himself in after Smith reported he was at the door to her apartment on February 1, repeatedly ringing the bell and pulling on the handle. But when Bran appeared before the prisoner review board on February 26, he denied going to her apartment and his lawyer provided evidence that his electronic monitoring bracelet did not indicate violations of his movement restrictions according to a copy of the board's order. He answered other reported parole violations by saying he sometimes worked late hours at Red Lobster restaurant. The board determined there wasn't enough evidence to verify Smith's claims, although she was not called to testify. Oh yeah, let's just believe the felon. Let's believe the violent felon and not the woman who is the victim. You see where the problem is here, folks? You see where the issue is? And then they'll gaslight you and tell you that they care about the criminal system. But at the same time, they'll point to these fudge das numbers. I'll just call them what they are talking about how everything's safer now and how you're so much safer. No, you're not. Okay. Point blank period. You're not. Go ahead and take a walk in the middle of the city in the middle of the night and see how safe you are. In addition, the murder brand has also been charged with three counts of home invasion with a dangerous weapon, one count of armed robbery with a dangerous weapon, one count of aggravated domestic battery, one count of unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, one count of violation of a prior order of protection and one issuance of a warrant for a parole violation. We got the citizen of the year here, folks. Let's just let this guy right back out into the streets so he can cause some mayhem. Sounds like a great idea. Neighbors held a vigil for the 11 year old Perkins outside the apartment complex days after the March 13 attacks. No one can replace them. No one can take his place. Perkins friend, Alex Perez told local ABC affiliate, WLS, he's the kindest, trustworthy friend you could probably ever ask for. Perkins friend, Nathaniel Vodak 12 told WLS, a fundraiser has been made to support the victim's family and it's raised more than $27,000. And this was preventable. All they had to do was keep this guy where he belongs and they couldn't even do that. They're a basic function. They're a basic job. So yeah, go on and tell me all about how safe everything is. Meanwhile, every time we turn around, there are brutal gruesome homicides. There's all sorts of stories like this and nothing seems to be getting any better. And all we get is lip service from people like Governor Pritzker and the rest of his cohorts. Meanwhile, people are being targeted and brutalized by these criminals that are being let out. So here's an idea and now stick with me. Keep these people in prison. I know, I know it's a novel idea, right? An idea that'll shake the foundations of the judicial system, keeping violent prisoners in jail to serve out their full sentence. And if that would have happened and if this piece of garbage would have been kept behind bars where he belonged, this little boy would still be alive. So there's a whole lot of blame to go around here. And that blame obviously starts with the piece of garbage who did the murdering. But the people who let him out of jail, people who let him out of prison, oh, you got some explaining to do as well. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.