Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: 3 Men Freeze To Death In A Backyard In Kansas City

In one of the more bizarre situations we've stumbled upon recently, there is a story out of Kansas City about three men who went to their friends house to watch the Kansas City Chiefs play against the Los Angeles Rams. Those three men were then found frozen to death in the fourth mans backyard.

The police say that there is no foul play involved, but the families are demanding answers and they, like most of you I'm sure, are wondering how three grown men can freeze to death in the middle of the city.

So, let's dive in and see what's up!

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Friend of three Chiefs fans who 'froze to death' in his backyard claims he had NO IDEA until cops showed up to his door two days after party - but furious family claim he was unreachable during search and now has moved out | Daily Mail Online

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27 Jun 2024
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Friend of three chiefs fans who froze to death in his backyard claims he has no idea until a cop showed up to his door two days after the party, but furious family claim he was unreachable during the search and now has moved out. So, his buddies are found frozen to death in his backyard. This guy is unreachable by the family members, then he decides he's going to move out. I mean, I guess it's possible, but sounds kind of sus to me, no? This article was authored by Claudia Eora. The Kansas City Chiefs fan, whose three friends died in his backyard after attending a watch party on January 7, has broken his silence to insist he had no idea that they were lying dead on his property for two days until police showed up. To look for him. And again, look, I guess it's possible, dude didn't go outside or whatever, it's freezing cold. I get it, but it's a bit weird. And if it was my family member that was found frozen stiff in your backyard, you better believe I'd have some questions. Jordan Willis hosted the party for his three friends, David Harrington, 37, Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGieny, 36, to watch the Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers on January 7 in his home in Kansas City, Missouri. Like, how don't you know that people are frozen in the backyard though? You invite these dudes over to the house, then you're like, "Alright, see you guys later after the game, what do they go out in the backyard and decide they're going to have a smoke?" And they all get frost frozen like they were woolly mammoths during the Great Freeze. I mean, that's basically what this dude's pitching, right? He claims he went to bed, leaving the three men downstairs to hang out with an unidentified fifth man and knew nothing of their plight until the fiance of one of the men broke into the home on January 9 and found them on the back porch. Now, why would you have to break into the home? None of this adds up. And are there any other wounds on these guys? Did they dive in overdose? Were they strangled? We need to have more answers here, right? Because as of now, just a lot of questions. Like, where was this dude at? This lady has to break into the house. You're not home. You can't answer the door. You can't answer the phone. None of that. So, this guy definitely seems like somebody who should be questioned at the very least about what happened here and the fifth guy, some unknown fifth man. What did he just sneak into the house? Saw you guys were having some chips and watching the ball game and decided he was going to come over and kick off his shoes and watch the game with you guys? I mean, make it make sense. The police were called and soon discovered the other two bodies in the backyard. Willis opened the door to the cops in his underwear, holding an empty glass of wine. I mean, what? So, Bro decides to answer the door like Walter White in his underwear when Walter White was out there cooking meth in the RV. Let me just show up downstairs and open this door in my drawers. No bathrobe. No pajama pants. Nothing. And not only that, but I'm going to be holding this wine glass. That's empty. And I'm going to have three of my buddies frozen to death in the backyard like they were a couple of pieces of cod. I'd love to see the body cam footage from this. The medical examiner is yet to confirm how the victims died. Willis who says he was close friends with the victims says they froze to death. How the hell did that happen? How do you sit out there and freeze to death if you're somebody who is with it, right? Unless you're incapacitated in some way. If you're freezing out there, you're going to get up and you're going to move to a place that's warmer unless you can't do that. Were they drugged? Did they take something that made them incapacitated? Were they all taking fentanyl? Who knows? These are the questions that the medical examiner is going to have to chase down. But one thing's for damn sure. Nobody just goes to sit outside, have a drink or a smoke or whatever, and freezes to death. But the families of the three victims say a story doesn't add up and are demanding answers. Police are also yet to confirm Willis's claim. There was a fifth man in the house on the night in question. So, like I said earlier, there are a ton of questions here and really no answers. One thing we do know is this is bizarre as shit because no grown ass man should be freezing in the backyard after watching the ball game. Nobody believes this story. Said Harrington's mother, Jennifer Marquez, none of his friends, none of the families, none of us believe it. Everybody is furious. Well, I'm not a friend and I'm not family, but I don't believe it either. Something is not right, added Johnson's mother. There are demanding answers from the police who were quick to dismiss the case as an accident. Again, we need more information than that. How can you just say, "Oh, this is an accident. Let's keep it moving." How is it an accident? What happened? Because it would take an extraordinary accident for three grown ass men to freeze to death all at the same time. One of them couldn't go get help. One of them couldn't go inside and find somebody to call the police or something like that. So, yeah, there's something else going on here. What it is, I don't know, but this isn't the real story, certainly not the full story. In the meantime, Willis has moved out of the home. Initially, his attorney claimed he last saw the men leave the house when he went to bed. So, why would you move out of the home? Unless this was planned previously and you have, like, documentation that you were moving out. I'd be a real suspect of this, and if I was the DA and I was the police, oh, yeah, I'd be watching Mr. Willis. Meanwhile, the rest of us are over here like, "What you talking about, Willis?" Because none of this makes sense, and his whole story seems like a bunch of BS. Now, as lawyer says, he never saw them leave and instead left them to hang out with the unidentified fifth man when he went to bed. So, nobody knows who the fifth man is, just a guy that showed up out of the blue, man who sleeps on the couch, local degenerate. You couldn't even come up with a story that I was Slender Man, just the unidentified fifth man. Okay, I guess. Two of the dead men had parked their cars on the street, but Willis didn't notice the vehicles because he claims he didn't leave the house on January 8th, probably in some drug-induced bender. If you're answering the door in your tidy whiteies holding an empty wine glass, chances are, you're on some shit. None of the family members of the three men had contacted him before police showed up at his house. He claims, but family members of the deceased can test this. The attorney said that two people came to Willis's home, but he didn't hear them because he sleeps with headphones and a loud fan. So, because he had headphones on and a loud fan, he didn't hear these people. Pretty convenient, huh? Seems like a lot of this dude's story is pretty damn convenient. And frankly, like I said several times now, I don't believe any of it. He did say that one of the deceased wives contacted him on Facebook Messenger, but Willis didn't see the message until after the cops got in contact. Was this guy on a bender? Was he on so many drugs that he couldn't remember what was going on? And he just passed out or something? Because he better have an excuse like that, because without that kind of excuse, there's going to be a lot of questions to answer. Hey everyone, it is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready, things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. 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I have friends that I've been friends with since I've been a little kid that they could come to my house whenever they want, leave whenever they want, do whatever they want, and all of it would be fine. But I have to call bullshit here, because obviously that's not what's going on, because if these were childhood friends, I mean, you would think that their wives would be friendly as well, right? They would know the person at least and be able to get in contact with them. But it doesn't seem like any of that went down, at least according to the deceased family members. In his first set of comments, he said the last time he saw the men was when they left the house, Captain Jake Bikina of the Kansas City Police Department said, first and foremost, this case is 100% not being investigated as a homicide. So no homicide here, huh? Okay, so let's get the story then. I need to know what happened. If these dudes weren't killed, then how do five or three grown men excuse me three grown men freeze to death in the backyard. We're not talking about Mount Everest. We're not talking about on the summit of K2. We're talking about in the backyard in Kansas City. Now, certainly cold, but freezing to death in the backyard. I have a very hard time buying it. There have not been any arrests or charges and no one is in custody. There are no specific threats or concerns for the surrounding community at this time. The resident at the house was cooperative with detectives. The day the deceased were discovered. Well, what else is he going to do? No, I'm not going to be cooperative, but you found a bunch of dead bodies in my backyard. Although relatives of the men feel investigators have been given the case enough attention. The Kansas City Police Department previously said they are awaiting medical examiners results on a cause of death before moving forward. Well, that sounds logical, right? You can't just move forward before you have any details or results, but there has to be questions asked. I don't want to hear. Oh, case closed. There has to be some legitimate reason for why this occurred. Answers from police have done little to satisfy the men's loved ones with Norma speculating the trio were poisoned. Look, again, certainly something that has to be looked into. And if they're doing an autopsy, then they're going to do one of those panels is my guess and look for poison and all the rest of it and they should. The two day delay in finding the men and the lack of any reporting of their disappearance has also raised eyebrows. Johnson's brother, Jonathan Price, said that he heard the owner of the home had animals that would need to go outside and claim the city didn't get enough snow to submerge the men for them to be hidden for days. So again, this is real weird. This is one of those crazy ass, weird ass stories, and there's no logical explanation for it, at least not yet. I'm sure something is going to emerge at some point, but right now, nothing that I can come up with that would be logical outside of drug use that would make people pass out in the elements. But besides that has to be foul play, right? Because three people aren't going to be afflicted at the same time with a stroke or something. At least I don't think they would be. The chances of something like that happening have to be literally almost impossible. So if it wasn't something else as far as drug use, then we really need to know and understand what the hell happened. There's many different things that don't add up. We just don't understand how somebody would at least be investigated in any way, he said. We've heard that he's moving out as well, so we don't know if he'll even be sticking around much longer. He said Johnson and his two friends were inseparable, but he did not know Jordan Willis and hadn't heard how his brother met him. Price said he didn't want to speculate over his brother's death, but said the circumstances don't make sense to him at all. My brother was a smart man, and there's no way that he would just freeze to death. Freezing to death is not a cause of death that I would accept, he said. And I don't think any of us would, right? None of us are going to sit here and just hang out in the backyard and wait to die. So there's something else going on, another factor here at play. The question is, what is that factor? Well, when we have answers, we'll get it added to the catalog. But that's going to do it for this one for now, and all of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? 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