Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Unending Amount Of Hyperbole Spewed By Turkish President Erdogan

President Erdogan sure does have a lot to say about the war in Gaza and he has made many demands from atop his ivory tower about how Israel should conduct themselves.

There is only one problem..

Turkey is currently engaged in their own crimes against humanity and the subjegation of their own citizens who happen to be Kurds. Yet Erdogan has the audacity to speak up from occupied Constantinople and talk about colonialism?

In this episode, we take a look at the hpocrisy coming from Occupied Anatolia and offer a few insights of our own.

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Erdogan's double standard on Hamas reflects his antisemitism and racism - Washington Times

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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"What's up everyone, and welcome back to the program! In today's episode, we have to talk some turkey, and I'm not talking about the kind of turkey you eat, I'm talking about the kind of turkey that's occupying Anatolia, that's right, I said it, the Ottomans, they're occupiers, they don't belong in Anatolia, and they certainly don't belong in Constantinople. But you have, or Dogen over here, running his yap, talking about all kinds of nonsense, in Israel and Gaza, meanwhile, you have turkey over here indiscriminately bombing Kurdish civilians and labeling everybody a terrorist. And not only that, but by the same rules that are Dogen's applying to Israel, that would make him, and all of these Ottomans that are living in Anatolia and Constantinople, occupiers as well, right? So from here on out, that's how we're going to refer to the Turks, as occupiers. They're occupying Greek lands, they're occupying ancient Roman lands, and they have to go. No peace in Gaza until the Turks go, isn't that the hardline bullshit you hear out of people like or Dogen? So why shouldn't we throw a little bit of that back at him? And for all the talk about Jerusalem being an occupied city, we need to talk about Constantinople then, because not only is Constantinople being occupied right now by the Ottomans, this utter jerk off or Dogen, he thought it would be a good idea to turn the most holy place in Greek Orthodox Christianity into a mosque. Where's the outrage about that? The world doesn't go crazy about that, right? Only when something happens in the Muslim world, should we all be up in arms? Well, guess what? That ship is sailed for me. And if you want to get all wild and crazy and fall for the propaganda, that's on you. I'm going to be over here in reality, calling it like it is. And the Turks, of all people, should shut their mouths. Because you want to talk about terrorists, you want to talk about people that have no right to even be a NATO? Turkey is it. And the days of sugar coating the bullshit, those days are long over. Or Dogen is not an ally. And what he's doing in Syria, what he's doing in northern Iraq, what he's doing in Lebanon. This dude needs to be called out on the carpet, especially considering all the grandstanding he's doing about what's going on in Gaza. So today we have an article from the Washington Times and the headline, or Dogen's double standard on Hamas reflects his anti-Semitism and his racism. And it's amazing to me how little people understand about history. If you think the Turks are native to Anatolia, if you think the Turks are native to Syria or to the Middle East, you're crazy. The Turks originated from the Seljuk peoples. And they were step people, they invaded, they conquered, just like every other Muslim nation. Okay, let's just call it what it is. Everybody wants to talk about the really real, right? Until it's really real. And the fact is every bit of land that the Muslims have, every bit of land that Islam has, they took at the point of a sword. So if we're using the same guidelines that people seem to use for Israel, then that would make Islam in general, occupiers everywhere they are. They destroyed the Egyptian culture. They destroyed the Persian culture everywhere they went. They destroyed the culture. And you know what else they say? That all of that history that came before Islam, all of that history is Haram. It's all fake. It doesn't even exist. But meanwhile, this guy wants to get up here and talk about other folks being racist. He wants to talk about other folks committing genocide and shit. Maybe he should open a history book and look what Turkey did to the Greeks. And look what Turkey did to the Armenians. This article was authored by Michael Rubin. Israel is now a baby killer country. Turkish president or Dogen said on November 12th. Three days later, he told his party conference. I say with a clear conscience that Israel is a terrorist day. Meanwhile, this dude drone striking people in other countries. Drop and bombs on people civilians, because they might be part of the PKK, and he has the audacity to call anybody else a terrorist. Mr or Dogen, you are an occupier. Get your bitch ass out of Constantinople. Let's start there. That Israel is guilty of genocide against the Palestinians is in your stable of Mr or Dogen's rhetoric. To avoid any doubt, the comments or a repeat of accusations Mr or Dogen has made in the past, labeling Israel a terrorist state in 2017, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a baby killer in 2018. While Mr or Dogen condemns Israel, he lauds Hamas. You label Hamas a terrorist organization. He can play into the West. Hamas is a political party that participated in elections to win in Palestine, omitting that Hamas sees power in Gaza in a coup. Well, no, they did win the election. But now that brings us to a very, very uncomfortable question for people. In the aftermath of World War II, where the German people held responsible for what the Nazis did, you damn sure better believe they were. So why shouldn't the Palestinians be held responsible for their political choices? It's not like they rose up against Hamas and all the people out there that say, you know, I support the Palestinians, not Hamas. Well, according to your boy or Dogen, that's not even possible. So what rule set are we using? Is it one set of rules when it fits your narrative? And then another set of rules for everybody else? Because if we're going to hold other people responsible for their elected leaders, and we should, then the Palestinians must be held to the same standard. What Israel describes as counterterrorism, Mr. Dogen calls the most treacherous attacks in the history of humanity, holy hyperbole, coming from a dude who's people, not only Sax, Mirna, but killed 250,000 Greeks while doing it. And we're not talking about in the 1700s here, 1500s, try 1922. All right, so save the bullshit, man, save it for people who have green hair and purple hair, and who are part of Generation Z, the same people that bought the Osama bin Laden bullshit letter, save it for them. Because this shit right here, get on arrival when it shows up at my doorstep. All concepts, including war, are insufficient to describe what we have witnessed in Gaza, because even war has its ethics, manners, laws, and limits, he explained, promising to send Israeli leaders to the International Criminal Court in the Hague for their actions. How come you're not calling for anybody in Sudan to go to the Hague? How come you're not calling for anybody in Yemen to go to the Hague? How come you're not going to the Hague? You occupying scumbag? Once again, you and the rest of the Seljics should leave Constantinople. If those are the rules that we're going to be operating by, I'm going to call you out on them. So how about this as a slogan? You ready, folks? Here's one for you. From Constantinople to the Caspian Sea, Anatolia will be free. How about we start chanting that? And then how about we throw Turkey's bitch ass right out of NATO? And then the next step should be labeling them a terrorist state. If Mr. Erdogan sounds unhinged, it's because he is. Mr. Erdogan encourages anti-Semitism. Early in his reign, mysterious subsidies helped a Turkish translation of Hitler's mine conf, become a national bestseller, and in 2016, the Guardian reported that Mr. Erdogan cited Nazi Germany as an effective executive presidential system, shocking. This guy has nothing more than a dictator, and he should be dealt with as one, why anyone takes what he has to say seriously is hilarious. And you know the funniest part? If you think I'm the only one saying this, you're wrong. They had a row between Egypt and Turkey, and the Egyptian clerics said the same exact thing. That Turkey and their Dogen, well, their occupiers in Constantinople. So run home and tell that. I guess the Muslim council in Egypt was off base too, right? The days of not saying the quiet part out loud are long over. I have had my fill of the bullshit propaganda coming out from this war inside of Gaza. According to a 2002 Fox News report, Mr. Erdogan's wife, Amin, endorsed Valley of the Wolves, a Turkish film, that theorized that Jewish organ trafficking, in part motivated the Iraq War. Eggeman Bodges, a top Erdogan advisor, once suggested the Bulgarian Foreign Minister, did not support Turkey's European Union extension, because he had Jewish blood. And to all of you, coffee shop revolutionaries out there, here's your call out. Where the fuck you people been, when shit was going south in Sudan? Where have you been, when things are going bad in Yemen? All of a sudden there's Jews involved, and everybody has a problem? That shit is as transparent as could be. And I'm just waiting at this point for all of you to show up at the next oncey conference. The irony, of course, is that while Israel is guilty of none of the charges, Mr. Erdogan makes, Turkey is. While the Israeli Defense Force put their own lives at risk to warn Palestinian civilians of impending military operations and expose themselves to enemy fire, as they help evacuate them, the Turkish military runs roughshod, over Kurdish villages and towns, not only in Turkey, but also across the border in Syria and Iraq. And guess what they're using? Oh, that's right, American fighter jets. So the suffering of the Kurdish people, doesn't mean anything, right? Why? Because they're not Palestinians? Or is it because it's not the Jews doing it to them? That's a question that some of you folks are going to have to go and take a look at and reflect on, because the answer to the rest of the world that's watching independently is relatively apparent. Turkish drones spare no one. By Turkey's own count, they have neutralized several thousand Kurdish terrorists since 2016. While Israel targets Hamas terrorists, Turkey fails to differentiate between Kurdish terrorists and civilians. Yazidi farmers in Sinjar describe regular Turkish bombardments, Baghdad, erupted after a Turkish drone killed a young Arab family following a false tip from the owner of a rival resort. UN High Commissioner for Refugee Security acknowledged fear that Turkish drones might even target their convoys should they be on the road after dark. And this guy has the audacity to get up there and preach. Save that bullshit. Save it for somebody else. And the whole entire history of the Ottomans, that's what I'm calling them, the occupying Ottomans, is nothing but colonialism and occupation. After Syria erupted into a civil war, local Kurds established their own autonomous administration. They elected representatives and included both men and women as well as members of every ethnic and religious group in the region. I have visited northern Syria repeatedly. In Kobani, a Kurdish town, and site of an unsuccessful Islamic state siege that marked the turning point in the war, Kurds have reconstructed their town. The Kurds were a huge part in fighting ISIS, and everybody just abandoned them to their fate at the hands of this madman, Erdogan, and the rest of his occupiers that are located in the occupied city of Constantinople. Children run around and amusement park while men and women keep a watchful eye on the numerous restaurants and food stands. Girls window shop in the market as they walk home unescorted from school. In the university, students study English, Arabic, and Kurdish, as well as sociology, math, and history. They all have one thing in common. Turkey labels each one of them a terrorist simply because they live under Kurdish self-rule. In Afrin, a Syrian district that Turkey seized and then ethnically cleansed, Turkish forces dug up Kurdish graveyards, destroyed Kurdish statues, and closed Kurdish language schools. Turkey, meanwhile, has failed to provide any evidence that any recent terrorist attacks in Turkey originated with Kurds in Syria or in Iraq. Both regions, however, suffered several thousand attacks from the Turkish army and Air Force. While Turkey and the State Department have designated the Kurdistan Workers Party as terrorists, some European courts, such as Belgium's Court of Qasation, have found otherwise. In a report that I authored for the American Enterprise Institute in July of 2016, I explain that the group abandoned its separatism decades ago. Turkish hypocrisy goes further. Political parties seeking peace with the Kurdistan Workers Party regularly win elections, only to have Turkey imprison their leaders, or avoid their elections, and impose an erdogen functionary in place of an elected leader. And while Kurds protest peacefully around the world for the release of political prisoners and for political settlement, such a demonstration an occupied Constantinople or Ankara would bring a life sentence. Mr. erdogen is right only on one point. The violations of international humanitarian law he describes should land perpetrators in prison. Perhaps if he is sincere, he should begin planning his own trip to the Hague, and I 100% agree with everything in this article. This guy has the biggest mouth going, and he has no reason and no sort of tenable ground to stand upon. When he makes these comments, considering the history of his own country, and considering the modern history with him at the helm, I think this would be the proper time for Mr. erdogen to shut his fat yap and sit this one out. Unfortunately, he's not going to do that, so we're going to continue to call out his bullshit every time he starts pumping it. Alright folks, that's going to do it for this one. All the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.