Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Layla Santanello's Mother Shares Her Fears About Her Daughters Disappearance

The search for Layla Santanello continues as her family and friends vow to not stop searching until they have answers. Her mother, who we have heard from before, has now said that she has fears that Layla might have come into contact with someone who did not have her best intentions in mind.

In this episode, we hear from Layla's mom as she shares some of the fears she has about her daughter and her dissappearance.

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Layla Santanello's mom shares serial killer fears and chilling 'adults in kids' bodies' link to missing Hollynn Snapp | The US Sun (

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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Did I hear you're shopping for a car, 'cause I've been at it for ages. Such a time suck, right? - Not really. I bought it on Carvana, super convenient. - Oh, then comes all the financing, research, am I right? - Well, you can, but I got pre-qualified for a Carvana auto loan in like two minutes. - Yeah, but then all the number crunching in terms, right? - Nope, I saw real numbers as I shopped, found my dream car and got it in a couple of days. - Wait, like you already have it? - Yep. - Go to to finance your car the convenient way. - What's up, everyone? And welcome back to the program. In this episode, we're gonna talk a little bit more about missing woman, Layla Santanello, and what her mom fears has happened to her. And just a quick recap, Layla was last seen in Kingsport, Tennessee on June 27th. After that date, she has not been seen since. And now, after the disappearance of another girl a few months later, her mother fears that a serial killer might be at work. So, let's dive into this article from the US son and let's get caught up. Headline, same circles. Layla Santanello's mom shares serial killer fears and chilling adults in kids' bodies linked to missing Holly Lynn Snat. This article was authored by Luke Kenton. The disappearance of two young women from a small Tennessee city has left some family members fearful of human trafficking ring or even a serial killer could be operating in the area and praying on the vulnerable. Well, we all know their favorite targets are the vulnerable. Serial killer types, they're looking to go after people who aren't gonna be missed, if you will. People who might have slipped through the cracks, people who don't have family members around that they're in contact with. Those are the sort of people that serial killers target. But every now and then, someone like Layla Santanello ends up going missing and she's somebody who had a relationship with her mother and wasn't someone who had fallen completely through the cracks. So, when someone like this goes missing, obviously there's people that are gonna be looking for them. Layla Santanello 21 was last seen roaming the streets of Kingsport, Tennessee on June 27th. Four months later, 19-year-old Holly Lynn Snat vanished without a trace on October 18th, just two miles away. So now look, I'm not gonna sit here and say they're connected. I don't know. But certainly something that has to be investigated. You have to take a look at the circumstances. You have to see if these two ladies ran in the same circles. You have to see if they were friends with the same people and then you have to do your investigation. Basically, from the beginning to the end, by recreating this person's life, who are they hanging out with? Did they have any problems with people? Did they owe somebody money? Whatever it might be. And then from there, you try to establish some kind of commonalities, some kind of bonds, some sort of strands that might connect these two women. And then if that is the case, well, that's when you start thinking about launching an investigation into somebody once you have evidence, right? But as of now, they don't have anything. They don't know if these two missing cases are linked. They don't know what happened to Layla. They don't know what happened to Holly Lynn. They have no idea. Neither of the two young women has been heard from since and both were believed to be in vulnerable states at the time of their respective disappearances. Layla was last seen walking barefoot near the AmeriCorps motel along American Way. And I'm sure at the AmeriCorps motel, there were one or two shady characters hanging out, right? At those kinds of motels, at least here in Las Vegas, that's usually the case. You go down to like Boulder Highway, forget it. The cast of characters that you see hanging out at these motels, we could do a whole-ass reality TV show. So I'm sure that these value motels, these budget motels, down here in Tennessee, are the same kind of deal. Eyewitnesses described her as disheveled and paranoid as if she was trying to hide in the shadows. Family members of Layla told the US son she was struggling with fennel addiction before vanishing and had recently lost custody of her daughter. And when you're on drugs, sometimes you can go into a panic state. You could have a mental break, the fennel could have been mixed with something, there is a whole host of shit that could have went down. But the fact is, you're not in your right frame of mind when you're taking fennel. They are putting all kinds of additives into that shit and none of it's good. From horse tranquilizer to God knows what else. So you have all of these different chemicals having a reaction within one another and then you drop them into somebody's body, forget it, it could be all bad. Especially if that person already has mental health issues, if that person's dealing with some trauma, like losing your child, all of that could easily lead to a mental break. And then if you're having one of these mental breaks, you're in a vulnerable position, you're a drug addict already, some disgusting predator sees that, offers you some drugs or whatever, and then who the hell knows? She had also suffered a recent loss in her family, which had taken a significant emotional toll on her. Holly Lynn meanwhile also suffered from addiction and mental health issues, and her parents told WJHL that she operated at the mental capacity of a nine or 10 year old. Just horrible, absolutely horrible. And at some point, we're gonna have to have a reckoning with this addiction problem. Obviously we're not ready for that conversation as a country yet, because we keep doing the same bullshit, and you keep seeing the same people in power talking about the same nonsense, but eventually there's gonna be a reckoning. And eventually people are gonna realize that the bullshit we're doing doesn't work. The shit that we're doing leads directly to what we're talking about in this story. More addiction, more problems, more pain, more suffering. She was last seen on October 15th in the area of Belridge Drive, but hadn't spoken to her parents in several days. Her family said it's completely unlike Holly Lynn to cut off all communication, adding they're particularly concerned because of how she is and how she's a little more trusting of people. I hate to say it, but this day and age, being trusting of anybody is not a good idea. Yesterday, I'm at the casino, right? And I happened to win a few bucks playing keynote. I know, old man game, don't break my balls. So I'm playing keynote and I win some money and I go to the ATM to cash out my ticket. And out of the corner of my eye, I see this degenerate kind of eyeing me, right? Well, little does he know that I've already seen him a mile away and my east side situational awareness had already kicked in. So I act like I'm slipping outside the door, right? To walk to my car, but I really slip in another side door. So this dude thinks that I'm walking out to my car. So he walks out the door, right? To try and follow me or whatever. Little does he know that I'm behind him now. So I woke up on him and I just walk up to him and I'm like, hey, what's up, homie? We got a problem. You looking for me? You know, do we know each other? You should have seen old boy's face. Old boy's face turned completely pale white. Bro was like, I was just trying to see if I could borrow a couple of books and this. I was like, what do I look like? Well, it's Fargo, bro. You better tell your fucking story, walkin' homie. But the point is, if I didn't have my East Side situational awareness kicked in, who knows, that could have ended bad for me. And if I was hammered, some kind of drunk in full, walkin' out of the casino, like this dude probably thought I was, bro would have probably tried to roll me. So the point is, if you're inebriated, it's very difficult, obviously, to evaluate what's going on. And then you add to the fact that you have a drug addiction. You can find yourself in a bad place real quick. And my guess is that's what happened here. Layla was in the midst of her addiction and she ran into somebody and that somebody out there knows what happened to Layla. Obviously, the difficult part is finding that person. In the weeks since, Layla and Holly Lynn's families have been in communication and their mothers believe the two disappearances may be linked. Further investigation has discovered that the two young women ran in the same social circles and Layla's mom, Jennifer and Holly Lynn's adoptive mom Heather, think there's a good chance they both knew each other personally. Adding to their belief, the cases are linked is the fact that Layla and Holly Lynn both have similar appearances and are roughly the same weight and height. The first thing I noticed about Holly Lynn is that she's a small person, like Layla, said Jennifer. They're around four foot, 10 inches tall and 100 pounds. So very small and childlike. Adult girls in kids' bodies. You know, the same kind of girls that Rex Youerman, the alleged Long Island serial killer targeted. He likes smaller women, right? You look at all of the women that were killed that he's been connected to so far. Very similar builds. Jennifer believes the similarities between the girls and the perceived links between their disappearances could mean one of a number of things. A lot of things pop into my head, she said, I wonder about trafficking, but also aren't serial killers of the type to pick a specific height and weight and that kind of thing, they most certainly are. A lot of them have a taste, if you will. You know, a certain kind of girl that they're looking for. So I'm not gonna say that that's what's happening here, but until we know for sure, I don't write anything off. As you all know, I leave a lot of headroom for shit to go south. These are the thoughts that hadn't fully occurred to me until we had another girl go missing. There could be a serious problem going on around here. There are a lot of theories that roll through my head over and over every day. It's a scary world we live in these days. Anything is possible. She's not wrong about that. Definitely a scary world filled with a lot of scary individuals. Hunting for leads. On November 10th, Jennifer and Heather held a vigil for their two missing children in the center of town. Jennifer said she had been moved by the outpouring of public support, but still needs more to be done to raise awareness about Layla and Holly Lynn's disappearances, further afield. Similarly, Holly Lynn's mom told The Times News, they say it takes a village to raise a child and I believe it's going to take a community coming together to bring Layla and Holly Lynn home. We have exhausted who we know to reach out to. Well, one thing's for sure. We're gonna keep talking about this story until we get some resolution. And as you all know, I'm like a dog with a bone when we get ourselves a story. We're still talking about stories we were talking about four years ago here. So if you want consistency, you're gonna find it. And we're definitely gonna keep talking about this until we get some information about Layla and Holly Lynn. And the authorities down there better get off their asses and do a little bit of work. One person unconvinced the disappearances are linked as Layla Stepp mom, Brittany Zeitler, who told the US son, she believes the two cases are just tragic coincidences, probably more than likely they are, but we have to investigate, we don't know. Zeitler has been conducting her own probe into Layla's disappearance with the help of a private investigator last week or PI uncovered new surveillance footage that shed new light on the timeline of Layla's disappearance. It was believed the young mom of one was last sighted leaving an ice cream shop on North Eastman Road and heading to a nearby five below to buy shoes, but she never made it to the store. However, investigators with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation no longer deemed the site incredible according to Zeitler. The new footage shows a shoeless Layla walking past a storage facility near the AmeriCord Hotel, heading south towards Kingsport, Greenbelt some distance from the ice cream store where she headed next remains a total mystery. That's what's gonna have to be found out, where was she going, who was she with, all of it, and unfortunately they just don't have that yet. Layla's last known movements. TBI and Zeitler's PI are now coming back through surveillance footage from the area for June in search for new leads and to establish a more accurate timeline of her disappearance. The troubling saga began on June 24th, three days before Layla was last seen. When Jennifer received message from Layla's boyfriend via Layla's Facebook account asking if she was in jail or in the hospital because he didn't know where she was. Message is viewed by the US sun show. Later that same night, Layla messaged her mom from the same account telling her I'm fine mom. I've been with a friend, I don't have a phone to text or call, I'm using someone else's. Okay, I love you reply Jennifer to which Layla responded in what would prove to be her final message. I love you so much more. Layla and her boyfriend, according to Jennifer, had a falling out days prior and Layla had been staying with friends for a few nights before checking into the AmeriCorps Motel along American Way on June 25th. But by the time she made it to the hotel, she looked disheveled and appeared paranoid as if she was trying to hide in the shadows witnesses have told Jennifer. Zeitler said she had since learned more details about the nature of Layla and her boyfriend's altercation. Friends of Layla's have since informed her that she was secretly starting another relationship with a different man, Zeitler said, that is not good. And the boyfriend here or ex-boyfriend, I hope he's being investigated. She believes Layla's boyfriend found out about the affair and so Layla fled their home without shoes or any of her personal belongings and ran to one of her friend's houses. Layla spent two nights sleeping at friends' homes, one of whom was her apparent new love interest before going to the AmeriCorps Motel on June 25th, Zeitler said, where another of her friends was staying. On June 26, other guests at the motel reported seeing Jennifer going door to door. Again, she appeared to be in a state of distress, but declined help from numerous strangers who asked if she wanted to borrow a phone or if she needed a ride home. At some stage in the late morning of the 26th, there was another altercation involving Layla and an unknown person. Before that altercation, Layla, according to Zeitler, told her friend, I have to take care of something. Layla was threatened with eviction from the motel because of the commotion. She then walked off into a nearby woods about midday. There's a warehouse near the woods and there were approximately five employees that were working that said they could see Layla sticking out from a mile away, said Zeitler, based on her paranoia, her panicking, and her being freaked out. It could be that she was running away from whoever she spoke with at the motel. Very possible. If you've never dealt with somebody who's having a mental break, you just don't know. They're inconsolable. You cannot say a thing to them. They're caught up in their madness, their mental health problem. And the only thing you can do is get a mental health professional to help them. A family's plan. The last known sighting of Layla came the following day outside the storage facility. Layla's trail goes completely cold. They're in. It was Zeitler and her husband, Layla's father, who would report her missing in the early hours of June 27th. Despite the lack of leads in the case, Zeitler said, she will continue clinging on to hope Layla is still out there and alive until she's told otherwise. All we can do is hope and pray that she is said Zeitler. I've had quite a few success stories of similar cases and that gives you a glimmer of hope. So I'm just going to continue thinking she's alive until we're told otherwise. Her family all hope she's out there somewhere. It's just a matter of where. Speaking directly to her stepdaughter, Zeitler added, "Come home and we can start this over together." You can be given a new day, a new chance, a new beginning. God only knows what you're going through right now, but there's a lot of help and a lot of love to offer you. And with the right therapy and support, we'll be able to overcome anything you're facing now. And she's not wrong. With the right support, the right kind of help, Layla can get clean. I just hope that it's not too late. We won't stop. Jennifer, meanwhile, says she routinely tries to prevent her mind from going to the darker places and exploring less favorable outcomes as she, like Brittany, clings to hope that Layla will soon come home. She described feeling as if she's living in a bubble disconnected from the outside world as she remains consumed by the wise and what-ifs leading up to June 27th. However, she refuses to rest until the truth is found. My heart won't let me stop. Layla didn't have any quid in her when she had a goal in mind and she wanted something. She was going to get it. And when it comes to her and fighting for her, I'm not going to stop either. I've never backed down from a fight when it came to making sure she was okay. So this isn't going to be the time that I start. I'm going to keep going until it breaks me or until we find her. Anyone with information that may help locate the two women is asked to contact the Kingsport Police Department at 423-343-9780 or a private investigator Steve Fisher at 877-619-9890. And folks, we're going to keep talking about this one here on the podcast until we have resolution. Now, I don't know what happened to Layla and with her vulnerable lifestyle, there are a million different things that could have went down. But her family deserves some answers, right? Just like Holly Lynn's. So we're going to keep talking about the story and hopefully somebody out there knows something, hears something, and then says something. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.