Beyond The Horizon

The Kinahan Cartel Has Linked Up With The Hell's Angels In Australia (6/26/24)

The Hells Angels in Australia have been actively collaborating with the Kinahan cartel to smuggle significant quantities of cocaine into the country. The Kinahan cartel, a notorious organized crime group based in Ireland with extensive international operations, has been instrumental in supplying the cocaine that is distributed in Australia through the Hells Angels' network.

This alliance has been highlighted by several recent developments. For instance, the Australian authorities have identified key figures within both organizations working together to ensure the successful trafficking of narcotics. The Hells Angels, known for their organized crime activities, provide the local distribution network necessary for the cartel's operation.

The partnership between these groups has also extended to other criminal activities, including money laundering and weapon trafficking, as seen in various international operations that have involved these organizations. The crackdown on these networks has resulted in several high-profile arrests and seizures, emphasizing the global reach and the complex nature of these criminal enterprises​. 

In this episode, we head down under to see what's up!

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Australian biker chief working with Kinahan cartel to move cocaine around the world, top podcast claims - Irish Mirror Online

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26 Jun 2024
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So today we have an article from the Irish Mirror talking about this connection between the Hell's Angels and the Kid of Hand cartel and how they're moving a whole bunch of product all over the world. Headline, Australian biker chief working with Kid of Hand cartel to move cocaine around the world atop podcast claims. This article was authored by Michael O'Toole. This Australian godfather of crime has teamed up with the Kid of Hand cartel to help move billions of euros worth of cocaine around the world it has been claimed. A leading investigative podcast Down Under says that Australian Hell's Angels boss, Angelo Pandelli, is now a major player in a worldwide cocaine cartel, including the Kid of Hand gang. And the Kid of Hand cartel had to diversify considering the super cartel was broken up and considering that Rafael and Piriali is spilling the beans. They had to make other contacts and they had to have another route to get product into a place like Australia. And who better to do that than a group that's already established Down Under being the Hell's Angels. And we've talked about this extensively here on the podcast about what's going on down in Australia and how it's a market that a lot of these cartels and other transnational narco gangs they all want to establish a beachhead in Australia. And that's because the product costs a lot more money on the streets in Australia than it does in America or even in Europe. And that all goes back to the logistics, right? Very difficult to get a shipment in Australia as opposed to getting a shipment into America. So like anything else, the consumer, meaning the drug addict, they're going to pay the premium and they're going to pick up whatever the cost is to get it shipped over and to make sure that the cartels are still making money hand over fist. What you think you're getting a discount, you think this is Ross? The podcast claims that Pandelli 53 and the Kinna hands are being investigated over attempts to smuggle hundreds of kilos of cocaine worth tens of millions of euros from Columbia to Europe. Well, we know the Kinna hand cartel is dick deep in all of that. There's no doubt that the Kinna hand cartel up until those sanctions was one of the most dominant forces inside of Europe or inside of the UK for sure. And these guys were very, very efficient at what they were doing. They were able to move product at a huge clip because they had infiltrated the regular world, right? They were manipulating the banking system and they were using it in their favor. And they were able to do that because Ireland has lax laws or had lax laws when it comes to this sort of thing and they didn't have the relationships internationally to curtail it. So until America got involved and started slapping sanctions on the Kinna hand cartel, they pretty much had carte blanche, right? They could do whatever they wanted and they didn't have to really worry about reprisals unless, of course, they got now by cab inside of Ireland. But besides that, they were pretty much able to do whatever they want. Well, that's changing now. And once you're hit with those sanctions, you're no longer able to use the traditional banking system. And that's a huge blow to any criminal organization. Now, of course, there's ways around it with money laundering, with crypto, with the hawala market, you name it. They have ways to get around this shit, but it makes things much more difficult. And when you can't color that money up and use it as regular money, money that is not tainted, it almost defeats the purpose of doing all of this. And you see that on a regular basis with the cartel bosses down in Mexico, the hard part is getting the money back into the system so they can use it. It's not getting the drugs to America or making the drugs or anything like that. It's getting the money back into the system. And unless you can do that, all of this is for naught. Pandelli is regarded as one of Australia's biggest criminals. And now the podcast is claiming that he has formed an alliance with the Kinan cartel to supply cocaine around the world. Now that's a huge step up, right, for Pandelli and company. Are they going to act as middlemen? Are they going to be muscle? Are they going to be equal partners? There's a lot underneath the surface here that still has to be revealed. The podcast, based on investigative reporting across six countries, exposes how criminals are evading authorities in a cat and mouse game as the annual street value of the global cocaine market hits some 10 billion euros a year. Talk about a lot of dough. And if you think people are going to leave that money on the table, meaning these transnational criminal groups, you're crazy. And the people making it, the people in Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and now Mexico. Oh, yeah, they want to get this product to market. And if they could get this product all the way to Australia, if they get this product to Europe and make quadruple what they're making in America, oh, you better believe that's what they want to do. Remember, it's all about money for these dudes. That's what it all comes down to. How much money can I rake in? And it says the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has revealed that the supply of cocaine was at the highest level in 30 years with the Kennehans and Pandelli working together to flood the market and elsewhere. The profits are immense and organized crime are here and they are focused, said ACIC Deputy CEO intelligence Matt Rippon. In the almost 30 years of being law enforcement and intelligence, I haven't seen the scale of cocaine that we've seen consistently hitting our shores in the last 12 to 24 months. He added, yeah, so much for the war on drugs, huh? How long have I been telling you that the war on drugs is bullshit? America's longest war and exactly what do we have to show for it? Not a goddamn thing. Oh, we killed Pablo Escobar. Big deal. Oh, we arrested all choppos. So what? Oh, we got the Godfathers of Cali. Oh, who cares? Because guess what, folks? Next man up. No matter how many people we put in prison, no matter how many organizations get smashed. Unless we deal with the addiction problems at home in all of our countries, this is going to be the end result. There's always going to be somebody willing to step up and put their freedom and their lives on the line for this kind of money. This is not rocket science and the fact that people don't get it yet, that there's more cocaine flooding the market now than ever before is bizarre to me. How much money are you going to waste on the war on drugs? How many lives are going to be thrown away? And for what, if we were making up ground, I'd be like, all right, great, let's get this fucking poison off the streets. But we're not making up any ground. In fact, we're making things worse. And you can see it here playing out in real time. More cocaine than ever hitting the shores of Australia. So I ask you again, what exactly has the decapitation strategy that has been employed by the DEA accomplished? The podcast quote sources as saying that Pandelli led Hell's Angels and the Kinna hands have been working together as a global business of cocaine smuggling streamlines into the hands of fewer players. Well, there's no doubt about that. There's consolidation happening all the time. And you might be on top of the heap this week. Then next week you might have your head cut off. That's the game. And Australian investigators claim that his alliance with the Kinna hands who are the subject of an American led international manhunt show he has now become a role player just like them. Well, play stupid games, right? How long before Mr. Pandelli finds himself sanctioned as well? Pandelli is on the Australian priority organization targets list. The national most wanted roll call and believe Pandelli's increased influence was based on the strengths of the Australian cocaine market, where a single gram costs some 215 euros compared to around 70 euros here. Yo, you can get a gram a blow in America. If you know the right people for 25 bucks, maybe less. So you can see why these organizations want to get into these markets and why they want to have their product dumped on these streets. There's a lot of money to be made here. And if they don't come and make the money, somebody else is going to do it. The profit margins to be made in Australia have made Pandelli a key link in the global cocaine supply chain, the podcast claims. It also says the sky high prices across Australia, but hundreds of millions of dollars into Pandelli's pockets, but also made him a lucrative contact for the Kinna hands because of his distribution network of Hell's Angels on the ground here. So here's how it works, okay? The Kinna hands supply the product to the Hell's Angels. The Hell's Angels have a margin they have to meet for how much money the product costs and then everything after that, that's for them. So they're working as the distribution network. So basically, they're working if you want to look at it like here in America, like the street gangs would for the cartels. And then of course, in the background, you have people that are involved in money laundering, transferring money this place to that place and the rest of it. But this is a well-oiled machine and the Hell's Angels, they found themselves a nice little lucrative piece of the pie here by being the distributors and receiving product on the street from the Kinna hand cartel here in Australia. And with these profit margins being what they are and the fact that the Kinna hands have the connections they have in South America, you got to think that people are bringing in a fat bag here. And my biggest fear is that with all of this money, well, you know what comes next, violence. And that's the last thing we need to see down in Australia. Cartel related violence, heads cut off, narco-mantris, shit like that. Probably not what people in Australia are looking forward to. But if this keeps continuing to grow and the money continues to pour in, you got to know that the violence is on its way. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. 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However, the charge was dismissed at Sydney's Downing Center local court in 2017. Usually, the only way to get these dudes is like this. You go after them for tax evasion, stuff like that. But a lot of these guys insulate themselves. And once you insulate yourself in a country like Australia or insert anywhere in Europe, really, without Rico law, forget it. Very difficult to go after the boss. If you don't catch the boss doing something, then how are you going to put them in jail if you don't have the Rico predicates? So that's why you see over in Europe, especially, they're moving towards putting their own sort of Rico on the books. Pandelli's accountant told the court it was his error for failing to lodge the paperwork, not the biker, who was the hell of angels Sydney chapter president at the time. Pandelli moved to Dubai soon after the court case, leaving behind a four bedroom apartment in Piermont that boasted waterfront views of Sydney Harbor. Well, it could have all the waterfront views at once, but if he's going to go out of prison, I'd be bouncing to Dubai as well. And that's where investigators believe he forged the link with Daniel Kinahan, who fled there with his father, Christie, and brother Christopher, when the feud between them and the hutch gang exploded in 2016. The trio were believed to still be in Dubai, despite the reward on their heads and the freezing of their accounts by American and the UAE in April 2023, when sanctions were imposed on them. Gardai want all three kicked out of Dubai and sent back to Ireland, but there is no sign the UAE exceeding to that request yet. Gardai are focusing their efforts on Daniel, whom they want to charge over the February 2016 murder of Eddie Netty Hutch, 58, a brother of Jerry at the start of the feud that has now left 18 men dead. They're also hopeful of charging him with directing an organized crime gang and a fence witch like murder carries a life sentence. Gardai have long suspected the Kinahan cartel was involved in the increasingly lucrative Oz cocaine market. In April, 2018, we revealed how the cartel was sending cocaine to Australia from Ireland, hidden in birthday cards. The cartel was earning tens of thousands of euros every week by smuggling cocaine into Australia in cards. The cartel made a profit of 2000 euros in every single card that got through the net in a scam lasting more than a year. It's understood that the mob recruited Irish builders renovating houses all over Australia for the scam. It saw Kinahan associates packing small amounts of high-grade cocaine behind oversized age badges on birthday cards, and they've tried it with everything. They've used champagne, they've used bananas, you name it. These international drug smuggling groups, they're going to get in on it and they're going to make sure that they're trying every last way to get this product to market and they get inventive folks. They get very, very creative and they find ways. They will always find a way and for every load that's interdicted, three loads are getting through. They then spray the card with deep heat paint, relief spray to kill the scent of the cocaine from the sensitive custom machines and sniffer dogs. More than a dozen cards were sent at a time to vacant houses being renovated in Australia by Irish workers who had been recruited by the gang. But the cartel has now moved to large-scale shipments worth tens of millions of euros. Australian Border Force Commissioner Michael Ottrum told the cocaine incorporated podcasts that cocaine detections had increased but organized crime was increasingly targeting Australia. "It's a bit like a cat's mouse," he said. "We've really massively improved our strike rate in terms of detecting drugs at the border, particularly cocaine. But despite improvements in our strike rate, we know that through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, wastewater analysis, that we're only detecting about 25 percent. So there is more we have to do. Well, good luck. This is a losing proposition. Just ask us here in America, we'll tell you, you're not going to be able to interdict all this stuff before it gets to the country. So the only hope is to have the services provided for people who need to get off these drugs. And that's the crossroads that we're at. Do we want to continue to do things the way we've always done them and think we're going to get new results? Or do we want to try something a little bit different maybe? And hopefully that can start putting a dent in the problem that we see here. Because as long as there's a demand for these drugs in America, in Australia, in Europe, wherever, there's always going to be somebody willing to step up and provide those drugs. So it really comes down to a gamma whack-a-mole. So until we address the real problem, and that's the addiction problem, there's not going to be any sort of hope of stopping these transnational groups from bringing these drugs to places like Australia, America, Europe, or anywhere. And inevitably, as the addiction problems worsen in places like Australia, the violence is going to follow. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over a hundred online casino style games all for free. Go to Chumba Casino dot com to collect your free welcome bonus sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. 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