Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: How CJNG Is Utilzing Drones And Fixed Wing Aircraft As Part Of It's Arsenal

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has increasingly used drones equipped with explosives to attack police and rival groups. This tactic has become more sophisticated and frequent, especially in the last few years. CJNG, known for pioneering this method, uses drones not only to target law enforcement but also to maintain control over drug trafficking routes and territory.

In recent incidents, drones have been deployed to drop explosives on police operations, such as in an April attack where two officers were injured while removing blockades in El Aguaje, Western Mexico. These drones, often equipped with C-4 explosives, are used in both Mexico and occasionally in the United States, highlighting the cartels' advanced capabilities and strategic planning​.

Moreover, the alliance between CJNG and La Familia Michoacana has led to an increase in drone attacks in Mexico's southwestern state of Guerrero, resulting in significant displacement of residents. This collaboration allows for the sharing of drone technology and tactics, making these criminal groups more formidable.

These drones are usually acquired through legal means from the U.S. and modified to carry explosives. The growing use of drones signifies a shift towards more technologically advanced methods of warfare among cartels, akin to tactics used by terrorist organizations​ and other paramilitary groups around the world.  

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26 Jun 2024
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With Luckyland Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get Lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting Lucky. Play for free at Luckyland Are you feeling Lucky? No purchase necessary. BG, W. Grad Boyd were prohibited by law. 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. One of my biggest fears when it comes to Ukraine and America dumping billions of dollars of weapons into the country is that these weapons inevitably and eventually are going to find their way out of Ukraine and into the hands of some very, very bad players. And some of those players, well, they're going to be in Mexico. And these cartels are already using drones. They're using planes, and they're using all kinds of other technology to fight against the police in Mexico and to cause terror to the Mexican civilians. Now, what happens when they get their hands on some of these weapons that have been dumped in Ukraine? And if you think they're not looking to do so, you've lost the plot. These cartels are always looking to have bigger and better weapons whenever it comes to fighting with other cartels or having a battle with the Mexican military. The better their hardware, the better the outcome. So these cartels, they put a premium on military-grade weapons, and it's very important for them to have the best kind of weapons that they possibly can get their hands on. So you know that they're going to be trading cocaine, fentanyl, and other drugs to get these weapons in their possession. Today, we have an article from Vice News, headline, "A cartel used armed drones and a plane to bomb police." The attack by CJNG on a police station in Jalisco, Mexico, killed two officers. This article was authored by Luis Chapado. Members of the CJNG used a small airplane and several explosive drones to attack a local police station in a small town in the state of Jalisco this weekend, killing two municipal officers. Now, think about this for a minute. Imagine if they had higher-grade weapons here. Imagine if they had, say, "Oh, I don't know, a hellfire missile or two? How much more disastrous could this all be?" And now it might be in a little small town in Jalisco, but what happens if they turn and they attack a suburb of Mexico City? What then? The cartel used a Cessna airplane to fire on the policeman, who shot back and managed to kill two cartel members on board, according to local news reports. During the attack on November 26, the Jalisco, cartel, CJNG, simultaneously used several drones to drop handmade explosives on the police, as well as at least a dozen men in pickup trucks on the ground who fired on the police station. And we see these homemade drones being used over in Ukraine. You don't think the cartel has the internet? You don't think they know how to make this stuff? Or they're following along and getting ideas? Of course they are. These aren't stupid people. You know, there's an idea that people running the cartels are just like bloodthirsty maniacs and they are, but at the same time, a lot of these guys are fantastic businessmen. You take a look at a guy like El Mayo and running Sinaloa cartel, that's like a fortune 500 business. So this is a guy who has to manage various aspects of a gigantic cartel and somebody who is very shrewd and very quick to use violence. You flip over to CJNG and the violent nature of these people, it just cannot even be understated. They are some of the most violent people in the whole entire world. And imagine if they got their hands on some of the weaponry that's being used in Ukraine? A video shared on social media shows an airplane flying over the town skies while heavy fire is heard from afar. The gunfight left two cartel members dead according to the authorities as well as the police officers. And this is how brazen it is. They have no qualms attacking the police, attacking the military, attacking anybody. And that's because they know there's going to be no retribution. Either A, because the government can't enact any retribution or B, they choose not to. There have been many rumors about the government of Mexico, including the new president, Amlo, being in bed with cartels. And we know in the past that's certainly been the case. The gunfight happened in the small town of Encarnacion the Diaz in Jalisco in a mountainous region bordering the state of Aguassa Calientes. Since at least 2018, the CJNG has been fighting the Sinaloa cartel for the control of the area, which is a route used for transporting drugs from Mexico's southern border to the US. And most of these battles, that's why they occur. They're trying to establish their routes, their smuggling routes from Mexico, South America, Central America, to the United States, to their marketplace. Because let's be honest, that's what America is. If it wasn't for our great thirst for all of these drugs, then the cartels wouldn't have the motivation that they do to bring all of these drugs into America. It's no different than when the mafia was running alcohol during prohibition. America had a thirst, and the mafia was all too happy to be the ones to provide that alcohol for the American people. Now flip the script, cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, whatever, and it's the cartels who are more than happy to provide it for us. Hours after the fight, cartel members used buses and pickup trucks to block several of the main streets of the town to stop the arrival of the Mexican army and National Guard, according to news reports. Now wherever you're living at, imagine that happening in your town or your city. A police station gets attacked by a cartel, then they block all of the access roads coming into the place, so the other police and military can't respond. It's something out of a book for most of us, but this is the reality that the people of Mexico are facing on a daily basis, and they have nowhere to turn. They have nowhere to go. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Sluts dot com. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW can avoid we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Jalisco state governor Enrique Alfaro confirmed the attack and said that the cartel was trying to terrorize the town. Today the criminals tried to generate fear and to cowl our local authorities, but they hit a wall. He wrote on Twitter. I wish I could believe that. I wish I could have the confidence in what's going on down there, the local governments, the local officials, and the federal government. I wish I had the confidence that they're going to do their job and protect the people of Mexico, but they're not going to do it. We have seen it how many times now and they're ramping up their attacks, their strategy, airplanes to attack the authorities. Talk about brazen folks. We're not talking about, you know, a patrol out on the street and they get ambushed. We're talking about a whole last plan that had drones, planes, and a whole blockade that rendered the access roads completely useless to authorities. So this isn't just, you know, some people who decided they're going to wake up in the morning and kill a couple of cops. This is a sophisticated operation and we're seeing these kinds of operations throughout Mexico. Seems like every time we turn around a police station or national guardsmen are being targeted by the cartels. And if the cartels are that brazen, if they're willing to shoot up a whole ass police convoy or a police station, do you really think they care about the local populace? Of course they don't. The CJNG has used explosive drones to launch attacks on authorities and rivals since at least 2020. Last year, news reports flagged a drone attack against another local police station in the state of Michoacan, which injured two cops. The drones that organized crime groups used in Mexico are commercially available and charged with handmade explosives like Tovex or C4, according to recent investigations. It's the same over in Ukraine. If you look at what some of the Ukrainians are doing, they're using commercial drones and then they're just attaching bombs to them and rigging them so that they're operating like a reaper drone, if you will, a cheap reaper drone, but the same kind of effect. You're dropping munitions on your enemies from a position where you can't be hurt. And that brings the whole entire battlefield into a new place in Mexico. Imagine these cartels start using drones against each other, they get their hands on some switchblade drones, and they're using hovering munitions. It's a terrifying thought. This appears to be the first time a cartel uses an airplane to attack authorities. A similar plane was recently used in the state of Jalisco to drop thousands of printed flyers threatening the Cinoloa cartel. Now CJNG and Cinoloa, they're in a struggle to the death at this point. They're the two biggest cartels in the country and they're vying for positioning. They both want to have the fentanyl market cornered and they both want to run the coke market. And then all of the other stuff in between, obviously, but those are the two big money makers for them. And they're battling to the death over these drug routes and over who is going to be responsible for bringing these drugs to market. Jalisco, the two other bordering states, Zacatecas and Agueza Calientes are at the center of the war between these two criminal organizations that has killed hundreds and displaced thousands. So it's ramping up down here in Mexico, folks. And if you think that this has no effect on us in the states, you're wrong. It really does, because this sort of thing is driving a lot of the immigration is driving a lot of the violence, not only on our, our side of the border, but in Mexico. And it's just going to continue to ramp up as this sort of shit continues to happen. And when you have criminal organizations that are using planes and drones to attack the police, you know, you have arrived at a place of extreme danger. And that's certainly where Mexico finds itself today. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's B-O, B-B-Y, C-A-P-U, C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O, B-B-Y, underscore C-A-P-U-C-I. The link that I discussed can be found in the description box. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. B-G-W, Grab Void, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply.