Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: A Justice Reform Activist That Appeared On The Rogan Show Gets Arrested

Justice reform advocate Sheldon Johnson, who previously served 25 years in prison after being arrested and convicted in 1999 for multiple violent crimes, has been arrested after just getting released from Prison last May.   

According to authorities, he is responsible for murdering a man that they say he had beef with from their time in prison together and the details are shocking to say the least.    Johnson, recently was on the Joe Rogan podcast where he recounted his life growing up and his time in prison.   

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Ex-con who is friends with woke DA Alvin Bragg and appeared on Joe Rogan last month is arrested for murder after severed head was found in Bronx apartment: Pictured arriving to apartment with blue bin and in multiple disguises | Daily Mail Online

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25 Jun 2024
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What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program. You know, one of the things that always amazes me is when one of these people ends up getting out of jail early for good behavior or whatever. And then they decide that it's going to be a good idea to go out and hurt somebody else. Whether they murder them, rob them, whatever it is, these violent sons of bitches, that's just their nature. And when you have people who are violent and who have shown a history of being violent multiple times, what makes you think that when they get out of jail, they're not going to be violent anymore. Now of course, that doesn't mean everybody who goes to prison for a violent crime can't be reformed. I'm not somebody that deals in absolutes. I look at every case as a unique situation and a case-by-case type of deal. But for the most part, when you look at the numbers, people who commit violent crimes are violent people. And when you release them back out into the population, well guess what? They continue to be violent people. And that's certainly the case here, or at least allegedly the case here, with Mr. Sheldon Johnson, a activist, a criminal reform activist who was on the Joe Rogan show recently, who is now behind bars for the murder of a man that he had beef with while he was in jail. So let's dive into this article, from the Daily Mail, and let's unpack it. Headline, ex-con who is friends with Woke DA Alvin Bragg and appeared on the Joe Rogan show last month is arrested for murder after severed head was found in Bronx apartment. Pictured arriving to the apartment with a blue bin in multiple disguises, and I think they're being generous when they use the word disguises. My man was wearing like a dollar store wig, or like piece of a broom that he cut off or something to put on his head. I don't know what he was thinking, but there was no way that he was gonna fool anybody with that stupid ass outfit. And these dunderhead ass DAs who keep letting these people out of prison, I just don't get it. Like, I just do not get it. Why would people continuously vote for a DA who's going to release violent criminals back into society? Can you please explain that to me, and do it slowly so I understand, because I'm obviously missing the bigger picture here. I would think that you'd want to send people back out into society that have a chance of being reformed. But when you're sending people out there that are notoriously violent, do you really think that things are just gonna change because they have another chance in life? Chances are that's not gonna happen, and they're just gonna squander it. An ex-con who was friends with Woke DA Alvin Bragg and appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast last month has been charged with murder after his severed head was found at his Bronx apartment. Justice reform advocate Sheldon Johnson, 48, told a popular Joe Rogan experience podcast on February 1st about his journey, changing his life around after being jailed for 50 years for two violent robberies. He regaled Rogan's audience with tales of his rise to the top of one of the prison's most notorious gangs before insisting it was all behind them. Yeah, okay, sure. Dude's just a good hustler, right? Just another one of these con men who got onto the Rogan show and sold a bunch of snake oil to people. That's a shock, huh? I've been doing bad for so long, I'm gonna try to do something good. If all else fails, I can go back to doing something bad, he said at the time, and that just shows you right there he wasn't reformed. If somebody has reformed, there's no thought in their mind that they're gonna fall off the wagon and head back to jail. Because when you're reformed, that's not how you think. When you're a reformed criminal, you're saying to yourself, look, I'm on the straight and narrow. I am not going back to prison, I'm not sitting in a jail cell, and I don't care what happens. I know that if I sat in jail for as long as this dude did, I would have done some real soul searching. But instead, he comes out and allegedly decides he's gonna chop people's heads off. Just a month after the episode aired, Johnson was charged in relation to a dismembered body found in a bin and a head stashed in a freezer, belonging to victim Colin Small, who was 44. Johnson, who works with at-risk youth at the Queen's defenders in New York, joined Rogan to discuss his justice reform advocacy. What does that even mean? Justice reform advocacy? All of this stuff, all of these empty words, all of these slogans, give me a break already. How about a little less talk and a little more action? During the chat, he admitted to dealing drugs and robbing those who could not settle their debts, acts for which a judge reportedly branded him a menace to society. He described robbing a debtor and his girlfriend in the 1990s with the help of a gang of accomplices, one of whom pistol whipped the victim, leaving him with a head wound. Johnson also admitted he roughed up a second robbery victim, although he insisted the man was not physically harmed. Johnson was given consecutive 25-year sentences for the crimes. Well, you earned them, homie. I'm gonna sit here and cry because you pistol whipped people and robbed them and ended up in prison. Sorry, you will get no empathy from me. You want to get out here and commit violent crimes? Then you're exactly where you belong. Now, if you're sitting in jail for something like possession, then we have a conversation to have, because I don't think anybody should be sitting in jail for being a drug addict. Now, if you want a traffic drug, that's a different story, especially if you're trafficking fentanyl. I'm at the point now, where if you get caught selling fentanyl, it should be an attempted murder charge. That's where I'm at with fentanyl, because it's just so deadly, right? And sometimes you have to take radical action. So these people out here selling fentanyl, they should all be put on notice, because, in my opinion, selling that shit is a violent crime. While in prison, the convicted felon said he was smoking weed and drinking jailhouse hooch. Well, so what? That's what most people do in prison. I'm not gonna fault the guy for that. I was in a gang. I was at the top of the food chain. I had my own nation under me. I wasn't just like a random gang member, Johnson told Rogan. Well, I don't know about that one way or the other. I'm not too hip to what's going on in the New York penal system or who's at the top of the food chain. So maybe he was. I don't know. But he claims that stints in solitary confinement, where he was restricted to a diet, consisting of bread with cabbage and carrots six days a week, helped him rethink his approach to life. I don't buy that that was what he was being served. Sorry. I was really looking at myself and reevaluating and thinking, what the fuck are you doing, Johnson explained? I remember thinking, what are you going to do? Can you live out the next 48 years like this? I said I couldn't do it. Oh, I don't know anyone who would want to live behind bars for five minutes. Never mind 50 years. But here's some unsolicited advice. Don't be an asshole. Don't be violent. And chances are you're gonna stay out of prison. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land. Where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Johnson said it was thinking about his wife and his son growing up hearing stories of his notoriety that spurred him on even further. When I got out of solitary, I made the decision that I was going to walk away, and I didn't care about the consequences. Johnson explained. Johnson added the gang was happy for him to take a step back because he caused problems for them due to his strict adherence to street rules. So chances are this guy was up to a lot more than he's even admitting to. If he was running the tier and he had the keys to the yard, then my man was engaged in criminal behavior behind bars, as well as taking part in a criminal enterprise. So where did he find all this time to become a reformer? I was what you call an authoritarian. I was a rule guy. I like rules. I like structure. I like things to be a certain way, he told Rogan. This begins my journey. I got into school. I got my GED. The uplifting story is a far cry from the narrative painted by cops after their grisly discovery of smalls remains this week. Neighbors allegedly told investigators they heard a victim pleading for his life before two shots came from the apartment. Sources told the New York Post. Before the grisly discovery, Johnson was spotted in chilling surveillance images appearing to disguise himself in a blonde wig and transporting large boxes of trash and bags. He has now been charged with murder, manslaughter and weapon possession. Police descended on the apartment Tuesday following reports from concerned neighbors over shots heard within the building. They reportedly told police, making the wellness check that they subsequently saw a stranger coming and going from the apartment with cleaning supplies. Fears were also sparked by the alleged pleading from the victim who was heard screaming, "Please don't. I have a family." The building superintendent told the post. He told officers that he became concerned by the stranger's presence, particularly as they were not the tenant that he knew. He claimed that the suspect carried a blue bin seen in surveillance footage into the apartment at around 2 a.m. after the shots were heard, but wasn't seen bringing it back out. He brought in the bin I told him. Why is he bringing a bin up at 2 o'clock in the morning? He's bringing in a bin so late the super said. Then we tried to see if he took out the bin. He never took out the bin. I told him look for a bin and sure enough it was there. In a strange development, the building super also claimed he saw the suspect leaving the scene in the victim's blue aughty before returning wearing a blonde wig. They felt that he was trying to disguise himself, saying he was dressing differently, changing his character. That's not normal. He's hiding something. Yeah, chances are if you throw on a wig and you get your RuPaul on, you're probably trying to hide something. So this dude throws his wig on, hops an old boy's aughty, and takes himself a little journey. Sounds like we're dealing with a very well adjusted human being here, huh? Johnson was seen being per blocked from the NYPD's 44th precinct on Thursday where he yelled "I'm innocent" to reporters as he was led away in white overalls. Oh, I'm sure that the Justice Project or whatever it's called is going to show up in mass here to try and get their boy off again. Bunch of clowns. The Justice Reform activist has been open about his criminal past as well of that of his father and his son. On the Prison Writers' website, Johnson writes about the three generations with a father in prison explaining his remorse at not being around the guy at his son. The then 14-year-old was jailed in 2008 for killing a Columbia graduate student while trying to impress a group of friends, according to Johnson. "To express that I was mentally and emotionally devastated is an understatement," he wrote. "I was forced to reflect into the part that I played in the whole fiasco as my son's father. You should have been there to guide him and raise him," the voice repeated over and over. Not only that, but how about setting an example? Setting a proper example for your kid might be a good idea, right? But no, you have to have your bitch ass in prison while your kid's out here with no supervision, and well, what do you think's going to happen? And now that Mr. Johnson allegedly murdered somebody, well, he's going to have a whole lot of time to reflect on where he went wrong and what he did wrong. But my guess is he's not going to do any of that because he has no desire to be reformed, instead he's going to go back to prison and pick up right where he left off being a degenerate asshole. Alright folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin, so go to, that's, and get lucky today! At Lucky Land, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, void we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply.