Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Authorities Announce Murder Charges Have Been Filed In The Murder Of Mahogany Jackson

Three people who have been arrested for the murder of Mahogany Jackson are now facing capital punishment charges in Alabama.   The prosecutors detailed the brutal murder in court this week and the charges that the state plans to bring against those who participated in the kidnapping and murder.   

In this episode, we take a look at what transpired in the courtroom and where things might go from here.    

Here's a look at the capital murder process in Alabama.

Alabama is one of the US states that retains capital punishment, and it's governed by its own set of laws and regulations. Here are some key points regarding capital punishment laws in Alabama:

  1. Authorized Methods: Alabama law allows for the use of lethal injection as the primary method of execution. However, the state also permits the use of the electric chair if lethal injection is unavailable or if the inmate requests it.
  2. Crimes Punishable by Death: Capital punishment in Alabama is typically reserved for the most serious crimes, such as murder, particularly in cases involving aggravating factors such as the murder of a law enforcement officer, multiple murders, or murder committed during the commission of another serious crime.
  3. Sentencing Process: In cases where the death penalty is sought, the jury decides whether to recommend a death sentence during the sentencing phase of the trial. The judge then has the discretion to accept or override the jury's recommendation.
  4. Appellate Process: Like in many other states, Alabama has an extensive appellate process for death penalty cases. This process allows for automatic appeals to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals and the Alabama Supreme Court. Additionally, inmates can pursue federal appeals through the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals.
  5. Recent Developments: Alabama has faced scrutiny over its execution methods and the constitutionality of its death penalty procedures. Challenges have been raised regarding the use of particular drugs in lethal injections and concerns about the fairness of the legal process, especially regarding the provision of effective legal representation for defendants facing capital charges.

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Mahogany Jackson knew she was going to die after abduction, torture over stolen gun, prosecutor said -

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land. Where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VTW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone, and welcome back to the program. In this episode, we're going to head back down to Alabama, and we're going to get an update on Mahogany Jackson, the woman who was kidnapped, tortured, and eventually killed by a group of people who said that she stole a gun. This article is from and the headline. Mahogany Jackson knew she was going to die after abduction, torture, overstolen gun, prosecutors say. This article was authored by Carol Robinson. Mahogany Jackson, a Birmingham woman, tortured for hours before she was fatally shot in the back of her head. Likely knew she wasn't going to survive the abduction, a prosecutor said on Wednesday. The 20-year-old mother of a 3-year-old daughter was so terrified by the physical and sexual attacks, most caught on video recorded by the suspects, that she had a bowel movement on the floor. Like, can you imagine what her family must feel like? And then this video makes the rounds on the internet, like usual, so all the degenerates can get a look at it. Never mind that this is somebody's daughter. Never mind that this is somebody who was just murdered. But yeah, let's pass this video around on the internet like a bunch of morons. And the only saving grace about something like that is the fact that these people aren't going to be able to deny that they did what they did. You're out here making videos. You're out here putting it out on the internet. Well, guess what? The jury's going to see that shit too, stupid. So I don't want to hear anything. When these people get smacked with a large ass, very long sentence. And keep in mind, we're talking about Alabama here. There might be some death penalties on the way. And honestly, if I was on a jury, I'd certainly consider the death penalty for the people who were involved. When you look at all the circumstances here and then you start hearing some of the details. Do you really believe that the people who engaged in this are decent people who are going to be able to be rehabilitated? Of course, they're not. These people are absolute dirtbags, pieces of garbage, and they should be eradicated from society. Whether that's put in prison for the rest of their lives or put to death if a jury of their peers in the state of Alabama says that that's the way it should go. Because people like this have no place in society. The fact that the victim defecated herself around the time she was being ordered to shower speaks to her level of knowledge of what is about to happen to her. Jefferson County, Deputy District Attorney, Theresa Henry, said in court Wednesday, which was she was not going to leave ever and she was going to die. And honestly, it's not that big of a leap. If you're defecating on yourself, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're in severe distress. And if you're being kidnapped and you're being tortured and you know the people you're dealing with are violent from the jump, then yeah, the abject error that this lady must have been going through is incalculable. And I hope that that's taken into consideration when these people are brought before a jury. I mean, imagine the fear that Mohogany was in as all of this was going down, like try and put yourself in her position for a minute and think about how terrifying it all must have been. Henrik statements came during a preliminary hearing before District Judge William Bell for six of the eight suspects charged in Jackson's kidnapping death. Three of the suspects, Brandon Pope, 24, Francis, Ace Harris, 25, and Jeremiah Kodak McDowell, 18, were charged with capital murder during a first degree kidnapping and capital murder during first degree sodomy. Yo, is Alabama really the place that you want to do this kind of thing? Didn't they just put somebody to death using like carbon monoxide down here? And these dudes are out here thinking it's a good idea to kidnap murder and do all kinds of other unspeakable things to this lady and then to have the audacity to videotape the whole entire thing. These people, they deserve everything that's coming to them and hopefully all of these charges stick and they get the whole ass kitchen sink thrown at them because if I was Mahogany's family, that's what I would be demanding. I don't want to hear anything about a plea deal. I don't want to hear anything about anything. All I want to hear about is prison sentences and capital punishment. Five others were charged with felony murder. Teja Lewis, 26, Senaya McCall, 23, Giovanni Clap, 23, Blair Green, 25, and Ariana Lache Robinson, 23. Lewis and Clap were also initially charged with second degree assault for allegedly pistol whipping Jackson. So you had men and women here, both engaging in this bullshit behavior and it really just shows you the sort of society that we live in where morons think it's a good idea to murder people and put it on the Internet. And the crazy ass part is there's people out there that are, you know, giving it a thumbs up, liking it and it just shows you how desensitized society is in general to this sort of thing. Birmingham homicide detective Mark Green testified for hours on Wednesday detailing how a witness came forward early in the investigation with videos, evidence and location of Jackson's body. That witness, Green said, came forward to clear his name after he felt he had been accused on Facebook as being involved in Jackson's disappearance. Well, I could see how that would spook you. Imagine this video is going around and people are talking about you're involved in this shit and you're not. I'd be calling the police too. Usually the last thing I want to do is talk to the authorities. But if it's something like this, we're talking about murder here. You better believe I'm going to the authorities, especially if my name's getting dragged into it. You think I'm going to sit in a prison cell for the rest of my life because your bitch ass beat somebody up and killed them. You have a whole last another thing coming. Green said that Jackson possibly stole a gun from someone and someone had then stolen it back from her and she was upset. That he said may have led to her violent death, which is very possible. Look, I'm not saying that mahogany Jackson was a saint. I don't know the lady, but it doesn't matter what she did. Does she really deserve this sort of death, this sort of treatment? In the old days, you'd get your ass whipped and that would be the end of it. But now it's a whole other thing, right? People are out here killing each other over dumbass shit. We're talking about stupid dumb shit and people are out here murdering each other in the middle of the street, recording it and putting it on the internet. And then you want to tell me that society doesn't have an issue? Oh, you weird ass neckbeards sitting there talking about, well, the numbers say that the homicide rate is down in big shittage. Meanwhile, these people have never even been to the big city, not the real big city. Oh sure, they might have been to Manhattan. One's the last time they were down in South Yonkers. One's the last time they were chilling in the South Bronx. See where I'm going with all of this? It's one thing to talk about crime and all the rest of it from your ivory tower. But when you have to live in the middle of it, like a lot of people do, you have a whole different perspective on what's going on as far as crime goes. The detective also said one of the suspects discovered by looking at Jackson's phone that she had message family members saying that she was being held hostage and sending them her location. It was at that point, Green testified. The alleged shooter Harris said she ain't going nowhere. Well, in that case, Mister Harris, you're on the clock, homie. And I hope that whatever kind of punishment they give you, they give it to you with prejudice because you my friend or a net negative on society. When the hearing ended, the judge found probable cause to send the capital murder during a kidnapping charges for Pope Harrison McDowell to a grand jury. So they're screwed. We all know that the grand jury is going to come back with an indictment and then these fools are going to have to face justice in Alabama. And good luck to them. Usually I'm like, man, what an archaic system down in Alabama brutal how they treat people. But that's how these people who did this. If and when they're found guilty, that's how they should be treated. They shouldn't be given some posh ass lifestyle. And if they somehow escaped the death penalty, they should be put on a chain gang or a work detail where they're out there working for 12, 15 hours a day. If you haven't figured it out yet, I've had my fill of violent criminals. Bell also bound over the capital murder during a rape sodomy for Harris, but dismissed the capital murder during rape sodomy charges against Pope and McDowell. All of the felony murder charges were also bound over to the grand jury. The second degree assault charge against clap was reduced to a third degree assault charge, which is a misdemeanor. The investigation began just before 8 a.m. on Sunday, February 25th, when Jackson messaged family members that she was being held hostage in an apartment at Serenity Apartments in southwest Birmingham. Jackson's friend, Louis, live there. She sent her location but told them not to call her, but to call the police. The messages were sent at about 4 a.m. that Sunday, but not discovered by her family until shortly before 8 a.m. Her body was found in the early morning hours of Monday, February 26th, under mattresses at an illegal dump site in the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue, known as Deadman's Road. Green testified that as investigators were at the site where Jackson's body was found, a witness showed up at the Birmingham City Jail saying he had information about Jackson's murder. The witness, who was like a brother to Louis, said Louis called him that morning when family and police had shown up to her apartment looking for Jackson. The witness went to Louis's apartment and then he, Louis, and McCall went to Pope's house. It was at Pope's house that the witness said he talked to Harris. He, Harris, detailed the assault and that he had murdered shot Mahogany Jackson, Detective Green said, and he said he was shown where the body was. The witness, Detective Green testified, had not been present during the assaults on Jackson or her murder. Yeah, I have news for you. You show up at my house talking about you murdered somebody. I'm telling the cops too. I mean, you need me to hold some weed for you or something cool, but you're out here murdering people and then you show up at my house talking about, oh, I killed this one or I killed that one. Yep, I'm telling the cops on your bitch ass. You deserve everything you get at that point. The abduction began at the McMillan Avenue, home of Pope, Detective Green said. Authority said Jackson arrived at Pope's home on Saturday night with several of the suspects, all of whom she knew. Pope told investigators Green said that Jackson was upset because someone had stolen a gun and money from her purse. This was a gun she had previously stolen from someone else, Green testified. So look, she was obviously in it, right? Somebody that was living this life and you're not stealing a gun unless you need one. But does that mean she should have been murdered and tortured? Hell no, it doesn't. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumbak Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? Sponsored by Chumbak Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, voidware prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What it should be though, is a cautionary tale for people out there who want to get involved in this kind of life, who want to do this kind of shit. Because if this is the kind of life you want to live, yo, it's going to catch up to you. People out there think it's a game or something, but it's not. The streets have no love, bro. None. And if you get caught up, you get caught up and all those people that you used to run with that you think are your homies. Well, they're not. Pope said that Jackson then took a gun from McDowell and forced him to strip at gunpoint to prove he didn't have the stolen gun, which he did not. Detective Green testified that during the early morning hours, Pope made a statement to the effect of killer or do something to her. That bitch made me strip. At some point, the attacks began on Jackson. One of the videos taken outside Pope's house showed Lewis and McCall stomping and spitting on Jackson. Jackson was on the ground. Green testified while she was repeatedly assaulted by several of the suspects. At one point, Lewis was straddling Jackson while punching her in the head. The video shows Jackson saying that her attackers had won and to just let her go. But at that point, they couldn't stop, right? Let's just keep going. Y'all already won the fight and this is what I'm talking about with society. Out here jumping people, kicking people until they're dead. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you fights over you one. Call it a day. Keep it moving. But no, there's no honor anymore. Just a bunch of bitch ass, cold, bloody killers. Throughout the assault that Pope's house, Jackson was stripped, kicked, punched, spat on and dragged by her hair to a vehicle. McCall was seen on the video yelling for someone to pop the trunk. Detective Green said clappy said was recording at that point. Jackson was then moved to Serenity Apartments where Lewis and McCall were roommates. For more videos were recorded there, the detective said. So it wasn't just this one instance, right? They kept it going broader back to the apartment kept the torture going. So helicopters volcanoes. Jackson was then shown being forced to perform oral sex on defendant Blair Green. Lewis and McCall, the detective said, were holding Jackson at gunpoint, forcing her into the sex act. The sexual assault was taking place in McCall's bedroom. Lewis, Detective Green said, was holding the back of Jackson's head and McCall was holding the gun and recording the assault. The detective testified on Wednesday that Jackson was told to hurry up because she had another one on which to perform oral sex. Animals, straight up animals and monsters. He said that one of the suspects pulled down Jackson's pants and tried to have McDowell vapor, Jackson was in handcuffs. Green testified that McDowell told police he had sex with Jackson but said it was consensual. Clappy said was also present and urging on the sexual assault saying Jackson better do it right. You know, I hope his cellmate does the same thing to him in prison. I hope you do it right, buddy. Green said he received several new videos early Wednesday, just hours before the hearing. One of them showed Jackson in handcuffs being forced into the bedroom at gunpoint and told to clean herself up. As everyone was preparing to leave the apartment, Green said McCall and Lewis said of Jackson, well, she's not leaving here. When Jackson was taken from the apartment, she was with Harris, Pope and McDowell testimony showed. Pope told police he was driving Harris's Chevrolet Malibu and Jackson was told they were going to Dead Man's Row to clean trash out of Harris's car before taking her home. Both Pope and McDowell said they, including Jackson, were cleaning trash out of Harris's vehicle when Harris walked up behind Jackson and shot her in the back of the head. Green said when Jackson's body was found, she was near the woods line with a gunshot wound to the back of her head bleeding on a rock. Two mattresses had been placed on top of her. You know, this is a grisly-ass, disgusting-ass, gross-ass story and I hope that all of these people who were involved, allegedly, get everything that's coming to him. Because this woman certainly didn't deserve to go out like this. You want to talk about a terrible way to go and a terrible way to spend your last few hours? My friends, this is it. The good news, if there is any to be taken from this, is at least they have the suspects in custody and that her family, mahogany's family, is hopefully going to get some justice. Either way, we'll keep on top of this one and we'll see where it all goes and hopefully at some point, we'll be talking about these scumbags being convicted. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin, so go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land, no purchase necessary VGW group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply.