Beyond The Horizon

Epstein Survivors That Are Suing The USVI Are Seeking Documents From The JP Morgan Suit (6/24/24)

Survivors of Jeffrey Epstein's abuse have filed a lawsuit against the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), alleging that the territory enabled and benefitted from Epstein's trafficking activities. The lawsuit claims that USVI officials, including then-Governor John P. de Jongh Jr., facilitated Epstein's criminal enterprise by providing him with tax incentives, political influence, and a cover for his illegal activities in exchange for financial contributions and other benefits.Key points of the lawsuit include:

  1. Allegations of Facilitation: The survivors argue that USVI officials were aware of Epstein's activities and actively helped him by allowing him to operate freely within the territory. This facilitation allegedly included ignoring or suppressing reports and complaints about his actions.
  2. Financial Incentives: Epstein was granted significant tax benefits and financial incentives by the USVI government, which the lawsuit claims were awarded in exchange for donations and investments that Epstein made in the territory. This relationship allegedly allowed Epstein to continue his activities without fear of intervention from local authorities.
  3. Accountability and Compensation: The plaintiffs are seeking accountability from the USVI government for its alleged role in enabling Epstein's trafficking network. They are also seeking compensation for the harm they suffered as a result of Epstein's actions, which they argue were facilitated by the USVI's complicity.
  4. Ongoing Legal Battle: The lawsuit is part of a broader legal effort by Epstein's survivors to seek justice and compensation from various entities that they believe played a role in his criminal activities. This includes other lawsuits against Epstein's estate and individuals or organizations associated with him.

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Jane Does Suing USVI Over Epstein Seek Records from JPMorgan Case | St. Thomas Source (

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24 Jun 2024
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Oh yeah, they're really looking for justice. Meanwhile, it was all about getting some dough. It was all about taking money literally out of the pockets of the survivors. And now that they're being sued, well, they're doing the same exact thing that Jeffrey Epstein's estate did. And that is obfuscate and omit all sorts of details. So now the Jane Doze are having to sue them because USVI is not being open during the process. Today we have an article from the St. Thomas source and the headline, Jane Doze suing USVI over Epstein, seek records from the JP Morgan case. The attorney representing six of Jeffrey Epstein's victims in lawsuits against the VI government is seeking a court order granting access to the unredacted filings and transcripts from the USVI's complaint against JP Morgan Chase. The JP Morgan suit, which alleged the bank violated the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in its dealings with Epstein, was settled for $75 million in September, but not before VI officials were deposed, including some that are now being sued by the Epstein victims in the same Manhattan federal court where they can plane against the bank was heard. And this has always been something that was on the way. How long have I told you that eventually these survivors or some of them at least are gonna look at what the USVI was up to and they're gonna say, you know what? They were complicit. They enabled Jeffrey Epstein. They were there every step of the way, and not only that, but if this was a Rico case, guess what? They benefited from his ill-gotten gains, didn't they? Well, Rico for everybody, but Jeffrey Epstein and his buddies, huh? I wonder why. Those officials include former First Lady Cecil de Jean, delegate to Congress, Stacey Plaskett, former senators, Celestine O'Lite, and Carlton, though, who now heads the VI Port Authority, former attorney general Vincent Frazier, and former governors Kenneth Mapp and Jean de Jean, and Stacey Plaskett has some nerve. This lady was involved in the January 6th stuff, and she has the audacity to tell other people that they're criminals or whatever. Meanwhile, she has her hand in Jeffrey Epstein's pocket and still refuses to give any help when it comes to the survivors being made whole. So yeah, go ahead and cheer for Stacey Plaskett if you want, but the reality is, if you're doing that, you don't really care about Epstein's survivors, and you were just attempting to use this as a political cudgel. The class action suit first filed in November by Jane Doe's one through five, and amended in December to add a six-plaintive, accuses the VI government of violating the TVPA in a sprawling conspiracy to aid in Epstein's sex trafficking scheme, a registered sex offender who pleaded guilty to procuring a minor for prostitution in Florida In 2008, he died by apparent suicide, allegedly, in August 2019, at age 66, while in detention in New York on federal trafficking charges. Oh yeah, well, that's just all been confirmed, right? The OIG report was very clear about what happened, said nobody ever. Give me a break with this nonsense. Oh, he died by apparent suicide, okay, I guess. Epstein's primary residence was Little St. James, his private island of St. Thomas, where for years he ran a complex web of shell companies registered in the USVI that enabled his crimes. According to the motion requesting the order filed Monday before the judge and the JP Morgan case by Jordan Merson, the attorney of Epstein's victims known as Jane Doe's one through six. The plaintiffs have failed in their efforts to get the records by conferring with the VI government, as the judge had ordered after Merson first sought to intervene in early April. The plaintiffs have provided a list of documents and transcripts they seek from the USVI. However, counsel for the USVI refuses and continues to object to production. He alleges, what are they hiding? What are they so scared of? If the USVI government was on the up and up and they didn't do anything wrong and they weren't involved with Epstein, shouldn't they just be transparent to get this out of the way? I would think that the last thing you wanna do is get sued by the survivors of Epstein after you ran around talking about you're this great champion of those very people. Not a great look. And fighting to keep all of this under wraps is an even worse look. During the meeting confer, USVI's counsel represented that only transcript excerpts had ever been filed and that in accordance with this court's order, plaintiffs were not entitled to the balance of the transcripts because they were never filed on the docket. Merson claims, redacted filings in the JP Morgan case are on the court docket and our public record. But Merson said not allowing the plaintiffs in dough, one at all versus government of the United States Virgin Islands, access to the full record would rub salt in the wounds of the real victims of the sex trafficking scheme proposed interveners to bar them from the evidence needed to prosecute their claims against the other conspirators in the scheme. That's really what it comes down to. And that's the whole entire goal of the USVI. Let's op the skate, let's kick things down the road and let's not give the information over and let's make the court demand it of us because they care about the survivors down in the USVI. The documents were filed under a protective order that permitted both sides to deem confidential any information of a personal or intimate nature regarding any individual. Merson argues that it's broad and vague language resulted in the party shielding the vast majority of discovery from public disclosure. Proposed interveners are now hamstrung by their ability to prosecute their claims against defendants in the dough action, including the USVI. So it's a back and forth, right? And you know right now, as we speak, both sides are trying to formulate a plan to get the judge to budge in their favor. And I think when all is said and done, the facts are gonna land where they land and the fact is the USVI, in my opinion anyway, was complicit with Jeffrey Epstein's bullshit, helping him set up, given him tax benefits, and most importantly, benefiting from his ill-gotten gains. Merson said he is not proposing that the shielded information be made public as the New York Times has sought in a separate motion to unseal the documents that the judge has not yet ruled on, but that the plaintiffs and their counsel be granted access under the same rules as governed their disclosure to parties in the JP Morgan case. The USVI, which benefited from the protective order in this action, is using it as a both sword and shield. When it served the USVI's interest to consent to confidentiality, it did so in order to prosecute claims, ostensibly on behalf of the victims of the sex trafficking venture. In the dough action, the USVI is now using it as a shield by moving to dismiss on grounds including a failure to plead with specificity. Merson alleges in the motion. Imagine the audacity of these clowns down in the USVI, like for real, this is the strategy you're gonna use, and then people like Stacey Plaskett, getting all bent out of shape whenever she's asked about it. Oh, I had nothing to do with it. I don't know who Epstein is, stop it. All right, stop it. We know what the deal is, and we know that you had your hand directly in old boy's pocket. And then you had the audacity to try and act like you had no relationship with the dude at all. You had a relationship with him after he was arrested. So save the whole, oh, I had no idea who he was for somebody else. It's the height of hypocrisy for the USVI to use the protective order to prevent the victims that gave the USVI standing to sue JP Morgan and others from accessing evidence supporting their claims. Even a cursory review of the redactions on the docket reveals that the redactions pertain to the privacy of many of the defendants in this case. The government officials who benefited from the sex trafficking scheme, he states. The USVI is in possession of all the filings in this case, and so can hardly oppose an order which places proposed interveners on the same footing as them, the motion claims, and they'll do everything they can to not turn this over. They're gonna fight tooth and nail because they understand that they're in jeopardy here. Like I said from the goddamn beginning, everybody's out here talking about lists and a bunch of bullshit that doesn't even matter. And you wonder why there's never been justice in this case. Oh, it's a Satanic ritual, oh, the occult. Give me a break already. Save that bullshit for somebody else. So tire the nonsense, especially when it comes to this case. There's so many grifters, so many dumbasses that don't know the first thing about the first thing, and they run around talking about nonsense. This list, that list, "Vafangul" to your list, okay? You wanna get down to it, you wanna get in the weeds? Let's talk about what really happened. Let's talk about all the people that were protecting Epstein. Let's talk about all of the people in power who looked the other way. How about we start there? The VI Justice Department, which is representing Map and Frazier and attorneys for the Dijongs and Plaskit have all moved to dismiss the dough case. The plaintiffs have until May 8th to file an omnibus reply to those mentions and a pre-trial conference has been set for June 21st. So this is an article from a few weeks ago in May. So obviously things are moving right now, but when we get more information about that conference and whatnot, we'll definitely get it added to the catalog. Besides the Dijongs, Map, White, Frazier, Dao and Plaskit, the suit also names John Doe's one through 100 who it claims were employees of the USVI. That list includes John Doe's one through 10 and 51 through 100 who were USVI custom agents and other officers, John Doe's 11 through 20 who were USVI air traffic controllers, John Doe 21 through 30 who were USVI airport baggage check agents and John Doe's 31 through 40 who were USVI police officers and John Doe's 41 through 50 who were USVI Coast Guard agents. And we all heard from all of the people at the airport who said they knew what was going on. All these people knew Epstein was up to no good, knew he was hurting little girls, but the government officials had no idea. And all these does that they're talking about Coast Guard agents, customs agents, air traffic controllers, they're all gonna be witness to that. They're all gonna provide testimony saying that yeah, we all talked about it, we all knew that Epstein was a sick fuck and we knew that he was up to no good. Meanwhile, these government officials who have access to all of this information, if they want it, they weren't on the wiser. According to them, they had no idea that Epstein was hurting little girls. Central to the motions to dismiss is whether the district court for the Southern District of New York, even as jurisdiction to hear the case and whether it's the proper venue, giving the alleged crimes occurred in the US Virgin Islands. Well, Epstein don't imagine and other properties in New York and the plaintiffs all live there. All the defendants are residents of the USVI and had little to no interaction with them in that state, let alone business dealings according to court filings. Plaskets motion to dismiss also argues that the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, alleged by the plaintiffs are barred by the 10 year statute of limitations. So any that occurred prior to November 22nd, 2013 should be dismissed, given that the lawsuit was filed on November 22nd, 2023. So there's your Stacey Plasket, your hero from January 6th. Hope you're all proud of her. This is a disgusting, reprehensible woman. And anybody who cheers her? Well, you don't care about the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein, pretty much plain and simple. The plaintiffs have alleged violations of the TVPA and conspiracy to violate the TVPA from 2001 to 2019, while Jane Doe IV and Jane Doe V, alleged injuries that occurred between 2001 and 2009, and Jane Doe VI in 2004, in effect bootstrapping their expired claims, the timely claims, she argued. The motions to dismiss also question why a suit against USVI government names, the Jane Doe's as employees of the USVI, when their listed occupation roles, are federal government operations or the purview of private companies. The allegations border on nonsensical. They have alleged with Cecile Dijang calling the lawsuit a 225 paragraph mess of vague and scattershot allegations in a response. So after getting all that money that should have went to the survivors, they say that the survivors' allegations are nonsense, and that they're all just a bunch of scattershot. That's what they really think about the survivors. And while a lot of other people might be shocked to hear that the USVI government doesn't give a shit about the Epstein survivors, but your boy most certainly is not. And hopefully when all is said and done, these survivors get a ruling in their favor and all of those who took part in enabling this man down in the USVI, get what's coming to them. Because in my opinion, at the very least, that money should be clawed back and dispersed to those who were actually abused. Not to the people who enabled that abuse to occur. All right, everybody, that's gonna do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.