Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Ghislaine Maxwell And The Claims Of Juror Misconduct

On tonight's episode we take a look at two different articles. The first one is dealing with the official request by Maxwell's team for a new trial and for the other we hop back across the pond and hear from a maid who worked at the Palace and specifically for Andrew about his behavior while she worked there.

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24 Jun 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary, VGW Group void prohibited by law, 18+ terms of condition supply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Tonight we're going to go over two articles, both of them relatively short. The first one is going to deal with Galaine Maxwell and her filing for a mistrial officially, and the second has to do with Prince Andrew and the maid that worked for him, at the palace, who says that she was left in tears after he yelled at her, ranted at her, acted the fool, and was just, you know, a general all-around miscreant tour. So what that does is it again shows you the type of person we're dealing with here. A selfish, me first, give me what's mine, kind of MF-er. He's always been like that, he's always going to be like that, and somebody that doesn't treat the help good, that tells you everything you need to know about them. If I'm out and say I'm with a group of people and somebody's treating the waiter or the bartender in a poor manner, I'll call them out on that. These people don't need your BS, they got a hard enough life as it is, getting up every morning, trying to provide for their families, driving to work, dealing with that nonsense, then to come and have some asshole who's thrown around the $20 bill, because they're getting some steak at TGIFs, come on man. And then you have people like Andrew and it really launches me into orbit when they start in on their shit. You got the whole world at your fingertips, bro, what do you got to be upset about? What do you have that's making you so mad that you have to yell and scream at the staff? Even when I was a manager in casinos, never once, in 15 years, in a casino setting or in a management setting at a corporation, did I ever berate any of my employees? Even when they did things wrong, speak to people like human beings like men or women. And for someone in power to do it the way Andrew does and then to get called out here, like this by the maid, it just shows you and keeps building the profile a little bit more for you to see the kind of scumbag that he really is. So before we go a little any further there with that portion of our episode tonight, let's circle back here as Jen Psaki would say and let's take a look at this article from ABC News first about the new trial that Galain Maxwell and her team is attempting to seek. This article is from ABC News authored by James Hill, headline. Galain Maxwell seeks new trial alleges jury misconduct. Galain Maxwell, the convicted accomplice, met co-conspirator, general all-around scuzzback, convicted human trafficker of deceased sex offender pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, formally asked a judge to grant her a new trial, contending in a sealed court filing late Wednesday that one of the jurors who decided her fate failed to disclose his own history of childhood sexual abuse, according to a person with knowledge of Maxwell's arguments, seeking to have her guilty verdicts set aside. Now what's concerning to me about all of this is all of this stuff is being filed under seal. Now how in the hell are you going to file anything under seal in this kind of environment in this kind of charged up situation where people, meaning you and I, are very interested in what's going on. Are you just asking for trouble? A lot of times that's what it seems like, right? Like they try and open the door for the whack job conspiracy theorists. So what they can do then is paint everybody with that same brush who has any questions at all, even if they're very logical and well-placed questions. The juror who has been identified in court records as juror number 50 answered no when asked on a pre-trial jury questionnaire if he, a friend or family member, had ever been the victim of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual assault, according to the source. The juror, a 35-year-old Manhattan resident, granted several interviews in the days following Maxwell's convictions in late December. Identified media reports using his first and middle names, Scotty David, he told Reuters, the Daily Mail, and the Independent, that during a critical stage of deliberations, he shared his experiences of being sexually abused as a child. All right, so we know all of this. I'm not going to drag it all out. We'll go, we'll skip down past all of that and we'll get to the heart of the story here. Maxwell's lawyers, who structured her defense case largely on challenges to the reliability of her accuser's memories, contend that if the juror had disclosed his history of child sexual abuse during jury screening, he almost certainly would have been removed from consideration. So that's where the rub is, right? That's where we're going to figure out what's what here. Did he or did he not lie on that questionnaire? All this other stuff is just a little bit of garnish, right? Some window dressing, theater, basically. Why don't you, it's pretty simple. Did he lie on the questionnaire or not? We don't need a grand inquiry into this, all right? A Hugh, a congressional panel, did he lie or not? Come on, let's get the show on the road here. The source noted that 145 potential jurors answered yes when asked on the questionnaire if they had been a victim of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. And none of those people were seated on the final panel of 12 jurors and five alternates. So that could prove to be troublesome, right? Again, it all hinges on what happens with this questionnaire. But if people lied to get on the jury, it's going to be a problem. And if on the questionnaire that they did lie, then again, it still doesn't need to be a grand inquiry. Does it? Did you lie or didn't you? Shortly after the jurors interviews were published in early January, federal prosecutors asked U.S. District Judge Allison Nathan, who presided over Maxwell's criminal trial to oversee an inquiry into the public statements attributed to the juror. While the court instructed jurors that they were free to discuss their jury service with any one of their choosing, some of the statements as related in the media merit attention by the court. In particular, the juror has described being a victim of sexual abuse, the letter said. And honestly, if it was me on trial, I'd be I'd be pissed off as well. Somebody lies to get on the jury. And I know we all want Maxwell to go down. And I know we all want her to be convicted for a bazillion years. But I want it done the correct way. There's no need to cut corners. There's no need for nonsense, right? There's enough evidence to convict this lady. The government also proposed that Judge Nathan contact the juror and offer him a court-appointed attorney. A suggestion Maxwell's lawyers contend was intended to discourage the juror from any further public statements. Probably. They're probably right about that, honestly. Look, if you don't think that the prosecution flexes and tries to show a little muscle every now and then you're wrong, they definitely do. Todd Spodek, a New York attorney who now represents the juror, did not reply to a request for comment. That's how you know when you have a good lawyer, in my opinion, by the way. These guys that don't they don't reply to these comments, you're not doing your client any good getting out in front of the cameras and acting the fool, especially if your client is guilty. So you should just shut your yap, keep it moving, get to work in the office setting, and get ready for trial. Judge Nathan has ordered the government to respond to Maxwell's motion by early next month. She has yet to decide if a court-supervised inquiry into the juror's alleged misconduct is warranted. If Maxwell's bid for a new trial is unsuccessful, she is scheduled to be sentenced in June. So this is why I said this article and this story really isn't long enough for us to do a whole episode on, because there's really not much more there to add to what we already knew, right? But it's pretty interesting that everything is legit now as far as her seeking the trial, and it's going to be interesting to see what Judge Nathan has to say here, because once precedent is set in a courtroom, it's very difficult for that precedent to be overturned. Alright, so our next article, man, is this guy a boob or what? I mean, how many morons out there are a bigger moron than Prince Andrew? Out here yelling and screaming at the staff, carrying on like a fool? I mean, it's unbelievable. And this is the same guy that's going to get up there and try and gaslight and BS the whole world about how he's an honorable man. Honorable men don't yell at the help. Honorable men slide an extra $100 bill or $200 bill into the, you know, the maid's pocket when she's not looking or slide it into a card and give it to her. That's what honorable men do. They realize that the people who aren't as blessed as them to be born into royalty, because believe me, he didn't earn shit. He doesn't understand what it's like to work every day for a living. Have to deal with all of the nonsense that goes with it, like all of us do. So he thinks it's a good idea to yell and berate these people, where in reality, he should be coming out of his pocket and giving them a couple of extra bucks. Alright, this article is from the and the author of this is Chris Jour's headline, Prince Andrew's former maid tells how she was left in tears after demanding an entitled royal forced her to run up four flights of stairs to close his curtains despite him sitting right next to them. I mean, imagine this shit you overgrown Joffrey Baratheon looking ass. Are you kidding me right now? Making this lady run up these four flights of stairs? Because you're such a sorry ass excuse for a human. You can't do it even though you're sitting right next to him. Man, people like this. This is what I mean, folks. When I talk about the so-called elite, this is exactly what I mean. And meanwhile, the rest of us continue to pay the poor people's tax, right? More inflation, worse financing rates, you name it. And on and on it goes. A former maid at Buckingham Palace is spoken out about working for Prince Andrew, calling the Duke of York demanding and entitled. Charlotte Briggs claimed on Thursday that she was left in tears by Andrew's foul-mouthed rants and, on one occasion, faced his wrath over a tiny gap in his curtains. I mean, imagine being this poor lady. Speaking to the son, Miss Briggs said the Prince yelled at her, "Can't you fucking do anything right?" as she ran up and down the stairs to fix the curtains, some of which he was sitting a matter of yards away from. So this entitled "Bastard" is such a chump that he'd rather have this lady run up and down the stairs, you know, killing herself, basically, to close some curtains even when he's sitting a couple yards away from them. This man fought for his country in the Falklands, but couldn't stand up to close his own curtains. The 47-year-old mother of two told the newspaper. It was utterly ridiculous, but it spoke volumes about him, she added. And that's what I was talking about when we opened up the show here. It adds more character and more meat to the bone or shows the lack of character, I should say, but it adds more meat to the bone as to who he is and the kind of person we're dealing with. You really think a person like this that's going to yell and scream at the help, is going to be honest when they're caught in a sexual assault situation like he is? Of course not. This dude's gonna lie, he's gonna cheat, he's gonna steal, he's gonna try and destroy people's reputations and he doesn't care one bit. By comparison, Miss Briggs said that the Duke's brother Charles and Edward, as well as other royals she encountered during her time at the palace, were wonderful. Hey, look, I'm not a big fan of the royals, as you all know, but I'm sure that a lot of them, a good majority of them, don't yell at the help. It's a bad look in the best of time. I mean, in the worst of times, what are you doing yelling at these people? So yeah, I don't, I'm not shocked that some of the other royals are, are nice people to the help, at least. She began working at Buckingham Palace in 1996 when she was 21, but within six months, was tasked with being Andrews made, a job that nobody wanted, she said. Imagine cleaning this dude's bed and shit, you show up in there, he has his Batman underoos tossed in the corner, left over pizza, rotting away on the desk, and then it's your, your job to clean it all up. At the time, Andrew was 36 and had recently divorced from Sarah Ferguson. He would frequently fly off the handle and expected everything to be done for him. Miss Briggs from Halifax, broke her silence to the sun after Prince Andrew was stripped of his military titles, amid a sex assault lawsuit brought by Virginia Roberts in the United States. And what have I said a million times? It's like a dam about the break, right? First you see one little pluck in the wall, I mean, in the, the, the wall of the dam, and then another hole, another hole, another hole, and before you know it, it bursts. And more people are going to keep coming out with stories such as this, because we all know this is the man he was. Still, I'm sitting here waiting what two years later now, is there one person that's willing to come forward and say they saw him on the night in question at that woken at, I mean, at that pizza shop and woken, not one person so far. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Are insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone and our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. Wow, Dan Morgan. From Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit or an office near you. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. Miss Roberts claimed she was trafficked by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Elaine Maxwell to have sex with the Prince three times when she was a teenager. The Duke of York denies the allegations. Miss Briggs spoke about how Andrews pillows were embroidered with a royal crest that they had to be in the center of his four-poster bed and that his pajamas and teddy bears had to be precisely laid out his pajamas and teddy bears. I could see this dude wearing like the two-piece pajama outfit, right? You know, like the button-up shirt, the pants, with like his name crest on it, the whole thing. Going to bed, cuddling his teddy bear. What a weird ass dude. Strip away all of the allegations against him and you just got a weird ass man child here and you wonder why I call this dude the Joe Exotic of the Winsor family. Having moved down from Yorkshire to London, her first six months working at the palace involved cleaning offices. On her first day, Miss Briggs said Prince Edward held the door for her as he took the bins as she took the bins out. But otherwise, she didn't encounter many of the royals early on. That changed when she was asked to be Andrews made. No one else wanted to, she said, because of his reputation for tantrums. Yeah, no doubt. Baby like this, a cry baby like this, mommy's favorite. Oh, I'll just go and tell my mommy. I'll just go and tell my mommy the queen. Imagine this kind of guy growing up with this dude. This is the kind of dude that like talks trash to you, right? As you're growing up, like that cousin. You know, the one that comes over runs his fat yap. And then the second you bomb on him goes and runs and tells his mom. Having moved back to the palace after his divorce, the duke had taken up residence on the nursery floor where he, Prince Charles, Prince Edward, and Prince Anne used to play when they were children. But despite being a grown man who served in the military, he refused to do anything himself, Miss Briggs told the newspaper. It doesn't shock me. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that he had someone come in and put his socks on for him. That's the kind of dude he is. We turned down his bed, remove his teddies to the curtains and lay out his pajamas. But he was a bad apple and behaved like a spoiled brat. She said, laid out his pajamas. I mean, for real, for real. I don't care if I was the emperor of the Byzantium Emperor Empire. Nobody's laying out my PJs. Getting into my house clothes is a sacred time for me. You better back up. I'm sure you got other things to do. Why don't you give her the day off and put your own pajamas on you clown. On one occasion, she said he called down from his office for a maid to be sent up to close the curtains in his office, she recalled. For Miss Briggs, this meant putting on her evening dress, going up four flights of stairs to close the curtains. Andrew was sitting, Andrew was sitting a matter of feet away from putting on your night. Well, hold on a minute. Let's back up here. She had to put on her evening dress. What does that mean? I don't even know what that means. Is that like your nightgown over there in England, maybe? I don't know. Several, the servants have to wear different kits as well inside of Buckingham Palace, depending on their duty. Oh, I have to put on my T-soving kit. Oh, let me go get my shit talking kit on. As she left the rooms, Miss Briggs said Andrew screamed at her over the fact she had left a small gap at the top, despite the curtains running floor to ceiling. During her time at Buckingham Palace, she said that the other royals treated her well. Prince Edward was kind, she said, and she was even hugged by Nelson Mandela. Now, you see, Nelson Mandela strikes me as the type, giving the help some love, a hug, an extra tip, something like that, right? Not Prince Andrew. At the time, she was paid 600 pounds a month, and in 1900, 600 pounds a month. And in 1996, she was even pictured on the royal balcony, ahead of the Trooping of the Colors ceremony, according to the sun. But Andrew, Miss Briggs said, ruined her time at the palace. Again, this guy is an absolute piece of work. And watching his downfall in real time has been popcorn worthy. Eating so much popcorn over here as I watch this guy crash in real time that I have more kernels stuck in my mouth than I have teeth at this point. It is so beyond time for this man to face the accusations that have been alleged against him. She also claimed to the sun that the Prince kept Sarah Ferguson's wedding dress in his wardrobe after they divorced in 1992. The royal couple married at Westminster Abbey in July of 1986. The former palace maid also claimed that her makeup was still laid out on his dressing table, suggesting he still held a flame for her as she said. Well, that definitely strikes home. They're still living together now. They've been very close for a very long time. So I'm sure that they were still a thing, even if they weren't a thing. The revelations about the dukes outbursts will likely cause him even more embarrassment as he prepares to testify against the claims made by Roberts. It all comes after the queen, his mother, stripped him of his royal titles, and excuse me, end as he is facing calls to be evicted from the royal lodge in Windsor, where he currently lives with his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson. What's next? He's not going to get dinner. No dinner for you, young man. I wonder if the queen took his Xbox away yet. Mel Online has approached Buckingham Palace for comment from Prince Andrew regarding Miss Briggs' comments in the sun. As of Thursday night, no response has been received. Miss Briggs' account of Andrew's teddy bears is not the first time they have been mentioned. Earlier this week, former palace guard Paul Page claimed that Andrew had a bed with 50 or 60 stuffed toys, and maids were given a laminated picture so each bear could carefully be put back in its original position. Boy, sounds like a hell of a guy, huh? Can I come over and check out your bear collection? Now, you know, a grown man, a baseball card collection, soccer card collection forum, a collection of ancient weapons of teddy bear collection, bro. Really? This is what you're rocking in your bedroom as a grown ass man? You got backstreet boy pictures up on the wall too? The reason for the laminated picture was if those bear weren't put back in the right order by the maids, he would shout and scream. Writer Elizabeth Day was introduced to Andrew's strange teddy bear collection back in 2019 at Buckingham Palace. She wrote, "I was told to wait in a corridor where my only other companion was an oversized teddy bear squashed into his seat. When I was ushered into meet Prince Andrew, I asked him about it. He sniggered and told me it had been a wedding gift from his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson. Now, imagine being the Prince of England and you get a teddy bear from your new wife as a wedding gift? What? So the whole teddy bear thing is just completely odd to me, folks. You know, I never knew that this dude had a beanie bear collection or a beanie baby collection, I mean? Who knew? But what it does, again, it really reflects poorly on Prince Andrew, really reflects poorly on the character he does not possess. And at this point, how many more stories are we going to hear? I'm guessing a lot more is going to come out about his crude behavior, about the way he conducted himself, and about the way he's an embarrassment to his family and the whole entire nation. Alright, folks, that's going to do it for tonight's evening update. I will be back in the morning with a morning update. We'll catch up hopefully on some Nougallain Maxwell news. If not, we'll see where the story overalls at and we'll catch up from there. But either way, I will be here tomorrow morning to pick it back up. There'll be some context episodes coming your way as well. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that we discussed or the links I should say can be found in the description box. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canollies, and spins mean everything. 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