Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Ghislaine Maxwell Is Put On Blast By A Former Friend

According to the Toronto Sun a new source has emerged and has a few things to say about Ghislaine Maxwell and her character or lack thereof.

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24 Jun 2024
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Let's jump into our article, shall we? Today we have an article from the Toronto Sun. And this article is touching on a bit about Gila and Maxwell's, you know, personal relationships with said person in this article. Now the person wanted to remain unnamed because they have spoken with the FBI already, so this is a source that the Toronto Sun has gotten with and talked to about Gila and Maxwell. So let's dive into this article from the Toronto Sun authored by Brad Hunter. And let's see what they have to say about Gila and Maxwell headline. Gila and Maxwell said girls are like candy, pala ledges. Yeah, that's not creepy or creepy or anything, right? I mean, Gila and Maxwell is a walking and talking cringe machine. Every time I hear something that this lady has said or allegedly said in confidence to people, it's nauseating. That there are people like this amongst us folks walking around and, you know, can sharing our air and conducting their day to day in our vicinity is a bit disturbing. Now we know that there's a bunch of sick people amongst us, right? But when you look at the so-called elite and you get the spotlight shining on them, it is very apparent, at least to me, that a vast majority of these people are at the very least fellow travelers with Jeffrey Epstein. I mean, once you get to that level of power, that level of money, what gets you off, right? The normal people like you and I, we go gamble, we get excited, get the adrenaline flowing, you know, buy a new car, we're fired up, you know, things like that. But what gets the adrenaline going for these so-called elite with all of this money seems to be using power. Over the powerless is what gets these people off. You ain't maxed. Well, it looks like she's been chiseled from a block of ice. Yeah, that's true with gray hair, though, right? Now she has some gray hair. She can't go to Frederick, but kind of touch up her roots right now. So she's going to have to rock with that gray hair. Like she's chiseled from ice. A little bit of a bruise underneath her eye. Looks like she fell asleep with her glasses on to me, though, right? I mean, how else did she get that bruise? Nobody, nobody beat her up in jail. No guards hit her. None of that stuff occurred. Stop it. So self-inflicted allergies or fell asleep with her glasses on, rubbed her eye too hard. Hell, maybe she punched herself in the face. Who knows? But certainly there was nobody else. That gave her that black eye. There is we'd have the video on it, right? So I don't even understand what her lawyers are alleging. They're saying it's from the light. What what what? And if her demeanor is any indication, the inside matches the outside. According to a former friend who has known the disgraced socialite for years, socialite, co-conspirator, general all around Scuzzbag, allegedly fellow child abuser and a bipedal serpent. Today, the former paramour of billionaire pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, is cooling her jets in a Brooklyn jail while she awaits her July trial on sex trafficking charges. Yeah, wouldn't say she's cooling her jets there, Mr. Brad Hunter. I'd say she's a bit fired up. Well, I mean, just take a look at all of the motions that her team has filed. And you see that Gilean Maxwell is throwing every single piece of doodoo at the wall, hoping some of it will stick. But what she has not presented us, the ice queen. She has not presented us with any evidence, not even a little bit to prove her side of this story. Not even one little bit of evidence. So they can have all the websites they want. They can have certain publications, run puff pieces for them. They can have disgraced journalists who thought that that stupid ass tape from the dude in Russia was real. They can have them help them out, whatever it might be. But at the end of the day, all of this shit. My winging, my opinion, they're not none of it's going to matter, folks, because that trial is coming. OK. And then when that trial comes and all the cards are building on decades of research, longevity expert Dan Butner has gathered 100 recipes to help you live to 100. The recipes are inspired by the Blue Zones, where the healthiest and happiest communities are located. Each dish, like Sardinian herb, lentil minestrone, uses ingredients and cooking methods proven to increase longevity, wellness and mental health. Blue Zones kitchen, available wherever books are sold on the table. We'll see what's what. And I have a sneaking suspicion. That team Maxwell is not going to come out of this looking good at all. Maxwell has pleaded not guilty and none of the charges have been proven in court. Well, yeah, that's how this works, usually, right? You know, allegations, investigation, trial, then conviction. OK, that's how it works. Nobody's saying she's been proven guilty. I'm certainly not anyway. The process has to play itself out. Unfortunately for her, the circumstantial evidence is Everest high and unfortunately for her, she is what you call a public figure. When you're a public figure, this is what happens. Your life gets played out in the headlines, especially if you're involved in, you know, human trafficking. Yeah, people might talk about you a little bit, OK? And that's what's going on here. But unlike other cases that are happening in real time, where we don't have all of the years of evidence in court documentation, this case. Has a solid foundation of evidence to follow from the beginning all the way through to the destination and for you to actually bite in deep and get a mouthful. As opposed to he said, she said that you see going on in these newer cases, right? We have court documents here. We have tons of witness statements here and we have decades and decades of not only investigations by, well, some of the media, but by the authorities themselves. So this is a very unique case in that regard. Very rarely do we have all of this evidence and all of this groundwork already set up for us when there's a case to dive into. Usually there's all kinds of things going on in real time, right? You don't know what's real, what's not. Nothing's been vetted yet. A lot of stuff is, you know, hard to track down. And then, of course, you have to, unfortunately, take into mind that is this a political hit piece? Is this a hit job? Who was this person's enemies? So all of that stuff comes into play when you're looking at one of these newer cases with Maxwell and Epstein. However, none of that matters. This is all documented. This is all stuff that has been put down in court documents, has been put down on the public record in defamation cases. So this is a lot different than, you know, something like a top mom was, right? With Nancy Grace and all of that stuff. I stay away from that. You'll never hear me dive into any of that kind of stuff, folks, because we just don't have enough to go on, right? We don't have enough to go on. But this case, oh, there's enough to go on. What are we over a thousand articles in by now? Plenty to go on here, folks. A wealthy California woman said she met Maxwell at a gala in 2004 at her Los Angeles area home and they became fast friends. Now again, take this with a grain of salt, right? We don't know this. This is an anonymous source talking to the Toronto sun. So again, I am, you know, with anonymous sources, I am hesitant in some cases to, you know, buy in 100% what they have to say. But when we're talking about situations such as these, I feel like when it's reported, we have to talk about it, right? Because this person, according to her, has spoken with the FBI already as well. So if that's the case, then she's more than likely a legit source. My first impression was that she was very intelligent and very charismatic. She knows what to say, the woman who asked to remain anonymous because she has spoken to the FBI about the Maxwell case told the Toronto sun. So this lady says she got, became real good friends with Maxwell in 2004 at a gala at her Los Angeles based home. And according to her, you lay in Maxwell is not a very good person, folks, right? So what this does is it just adds on to what we already know, more of a character assessment for Gilean Maxwell, just to add to the catalog of what we already know about her being a terrible human being. She revealed that Maxwell was drawn to the wealthy like a moth to a flame. Yeah, no shit that she had to get that compromise, right? She had to make sure that she was getting that information and they were getting the stuff that they were looking to get from these wealthy people. See, it didn't just happen in a vacuum. It wasn't just all about the money, right? It was about the information. Remember, when you're at this level of wealth and you have this kind of dough, information is invaluable to you. You fabricate a hook on one of your enemies and forget it. Now you have them dance into your song and dance. Trying to get. This woman was worse than Jeffrey Epstein. She had no conscience. I wondered about a lot of things with her sometimes. The woman said adding that Maxwell was hypersexual. I'm look, there's again, there are a lot of people who have come forward and given this exact description of who Maxwell is, of what she was and how she conducted herself as far as her being hypersexual. I don't care about that, right? I mean, that doesn't matter to me. What you do in your bedroom with consenting adults, not my business, if you want to be a somebody who wants to have a ton of sex in their life. Hey, go for it. I don't care. None of my business, whatever you people want to do in your bedroom, I support 100% as long as it's with consenting adults. That's the only the only rule in my life when it comes to love or, you know, lust or whatever it is, consenting adults. Besides that, man, it's nobody's business, what folks do in their bedroom. Maybe if people would focus on their own lives and their own bedrooms, hint hint, they wouldn't be so worried about other people, right? But there is a lot, there are a lot of people who are. I don't understand where they get the time for it. Some nosy ass MFs on this planet, folks. She told me she could get into anybody's pants that girls are like candy. Talk about gross. And when she says girls, we know Gilean Maxwell is talking about girls, right? Well, she doesn't mean 26, 27 year old women. She's talking about girls, new biles, as it were. And to think that anyone's defending this woman, including her family, and with all we know, I just, it doesn't register with me, honestly. These were the days before Epstein was arrested in Florida on an underage prostitution beef. I visited her place on E-65th Street in New York and at Jeff's place, and we flew together several times, the woman said, Oh, did you? What did you see on those planes, young lady? So I'm glad that, according to this lady, she's speaking with the FBI and talking to them about what she saw with Epstein and Maxwell. And if that's the case and she really is speaking with them, I wonder how many other people have come forward to do the same thing that we don't know about. Remember, there's a lot going on behind the scenes, folks, that we are not privy to. But it didn't take long for her to start noticing disturbing things unfolding in the Maxwell Epstein orbit. She said that Maxwell was attracted to both men and women and sincerely hoped she would one day marry creepy Epstein. Both were obsessed with social standing and even had rankings. So according to this lady, they had rankings as if you or I were ranking athletes or the best bars to go to. And that's how they would rank the social standings around them, the people around them. As far as Gilean Maxwell liking women as well as men, we know that according to the information we have, we know that that's something that's certainly on the table. So, look. How many more people are going to come out of the woodwork as we get closer to the trial? You know, I said how it's like a dam, right? First there's a crack, a little bit of water starts coming out, and then it bursts. And I think we're seeing that now, folks. I think we're seeing the burst phase. As more people come forward and speak on what they know, I think that we'll see even more of it even. There were always half naked young women around both Maxwell and Epstein. Yes, I saw them, and it troubled me. So, you're coming forward now, and that's a good thing, but if it troubles you then, why didn't you say anything about it then? Why didn't you go to the authorities then? I mean, I guess it could be because Epstein was, you know, intimidating and powerful, and people didn't want to upset the apple cart. But F that. F that. I was born to upset the apple cart. The woman revealed she has been questioned by the FBI, but she wishes she had acted sooner, like many others. Well, there you have it. "I feel a burden of guilt for not having done something sooner," she said. "But they, Maxwell and Epstein, were a team when it came to sex money and power. A very formidable team, and the most perverse people I've ever seen." So again, more people coming out and saying this. You know, so Maxwell's family can say what they want. Oscar Marcus can run whatever Yappie wants. The few publications that are friendly to them can try and spin it however they want, but the facts don't align. Even today, the Californian said she remains mind-boggled by the extent of the corruption around the twosome. Now, the 59-year-old publishing heiress co-conspirator general all around Skazbeg is backed into a desperate corner. If convicted, she could be in jail for decades. It's a life sentence if she's convicted, folks. She's not getting out. She's 59. She's facing like 80 years in shit. If she goes up the river, which she certainly should, she's going to be in there for the rest of her life. The lonely, sandwich party for everybody. If it looks like she's going down, Gilean will make a deal, and she'll throw people under the bus, including Prince Andrew, the former friend explains. Oh boy, would I love to see it. I would love to see Maxwell turn Snitch and start ratting. Boy, that would be fantastic. Imagine the net that she could throw over some of these people? I know Gilean. She cares about one person and one person only. And that's Gilean Maxwell. Again, folks, this is from an anonymous source. Person says that she's spoken to the FBI already, but it certainly fits with the profile that we already have on Gilean Maxwell. And it just plays up the fact of the person that she is. And anyone who's been paying attention, anybody who's been following this story, already knew that Gilean Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein are, in my estimation at least, two of the most perverse people we have ever come across. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. All of the links that go with this episode can be found in the description box.