Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Ghislaine Maxwell's Lawyer Arthur Aidala And His Trip To The Cuomo Show

With Ghislaine Maxwell's appeal right around the corner, her lawyer, Arthur Aidala is wasting no time to make the rounds to crow about his clients innocence. This time around he was on the Andrew Cuomo show on the obscure News Nation network, telling Cuomo that Maxwell is innocent and how she has some opinions about Epstein's death, but, of course, he can't share those opinions until after her appeal.

In otherwords, they have nothing new to offer us.

So, let's dive in and swim through the latest bs to find some clarity.

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Ghislaine Maxwell's attorney says she 'definitely has a take' on Epstein suicide conspiracies but won't say what it is - and claims she didn't testify at her trial because she was 'hungry and sleep-deprived' | Daily Mail Online

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23 Jun 2024
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Just take a look at what happened to Alex Murdoch. You really think Gohane Maxwell is going to get up there and not get absolutely handled by the prosecution with all the evidence that they have available to them? So that whole entire nonsensical statement is just laughable at best. And the fact that he'd get up there and talk about how Maxwell has some opinions about this, that, or the other thing, well, that's all fine and well. But who cares? What does it matter what Gohane Maxwell thinks when it comes to what happened to Jeffrey Epstein and that jail cell? Unless she has some information that goes against the narrative, who really cares what this disgusting bipedal serpent has to say? Today's article is from the Daily Mail and the headline. Gohane Maxwell's attorney says she definitely has a take on Epstein's suicide conspiracies, but won't say what it is and claims she didn't testify at her trial because she was hungry and sleep deprived. This article was authored by Bethin Sexton. Gohane Maxwell's attorney says she definitely has a take on the conspiracies around Jeffrey Epstein's suicide, but has refused to say what it is. Arthur I.Dala revealed he has discussed the disgraced financier's death, he means pedophile's death, with his client at length, but he will not disclose what she had to say because it'll be a distraction from Maxwell's appeal hearing next month. Boy, I cannot wait for this appeal hearing to come and go. Enough already with Gohane Maxwell. What the hell could she possibly have to offer at this point that anyone even cares about? If she had information that she wanted to dish up previously, she should have done that. Maybe it could have kept her out of prison for as long as she's there. But now that she's already a convicted felon, why should anyone believe anything she has to say? All the lawyer will have to do is say, look, she's saying this, so she'll get off. She's saying this, so she'll look better. She's the one that's been convicted as a human trafficker, not my client. And the rest of the world sit around and look at what's going on and say, yeah, you know what? Why should we believe a notorious liar and the human trafficker like Gohane Maxwell? Idala insisted on his client's innocence and claims she did not testify at her trial because she was hungry and sleep deprived after being woken up in strip search by the prison staff eight times a day. So she was sleeping eight times a day and she was woken up and strip searched each time? Is she an ark elective or something? Why are you sleeping eight different times throughout the day? How is it that you're gonna defend yourself and go through all this paperwork you talk about you have to go through if you're having eight different naps? And furthermore, I don't care if you kept me up for 10 days straight. If I was innocent, come the day of my trial, the day of my testimony, my ass is getting in that box and I'm gonna tell you the truth. I'm gonna tell you what really happened. We didn't see that from Maxwell, did we? No, she hid there, behind her lawyers and their weak ass defense of her and now she's rotting away in prison. Maxwell is currently serving 20 years in jail after being found guilty of trafficking young girls for Epstein to sexually abuse. She is planning to appeal the sentence on March 12th. Considering my birthday is March 13th, I hope that I get a nice birthday present and her appeal gets slapped right the fuck down. There's just no way in hell in my opinion that Glane Maxwell is entitled to a new trial. Sorry, I didn't see anything that would live up to the expectations of a new trial, especially considering Alec Murdoch didn't get one. That court clerk was up to no good down there and he didn't get no new trial, so why should Glane Maxwell? I dollar claim that while awaiting trial his client was treated worse than Russian opposition leader Alex A. Navalny who recently died in prison under grueling conditions. Talk about hyperbole, treated worse than Navalny, huh? Glane Maxwell wasn't treated any different than any other high risk inmate inside of the system. There was not a certain set of rules that were set out for Glane Maxwell. She wasn't working on a chain gang. She wasn't doing any kind of forced labor. She was being treated as a high risk inmate and that's because she is a high risk inmate. And imagine if they didn't do that and something would have happened to Glane Maxwell what that story would have been. The way she was treated pending a trial as an innocent civilian of the American justice system should make every American watching this disgusted because she was treated worse than the guy who just died in Russia was. I dollar told news nations, Chris Cuomo, and do people actually watch this news nation? It's something that people actually watch. I thought that they only covered stuff like missing people, but I guess they're in on all this other stuff too. I mean, they've had Dershowitz on their show too. They had him on that Leland Vittert guys show. Boy, talk about a train wreck. That show is absolutely horrible. I don't even know how it's on TV. I tried to tune in and watch the Dershowitz interview. Oh my God, absolutely terrible. She had her own pet rat in the jail cell. She went days without eating. I asked her, "Glane, if you're innocent, why didn't you testify?" Oh, she had a pet rat, huh? What is this, the green mile? Is this guy Arthur Adala being for real or is he doing a comedy shtick? Because it seems like some sort of comedy routine. She said, "Arthur, the way they treated me, I didn't know my own name. They would take her back from eight or nine o'clock." They said, "Judge, she has an eatin'. Can we give her a protein bar, granola bar?" And the judge just says, "No." Oh, please, give me a break. She didn't eat while that's her own fault. Wasn't like food wasn't offered. Maybe she didn't wanna eat the food that was being offered to her, but it's not like they were telling her she's not gonna eat. So all of a sudden she's Bobby Sands over here. And the fact that they're trying to compare her to Navalny is just laughable. Navalny was a, you know, political prisoner, and he was in Siberia. Glain Maxwell breaking news as bad as MDC was. Certainly not Siberia. And Tallahassee's nowhere near as bad as where Navalny was. So to act like Glain Maxwell is even close to Navalny is a joke. But it's the same as before. Her other lawyers tried to compare her to Nelson Mandela. Imagine that. Using Glain Maxwell's name in the same sentence as Nelson Mandela's. Boy, that's gonna go over well. But these people truly believe that you're not paying attention to their bullshit. They believe that they can gaslight you into anything. So she didn't testify because she was hungry, Cuomo asked, and sleep deprived. It's in the CIA torture handbook, I dollar replied. Every 15 minutes they pushed her awake. She was strip searched eight times a day. I don't believe it, show me proof, receipts. All we have are a bunch of allegations made by Glain Maxwell and their team. Nothing more than a bunch of BS. I don't believe any of it, sorry. And that's coming from somebody who never believes the shit that these facilities are trying to pitch us. I've seen the way these facilities treat people. It's not great. But Maxwell trying to, you know, single herself out here and act like she's being treated differently than other people is ridiculous. And it just goes to show you her privilege once again. Just go and look at how Cleve Browder was treated while he was locked up. Where was Arthur Aydala then? Where was Glain Maxwell then? Asked of his client, has a view on the suspicions around Epstein's death. Aydala said, she definitely has a take. We spoke about it for a while. Maybe you'll invite me back on the show after March 12th. I don't want anything to distract from the March 12th date. Okay, sure, Mr. Aydala, maybe you'll have me back on. I'll tell you what, why don't you come on this program? You won't get those softball questions that that loser Cuomo gave you, but we'll get some shit sorted out. I promise you that. Enough is enough with the softball questions. People like this, you need to go hard on them. Well, you're gonna let them get up there and just pitch the narrative. I shouldn't expect anything else from Cuomo considering that moron's track record, but I mean, an absolute softball interview. Okay, I guess you really did your viewers well with that one. You really educated them on the facts. Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. 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Here, Gulain Maxwell is nowhere to be found in the paperwork in the indictment until after he dies. Then she becomes the surrogate, Eyedala said. Yeah, under normal circumstances, that's what happened, but he didn't notice he doesn't mention Rico. He doesn't mention anything that will hurt his client, obviously, but that's the truth. The only reason that the whole organization wasn't taken down is because they were running as assets for insert government official here. So stop with the bullshit, Mr. Eyedala. The feds have spent millions of dollars to go after the big bad monster, Jeffrey Epstein, and he may have been a monster. I have no idea. Now he's gone. So what do they do? They need a proxy. So you can't even admit that Epstein was guilty after all this payment was paid out. That goes to tell me right there that Mr. Eyedala is not a serious man. And not somebody that should be taken seriously. Just another one of these so-called high profile lawyers who thinks they're the shit, but really, you're not. You're gonna get crushed by the prosecutors, Maxwell's gonna rot in jail, and then you'll move on to the next scumbag client and preaching about how great that person is. He revealed that his client is in good spirits ahead of the appeal hearing. I met with her last week, even though you know you're walking out of that prison, it's nowhere you wanna be, Eyedala said. She was very vivacious. She's totally with it. Okay, so no more excuses. Is she gonna testify this time around? What's the excuse gonna be this time? Oh, she didn't get the proper amount of tofu. Oh, she didn't have the right hair coloring. The lawyer claim that his client has not been convicted on evidence and suggested she had been tried in the court of public opinion, drawing comparisons with Donald Trump and Bill Cosby. The only difference is there was a trial. And at that trial, she was found guilty. Is this guy for real? He admitted that his client, accepts that Epstein was at fault, insisted there was levels to what happened and that the story has run amok since Epstein's death as there is nobody to push back on all the fairy tales. The first time she volunteered to say was absolute BS was Alan Dershowitz, Eyedala added. Well, maybe with Virginia, but how are we going to explain what Alan Dershowitz did when it comes to destroying the credibility of those little girls down in Palm Beach? Might not be illegal, but certainly not ethical, not in my opinion. And you want to talk about morally corrupt? Fuck, does it get any worse than going after a 15 year old girl 'cause she smoked a couple cigarettes? Never mind the fact that you're disgusting ass client, raped her. She said that's not true. He was in six places, that's a lie. Supposedly I was there, I was never there. Her position in this is that this has got so blown out of proportion of what it was. Dershowitz was Epstein's lawyer who was named in the Epstein papers and accused of sexual abuse by Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts who later admitted she may, may, may, not did may, may, remember the word may have made a mistake in naming the Harvard Law Professor. When pressed by the host of Maxwell could categorically state she had done nothing to put young girls in harm's way, Eyedala confirmed that is what she plans to say at the appeal. Oh boy, let's go. Yo, I cannot wait for March 12 to get here. So this lady can finally be shut up once and for all. All right folks, that's gonna do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. - Lucky Land Slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? - Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. 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