Beyond The Horizon

The Murder Of Rachel Morin: Alleged Murderer Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez Is Denied Bail (6/23/24)

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was reported missing on August 5, 2023, after she did not return from a run on the Ma & Pa Trail in Bel Air, Maryland. Her body was found the next day on the trail, and it was determined that she had been murdered.

Ten months later, on June 15, 2024, authorities arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Martinez-Hernandez, a 23-year-old from El Salvador who entered the U.S. illegally in February 2023, was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape in connection with Morin's death. His DNA linked him to both the Morin case and a previous assault in Los Angeles involving a mother and her nine-year-old daughter

This arrest was made possible through a combination of federal and local law enforcement efforts. Martinez-Hernandez had previously fled El Salvador after allegedly committing another murder there, and once in the U.S., he continued his criminal activities​. He will be extradited to Maryland to face charge.

The suspect has been denied bail.

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Horrific new details revealed about Rachel Morin's brutal rape and murder as suspect denied bail (

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23 Jun 2024
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Rachel Morin was strangled as well as savagely beaten. It was revealed Friday as the illegal Salvadorian migrant accused of raping and killing the mom of five was denied bail. Yo, this dude, volcanoes and helicopters, they're too good for him. This man should be taken apart piece by piece. Disassemble this sixth son of a bitch and make it as painful as possible. Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, aka piece of shit, a 23 year old suspected gang banger, attended the Friday hearing via video link from the Harford County Detention Center dressed in a black and white striped jumpsuit with his hands cuffed behind his back. And usually I'm not a fan of extraditing anyone who has committed crimes in America until they pay for those crimes right here in the good old USA. But when we're talking about El Salvador and what would be waiting this piece of shit back there in Bucalet's little Gulag, I'm thinking that sending this dude back to El Salvador is much better than him getting three hots in a cot here in America for the rest of his life. Unless, of course, we're gonna give his bitch as the death penalty, then I'm completely on board with that. In fact, I'd like to be the one injecting the chemicals into him. I'd gladly pull the lever if we were hanging him and I'd certainly push his ass out of a helicopter over a volcano. Broad deserves all of that and a lot more. The court heard that Morin, 37 year old mom, was brutally beaten to death and found partially naked after she was attacked on the Mon Paw Heritage Trail in Bel Air, Maryland on August 4th. So if this guy goes to prison here in America, what I would do, if I was Rachel's family, I would find out what facility he was in and whoever was the shot caller in that facility, I'd get in contact with them and I'd make sure they'd have a whole hell of a lot of top ramen if you get my drift. The Morin family's attorney Randolph Rice told the post after the hearing that the victim's badly beaten body was located in a drainage tunnel the following day. He said she had 10 to 15 head wounds and the manner of death was strangulation and blunt force injuries. Yeah, real fucking tough guy, huh? Choke a woman to death, beat her with a rock or whatever the fuck you did, what a coward, bro. You know, I'm not really what you would call a religious guy as you all well know, but if there is a hell, my man is definitely earmarked for a first class visit. She was attacked on the trail during her workout, dragged through the woods to the tunnel where she was located. He added, citing the argument presented by the state's attorney at the bell hearing. Hernandez is charged with first degree and second degree murder, first and second degree rape and first and second degree assault. Oh yeah, this guy's gonna be real popular in prison. In fact, you really wanna get this guy going? Send them to prison and drop them directly in with all of the Aryan Brotherhood. Yeah, why not, right? Let them take care of it. Those pieces of shit aren't worth anything anyway, so they might as well do a service while they're behind bars, right? That's really where I'm at these days, folks. If you haven't figured it out yet, I've had enough of violent criminals like this piece of shit and I've certainly had enough of pieces of garbage sneaking into this country, exploiting this country and hurting people who live here and let me be crystal clear. I will not be voting for any politician who's down with this shit. Judge Kerwin A. Miller ruled Friday that Hernandez was a flight risk and a danger to society and noted that he has an ICE detainer and Interpol Warren. His bond was denied. So how in the hell is this guy in this country in the first place? Oh, he snuck in once, got deported. Here's an idea. Brose a violent criminal, don't deport him, hand him directly over to Bucale. Let Mr. Bucale do his business, let him dismantle him and throw him into the meat factory and the grinder that is the Gulag down in El Salvador. Now, look, I'm not a big fan of the way Bucale moves because I believe that it could be exploited to go after the regular folk. But at the same time, there's no doubt that the results speak for themselves. And when you have an ultra violent society, like down in El Salvador, you have to do things different. You have to make some different moves. You have to move a different way. So I'm not gonna sit here and act like it's my scene because I don't live there, I don't know. But my fear with stuff like that is that it's utilized against the people and it's used for blowback and it's used to get revenge against, you know, rivals or whatever. But with all of that said, this dude right here, who's responsible for this, drop that motherfucker directly in the middle, pull all of those savages and let them do their work. Hernandez declined the opportunity to make a statement as the heart broken more in family you watched on. Rice described it as an emotionally challenging experience for them to see the defendant on the video screen. During the hearing, it was revealed that DNA testing played a critical role in the investigation after it was first linked to a relative of the suspect. Further investigation into the family, lineage, led to Hernandez, who had been staying with relatives in Maryland from December, 2023 until May of 2024, according to authorities. So his family knew the deal and if they're here illegally or if they're here on some kind of visa or something, they should be launched too. That's right. You wanna fuck around and hide your little scumbag relative? Well, enjoy your time back in El Salvador because the doors of the United States are about to hit you where the good Lord split you on your way out and by the way, unlike Motel 6, we're not leaving the lights on for you. The DNA also linked Hernandez to a home burglary and the salt of a girl in Los Angeles on March 26, 2023, local authorities previously had surveillance video but did not know his identity. Hernandez was arrested at a bar in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 14th and extradited to Maryland on Thursday. Rice said the decision to deny bail in such a serious case is not unexpected. Imagine giving bail for something like this? Are you crazy right now? I mean, maybe New York or Los Angeles but I don't see anyone else doing it. And thankfully here we didn't see that. Can you imagine the outcry you've already released this dude back into the populace when he was caught at the border and now you wanna talk about bail? So thankfully that's not something that even came up. Given the gravity of the accusations in this case, rape and murder, it's clear that the court found significant reasons to keep the defendant in custody, he said. This decision underscores the court's priority to ensure public safety and the integrity of the judicial process. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. - And look, that's all great. That's all fine and well. And hopefully that's the case and they're able to slam this one home, which I doubt they won't be able to considering the evidence. But let's be very clear. We have a very big problem here folks. A very, very big problem. We have this situation happening more than people want to admit. And people are letting their dumb ass ideology get in the way of good common sense. And good common sense would tell you that people like this shouldn't be in the country. There shouldn't be any sort of second, third, fourth chance. If you're caught for anything at all in this country and you're here on something like a green card or anything like that, everything should be in jeopardy. And if you're an illegal and you're here and you get busted for fucking jaywalking, your ass should be sent back to wherever you came from. And maybe, just maybe, if we start making it uncomfortable for people who come here illegally, less people will try and come here. I know it's a novel idea, right? But if you're gonna make it comfortable and roll out the welcome wagon, hand out visas, hand out debit cards, hand out places to live while our own American citizens are dying in the streets, what do you expect's gonna happen? You're gonna be invaded. And that's exactly what's cracking off. These people are coming and it's not even people from Mexico, folks, okay? So kill that shit. Every time we talk about one of these violent people who are coming to America and they're hurting people, it's from someplace like Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, one of these central American type joints. Whereas most people coming here from Mexico, they have ties to this country already, their family, they've assimilated, second, third generation, whatever. So whenever you hear about this stuff, at least most recently, it hasn't been Mexican citizens that have been doing this. But when all is said and done, the results are the same. If you're not going to defend the border and keep people out, then how are you going to be able to track who comes in and what they're up to? Because in a perfect world, right? There wouldn't need to be a border anywhere in the whole world. Everybody would be able to do whatever they want, but we don't live in a perfect world. So stop the bullshit and stop making pretend you live in a perfect world so you can feel better about yourself. We do not live in a perfect world. We live in a world that is absolutely flew bar. And if you think people like this scumbag are coming here because they're looking for a better life, you're absolutely insane. The ruling comes after it was revealed that Hernandez relatives turned over two bags of clothes and a pair of shoes that he left behind at their Maryland home after he took off in the wake of raping and killing Morin. According to police, a fatal assault was so brutal that our family said it appeared as though her head had been smashed in with a rock. The DNA samples obtained from the clothing were processed at the Maryland State Police Forensic Lab, matching the DNA from the crime scene document show. So this dude's caught dead to rights. And what they just said here about the family turning over the clothing, well, that's good stuff, right? And that makes me go back and say about my previous statement about launching them out of the country if they were helping them. No one void because if they weren't aiding and abetting them, then they're not involved. They're not responsible. I get that. My point is if you are involved, even if it's just aiding and abetting or helping somebody out in whatever way and you're not a citizen of this nation, you gotta go. Sorry, that's the way it has to work. But thankfully the family here, at least according to this report, turned over some of this evidence and that helped the police find this scumbag. So kudos to the family for doing that. Authority said Hernandez entered the US illegally in February, 2023 and was known to be affiliated with a violent street gang in El Salvador where he is suspected in the murder of another woman. At his bail hearing, the court heard Hernandez was charged with aggravated killing of that woman who had left a bar with him before her body was found in January of 2023. No further details of that incident were provided. And look, he killed that lady allegedly. He killed Rachel Morin, has he killed anybody else? Let's be very clear. Somebody like this has all the hallmarks of being a straight up psychopath. So I'm guessing the investigators are doing their due diligence and looking into anyone else he might have had run-ins with. But one thing's for damn sure, he's caught dead to rights for what happened to Rachel Morin. So we'll have to see what happens here as far as sentencing and the trial, if he's gonna get deported. You know, there's a lot going on and we're just at the very beginning with this arrest being so new. But one thing's for damn sure, this piece of shit is about to feel the fury. All right, everybody, that's gonna do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. - It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get Lucky today at - No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply.