Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Bryan Kohberger And The Lawyer From Pennsylvania

From the archives: 1-17-23

On this edition of the morning update, we take a look at some of the headlines from the past couple of days and see where things stand in the Murder In Moscow investigation.

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Idaho murders latest update: Bryan Kohberger attorney reveals why college stabbings case can be ‘attacked’ in court | The Independent

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23 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) - Well, we got a minute and I'm gonna buy that truck I've been wanting. - Wait, don't you need like weeks to shop for a car? - I don't. Carvana makes it super convenient to find exactly what I want. - Hold up. You're buying a car on your phone? Isn't that more of a laptop thing? - You can shop wherever you want. - I like to do my research. Read reviews, compare models. Plus, Carvana has thousands of options. How'd you decide on that truck? - Because I like it. - Oh, that is a great reason. Go to to sell your car the convenient way. - What's up, everyone? And welcome back to the program. Today, we're gonna jump right back into the headlines that we might've missed from the last couple of days and see where things currently stand as of this morning. And to do that, once again, we're going to use the independent headline, Idaho murders. Brian Coburger attorney reveals why college stabbings case can be attacked in court. This article was authored by Rachel Sharp and Andrea Blanco. The attorney, who represented Brian Coburger before his extradition from Pennsylvania, has voiced his belief that the case against the murder suspect could be attacked. Well, yeah, of course, anything could be attacked. Are they going to be successful with their attack? That's the real question. And so far, it doesn't look like there is a pathway to victory here for Brian Coburger. Now, that doesn't mean moving forward that we won't see something brought forward by his defense team. But as of now, with that probable cause affidavit and everything that we know, it looks real bad for Coburger. That doesn't mean that his team isn't going to try and come up with a strategy to poke holes in all of this stuff. Of course, that's what they're going to do. The question is, will they be successful? Jason LeBarr told local outlet WFMZ that he believes the circumstantial evidence against the 28 year old PhD student is strong, but individually taken, the evidence could be attacked. And that has to be their strategy. Because he's telling you here even that the totality of this evidence against Brian Coburger is very, very strong. So their only hope is to try and piecemeal it and attack it piece by piece. They can't attack the whole entire narrative because it looks real bad for Coburger. So they have to go through it piecemeal and try and dismantle these arguments one at a time. The attorney who no longer represents Mr. Coburger, now that he is back in Idaho facing murder charges, added that he told his client not to divulge any details about the case to him, smart idea. The last thing he wants is to have any knowledge of this case besides what he needed to know in Pennsylvania. Because he doesn't want to get dragged into it, right? This guy's a public defender. We're not talking about some high profile defense attorney here who's trying to build up their status or their prestige of their law firm. So this guy, he just wanted to do his gig. I'm guessing meaning Mr. LeBarr and get Coburger extra-dited and out of his hair. Mr. Coburger is next scheduled to appear in court on June 26th for a preliminary hearing on charges of murdering Kalegan Saubas, Madison Mogin, Zana Kernodel, and Ethan Chapin. The four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death in a student rental home on November 13th in the small college town of Moscow. New details can continue to emerge about the suspect with his chilling online comments and posts resurfacing. In one disturbing rap song, which appears to have been shared by Mr. Coburger on SoundCloud, he referred to himself as a devil and warned, "Don't F with us, you underestimate." So he's out here self-snitching, is that what he's doing? I wonder what Bruce Rivers, the criminal lawyer would think about that. If you're not familiar with Bruce Rivers, he's a lawyer, but he has a YouTube presence and he does some quality work as far as breaking down legal cases and different situations that appear in the court. And he's famous for his tagline of stop self-snitching. So if you haven't checked out his content and you're interested in watching somebody break down, legal situations and do it, definitely and with a little bit of pizzazz, I would definitely suggest checking out Bruce Rivers, the criminal lawyer. New explanation emerges about mystery 911 call alerting police to Idaho student murders. The 911 call alerting law enforcement to the murders of the four University of Idaho students has long been shrouded in mystery after Moscow police said that the caller initially reported an unconscious individual in the home. Now, when this first broke and we were first talking about it, it seemed insane that somebody wouldn't call the police for all of these hours with all of these kids murdered in this house. But that was before we had context. And when you look at everything in context, it certainly makes more sense. Is it completely understandable? Of course not. We weren't in that situation. So our brains are, you know, the human mind, it makes that leap and it says, well, what would have I done? And I think it's very difficult to do that and put ourselves in a situation like that as far as what the roommate went through if we weren't there. Now, that doesn't mean that people can ask questions about that 911 call or lack thereof. Of course, questions should always be asked. I'm not one of these people who just says, all right, well, we have a probable cause affidavit here. That's it. There doesn't need to be a trial. There certainly needs to be a trial and there certainly needs to be some more light shed on the evidence collected by the authorities. But what they do have is very, very strong. And I think that moving forward, when we learn a little bit more, we'll have more context about this 911 call and we'll have it from an official source. The call was made from the cell phone of one of the two surviving roommates around 11.58 a.m. on November 13th with the dispatcher speaking to multiple people. And again, very confusing. Why is there multiple people at a homicide scene? How is it that everybody's just traipsing through the house? These are all legitimate questions. And unfortunately, with a gag order, we're not gonna get any of those answers anytime soon. Officers arrived at the home to find a bloody scene with Kalegan Salvis, Madison Morgan, Zana Kernodel, and Ethan Chapin, all dead from multiple stab wounds. Since then, questions have persisted around why the caller reported an unconscious individual when officials described the scene as one of the worst they had ever seen. A potential reason for the mysterious 911 call has now been revealed in the Airmel article, "The Eyes of a Killer." It is possible that the dispatcher assigned the generic label of unconscious person to the call while speaking to the students who were panicked by the bloody scene. Now, I don't know with a policy in a place like Moscow or anywhere else, honestly, when it comes to calls to 911 or what you specify those as. But I would think that a generic call like that or a generic code or whatever is a bit crazy. Shouldn't you have an idea as far as a dispatcher or the best idea possible of what's going on instead of just saying to the EMS and police, oh yeah, we got an unconscious kid here. So hopefully they'll learn from that and maybe they'll have some better wording or better communication as far as what the scene is and what to expect. Friend of Kernodel and Chapin shares moments she learned of their murders. A friend of the Force Lane students has spoken out about the moment she learned of their murders. Now, I don't know if any of you out there have ever had a friend that has been murdered or killed or anything like that, but it must be a shock to hear that one of your friends, somebody that you were just spending time with, was brutally murdered in this sort of manner. It has to be one of the most unconscionable things that you can go through. I've lost friends before, but not from murder. A real good friend of mine lost his life in a motorcycle accident. And I remember getting the word that he had passed away and it was soul crushing. I can't imagine learning that my friends were murdered in this sort of fashion. This, the brutality shown here, the callousness, the lack of regard for human life, it is just otherworldly evil. Martha, a sophomore at the University of Idaho, was friends with Zanna Cernodel and Ethan Chapin, and had gone to the same Sigma Chi frat party as the young couple on the night of November 12th. She told NBC's Dateline that the 13th of November began like any other Sunday, and she met up with classmates at midday at the Sigma Chi house to work together on a project. At almost exactly the same time, officers were called to the home on King Road to the brutal scene. Martha said that their classmate, Hunter Chapin, Chapin's brother, failed to show up as planned, and when they called him to find out where he was, he gave them the chilling news. We called him and we said, "Hey, are you coming?" And he said, "No, I think Ethan's dead," she said. "Can you imagine?" Martha said, she then tried to text Cernodel, but got no reply. The students then learned that she had also died. At that point, Martha said that it didn't occur to them, that the couple had been murdered, saying she instead wondered if it could have been something like a carbon monoxide leak. And I think that goes to show you the overall perception in a town like this with these young kids. And why Dylan, perhaps, didn't think that anything was too out of place or too wrong, considering nothing like this is even a thought in your mind when you're away at college in a place like Moscow. You think any of these kids ever went to bed before this happened? Saying to themselves, "Oh, somebody might creep in here "and stab me to death," even though I have 19 other roommates, it is just absurd to even think about. But now, certainly something that is not only a possibility, but something that is, unfortunately, a reality. Brian Coburger referred to himself as a devil in an old rap song, so everybody's a rapper these days. All of these kids, they all have these sound cloud accounts and everybody thinks they're a rock hem or Eric Sermon. It is absurd how many people think that they're rappers. New details continue to emerge about Brian Coburger, as he awaits his next court hearing, on June 26, with his chilling online comments and posts resurfaced surfacing. In one disturbing rap song, which appears to have been posted by Mr. Coburger on SoundCloud, he referred to himself as a devil and warned, "Don't f with us, you underestimate." Bruce Rivers would say, "Don't self-snitch." In the track title, "Rise Up Instrumental Test," and posted 11 years ago, under the username XR, the artist sings, "You are not my equal. "You are evil, but I'm devil." Other lyrics include, "End your life, you got no sequel. "Leave your loved ones crying, like some seagulls." Well, I had no idea that seagulls were actually out here crying, but I guess Brian Coburger knows a little bit more about our avian companions than we do. The username XR matches an email address linked to Mr. Coburger. Brian Coburger's chilling post as a teen. Brian Coburger, 28, has been charged with four counts of murder in the brutal 13th of November stabbings of University of Idaho students, Madison Mogan, Kaylee Gonsalves, Zanna Cernodel, and Ethan Chapin. A report by The New York Times on Wednesday offers new insight into the alleged murderer's troubled teenage years and is struggled to feel a motion from a young age. The TapTalk profile behind the chilling post from 2011 was linked to the Washington State University PhD criminology student with the help of recollections from former friends of Mr. Coburger and a username with an email account used by him according to The Times. Mr. Coburger had previously been described by high school friends as an intellectually gifted teen who often struggled to socialize and fit in. Some close to Mr. Coburger have come forward saying he went from being awkward and bullied to developing an addiction to heroin and becoming a bully during his junior year of high school, according to a CBS News report. But the post from the online discussion forum purportedly made when he was 16 years old, appeared to reveal Mr. Coburger's concerns about his suicidal ideation, challenges with a disorder he described as visual snow, a disorder that causes people to see static and an inability to connect with his relatives. I feel like an organic sack of meat with no self worth, one post reads, as I hug my family, I look into their faces, I see nothing. It is like I am looking at a video game, but less. So dude was obviously disturbed from way back when. And all of this stuff was probably left untreated would be my guess. And then it manifested into what we see here. And mental health issues, if they're left unaddressed, can really have big problems moving forward in your life. And I know there's a stigma for a lot of people with mental health, but if you're struggling, you have to get some help. You have to talk to somebody, whatever it is, cognitive behavioral therapy, whatever it is you need to do, you gotta get that help, it's out there. Because you don't wanna have to struggle with mental health issues your whole life, right? That has to be just an almost insurmountable task to wake up in the morning every day to know that you have these issues. But with that said, that's not an excuse. And it's not even a reason why you should be out here committing murders. And if Brian Coburger is the person who's responsible for these murders as the government alleges he is, then all of this stuff that he's talked about online, that's all gonna be put together and they're gonna try and use it against him to build a profile of why he killed these people and why he is the way he is. So there you have it folks, some of the headlines that we might've missed from overnight and from the past couple of days. And obviously we have some more on the way. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that I discussed can be found in the description box.