Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Over Sixty Digital Warrants Were Issued In Moscow

As the trial of Bryan Kohberger continues to loom, we are learning more about what is going on behind the scenes in the courtroom.

In this episode, we take a look at the 60 new redacted warrants that have been filed to the courts docket and what signifigance they might hold moving forward.

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Police issued 60 warrants to companies like Doordash and Tinder while investigating Bryan Kohberger | Daily Mail Online

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22 Jun 2024
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Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest, life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over 100 online casino style games all for free. Go to Chumba Casino dot com to collect your free welcome bonus sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. When Brian Kohlberger was first arrested, we had learned that over 50 digital warrants had been served against Brian Kohlberger. Well now we're learning a little bit more about those warrants and what companies they were issued to in regard to Brian Kohlberger and his alleged involvement in these murders. And as far as court documents forget it, there was a gigantic dump over the weekend that I'm going to be diving into and adding to the catalog, but they released a lot of court documents. And most of it obviously had to do with these warrants that were served and some other documents that have been filed under seal. But before we do all of that, let's dive into this article from the Daily Mail and get a little bit of an idea about what we're dealing with. Headline, cops investigating Idaho murder suspect Brian Kohlberger have issued more than 60 warrants to major firms including Amazon, DoorDash, Reddit and Tinder. This article was authored by Alyssa Guzman and Steven Lepore. Those have issued more than 60 warrants to companies including DoorDash, Verizon, Tinder and Reddit while investigating Idaho murder suspect Brian Kohlberger, but the findings remain under lock and key. And that's to be expected, not only with the gag order, but when you have a case of this nature, you're going to have a lot of documents that get filed under seal or at the very least they're going to get filed and they're going to be redacted. But even when those files are sealed or they're redacted, it gives us an idea at least of which way the wind is blowing. Shortly after the alleged murderer, 28 was extradited to Idaho for the November 13th murders of Cayley-Gon-Salvis, Madison-Mogan, Zanna Kernodel and Ethan Chapin, a gag order was put in place barring attorneys, law enforcement agencies and others associated with the case from talking or writing about it. Among the 750 pages of documents are warrants to more than 60 companies including DoorDash, Verizon, Reddit, Amazon, Match Group which owns Tinder and Meta among others. Now remember Meta also owns Instagram and we've heard a lot of reports about Brian Kohlberger following the girls at least a couple of them on Instagram and sending them direct messages. So you can see where the metal warrant comes from for sure. Early on in the case, Internet sleuths claimed they found a Reddit account that made accurate predictions about the case reportedly before the information was released publicly. He also allegedly used a Reddit account to conduct a study of criminals decision making. And when that first happened, we talked about it right away here on the podcast. I just happened to stumble on it when we first heard his name, obviously you dive right in and you start looking for the digital footprint. At least for me, that's what I do whenever I hear about something like this to try and get an idea of who we're dealing with, right? And I happened to stumble on that Reddit survey and about 25 minutes later, it was already scrubbed from Reddit. So they get to scrub and stuff real quick when we're talking about a crime like this. I mean, look how quick they had Steven Paddick, the guy that was responsible allegedly for the Las Vegas shooting. Look at how quick they had his profile scrub from the Internet. You can't find anything about that, dude. The documents under the gag order contain highly intimate facts or statements, which would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person. The judge said, the documents are also sealed due to the fact that it might threaten the safety of or endanger the life or safety of individuals. And there's always an element of that when you're dealing with a high profile case. Like I always say, the bigger the tent, the bigger the circus. So you never know what sort of lunatics are following along with the case or whatever. So the safety of witnesses is certainly something that has to be very, very much respected and safeguarded. Gonzales family attorney Shannon Gray filed an appeal against the gag order earlier last month, calling it "fascially over broad and vague and unconstitutional, claiming it violated their right to free speech. An attorney for one of the victims' families, I am allowed to relay to the media any of the opinion's views or statements of those family members regarding any part of the case," Gray said, "coburger's lawyer, public defender, and tailor filed an objection to the appeal, saying it doesn't violate First Amendment rights and is not "fascially vague." And we've seen the back and forth in the court documents with these filings and how contentious this relationship remains. Shannon Gray and the Gonzales family have had a very contentious relationship with the investigation since the very beginning, and that remains to this day. And this gag order, honestly, certainly isn't helping matters as far as bridging the gap, because when you listen to the Gonzales family, their contention is that this is a First Amendment right and that a court in Idaho has no power to step on people's First Amendment. So that's the crux of the battle back and forth inside of the courtroom right now at the Supreme Court level in Idaho. If Mr. Gray truly intends only to voice his client's thoughts and opinions, then the court's previous exemption has already cured the supposed First Amendment infirmity. Mr. Gray's clients may voice these thoughts and opinions themselves as they have clearly been doing," wrote Jay Weston-Lodgson, an attorney with Taylor's office. And that's what I get from the court rulings from Meghan Marshall, Judge Marshall. When you go through those court documents, it seems like the family members, the Gonzales family members themselves, can talk about the case. But when it comes to Shannon Gray, he obviously can't because he's a lawyer. And according to the court, the prosecution and the defense, that's why the gag order is constitutional, because Shannon Gray is held to a different standard as an officer of the court than regular people would be. They talk county prosecutor, Bill Thompson, noted that the victim's families, particularly the Gonzales's, could take the stand. Now the cynic in me wonders if they're saying that just to keep them quiet, right? Let's say that the Gonzales family might be witnesses so that the gag order covers them as well, because if they weren't witnesses, obviously, or potential witnesses, then the gag order would mean ungots. See the gag order doesn't mean anything to me or you, right? See the people who are participating within this trial. The members of the Gonzales family, who are represented by Gray, are potential witnesses in this case, including at trial and/or sentencing. He wrote in an affidavit Wednesday, 30 news organizations have also asked the Supreme Court in Idaho to overturn the gag order. The coalition of news organizations contends that it violates the right to free speech by prohibiting it from happening in the first place. Justice cannot survive behind the walls of silence. For that reason, a responsible press has always been regarded as the handmaiden of effective judicial administration, especially in the criminal field. Coalition attorney Wendy Olson wrote in the court filing, quoting historic court rulings about prior restraints on free speech. And that's what we've been talking about with those court documents for the most part over the last few days, talking about Gentile versus Nevada, the Maxwell case, you know, all of that precedent that has been brought forward here to try and bolster the case of the state when we're talking about their intervening or on the flip side when Shannon Gray is talking about his narrative, then obviously he's providing all kinds of precedent that go along with what he has to say as well. Then it's up to the court to decide what precedent they're going to base their ruling upon. And honestly, I think the court is going to uphold the gag order. When all is said and done, I think the court will uphold judge Megan Marshall's a gag order, and that's just going to be the end of it. Despite the public interest in the case, there have not been any notable leaks of information that would prejudice Coburgers right to a fair trial, Olson said, the news organizations and the coalition would have published the additional information about the slayings if the gag order wasn't in place. She wrote, there's no doubt if there was no gag order, then agents of the court would certainly be talking to the media 100% without a doubt. For instance, police in Pennsylvania told one reporter they can't say whether they are reviewing unsolved cases that could be linked to Coburger because of the gag order and the mayor of Moscow told another reporter, he can't talk about overall community healing. That's a bunch of BS. That should not be covered by a gag order and the people who are representing the city of Moscow elected officials and the like, they should answer that kind of stuff. What's the community feeling right now? How much money has been spent? That's the kind of stuff that shouldn't be protected under a gag order and that's what gets people fired up. They get this gag order and they say it's about making sure that Brian Coburger gets a fair trial and I'm on board with that. But when you try and use the vast scope of this gag order to make it so you don't have to talk to the media at all, that's a bunch of BS and elected officials shouldn't be given that kind of cover. It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment, but a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakocino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at sponsored by Chumbakocino. No purchase necessary, VGW group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Several journalists have had public record requests rejected or left unfilled because agencies in Idaho and Washington fear they would run afoul of the order. Petitioners do not make the news. They report the news. They cannot report what they cannot gather, Olson wrote. Coburger was arrested December 30th by a SWAT team at his parents home in Pennsylvania as they moved to search his apartment at Washington State University. He is previously indicated that he believes he will be exonerated, though his family is unable to pay for him to have private representation. Coburger is yet to enter a plea for the murders of Matty Morgan, Kaylee Gonsalves, Zana Kernodel and Ethan Chapin. Authorities released the probable cause affidavit after Coburger just before his first hearing in Moscow in Idaho on January 5th. It reveals how he turned his phone off on the night of the murders in an alleged attempt to cover his tracks. He is even alleged to have returned to the scene of the crime at 9am on November 13th, just hours after police believe he committed the quadruple murder. The documents say the criminal justice graduate stalked the property at least 12 times. Officials have not yet revealed the exact dates they believe he canvist the three story property, but confirmed that in August he was pulled over just two minutes after leaving the area covered by the cell phone tower closest to the home. And all of this stuff is going to be damning. And I can't wait for the trial portion to start so that all of these loud mouths out here that think Brian Coburger is innocent and that all of this evidence is circumstantial can get themselves a nice fat helping of crow to eat. Was the more I learn about this case, the more court documents I read? The more I'm convinced that Brian Coburger is guilty. Alayta County Sheriff's Deputy pulled him over on August 21st at 11.37 p.m. as part of a traffic stop in which he provided his number. During the stop, which was recorded on the officer's body cam, Coburger was driving his White Hyundai Elantra. The papers also included details on how Coburger's DNA was found on a knife sheath close to the bodies of Matty Mogan and Kaylee Gon Solvis. Authorities are still hunting for the murder weapon. And here are a few of the companies that were listed and obviously we're going to dive in and go through all of the warrants as far as the court documents and we're going to start that later on today. But here are a few of those companies that got served with warrants. Amazon, American Express, Apple, AT&T, Bank of America, Banner Bank and Spokane, Washington, Block Inc., Formerly Square Inc., Blue Ridge Knives in Marion, Virginia, Charter Communications, Cloud Networking Company Extreme Networks, Coeur d'Alene Police Department, Forensic Lab, Discover Bank, DoorDash, eBay, Elon Financial Services, Google, Idaho Central Credit Union, Idaho Department of Labor, Inland Cellular, K-Bar Knives, Match Group, LLC, Meta Platforms, Facebook's parent company, Moscow Police Department Forensic Lab, New America Credit Union, PayPal Venmo, Potlock No. 1 Financial Credit Union, Reddit, Snapchat, Umpakwa Bank, Umpakwa Bank, UPS, Verizon Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Walmart, Washington State University, Wells Fargo, Yahoo and Yik Yak. And it's interesting now to learn some of those company's names after we heard about all of those digital warrants in the very beginning. So as the information continues to come out, as the story continues to evolve, we'll continue to be right here covering it. Alright everybody, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with the episode can be found in the description box. It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At Chumbakassino, I can play hundreds of online casino-style games for free. Like online slots, bingo, slingo and more. Plus, I get a daily login bonus. It's just too bad that up here, I don't have anyone to share my excitement with. With The Tumba Life, anytime, anywhere, play for free now at