Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Goncalves Family And Their Interview With KHQ

Steve and Kristi Goncalves have suffered a tragedy that nobody should ever have to suffer and yet they continue to push forward as they seek justice for their daughter, Kaylee. As we hit the one year mark, the Goncalves sat down with KHQ for an interview.

In this episode, we hear from Kaylee's parents about their new normal in the wake of the murder of Kaylee and what they are hoping for with Bryan Kohberger's trial and the continued pursuit of justice.

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Goncalves family persists a year after daughter Kaylee was murdered | News |

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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What's up everyone, and welcome back to the program. It has been a year now since the murders in Moscow have taken place, and ever since we learned of the tragedy and found out who the victims were, two of the people that have been out there at the forefront, demanding justice, has been the Gonsalbus family. Steve and Kristi Gonsalbus, along with Kaylee's sister, have been out in the forefront, demanding that not only justice be served, but that the authorities do the right thing. So they've kept the pressure on the authorities from the very beginning, and whether you agree with their strategy or not. One thing that everybody needs to keep in mind is it's their daughter who was murdered, and I think it's ludicrous that anybody sitting on a computer or anywhere else would sit around and criticize these people. You have to be a real unit to sit around and criticize grieving parents, like what is wrong with you? How could anybody even attempt to try and put themselves in their shoes? Unless you're part of that club that nobody wants to be a part of, you know the club where your children are brutally murdered, then you really have no idea what the Gonsalbus family or any of these other families have went through. So I've always found the criticism of the Gonsalbus family, especially because they've been at the forefront to be rather disgusting. You had people out here in the beginning stages talking about how Steve Gonsalbus should be investigated because he might have been the person responsible for these murders. Imagine saying some shit like that on TV, and nobody holding you accountable for saying that? Well, that's the kind of stuff we heard in the original stages of this, and never mind the dumb dums on social media. You know the type, the people out there talking like, "Oh, the Gonsalbus family is going to ruin the case because they're talking about this in public." Tell me you don't know anything about the court system without telling me you don't know anything about the court system. The Gonsalbus family, breaking news, they're allowed to say whatever they want. That gag order doesn't apply to them. The gag order only applies to their lawyer, so if the Gonsalbus family wants to come out and have 500 interviews, that's up to them. And if it was my daughter who was murdered, I'd be doing the same thing, so all the detractors out there that have a lot to say about the Gonsalbus family, they should probably just shut up. Today's article is from and the headline, "Gonsalbus family persists a year after daughter Kaylee was murdered." This article was authored by Sean Owzli. Imagine waking up to that headline, and it was about your daughter. Imagine this being your new reality, like it is for the Gonsalbus family, like it is for the kernodals, and the Chapins, and the Mogans. It has to be surreal, and I don't care how much time has passed. When something like this happens, you're never the same. A year ago, two of the strongest people you'll ever meet lost one of the most inspiring daughters. You could ever know. On November 13th, 2022, Kaylee Gonsalbus was one of four University of Idaho students killed in an off-campus house. In the years since, Stephen Christie Gonsalbus have gone through every birthday, holiday, and anniversary without their daughter. Nonstop's local, Sean Owzli, sat down with Stephen Christie this month to hear directly from them how they're coping with a grim milestone and how they feel about the quest for justice so far. The following is a partial transcript from that interview edited for clarity. Christie Gonsalbus Somehow, rolling into November really has, you know, you didn't really think much about it, you know, people would say it to me and mention it to me, and of course, you know, I'd be like, yeah, I don't need to be reminded. But there is something that has come along really strong with this month of November. The weather and everything that came along with it has some deep significant reminders of losing Kaylee and Matty and it's been rough. I can't even imagine. You lose somebody that you care about, even if it's something like cancer or, you know, a sudden illness, whatever, the hole that's left after they're gone is enormous. Now imagine it being unexpected and a young kid like this and your child? Everything that happens is going to bring back those memories, smells, sounds, places, all of it. It's been rough. It's been really rough and you just, you just miss them and the longer they're gone, the more they miss and the more you miss them and the more you realize how badly you really have been robbed. Everything we have, okay? And it's just it's, um, it's insane. It's just crazy that she was just a year ago today. She was here and not to get to morbid or anything folks, but that could be any of us. Keep that in mind when you're angry at your mom or your dad or somebody you love. We're only given a finite amount of time here on this earth. And whenever there's a tragedy like this, it really puts things into perspective. Steve Gonzales, there's just no right way to do something like this. It shouldn't be something a family should ever have to go through. We're just going to kind of try to figure it out as it happens. But you know, we lean on the community and the people that we've met and all the love and all the support that we get. There's a massive amount of support. It's not just locally, but literally worldwide. And I've definitely seen that. There's a lot of people that truly want to see justice served here. And those people are certainly scattered worldwide. It's not just people in Idaho or even people in America that want to see justice served. There are people that have been following this case from Australia, Germany, you name it. And while there has been criticism of the Gonzales family, there's also been like Mr. Gonzales says here, a ton of support. And that's the right way to go about it. How anyone can criticize the family members of somebody who was brutally murdered is beyond me. Sean Owsley, let's talk about the wheels of justice. The last time we talked, there was a date. It's been moved back. Just where are you with the legal system right now? What do you expect going forward? What do you want to say on that? Christie, it's gut wrenching, how slow everything has to go. Why does this have to be so drawn out? It's important. I get it. But there are facts. We have certain facts. We have certain knowledge. I can't believe this is how it works. The old adage of the wheels of justice grind slowly is certainly true. And whenever you have a case as publicized as this one, whenever you have a case as complicated as this one, you can guarantee that there is going to be delays along the way. But be that as it may, that doesn't provide the family any comfort to know that the wheels of justice grind slowly. Steve, they have the whole schedule laid out. Christie, we had a date. We have no date. Even today, people are like, oh, Christie, we got some progress. They got some progress today. And I'm like, progress. December 1st, that's not progress. That's a whole other month away. But they're like, that's better than not having any dates. And I'm like, you're right. Yes, it is. Look, I'd be impatient too. I'd want justice too. And even though I don't even know these kids, I want justice to move forward. Can you imagine if it was your child? Because let's remember, these might just be names in an article to some people. But to the Gonzales family, well, that certainly isn't the case. This is their daughter. This is somebody that is going to leave a gigantic hole in their lives. And they want justice and they want it now. Steve, that's important to bring up. There are some people who never even get to find the person who did this. We think that the police department, Moscow, the FBI, I'm still learning about what they did and how they put this together. It's amazing the resources we were able to have. We'll be able to do whatever it takes as a community to get this person taken care of. And so we can all move on. That type of determination from law enforcement and investigators, does it at least provide some solace? Steve? Yup. When I see them going into that house and constructing a crime scene and going through doing all their work, it's just more evidence. It's not less. It's more evidence. So then when we do go to trial, they'll just be more good days than there is those "what if" days. And I think he's right. I think once this gets to trial and the prosecutors present their opening argument, it's going to be very apparent and very clear to everybody out there who wants to be a contrarian, that Brian Coburger's ass is cooked. Kristi, I don't think it'll be good days, Steve. Well knowing evidence and knowing that they've got the right person and everything, Kristi, yeah, I just can't imagine. I mean, we think we don't have a lot of answers. I just can't imagine a mother with a missing child or a dead child and you have no idea how it happened. Steve, some people might think their kid might be alive. Now back to Sean. That says a lot about you both in your absolute grueling, most agonizing time. You also think about others. I do want to shine a light on the darkest year that you've had. There have been periods of kindness from people, you know, from people you don't know. What is that meant to you? We give us an instance of something that took you back that people went so far out of their way to say we care about you. Kristi, we have received a tremendous amount of gifts. Every single one of them are absolutely meaningful to us. We get pictures drawn by little kids that says, you know, my nine year old drew this. She just really wanted to, you know, it's a picture of Kaylee and Maddie with flowers. It's meaningful. I love it. I love getting stuff and opening it and reading them. People write you letters like pages and pages and pages and every single word that they say, you find so much comfort in it. They're telling us that they're crying with us, they're grieving with us, and they have kids like us. For example, that picture over there. It's a real picture of Kaylee in the arms of Jesus welcoming her into heaven is the feeling I got from it. When I unwrapped it, it was faced down and I turned around and I about fell to my knees. I mean, I honestly, it really took me aback. And that came from an artist in Alabama that you don't know? Kristi, I know, we don't know her. Sean, what did it do for the both of you when you first saw it? Steve, it still helps me every single day coming home. It's her smile, but it's a picture that you can imagine and then you get to see it in real life. It's medicine in a way. Kristi, it's so lifelike, I've always loved that picture they used of Kaylee, the depiction of Jesus they used. You know, there are many renditions of Jesus. This one is natural. Sean, every time we've met you two, you have shown class and strength that needs to be recognized and highlighted. We appreciate that. I want to give you this opportunity to have the final word. Both of you have the opportunity to say what's on your heart and what you feel you need to say. Kristi, I would have to say, you know, the same thing. Just thank you so much to our community, to our friends beyond. Steve, we'll never pretend like we'll be the same, we'll always be missing her, but we'll be reunited with both of them. There'll be some stories and catching up to do. And when you just look at the whole entire situation, it's just heartbreaking all the way around. Whether it's the Gonzavas family, the Mogans, the Carnotals, the Chapins, the hole that's left in their life, is just unimaginable. And I can't even begin to think what it must be like to navigate their new reality. But I think one thing is very, very apparent. The Gonzavas family is not going to rest until justice is served. Alright folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.