Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Courtney Clenney And The Text Messages

Onlyfans model Courtney Clenney has maintained that she was acting in self defense when she killed her boyfriend Christian Obumseli. However, now that more evidence is being presented and more of that evidence has become public, it would seem that a completely picture is emerging. In this episode, we take a look at where the case stands and at new, damning text messages that were sent by Clenney.

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21 Jun 2024
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No purchase necessary, VGW Group, Boyd, we're prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program. We've recently talked about only fans model Courtney Clennie, who is accused of murdering her boyfriend Christian, Abum Selly. Now, at first, when Courtney Clennie was first arrested, they were claiming it was self-defense, she was in an abusive relationship, and painting Mr. Abum Selly as if he was an abuser, and a very vile and evil man. Well, as the evidence has started to come out, and it started to present itself, we're getting a completely different picture. And I said from the beginning that it looked to me like she was the aggressor here from Jump Street, and that she was the one who was engaging in domestic violence throughout their relationship. And now, with these new texts that were released and this new information, it pretty much hammers that home for me. She's gonna have to provide some receipts here, and some proof of her being the abused and not the abuser. Because from everything we have seen, she was the one who initiated all of this violence, all of these fights, and, let's not forget, she's the one who killed him. So, let's get to this article from the New York Post, and let's get caught up. Headline, disturbing new texts reveal only fan star Courtney Clennie had previously stabbed boyfriend. So, prior to all of this, her killing him, everything that we know about, she had stabbed him already once. So, like I say, with a man putting their hands around your neck, it's gonna happen again. When somebody shows you who they are, believe them, folks. This article was authored by Salim Algar. Only fan star Courtney Clennie's boyfriend sent her a series of disturbing texts, including one that accused her of cheating and slapping his stitches just weeks before she allegedly stabbed him to death. So, she's out here treating this dude like he's a commodity, right? Like she can do whatever she wants with him. I'll cheat on you, I'll beat you, I'll stab you. And then, when all is said and done, she tries to set it up like he's the abuser. And people were buying that shit for a minute. The startling new text messages released by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office give a glimpse into the alleged physical and verbal abuse. But like anything else, we have to wait for the evidence to be provided before we come to our destination. And when you look at the evidence here, I mean, come on. We heard previously that she called him all kinds of racial slurs, the N-word, that's what you call somebody you love. You go all the way down to the very bottom of the scumbag book, and that's the word you use, huh? You shouldn't use that word against an enemy. Never mind somebody you love. February was the worst month I had so far. The twenty-seventh year of the day, that was the worst time I had. I got cheated on. I got called that word again, the N-word. I got slapped in my stitches. That is reopened multiple times, and it's not healing fast enough. So all of this dude's pain and suffering and problems all came on the back of Courtney Clenney. If he never met this vile woman, he says, "I don't know how to do this." He says, "I don't know how to do this." He says, "I don't know how to do this." If he never met this vile woman, he'd still be alive. Clenney, who boasts two million Instagram followers and had a once thriving OnlyFans account under the name Courtney Taylor, is facing second-degree murder raps for allegedly plunging a knife in the album Selly's chest during an argument at their Miami apartment. Now, imagine thinking it's a good idea to raise your hand in violence to your spouse, your loved one, but a knife. You're going to plunge that into his chest, huh? And the reason she did that and she was so brazen about it is because she got away with it the first time around. And this is the hallmark of domestic violence. The shoe is just on the other foot in this case. Usually the man we're talking about who does this. But here it certainly looks like Courtney Clenney was the aggressor and certainly started the whole entire situation that ended up leading to Mr. album Selly's death. So she is being charged correctly in my opinion here. When you look at the evidence and you see where it all leads, there is no doubt in my mind that Courtney Clenney should have to face trial for what happened here. Prosecutors have painted her. Prosecutors have painted her as a manipulator and have slowly publicly released damning pieces of evidence to bolster their claims. And this is how it works. Unfortunately, if you're going to do something like this and then claim it's an accident, you better believe that people are going to look into your past. They're going to look into your prior text messages. They're going to see if you guys had fights previously because that's how all of this works. That's called an investigation. Now releasing it to the public. Hey, all's fair and love and war, right? I'm big on transparency and I think that the public has a right to all of the information in cases like this as long as there's no ongoing investigation as far as other people are about to be eminently arrested. But besides that, we should have transparency. The taxpayers have a right to see what's going on in the courts. That's why it's an open court system. In an October 2021 text, reported by the Miami Herald on Thursday, album Selly indicated that he had brushed off Clenney stabbing him in the leg. "I still gave you a good day, even though my leg was hurting because my girlfriend stabbed me," he wrote, "did I make you feel like shit for stabbing me? No, just sucked it up and hope tomorrow will be better. Man, I feel so bad for this dude. Imagine his family reading this. This abusive ass woman, and he loves her so much that he stays with her. And I know we see this story play out daily with the reverse, but here you see it happening and it shows you that it's not just men who are abusers, women can be abusers as well. And if you're in a domestic situation, man or woman, and that shit is violent, my suggestion is get out of dodge as soon as possible no matter how hard it is, because these are the end results more times than not." The text depict Clenney treating album Selly as a meek submissive, telling him at one point that she was tired of having to explain to him how to act. What does that even mean? He's a grown ass man. He can act however he wants. Imagine having some woman or some man trying to tell you how you have to act? Here's an idea, shut your yap and live your own life because you're obviously not living it the right way, Courtney Clenney. If anyone needed a couple of pointers on how to conduct themselves, it certainly looks like it's you. Another exchange indicates that album Selly required medical attention after Clenney gashed him during a fight. "Enjoy the hospital," she told them after the incident. "Imagine? Imagine somebody sending you that text? I don't care how much I love you. I don't care how much I care about you. If you hurt me and send me to the hospital and it's purposefully, we're going to have a big problem and I'm certainly not going to be with you anymore. But unfortunately, it's not like that for everybody. People get into these co-dependent relationships and they think people are going to change when in reality abusers don't change. When they show you who you are, who they are, you got to believe them because we're talking about life and death. And that's not even me using hyperbole here. If you're in an abusive relationship, it's only a matter of time before it escalates. From his hospital bed, album Selly texted Clenney repeatedly asking why she was ignoring him while he recovered from the wounds she inflicted. She apologized to him days after the incident. "I love you so much Christian. I should have been at the hospital with you and I should have slept next to you as I always have," she wrote. "I mean, for real." Save that shit. I mean, you're the one who put him in the hospital, then you can't even be bothered to answer his text messages. So this all looks real bad for her, right? As far as public discourse and potential jurors, definitely not looking good for her. Elsewhere, album Selly muses about ruining her career by revealing her bad behavior. Like, honestly, think to yourself, "I've cut this person's face. I have stabbed him. I have called him out of his name to the highest level, meaning you know what," he wrote. And he could if he was an evil person. He can ruin my career. He can go to the police and go to the courtroom. And that's what he should have done. But there's a big stigma for men going to the police over domestic violence. You know, no, but men don't want to be categorized as a chump or a pussy or whatever you want to call it. So a lot of men who are being abused or who are in abusive relationships, they don't even report it. Now, according to the numbers, obviously the vast majority of these situations are men beating on women. But there are situations like we're seeing here where it's not from the script, and we see how people can just fall in to a situation like this, the codependency, and how it ends bad. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determinate competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? Renters' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. 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See, I don't believe that, and I never have. And when you look at all of this evidence, it certainly doesn't play out that way. We've heard from friends, we've heard from other people around them, and it seems like she was the aggressor the whole entire time. Now, if there's evidence that presents itself, I am certainly willing to follow that evidence, wherever it goes. But as of now... Hey, look, I just got to call him how I see him like we always do here. And in my opinion, shit's not looking good for Courtney Clenny. Her lawyer, Frank Prieto, said the text did not reflect the totality of their toxic relationship. The attorney also suggested that he has evidence corroborating Clenny's version of events that will emerge in court. Alright, well, I'm willing to see that. And if so, well, it will revisit our opinion, perhaps. The evidence provided to the media as part of a public discovery by the state's attorney's office is a one-sided snapshot in time, he said in a statement. It's not the whole story, it's missing context. The most sensational pieces of evidence are being cherry-picked by reporters without proper context to feed the public's curiosity with this case. Oh, it's always the public's fault, like the public shouldn't be curious about your client murdering her boyfriend. Yeah, man, nobody pay attention to this one. Sorry, we're paying attention. And when all is said and done, and this trial begins, and if your client is guilty, then I want to see her go up the river for life. You can't just go around murdering people and then claim, "Oh, well, it's self-defense." You better have some evidence of that. And so far, folks, I haven't seen anything as far as evidence from Courtney Clenny. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that I discussed can be found in the description box. 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