Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Over A Billion Dollars Of Weapons Earmarked For Ukraine Vanish

About a year ago I was talking about how I knew from my own personal sources on the ground that cartels were very interested in gaining access to the arms markets that are popping up and selling weapons that are being pilfered from Ukraine. At the time, the legacy media was quick to gaslight and tell you that every single piece of equipment and every weapon was accounted for. Unfortunately, they lied to you.

In this episode, we dive back into the topic and see what sort of hairbrained cover story the legacy media whipped up this time.

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Pentagon failed to track more than $1B in weapons sent to Ukraine: watchdog (

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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And all of this stuff is earmarked for very bad people around the world, including people down in Mexico who are going to use these weapons against the Mexican government, against the Mexican people, against each other, and against anybody else who tries to get in their way. When you have as much money as the cartels have, and as much access to the markets that they have, do you really think that the cartels are going to be left out in the cold, while all these other terrorist groups are getting their hands on all of these weapons? The only people who believe that are the people that are out here trying to pitch UBS about what's going on in Ukraine, and how none of these weapons are going to be used by undesirables. But we all know that that's not true, and how is it that we can be confident saying that? Well, every single conflict that's basically ever happened, we've seen the arms end up in places that aren't the actual theater of war. So that's going to happen again here. That's already happening here. And if you think that these guys don't have access to these markets, I don't know what to tell you. You have to understand, we're talking about some of the most powerful organizations in the whole world. When we're talking about CJNG, when we're talking about the Sinaloa cartel, not only do they have reach, they have more money than you could possibly imagine. They have so much money that it'll make your eyes pop. For these drug cartels, their biggest problem is not making the money. It's not the drugs. It's not bringing the drugs into America. The problem is getting the money back into the system. The problem is getting the money to a point where they can use it and utilize it because there's so much of it. You can only wash so much money through your bar, right? So that's why they have to have a huge network when it comes to money laundering because without that, forget it. But these drug cartels, CJNG and Sinaloa, especially, they want these weapons. We already know that CJNG has used an RPG in the past to take out a government helicopter. So you don't think they want javelins? You don't think they want stingers? You don't think they want switchblade systems? They want all of it. And guess what, folks? There is no guarantee from anybody in the American government or any of these pundits out here that are lying to you, pitching you some BS, talking about how these weapons are never going to end up in the hands of undesirables. All you have to do is look at any of the other conflicts that America's been in or any other countries been in. And you know that there's a black market for those weapons. Those weapons are not going to remain in the theater, not all of them. And when you're talking about the systems that we're talking about here, manpads, we're talking about javelins and the rest of it, it's all bad. And this is exactly what I told you, folks, was going down about a year ago before any of these numb nuts here in the legacy media decided to tell you the truth. And that's because these numb skulls were trying to gaslight you to have your support for what's going on in Ukraine instead of just telling you the truth. And this is what I'm talking about when I talk about activist journalists. The one job that journalists should have, the one job that people in the media should have is to hold the people in power to account, not to cover for them. Today's article is from the New York Post and the headline. Pentagon failed to track more than $1 billion in weapons that were sent to Ukraine, according to a watchdog. This article was authored by Caitlyn Dornbos. The US military failed to track more than $1 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine, which they were required to keep tabs on between February and June of last year, according to a new Pentagon Inspector General report published on Thursday. Well isn't that nice? I'm sure you're all thrilled with this news as tax season approaches and some of you are getting ready to write a gigantic check to the government. Nice to see that they can keep track of the money that they're giving to our allies and making sure that that money is not misplaced or that the equipment is not being misused. Oh wait, none of that's happening, so they're not being accountable for the stuff that they're sending to Ukraine, like they said they would be. Geez, who would have ever guessed that the federal government is telling us a BS story. The news comes as Congress again gears up to debate continuing aid to the war-torn country as the second anniversary of its invasion by Russia nears. Now look, I'm not saying that America shouldn't support Ukraine. What I'm saying is stop lying to us. Stop telling us that these weapons aren't going to end up in the hands of undesirables because we all know that's BS. And if you're lying to us about that, what else are you lying to us about? The IG report analyzed the Defense Department's enhanced and use monitoring program required for certain types of smaller arms, most susceptible to being intercepted and rerouted to the black market. These EEUM-designated defense articles included javelin missiles, javelin launch units, stinger missiles, stinger grip stocks, and lethal miniature aerial missile system switch blades. The report said, "All the same stuff I told you that the cartels want to get their hands on. These are the exact systems that helped them out a whole lot, and we also know now that the cartels are using drones to attack not only their rivals, but to attack the Mexican military on top of it." And not only that, but we've also seen a huge increase in the use of IEDs down in Mexico by the cartels against rivals and the government as well. So if people want to keep putting their head in the sand and acting like we don't have a serious problem down here on the border, then I really don't know what to tell them. Because what's going on down here in Mexico most certainly affects all of us. While the US has put more than $45 billion toward Ukraine military aid since 2021, the report considered only EEUM-designated weapons sent by the US and international partners, the value of which totaled roughly $1.7 billion over the time period studied. And again, look, just to be clear, I'm not saying that we shouldn't support Ukraine. I'm not a fan of Vladimir Putin, and I understand the stakes geopolitically. But with that said, let's be real here. We need to have an honest conversation about things like war. And we can't have the fourth estate, the legacy media, out here bullshitting people. We didn't get enough of that in Iraq. We didn't get enough of that when we got gaslit by George Bush and his band of war criminals. Although American and Ukrainian armed forces personnel conducted some required inventories as of June 2nd, 2023, serial number inventories for more than $1.5 billion of the total $1.699 billion, 59% of the total value of EEUM-designated defense articles remain delinquent, the report said. And then this is all bad because you hear about recently, you know, Ukraine talking about how they need more weapons, they need more arms. What about the stuff that's been sent to you guys? What about all the stuff that was earmarked for the Ukrainian forces and was sold off into the black market? Because that is happening. Make no mistake. While that represents just a fraction of the more than 10 billions in weapons and military equipment, Kiev has received since Russia's invasion began. On February 24th, 2022, it is the first glimpse Americans are getting into Washington's efforts to promote accountability for the aid. Now look, there should always be accountability for any aid that's doled out. And you know, it's funny to me, well, not really funny, gross honestly, you hear all these people talking about the war crimes that Israel is committing. I hate to tell you folks, but Ukraine is committing a ton of war crimes themselves. I mean, I can't tell you how many videos I've seen of Ukrainian drones dropping bombs on injured soldiers or soldiers that are getting medical attention. Now I get it. It's war, right? War is hell. I'm saying that if you're going to criticize Israel for what's going on in Gaza, then the same has to be said of what's going on over in Ukraine. There are certainly war crimes being committed and obviously not just by the Ukrainians, the Russians are engaging in all kinds of disgusting garbage over there where they're raping and killing. So war is hell is what I'm trying to say. And if you're going to be disgusted by the war crimes that are being committed in one place, you should be disgusted by the war crimes that are committed everywhere, but we don't see that, right? All we see is a push for more weapons to Ukraine, more money to Ukraine, and no accountability. You can say or think what you want about Israel, but I can guarantee you this. If we give Israel some missiles, those missiles are going to be used to launch at Hamas. They're not going to end up in the hands of the Colombians. They're not going to end up in the hands of the Sinaloa cartel. Can you say the same about Ukraine? The news comes as Congress reconvened this week to try and hammer out a supplemental funding bill that would provide additional funding for Ukraine, as well as Israel, Taiwan, and southern border security. Without the bill, the U.S. has run out of money to pay for more assistance to Kiev. Now look, the border has to be protected. That's what this whole entire conversation in this article is about. But we have to do it the right way. We have to do it in a way where we're not cutting any corners, right? We're not doing it for optics. If we're going to secure the border, it has to start with NAFTA. The whole entire NAFTA agreement is what led to these loads of cocaine, these loads of drugs coming into America, basically unchecked. And until that is handled, until that is dealt with, none of this other stuff is really going to matter. It's like trying to plug a hole in the Titanic with your finger. I mean, we all appreciate the effort and all, but it's not going to do anything. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain authentication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303. 974. 9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at, sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. House Republicans have raised concerns over continuing aid to Ukraine, with several including far right, representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, representative of Georgia, suggesting issues with keeping the weapons in the right hands. We have sent Ukraine billions of liquid cash and billions in more weapons and ammunition. Taylor Greene posted to X on Thursday, linking to the report, "The kicker, we have no idea where it all went." Yet Speaker Johnson wants to tie securing America's border to more aid for Ukraine. I'm a hard no, hashtag America First. However, the DoDIG did not find reason to believe that any of the untracked equipment ended up on the black market. Pentagon press secretary Air Force Brigadier General Pat Ryder told reporters, "Oh yeah, I'm sure." These weapons ended up in the hands of any undesirables. Okay, I mean, I guess, so where are they then? They can't be accounted for, nobody's using them according to Mr. DoD here, so I guess they're just sitting in a warehouse somewhere? This is the kind of shit they try to tell you all the time, folks, when they don't want you fired up about something. Oh yeah, well, we misplaced the weapons, but we can assure you that they're not in the hands of undesirables. Well, you already misplaced them. Why should I believe you or trust you? And then the caveat, of course, while that might be the case, the watchdog was not actively looking for proof that such weapons ended up in the wrong hands. It said, "It was beyond the scope of our evaluation to analyze whether there has been diversion of such assistance," the report stated. Imagine. So, we're going to tell you that none of these weapons ended up in the hands of undesirables, but we don't have any evidence of that. That's just our speculation. Meanwhile, we've already seen images of the Taliban running around with M5s with M6s and M6s in the rest of it. I mean, come on, enough with the bullshit. It was beyond the scope of our evaluation to analyze whether there had been the version of such assistance, the report stated. Still, writer's allegations of Moscow spreading false rumors of corruption follow the trend of Kremlin efforts to spread lies about Kiev to affect U.S. opinions on continued aid. And that's what it all comes down to. And that is trying to win the war of public opinion, and if that means gaslighting you and telling you that these weapons aren't going to end up in the hands of undesirables, that's what they'll do. And like usual, the government is all about a means that justifies the end. If the means justifies the end in their mind, then it's all good. Just look at their operation with Jeffrey Epstein. The DODIG has since stationed personnel in Ukraine and its Defense Criminal Investigative Services, DCIS, continues to investigate allegations of criminal conduct with regard to U.S. security assistance to Ukraine, according to the report. To improve auditing, the agency gave the DOD five recommendations to include improving inventory procedures and working with the State Department to improve visibility of third party transfers of EEUM designated equipment before delivery. Now that doesn't sound stupid to any of you. How long has America been transferring weapons to allies, and this is an issue that's just now popping up? No, it's not. And the ridiculous instructions here, or recommendations on how to fix it, I mean come on. Save that bullshit. The good news for us is we don't have to rely on the nonsensical reporting that we're seeing from the legacy media and the activist journalists when it comes to this situation. We'll continue to dig into it, and we'll continue to keep giving you the truth, no matter how unwelcome it might be. Alright everybody, that's gonna do it for this one. All the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renters' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Your rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. 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