Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: A Woman In Afghanistan Is Arrested After Accusing A High Ranking Taliban Official Of Assault

If anyone is still under the illusion that the Taliban are a different, softer, more understanding group should trash that opinion immediately. Especially considering that the facts on the ground certainly don't match up with that Rosey assessment.

A woman named "Elaha" claimed on social media that she had been raped and forced to marry a high ranking member of the Taliban Saeed Khosti. She tried to escape her situation by going to Pakistan, but the Taliban arrested her and sent her back to her abuser.

Now, after making the claims, she has been arrested and faces severe punishment under sharia law.

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Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Hey, your job. Do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulling? Well if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you wanna talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. - Things in Afghanistan have went from bad to worse in a relatively quick period of time. And if you're a woman living in Afghanistan, you legitimately have zero rights at this point. These guys can come into your house, your village, whatever, especially if there's not a male living with you and literally do whatever they want. And we see it time and time again, story after story. Yet there's still some out there that wanna convince you that the Taliban are these good guys and we should negotiate with them. I thought it was foolish when Pompeo started these negotiations and I thought it was foolish when Biden stuck to them. You cannot negotiate with people like the Taliban. These are people who have no regard for international law, no regard for international norms, and certainly no regard for their own people. It's all about power. It's all about Sharia law. That's all they care about. It's not about advancing education for children. It's not about being part of the world and contributing. No, it's nothing like that. It's all about how can these clerics, these mullahs enrich themselves a little bit more and have a little bit more power for themselves. And now over here in Afghanistan, even if you just accuse one of these Taliban officials of rape, well, they'll arrest you. And that's exactly what we're about to talk about here in this story. Today we have an article from the Associated Press headline, "Woman Arrested After Accusing Taliban Official of Rape." Imagine this lady says she got raped by this Taliban official, accuses him of doing so. And because of that, the Taliban secret police show up and arrest her. Sure sounds like an equitable society. This article was authored by Rahim Faiz. The Taliban announced they have arrested and will soon sentence an Afghan woman who appeared in a video on social media earlier this week and said a senior Taliban official forced her into marriage and raped her repeatedly. Isn't that nice? Instead of arresting the man that supposedly did this or at the very least having a real investigation, we'll just arrest this woman for even making these claims, these accusations. So what they're trying to do is tell the rest of the society, if you even make these claims, this is the result you can expect. This is where you're gonna end up as well. So keep your mouth shut and let our mullahs and let the clerics come through and do whatever they want to you. Unfortunately, this is the reality that all of these Afghans are living under now. In the video, the woman who identified herself only by her first name, Aliyah, wept as she described being beaten and raped by former Taliban interior ministry spokesman, Syed Kosti. She said she was speaking from an apartment in Kabul where the Taliban had confined her after she tried to escape the country and she pleaded for rescue. Can you imagine being some woman and having no rights whatsoever? The way they do in Afghanistan? It is unseemly, it is so seventh century that I can't even begin to wrap my head around it. And for anyone thinking this is a real form of Islam, you're sorely mistaken as well, this is not. This is just a barbaric death cult that is in the wrong century if I'm being real. These may be my last words, he will kill me, but it is better to die once than to die every time she said, wow. And this is directly on us, folks, directly on the West. You know, we split out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic manner that so many people were left behind that helped us throughout the years, interpreters and people who helped our forces go after the Taliban, they shouldn't have just been left and abandoned. There should have been a comprehensive withdrawal whipped up where it was logistically feasible to do so. We wouldn't have seen the mayhem that we've seen, the 12 American lives taken, all of the civilians killed in the bombing, all of the people that were left there to deal with the Taliban and the aftermath. How can anyone look at that and say, man, that's a job well done. You did a real bang up job there, Mr. Biden, hell of a job there, Mr. Pompeo, great job Trump administration. I don't know how anyone could look at that and say that. Now, at the same time, I don't want to be over there with boots on the ground either, but we have the technology where we don't have to do that. We could have easily backboned the Afghan forces with special forces and supreme amount of air power. You really think the Taliban are rolling into any city when there's 10 gunships coming towards them? That's not gonna happen, zero chance. But everybody knew Afghanistan was going to collapse and nobody cared, that's what it comes down to and that's why I find it so gross. Late Wednesday, a day after the video surfaced, the Taliban run Supreme Court said in a tweet that Elia had been arrested for defamation on orders of the Chief Justice, Abdul Hakim Hakani, isn't that nice. So an al-Qaeda member, a terrorist, a scumbag terrorist, part of the Hakani network, goes and arrests this girl for speaking out against allegedly being raped by a Taliban commander. And these are the people that you want to negotiate with. These are the people that you're gonna tell me that I should be comfortable that my elected officials are sitting down with and breaking bread with, especially considering that they weren't even negotiating with the Hakani network. It was all a ruse to get the Hakani network back into power. Without mentioning any trial taking place, it said she would soon be sentenced according to Sharia law. No one is allowed to harm the name of Mujahideen or defame the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the 20 years of Holy Jihad. No one is allowed to say that? Well, here I am saying it, Mr. Hakani. Nobody gives a fuck about you, your dictates, or anything else you and your bunch of terrorist buddies are up to. Certainly don't inspire any fear in me. What are you gonna do? Put a fatwa out on me. Shut up, get out of your pajamas, put on some business clothes and act like a human being for five minutes. I know it's very difficult for you. Modern day, barbarian. But here's an idea, try it out. It might work out well for you and the people of Afghanistan. But instead what you'll do is you'll sit there from the comfort of whatever palace you're sitting in while the rest of the people of Afghanistan starve and put out these stupid ass dictates like anyone should listen to you. Well, breaking news, nobody should. And the fact that you people are in power in Afghanistan is sickening. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click or just stop by. Granger for the ones who get it done. Since the Taliban takeover of the country in August of 2021, Afghan women activists as well as Amnesty International have reported an increase in forced marriages of women, including cases where Taliban officials coerced women into marriage by intimidating them or their families. No, they would never do that. These brave warriors of the jihad, shut up. Of course, that's what they do. See what they didn't Iraq with the Yazidis, see what they didn't Syria. That's what these barbarians do. That's how they roll. That's just how they conduct themselves. In the video, Aliah identified herself as a medical student at Kabul University and the daughter of an intelligence service general under the former government. She said Kosti had forced her into marriage six months ago when he still held the spokesman's post. Kosti tried to marry her sister to another Taliban official, but her family successfully fled, she said. Imagine so enforcing your child to marry one of these unwashed, unkept barbarians? If that's not enough to go and find the Northern Alliance and take up arms with them, I don't know what is. Sayid Kosti beat me a lot. "Every night he raped me," she said, breaking into tears. She said she tried to escape to neighboring Pakistan, but the Taliban arrested her at the border crossing and brought her back to Kabul and confined her to an apartment there. After they brought her back, she heard a Taliban member telling Kosti that she had lived under the former government for 20 years and should be stoned to death as an infidel, she said. Well, isn't that nice? Our fantastic new partners over in Afghanistan want to stone somebody because she lived for 20 years under the other government. Fantastic, sure makes sense to me. In Tweets Wednesday, Kosti confirmed that he had married Aliah, but he denied mistreating her. What a world we're living in, right? Where a Taliban strong man gets on Twitter to defend himself about his marriage? Is this really the world we live in? And is Twitter really that serious of a place? Some people sure think so. Some people spend a lot of time on Twitter, folks. A whole lot of time on Twitter. And I'm convinced that it pollutes your mind. My suggestion is, avoid that shit like the plague. The only reason I'm over there is for work purposes, to be honest with you. I don't scroll through Twitter. I very rarely answer any nonsense on there. It's a cesspool. A whole bunch of people who have decided what bunker they want to live in, and they refuse to be shaken. Whereas anyone who understands life knows, we don't have all the answers. And, you know, what you might believe today, well, if evidence is produced, should lead you not to believe that tomorrow. Kosti said he divorced her after finding she has a problem in her faith. And he accused her of insulting Islam's Holy Book, the Quran. Oh, well, that's the worst thing you could possibly do to these guys, insult the Quran. God forbid, meanwhile, this guy's beating her, holding her in captivity, forcing her to have sex with them. But God forbid you have anything bad to say about the Quran. Laiha's video was widely shared on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp groups, sparking a wave of calls for help, and denunciations of the Taliban from women activists. Should be from everybody, not just women. Since seizing power, the Taliban have imposed increasing restrictions on women. They have prevented many women from working, bar teenage girls from school, and required women in public to cover themselves completely, except for their eyes. The world has refused to recognize the Taliban's rule, demanding it respect human rights, and show tolerance for other groups. Well, if that's really the case and the world felt like that, why did we go into the negotiations with them in the first place? You have to be real stupid, I'm sorry to say, to think that the Taliban was going to change, that the Taliban was gonna be a new and more lovable version of themselves. That was never going to happen. And the people that pitched that to you lie to you. Just like they lied to you about a bunch of other shit. The Taliban's a group of thugs, a group of terrorists, and a group of barbarians that loves to abuse women. Point blank, period. If you like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that I had discussed can be found in the description box.