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ICYMI: Kevin Spacey And The 31 Million Dollar Payout To Netflix

Kevin Spacey has a pile of problems that are about as high as Mount Everest and more just keep getting tacked on. Kevin Spacey was being sued for 31 million dollars by Netflix and the company was awarded the sum of 31 million dollars by an arbitrator. Spacey, who disagreed with the ruling asked the court to step in. Well, the court has spoken and Spacey will now have to fork over the full amount.

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21 Jun 2024
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No purchase necessary, VGW Group, void we're prohibited by law 18-plus terms and conditions applied. What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program. Kevin Spacey has been ordered to pay $31 million in damages because of his behavior that led to the end of the Netflix series, House of Cards. Now, that was a flagship series for Netflix when the provider first started to stream video and content. House of Cards was their number one series, it was their flagship show. And because of Kevin Spacey's behavior, obviously, and the allegations that he was abusing and harassing people even on that set, they had to obviously shut things down. So Kevin Spacey now has been ordered to pay back $31 million in damages. Let's dive into this article from Giant Freakin' Robot, and let's see what author Nathan Carmel has for us. Kevin Spacey to pay a ridiculous amount of money over sexual misconduct allegations. You know, sometimes in life, the lessons we learn are painful, or expensive, or sometimes even both. And Kevin Spacey is learning that in spades right now. For how long was this dude able to run around and sexually harass, sexually abuse people? I mean, he did this to this Michael Rap dude way back in the day. So do you think that was just an out-of-the-box behavior that one time for Kevin Spacey? Or is this something that he does all the time? And again, look, it's his own behavior that's leading us to this destination, right? We didn't just pick your name out of a hat, Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey is on the hook for a staggering $31 million in damages, costs, and fees related to sexual misconduct allegations, arising from his time on the Netflix drama House of Cards. For Deadline, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mel, Red, Recon enforced a decision that had been previously made in arbitration, essentially confirming the amount being contested by Kevin Spacey's legal team. This is the latest setback in the actor's previously acclaimed career, which swiftly came crumbling down after a series of allegations made against him that began in 2017. And it's not only Anthony Rap or the people on the Netflix set. You have the situation going on over in England right now as well, where he's facing four serious allegations from three separate women about sexual abuse as well. And he's going to be standing trial over there to see what's what. And my guess is it's not going to work out so well for him. The ruling made by Judge Recon consisted of 14 pages and included a note that Kevin Spacey had failed to make even a close case why the decision of 31 million in damages made by the arbiter Bruce Friedman should be vacated. So according to the judge, Spacey and his team didn't even come close to making an argument for why this amount of money should be vacated and a new amount should become up with. So that leads me to believe they have no evidence or receipts to back up the things that they're saying. And we all know how bad that ends for people like this. If you're being accused by multiple that I'm talking, five, ten, fifteen people of these sorts of crimes, you better have some receipts and you better have some evidence that proves that you weren't involved in any of this. Or else it's not going to end well for you. Kevin Spacey's attorney claimed that Friedman's use of external evidence to make his decision should invalidate it. However, Judge Recon stated that he could not infer that Friedman's decision was based on anything but the merits of the party's agreements, i.e. that external sources affected it. The arbitration decision thus stands and Kevin Spacey has been ordered to pay millions to MRC, the production company behind House of Cards. Now look, if you're the production company and you've pumped all this money into this project, you've pumped all this money into Kevin Spacey, you should definitely be able to recoup some of that money somehow. And the production company wasn't just going to sit on their hands and eat $30 million, so let's sue Kevin Spacey and let's get our money back. In 2017, actor Anthony Rapp publicly accused Kevin Spacey of making an apparently drunken sexual advance toward him in 1986 when Rapp was 14 years old. Now look, you want to make a drunken pass at an adult? That's one thing. This dude is 14 years old. What are you doing making a drunken pass at a 14 year old? And I don't want to hear "Oh, I'm drunk." Because that's never an excuse. This opened a floodgate of claims and allegations of sexual misconduct against Spacey, including a number from crew members of House of Cards. An investigation by MRC resulted in Kevin Spacey first being suspended, then fired from the show, with the final season being rewritten to fit in his absence. The arbiter, in the subsequent case, found that Kevin Spacey was in breach of his agreements as an executive producer and actor on the show because of his interactions with the crew members, hence the settlement. Look, it's not very difficult, okay? Don't dip your pen in company ink. Especially if you're somebody who's powerful. You know, you're both frontline workers, that's bad enough. But if you're Kevin Spacey and you're out here making advances on people whose lives you basically hold in your hand, it's not a good look. And when shit goes south, like it always does, you're going to be the one left holding the bag. And Kevin Spacey's learning that real quick. Well, you thought the production company was going to be on the hook for any of this? Hell no. They're going to sue you, and if you're in breach of contract, you're going to end up paying. After the initial allegations by rap, Kevin Spacey was dropped by his talent agency, Creative Artists Agency, and his publicist, Stacey Wolf. He was also fired from a number of film projects, including House of Cards, which had largely been built around his character, corrupt politician, Frank Underwood. The funniest part about all of this is that Kevin Spacey was actually hanging out with the real-life Frank Underwood with Jeffrey Epstein, and that means Bill Clinton. We all know that Slick Willie is the real-life Frank Underwood, right? And it's a bit ironic that Kevin Spacey in real life would be hanging out with Bill Clinton on Epstein's plane. Most famously, he was removed from the Ridley Scott film All the Money in the World, in which he was to portray American tycoon J. Paul Getty. As Kevin Spacey's scenes had already been shot, he was replaced by Christopher Plummer, and the sequences were refilmed entirely, so his dumb-ass actions, his stupid-ass behavior, is costing him not only time, but fortune, reputation, and perhaps his freedom. When you mess around like this though, and you act like an absolute fool and a barbarian, this is the result, and this should be the result. Nobody should ever go to work and worried about getting harassed, or being told that if they don't do XX or X with scumbag boss-guy, that they're gonna get fired. And that's what was happening on these sets, and I'm sure it's still happening all over Hollywood. How much pressure is being put on these actors and actresses to have relations with scumbags just like Kevin Spacey? I'm sure there's a lot of it. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW group, would be rewarded by law 18+ terms and conditions apply. Since then, Kevin Spacey has largely been persona non grata in an industry that once held him in high esteem. Well, there's no doubt. Before I knew about all this stuff, I thought Kevin Spacey wasn't awesome actor. Just about every movie he was in was pretty good. He always played a pretty good role. So yeah, I thought he was a great actor. But we only see a little percentage of these people, right? And, by trade, they are actors, so they're probably pretty good at hiding all of their other dysfunctional behavior. He had recently begun to show signs of attempting a comeback and was announced to be starring in several projects. While some of those productions have stood by Kevin Spacey, he has been dropped from at least one after public outcry. At least for now, it seems that Kevin Spacey's attempt to get the decision for MRC's damages vacated is dead in the water, and he would be obligated to pay them the colossal sum of $31 million. So I hope that Kevin Spacey has been squirling away some of those bucks. Because he's not going to be working any time soon, at least not as an actor. Look at Armie Hammer. He was down in what? Bahamas or some shit selling time shares? So he better have another way of coming up with some income, but I don't know how he's going to figure out how to pay $31 million. That's a lot of money, folks. And if you're out of work, even if you're a rich guy, the sum of $31 million is not the kind of number that you're hoping to get thrown your way. So things are just heating up for Mr. Spacey, the usual suspect, and I don't see them getting any better anytime soon. Especially with this criminal case hanging over his head over in the UK. And how many times have we seen it? These civil cases inevitably turn into a criminal case. So we'll have to see what happens with Kevin Spacey, but this ruling coming in can't be good for him. You add that to the extra costs of having lawyers and fighting it out in a criminal manner, and Kevin Spacey is going to be hard pressed to come up with this dough. But guess what? It's his fault. He chose to do this kind of shit. He chose to act like this, and now he's going to have to suffer the consequences. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter @b-o-b-b-y_c-a-p-u-c-c-i. The link that I discussed can be found in the description box. Also, I have released my new podcast, House of Thrones, and you can definitely find that by following the link that I'm going to post here in the description box. For the next few weeks, I'm going to be posting some of those episodes on this podcast as well, a bit of cross-posting, so that some of you can get a taste and see if it's something you enjoy. So hopefully all of you are having a great day. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend planned. And as for me, well, you know, I'll be back with a little bit more in a little while. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants draft a lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintenance communication. Sound complicated? Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. This summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. 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