Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Kegan Kline And The Dropped Charges

Kegan Kline was facing over 30 counts revolving around the abuse and grooming of children prior to the Richard Allen arrest. After Allen was arrested, Kline had five charges dropped and others amended. Could this signal that Kline has offered up signifigant information that has helped lead to the arrest? Let's dive and unpack it.

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21 Jun 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. Recently while we were discussing the Delphi murders and the arrest of Richard Allen we were also talking about Keegan Klein. Now this is a man who was facing a whole slew of charges for child pornography and other gross ass crimes. And police have thought for a very long time that this man knew the identity of the person who was responsible for killing Libby and Abby. Well fast forward to where we're at today and it certainly looks like Keegan Klein is cooperating with the police. We have the report from the Daily Mail saying so and the actions that follow that report certainly line up. When you have somebody who's removed from there from their cell and brought to a crime scene you have somebody who's facing all of these charges and then has a bunch of them dropped. Well it signals that they've signed that 302 and they're definitely on paper. So with all of that in mind and the fact that Keegan Klein looks to be cooperating I wonder what they're going to be able to get from him and with that information if other arrests are going to come. But either way let's dive in and let's talk about the judge dropping these charges and let's see what predicated that. This article was authored by Rachel Sharp. It was published by the Independent and Headline. Delphi murders. Judge drops charges against man behind catfishing account days after Richard Allen arrest. An Indiana judge has dismissed five child porn charges against the man behind the catfishing account tied to the Delphi murders just days after another man was arrested and charged with murder in the infamous case. So again it's not always what they tell you right you have to read in between the lines sometimes and put the pieces together as to what's going on behind the scenes. And the most logical place to get to when you do that is that Keegan Klein is a cooperating witness at this point. Keegan Anthony Klein was tied to the 2017 murders of teenage best friends Libby German and Abby Williams last December when investigators urged the public to come forward with information about a bogus online profile named Anthony shots I mean really Anthony shots. Real creative dude real creative. Klein 28 allegedly confessed to using the fake profile to groom underage girls get them to send them nude photos and their addresses and try to get them to meet him in person. So this wasn't just a sicko who had fantasies right you know there's levels of these sick people you have these ones who are repressed they haven't acted out on their bullshit yet but this Keegan Klein dude obviously was either acting out on it or in the process of doing so if he's getting addresses what other reason would you possibly need to have somebody's address if you don't plan on going to their house. In a 2020 police interview a transcript of which has been seen by the independent Klein admitted that he had communicated with the 14 year old Libby on Instagram and Snapchat through the catfishing profile before she died. Now we talked about this a little bit with the Keegan Klein episode and we went through the transcript as well and it was pretty spot on what the detectives were doing and you could tell where they were going with their line of questioning they thought that Keegan Klein was involved but they didn't think that he was the murderer and when you look at that video right and you look at Richard Allen at least for me there is such a resemblance there as far as what we can see it's pretty uncanny whereas I look at this Keegan Allen Klein dude and besides vomiting in my mouth a little bit it doesn't look like the guy that was on that bridge. On February 25th 2017 less than two weeks after the girls were brutally killed police carried out a search of Klein's home in Peru. Klein has never been charged in connection to the murders. In 2020 he was arrested in charge with 30 child sexual abuse and child exploitation felonies over the Anthony shots account. He has been held behind bars ever since. Now I don't know how these predators think they're gonna get away with it if you have like a whole ass profile eventually people are gonna track back and it's gonna lead to you. According to an affidavit Klein allegedly admitted that he had received about 100 sexual photos and about 20 sexually explicit videos from at least 15 underage girls through the profile. Now court documents filed on Friday and seen by the independent reveal that five of the 30 charges in his child porn case have been dropped. Yes they have and again we talked about this a little bit previously. We weren't too sure what was going on but there's something behind the scenes and now with the few days hindsight and all of the other stuff that we know it's obvious at least to me it seems obvious why they would drop these charges. Miami Circuit Court Judge Timothy Spar agreed to drop five counts of possession of child porn and has scheduled a date of December 22nd for a court hearing on a motion to amend information in the case. Prosecutors had filed a motion last Wednesday asking for the charges to be dropped saying that there is insufficient evidence to prove said counts beyond a reasonable doubt at trial. Now that could easily be a pump fake or it could be the truth. You know you never know with prosecutors right a lot of times they're in to misdirection. There's no law that says these prosecutors have to be truthful so you just never know what they're up to and when it comes to stuff like this they're definitely going to play it close to the vest. We already see all of the fervor that has been stirred up over the ceiling of the documents so we're going to continue to see that sort of thing in this case. They also filed a request to downgrade several of the remaining charges from a level four to a level five felony or level five to a level six. The state gave no further details about the request or the timing of it. Again sometimes it's not what they say. It's what they do and you just have to read in between the lines during these investigations and see where the police are going and you can usually sniff out which way the investigation is blowing and obviously they're working Keegan Klein here. They got those interrogators there and they're dangling less jail time for this dude if he plays ball. Now that's a conversation for another day because this is a child molester we're talking about here and I don't know how much light time you want to give somebody like this because you can't rehab this guy right. He's going to come out of that jail the same sick degenerate fuck bag he went in and there ain't no fixing that. Saying a guy with a drug problem or a guy that fucked up and committed an armed robbery didn't hurt anybody by the way just committed an armed robbery. Look I get it people make mistakes people are desperate. I'm not one of these people who thinks because you commit a crime that's it you're no longer a human being but I think if you commit this crime you commit these kinds of crimes yeah now you're not a human being to me anymore. However the request came just two days after Indiana State Police announced that a man had finally been arrested in charge with Libby and Abby's murders almost six years on from the slangs. Richard Allen a 50 year old Delphi man was taken into custody on October 26 and charged two days later with two counts of murder. Mr. Allen who is said to be refusing to cooperate with investigators pleaded not guilty to the charges and is being held without bond. People like him shouldn't get bond. All these violent perpetrators all these disgusting animals that have been let loose on our streets. I've had enough I've had my fill. Enough is enough with these people in our society getting chance after chance. It's not clear if the move to drop charges against Klein is connected in any way to the case against Mr. Allen. Look we don't know for sure right I'm just speculating but when you're putting those pieces together and you're building the puzzle from the corners in it starts to develop a big picture here. Law enforcement are remaining tight-lipped about what led them to arrest the 50 year old now with the probable cause affidavit being sealed by a judge. However in a somewhat surprising move officials indicated that there could be other individuals still out there who were also involved in the murders of Libby and Abby. If any other person had any involvement in the murders in any way that person will be held accountable. Indiana State Superintendent Doug Carter said in a press conference last week you know I hope that's true and I hope that's the case but we heard the same thing in the Epstein case. Oh all the co-conspirators are going to be held accountable meanwhile all these years on and all we got is Maxwell. Members of the public have been urged to continue to submit tips not only about Mr. Allen but any other information regarding the case with officials insisting that the investigation is far from over. The timing of what marked the first arrest in the 2017 case comes at newly unsealed court records reveal that Klein was released into the temporary custody of Indiana State Police back in August and this is what we talked about previously and when you add all of this up right it seems to paint that picture. Now if you looked at this all as a one-off you could say all right well just coincidence they're working their case and this is the investigative process that they're going through but when you put it all together obviously it's no it's no longer just cake batter you have a whole ass cake. Days later ISP officers were spotted carrying out a search of the Wabash River near his home in Peru. Journalist Anne Kane an attorney Kevin Greenley creators of the murder sheet podcast told the Independent at the time that the search was connected to the murders of Libby and Abby. During Klein's 2020 police interview he denied having any knowledge about who killed the teenagers but detective said he fell the polygraph test on those statements. Now if you have a lawyer or friend or family member one of the first things they'll tell you besides don't speak to the police without a lawyer is don't take a polygraph test. Even if you're telling the truth and I have a very good friend who's a lawyer and he's just hammered that home to us time and time again. Two things don't speak to the police without a lawyer and no polygraph test he's been adamant about that even if you're innocent because a lot of times that shit comes back to haunt you. At another point in the interview a detective confronted Klein with a message about Libby and Anthony shots that was sent to another user days after the murders. Yeah we were supposed to meet but she never showed up at red. Back on February 13th 2017 Libby and Abby set off on a hike along the Monon High Bridge Trail in their hometown of Delphi. During the walk Libby posted a photo on Snapchat of her best friend walking along the Monon High Bridge. It was the last known photo of Abby before she was killed. Later that day the teenagers were reported missing when they failed to meet a family member who had arranged to pick them up. Now imagine being the sister going to pick them up here and nobody shows up your sister nobody you're wondering yourself okay what's going on here probably go out to the trail go look for them I can't even imagine what it must be like. The following day Valentine's Day 2017 their bodies were discovered in a wooded area around half a mile off the trail. For the next five years no arrests were ever made and no suspects formally named. A 2017 search warrant application which surfaced earlier this year revealed that the victims were killed with some sort of weapon and lost a lot of blood meaning the assailant would have been covered in their blood following the attack or did he have some sort of you know disposable clothes on or plastic over his quote who knows who the hell knows. Libby and Abby were believed to have been killed in another location before the murderer moved their bodies and staged them at the crime scene. The killer was also believed to have taken some sort of souvenir and now this again leads me to believe that he put them on Ron Logan's property for a reason what that reason is I don't know I mean there was a lot of other wooded area around there to stage these bodies or put these bodies and he chose to put them where he did. Now maybe it was a coincidence but I don't know investigators have long tried to identify a man that Libby managed to capture on her cell phone before she died. In the grainy video the broad set man seen dressed in blue jeans a blue jacket and a cap walking along the abandoned railroad bridge. Investigators released a still image from the video and a chilling audio of the man telling the two girls go down the hill. Klein is due to stand trial on the child porn charges in January so it's interesting to watch what's going on behind the scenes here with Keegan Klein getting these charges dropped because to me it signals that there's something else in the works. Why would these charges get dropped right around the same time that Richard Allen gets arrested why not previously why not later. So maybe it's a coincidence I mean we can't rule it out right we don't have all of the pertinent information to have an absolutely iron clad you know view of what's going on but when you add everything up and you start doing the the math here it certainly looks like Keegan Klein is a cooperating witness and is spilling the beans on what went down so we'll continue to follow the case folks every single day we'll have some new entries and we'll see where it all goes and hopefully we get some justice here for these two girls very very soon that's going to do it for this one if you'd like to contact me you can do that at that's b-o-b-b-y-c-a-p-u-c-i at you can also find me on twitter at b-o-b-b-y underscore c-a-p-u-c-i the link that I discussed can be found in the description box