Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: What Makes A Serial killer?

An organized serial killer is a type of serial killer who exhibits a high degree of planning, control, and premeditation when committing their crimes. Unlike disorganized serial killers, who tend to act impulsively and leave chaotic crime scenes, organized serial killers are methodical and strategic in their approach, making it challenging for law enforcement to apprehend them.Key characteristics of an organized serial killer include:

  1. Methodical planning: Organized serial killers carefully select their victims, often based on specific criteria such as appearance, occupation, or vulnerability. They may stalk potential victims to learn their routines and habits before carrying out the murders.
  2. Controlled crime scenes: These killers go to great lengths to minimize evidence left behind at the crime scenes. They may bring tools, restraints, or other items to help facilitate the killings and dispose of evidence thoroughly.
  3. High intelligence and social skills: Organized serial killers often have above-average intelligence and can be charming and manipulative. This enables them to gain the trust of their victims, making it easier for them to lure them into dangerous situations.
  4. Lack of remorse: Organized serial killers typically show little to no remorse for their actions and may even take pleasure in the suffering of their victims.
  5. Cooling-off periods: After each murder, organized serial killers usually experience a "cooling-off" period where they maintain a relatively normal appearance and behavior. This period allows them to avoid suspicion and plan their next attack without drawing attention to themselves.
  6. Often follow media coverage: Organized serial killers may closely follow news reports and police investigations related to their crimes, sometimes even involving themselves in the investigation to elude capture.
  7. Long-lasting crime sprees: Due to their calculated and organized nature, these killers may continue their crime sprees for extended periods before being caught or stopped.

In this epsiode, we hear from several experts who explain what makes a serial killer and some of the basci psyche that goes into how a profile is built when investigating serial murders.

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What causes someone to become a serial killer? Criminology experts explain | CNN

Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2024