Tony Evans - Respecting Your Man

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13 Jul 2024
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At God established the family, as you know, and he established guidelines for that covenant, and marriage is called a covenant. It's called a binding relationship between a male and female that is a until-death-do-you-part relationship. That's what it is. The only reason God even allowed divorce under certain limited and most restricted scenarios is because of the sinfulness of men, according to Deuteronomy 24 compared with Matthew 19, the sinfulness of men, God had to come up with a way to protect men and women from each other. But God's idea of relationships is that there would be no divorce except under the restricted scenarios of adultery and/or desertion, that those would be the only two categories. What I want to concentrate on about covenant is the concept of hierarchy. When God wanted to make sure that his rules were operating in history, in time, he set up a chain of command, a chain of command. That chain of command is listed for us, and I'll read it to you in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, where it says, verse 3, "I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, the man is the head of a woman, and Christ is the head of God." Now, that's in the text, that's what the Bible says, that there is in history a chain of command, and that chain of command is also in eternity, for example, God is the head of Christ. Now, Christ is equal to God in essence, but Christ is not equal to God in function. And a fundamental difference that you and I must understand is that there is a difference between function and essence. Essence, everybody is equal, function, everybody is not equal. There must be different functions if a job is to be carried out. Now, you see this in your employment. In your employment, there's an owner, and then there's a CEO, the person who manages it, and then there's middle-level management, and then there's the more generic person out. Now, if everybody's CEO, the work doesn't get done. But if there is no CEO, then the work doesn't get directed. If there is no owner, there is no business for anybody to be employed in. Each one of those levels is an essential part of fulfilling a job. And unless there is a chain of command, then everything is up for grabs. Now, let me explain before I get into the specifics the purpose of the chain of command. The purpose of the chain of command is to fulfill the wishes of the owner. The reality is, when you own it, you can do what you want to do, because it's yours. Nobody else can come into my house and tell me how to furnish it. They can tell me what they think about how I furnished it. But they have no authority in terms of the essence of how I furnish my house because it's my house. When ownership comes certain rights, while God is owner, the earth is the Lord and the fullness there are of the world and all they that dwell in it, he owns it. And quite frankly, he's not asking for advice. Therefore, he says, "And a home hath the Lord sought counsel, and from whom did he seek advice?" So, the Lord isn't really asking for advice, you can give it to him if you want to, but I just want you to know, he's not going around looking for advice because he knows how he wants his world run. And so what God has done is established institutions designed to carry out his program, and each institution has a hierarchy. The first institution is the family and the hierarchy is husband, wife, children. All three are equal in essence, but all three are different in function. He has the church, and in the church he has a hierarchy. He has a system. He has elders, he has deacons, he has a teacher. All of that is designed to assure that God's plan in history is accomplished. And then government. The Bible says, "Pray for kings," and then Romans 13 says, "Because they are the ministers of God." The job of government is to carry out justice in society, all based on hierarchy. But our concern is the home. We've already established that the husband is the CEO. He is the one who is to make sure that the owner's desires are carried out in the owner's institution called the family. That's his job. If he fails that job, then he has done great damage to the cause of Christ. How it does not excuse men for not being men. That is, a man cannot look at his wife and say, "Because of her, I can't be a man." Because manhood is not related to how another person treats you. It is related to who you are by God's creation. We must go one step and say that many women make it exceedingly difficult for men to assume with ease their God-given responsibility. You see, we live in a world, ladies, where men in general, increasingly, and minority men in particular, are beaten up daily by an unjust society. But in the Bible, the understanding was no matter what happened in the society at large, when he came home, it was a different story. When the man walked in the door, there was one place everybody knew who he was. There was one place where there was no confusion or lack of clarity that there was one realm the man could lead and be recognized as leader, and that was his home. In the Bible, the concept is called the patriarch. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs, and working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Are you feeling lucky? Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates, and gives back to the local community? As one of Colorado's largest credit unions, Belco offers great rates on products like our free-boost interest checking and lower rates on loans, including our home equity choice line. Bank virtually any time, anywhere, through online banking and our mobile app. Becoming a member has never been easier. Visit or stop by any Belco branch. Republic eligibility required equal housing opportunity all-own subject to approval ensured by NCUA. Belco, banking for everyone. And the patriarch was a man who headed the home, and all of the people under the home, in such a way that everybody in the home revered his role, thus leading to the concept of respect. There is no command in the Bible for a woman to love her husband, who does not exist. There are verses in the Bible that talk about women loving their husbands, but there is no command for a woman to love her husbands, but there are plenty of commands for a husband to love his wife. Now there's a reason for that. A man's greatest need isn't love. Now all men need love, but that's not his greatest need. A man's greatest need is for reverence. Now you may not like that, because there's sure quiet in here. You may not want that, but I'm sorry that's the way it is. Men go great lengths to be reverenceed. They don't necessarily go great lengths to be loved. But they go great lengths to be reverenceed. When men put notches on their perennial belts, for all the women that they have conquered, it is a desire to be reverenceed. It is the desire to come across as Mr. Superstood, who has had this ability to conquer all these women. A self-attempt to inflate one's own ego even though most of those stories are lies. They are attempts to embellish a God-given need for dominion. When men say to their wives, "Who do you think you're talking to?" When they're angry, or perhaps when they're not, it is out of a sense that I am not being respected. And I don't know how many men I have talked to who say this. Women generally say, "My husband doesn't love me." Now generally, how it comes and that's how it was built to come. But men don't generally say that. Men generally say, "My wife doesn't respect me." Because the need of a man, given by God, is not primarily for love. The need of a man is for reverence. Now some of you are ticked off already, and I haven't even got to the verse. Because your attitude is, "I'm not referencing no man." But you don't want that same response if you were to say, "I'm not loving no woman." You see, there's a mutual meeting of needs. So let's look at 1 Peter 3 before I get more trouble, and tell that you know that God is speaking here. In the same way you wise, and of course if you're not married, you need to develop a mindset for marriage with this in mind. Be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they're not living like they ought to be living. They may be one without a word, by the behavior of their wives. Thank you sister, I need some help. Now when the text opens up within the same way, that means that it's talking about something that's gone previous. And at the end of chapter 2, what you find is that Jesus Christ suffered unjustly, verse 22, who committed no sin, nor was any defeat found in His mouth. And while being reviled, He did not revile in return. While suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously, and He Himself bore our sins and His own body on the cross that we might die to sin and live the righteousness for by His wound you will heal. For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your soul in the same way. For comparison to wise, in chapter 3, it's drawn from the illustration of Christ in chapter 2. And in chapter 2 it says, Jesus didn't do anything wrong. He was the ideal spokesman for God, but in spite of that fact He got nailed to the cross. In spite of that fact, He was treated unjustly. In spite of that fact, He was treated miserably, but rather than arguing His point, which would have been a legitimate argument, it says He entrusted Himself into the hands of the one who would do right. And then the Bible says, "Even though you were straying, you have now returned to the shepherd and bishop of your soul." In other words, you are in this building today because God got a hold of you, and you've begun responding properly to Christ on some level in the same way He was. Be submissive to your own husbands. Now there are two concepts there that create an immediate problem. The first concept is the concept of submissiveness, but before you judge it, understand it. The concept of submissiveness is not a concept of being a door man or being a floor claw. It is not saying that your husband beat up on you, that's not the concept of biblical submissiveness. Let me give you the concept of submissiveness. Submissiveness means placing oneself willingly under the authority of another in keeping with the ultimate responsibility you have under Christ. So submission does mean placing oneself under some of the authority, but submission has limits. In other words, you are submitted to the Lord, Ephesians 5, says submit to your husband as unto the Lord. So submission is to your husband, but the husband has limitations. It must be as unto the Lord. In other words, you do not submit to anything that requires you to disobey God just because your husband wants you to do it. But on the other hand, you do submit to everything that is not contradictory to that which is in keeping with obeying the Lord. If the husband said, "Rob, a bind," you say, "No." You say, "No," because that would disagree with the Lord. So the criteria of submission is agreement with God. But the responsibility other than that is comprehensive. Now he says submission to your own husbands. He's assuming you're married, and by the way, single lady. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen, tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs. Working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Hey guys, it is Ryan. 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Membership eligibility required equal housing opportunity, all-own subject to approval, insured by NCUA. Belco, banking for everyone. That's a tip for you to clear up so you don't spend 50 years of frustrated life. Don't marry somebody. You don't feel like you can submit to. If you are a strong woman, then please marry a stronger man because it's a miserable combination. If you are stronger than your husband, because he's going to be frustrated because he's too weak to lead you, but you're going to be frustrated because you're having to lead him. So they're going to be a perpetual fight. So based on your temperament, always marry somebody you can look up to, not only physiologically, but attitudinally and mentally. Now if you are already married, it's too late. You cannot change husbands because he's weaker. What you've got to do is learn to shore up his weaknesses and make them strength and settle down some of your strengths in order to shore up his weaknesses. Now some of you, it goes on to say to your own husbands. That means nobody else's husband. Own is a statement of possession. You are to submit, place yourself under the authority of your husband. Now if your attitude lady is, I am not placing myself under any man, you need to stay single. I mean you have that right, single, but you don't have that right married. You don't have that right married, all right. To put it another way, some ladies, a lot of ladies, and this is the danger of working wives. Nothing wrong with working wives, but you must understand when I went over to Proverbs 31, the great danger of working wives is that they wind up showing more respect for the boss who is married to another woman than her husband because the boss controls the purse strings. Now I know a lot of you ladies don't like your male bosses. You don't like the way they treat you, you don't like the way they talk to you, you don't like the way they dump work on you, you don't like any of that stuff, but when they show up, it's still Mr. so-and-so. He still gets treated with a modicum of dignity. Now why does he get treated that way? He doesn't get treated that way because he has earned it, it's just the opposite. He gets treated that way because of his position, which leads me to the next line. Even if any of them are disobedient to the one, they may be one without a word by the behavior of their wives. Now there's a lot there and I'm halfway through my sermon, it's still in verse 1, but there's a whole lot here, let me talk about it for a moment. The issue of respect has nothing to do ultimately with the success or failure of your husband in his job, that this you must understand. You are respecting him because of his position. There are a lot of people that you don't like who you must respect, there are a lot of policemen you may not like, but you better respect him. When you go into a courtroom, you don't have to like the judge, but you better respect him, say the wrong thing and you'll be slapped with contempt of court because sitting behind that bench is not only a male, but a male with a wrong on who occupies a position. And what you respect even if you do not like the person is the position as long as they hold that position. Now don't get me wrong that the judge is not better than you, the police is not better than you. Your boss is not better than you, you're not respecting them out of betterness, you're respecting them out of position. And that distinction, there are a lot of people in life you do not like who you must respect and your husband is to be chief among them. This is not an option. The Bible says even if he is not living up to his full responsibility, you are obligated unless he causes you to do something against Christ to recognize his position and not disrespect him. The greatest way that women disrespect their men is with their tongue. It is what you say and how you say what you say to the man in your life that is the illustration of your respect. And when you talk to somebody in society who you do not like but must respect you control yourself, go try cussing out the local judge and see where it gets you. When the policeman you do not like stops you and you feel like he's been unfair, use profanity against him and get out of the ticket that way. You will find that that does not work for that is not to be tolerated or take your children, mothers. Suppose you give your children instructions that they don't like and they stand up and say, well, I don't care what you're saying to me, I'm not going to do it. Do we have a problem on our hands? We most certainly do because even if you were wrong and what you told your children, they must respect your position as mother, am I right? Yes. Well, they're in the same way that those who you don't like are still expected to give respect to you or for them to receive respect from you, the Bible teaches that you are always to recognize your husband's position even if you disagree with your husband's point. He says even if they are disobedient, see that even if there doesn't mean just agreeing with that point, you got to make that distinction, you may not agree with the point, but he says the way you win them is without a word, you know, let's talk about this phrase without a word, oh, you're starting to get into it now, huh? Without a word does not mean speechlessness, it doesn't mean that you never say anything, that's not the concept of the phrase without a word. We all have somewhere we are trying to get to, as the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs, working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be, you've arrived, that's energy and progress. As it, Judy was boring, then Judy discovered Chumba, now Judy's the life of the party, oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon, whoa, take it easy Judy, the Chumba life is for everybody, so go to Chumba and play over a hundred casino style games, join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Without a word, have the connotation of nagging, that's the concept of without a word, nagging. Now ladies, let's think practically, how long have you been nagging your husband about certain things that are in your marriage, since the day you got married, right? It ought to occur to you by now you need a new strategy, it ought to occur to you. Now why is the man not responding to your nagging, there is one reason why you're not responding to your nagging, because you tell them what to do. You are telling him what to do and he rebels that, because what you've done is deflated his God-given ego. I mean I hear a lot of women saying I'm tired of having to feed his ego, any women tired of having to do that, but not raise your hand, so I'm tired of feeding his ego, where you better go get some sleep and get back up, because that is a divine requirement, in the same way that he should not get tired of loving you, you should not get tired of respecting him, because just like you need TLC, he needs that reinforcement and acclimation of respect. He goes on to say that the way you win them is without a word by the behavior, to put it another way what you do will go further than what you say, okay? So if you are nagging him and still not doing anything, you've just given double trouble. Now, where I go from here is going to be deep, I haven't even gotten deep yet. I'm still on the light stuff, but remember now this is God talking, okay? So if you get mad, get mad at God, as they verse to observe your chaste and respectful behavior, see that? Your chaste, the concept of your gentle and respectful behavior. Now in some cultures they make their women do this, in order to assure that it's done but they make them do it, okay? By physical force or by having repercussions if you don't do it. So in certain cultures to show respect, they have to walk behind their husbands, you know? And in certain cultures, you know, when the husbands are talking, they dare not speak. One of our staff was over in Egypt one time and the wife fixed the meal and he complimented her on it, said that was a tremendous meal and they took him outside and warned him, don't you ever do that again? Because the way we keep these ladies in their position is by letting them know they're doing what they're supposed to do. So now you really don't have it that bad, do you ladies? Well I won't get into that. But he says they are to observe, that is, see, respect. It is to be visibly demonstrated that I hold you in the highest esteem based on your position. That I recognize you are God's appointed hierarchical leader in this home. And if you are the boss on your job, leave it on your job. If you are the supervisor on your job, supervise on your job, don't bring that mess home, okay? Don't bring that home because you're going to have a problem. I'm going to tell you you're going to have a problem because most men, unless they're very, very passive, do not want supervisors for wives. Now I know what some of you ladies are thinking, you're sitting there thinking, well what you need to do, preacher, is tell these men to be men so we don't want to do it, okay? Well, I did that two weeks ago. Now I'm telling you to do it because you're supposed to do it, okay? That is a responsibility. It is something that you are given by God to do in marriage. Three, and let not your adornment, boy God's really cramping on your style here. Be merely external, braiding the hair, wearing gold and jewelry, and putting on of dresses, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in the sight of God. Don't let your adornment merely be external. Now you ladies be looking good, okay? And I know the reason you look good is because you make a major investment in the looking good, right? You make a major investment of time to look good. That major investment is in the area of shopping. Middle name is shop, all right? You know, trying to be a good husband sometimes I go shopping with my wife, that's not one of the great things I enjoy doing. Because that's hours and hours and hours worth of going through things for her to tell me why it doesn't look good and that just doesn't turn me on really, okay? But I've got to apply these sermons so I do go sometime. But there is a major investment and you've heard me talk about the way the attention you ladies give the mirrors. The world for you is one big mirror, you know, there's a mirror in the house, there's a mirror in the car, now they put them on the driver side in case you drive it. And on the passenger side, then you get the way you're going. First thing you got to do, powder your nose, look in the mirror again, and you don't even need a mirror. Ten that shines, it's good enough, as long as it reflects, why? Because God knows a lady is very conscious about her public presence and beauty and God does not condemn that, that is acceptable with God. Me and you ought to be looking for a good looking woman, all right? Nothing wrong with that. And ladies you ought to make yourself as appealing as possible. In other words, if you're single, it shouldn't be because you didn't take care of yourself and you didn't look good and you weren't appealing, not wrong with that. But God has a big problem, if there's so much emphasis on the external getting fixed up for your public and not getting fixed up inside for your Lord, God has a big problem with that. God has a problem with you going through owls and owls of clothes at whatever store you shop at, going through owls and owls of clothes, but not willing to go through owls and owls of strategy of being God's woman at home, he has a problem with that, he has a problem with that, he says let it be the hidden man of the heart, what he's talking about is so construct your inside that you follow God's plan in your role, in your home, exalting your husband to the position of leader that God has placed him in. Now some men are passive, not by choice, but by circumstances. They were raised without a father, they were raised with a dominant dictating mother, that's all they know. So you get on them be for being so passive, but that's all they know. And if you think this generation is bad, wait till our children get married, when we've got 70% of our kids who haven't grown out without a father, we've got a whole generation of women who either if they looking for Mr. Wright won't marry or will have to apply this on their honeymoon to get this thing started early because we have a lot of young men who are being beaten by circumstances that they have absolutely no control over, which means if he's ever going to become the man that he was created to be, you are going to have to become the kind of woman who elevates him to the level that God recognizes him at. That's what it means. It does wonders for a man to hear from his wife, "I'm so glad I can tell my girlfriends you are my man." It does wonders for a man to hear from his wife, "It is awesome being married to you." It does wonders for a man to hear from his wife, "Honey, please leave me, I'm dying to follow you." All right now. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As a largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs. Working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. I can tell most of you ain't been using any of this. It does wonders for a man when you ask him first before you go ahead and buy it and say, "Honey, if it's okay with you." I sure would like to have this, but I thought I needed to ask you first to make sure it's in keeping with the direction you're taking our home in. Now, let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you why that works. That works because that sounds so good to him, he gonna want you to come back with that one again. Well, you probably will get a yes, it is by your behavior, by the way you respect him in word and deed, not by your nag in him, when you gonna go out and become a man, boy. Now, you listen to the way some of the wives talk to everyone, you are sorry brother. You know, well, I sure wish I was married to a man, you know, those kind of statements. You see, that is disrespecting God's Hayakio frame of reference, it's nowhere around it. Bible says this is not new, verse 5, "For in this way and form of times the holy women also who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves being submissive to their own husbands." Now, please get the key here, the women weren't trying to change the husband, they were hoping in God. See, if you disrespect your husband, you're working against God, and if you're working against God, no matter how much you pray, you won't get God's help to change your husband. If you hope in God, that means you must obey God. You cannot hope in God by doing what your girlfriend say do. One of our problems is we're talking with too many girlfriends and looking at too many soap operas. Okay, that's one of the problems. Okay? I mean, some of us think we're in Lexus or something, that we've been called around the show here, and you know that she can't keep her husband's either. So the idea here is that there is a commitment to get God on your side, and the way you get God on your side is by obeying his particular instructions. It says, "The older women were like this. They adorn themselves, they weren't only good-looking externally, they were good-looking internally. Their husband said, "Woo, she's good-looking by her character." Then he illustrates it, "Thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord." Ladies let's read that together. Verse 6, first line, let's go, "Thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord." What did she call him? >> Lord. >> What did she call him? >> Lord. >> What did she call him? >> Lord. >> Turn to your husband and call him that. Right now. [Laughter and Applause] Now, the word, now, he says that these old testament women are to be new testament illustrations. The word, "Lord" means master. That's what it means, it means master. It says, "Abraham was called by Sarah Lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear." Now, see, for some of you to turn and call your husband's Lord scares you. So, call him Lord, call him Lord, I ain't called no man Lord. [Laughter] Well let's look at where Abraham, Sarah called Abraham Lord. Genesis chapter 18, yeah, the Bibles are turning, because I know some of you are saying yeah, there's got to be another interpretation of that. Genesis chapter 18, verse 11, let's look at verse 9. Then they said to him, "Where is Sarah your wife?" And he said, "Behold in the tent," and he said, "I will surely return to you at this time next year, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son," and Sarah was listening at the tent door which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age, Sarah was past childbearing, and Sarah laughed to herself, saying, "After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my Lord being old also," and the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'Shall I indeed bear a child when I am so old? Is anything too difficult for the Lord?" There's a whole lot there. God said, "Hey, Abraham, your wife, all she is, is going to have a baby." Sarah listens to that and says, "What?" That's impossible, I can't have a baby at 90 years of age, and then she says, "Shall I have pleasure again with my Lord?" In other words, she was saying, "Not only can I not have a baby, I can't even get around to doing what it takes to have a baby." So in the context of- We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Colorado next-gen, tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs, working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. Say it for free at LuckyLand, are you feeling lucky? For her calling Abraham, my Lord, my Master, it is in the context of an impossible situation. Am I right? Some of you ladies are married to impossible men. Some of you ladies are married to men, and you don't say any way they can turn around. Some of you ladies are married to men. You don't see any hope for. Some of you are married to impossible situations, but Sarah called Abraham, Lord, and believed God would respond even though it sounded impossible at first, submitted to him, and as a result, the Bible says out a year later comes Isaac through an impossible situation. I'm saying that same God can take what you consider that mess of a man and turn him around, but you got to say, my Lord, you got to take your role and play your part and make sure that you've done everything you can do humanly possible to honor the Lord before the Lord does everything he can to make a miracle in your family. Don't ask God why he hasn't changed your man if you haven't changed your role. Don't ask God why he hasn't reversed your man if you haven't respected his leadership. Some of you ladies need to go home, and today say, honey, I apologize. I have let my disagreements with you turn into disrespect for you, and for the disrespect for you, I have been wrong, and I want to begin today recognizing your leadership in this home, my Lord. That's what it means, that's what it means, and they all used to do that, means you're not a dorsera. So you say, so what, I'm not a dorsera, so you don't get the miracle, Sarah got. That's what it means. Sarah got a miracle, it was an impossible situation, but she got a miracle. Why? Because she did it God's way, that's why, that's why. So what am I saying? I am saying that while we do have a male leadership concern in our culture, one of the major contributors to it being as bad as it is, is the failure of women to honor their husbands. Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me, and you know what they were doing. 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