Telling The TRUTH
103014 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program
You're listening to Telling the Truth from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, Telling the Truth to and for Teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president George Dooms. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do all you can. God has something for you to do that only you can accomplish the way it needs to be accomplished according to God's purpose and plan. So will you do all you can?" Listen to Philippians 4-13, New King James Version, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Not some things, not most things, but all things. How? Through Christ. Why? Because He gives you the strength to do it, if you have personally trusted Him. Have you admitted you are a sinner? Have you turned to Jesus Christ and asked Him to forgive you? The Christ who was born of a virgin, who lived perfectly, was tempted but never yielded, and then died on a cruel cross for your sins and mine according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. The risen Lord Jesus is willing to help you accomplish whatever you need by giving you the strength, the wisdom, the guidance to do it. But you have to approach Him. You have to approach Him by believing that He is going to lead you and guide you to people who need to know Him who don't. There are people in your world who need to hear the gospel. Are you willing to go and share and tell them the truth? To let them know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He wants to become their personal Savior? Go today. Christ through you can change the world. For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418. Or write triple T-13,000 US-41-North Evansville, Indiana, 477-25. Find us on the web at (upbeat music) (dramatic music)