Telling The TRUTH
100414 Telling The Truth 3 Minute Program
Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m., creative Christian communicators are featured at Triple T, 13,000 U.S. Highway 41 North at Booneville, Harmony Road, four miles north of Evansville Airport, four miles south of I-64, music, skits, fun, and even first Saturday, free food, like corn dogs, nachos, cake and ice cream, and more. So join some of the world's greatest teenagers, preteens and youth workers at Triple T Saturday night. Visit the web, You're listening to Telling the Truth from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, Telling the Truth to and through teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president, George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins. He was buried, and he rose again on the third day. For this reason, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ephesians 3 16, the King James Version, are you ready to bow, to allow God to know how much you appreciate what He has done for you by allowing His Son, Jesus Christ to be born of a virgin, to live perfectly, and then to die for your sins and my sins, the sins of everybody who believe on Him. God is a plan for you and for me. After we have bowed our knees and thanked Him, He wants us to get up off our knees and go with the gospel to people who need to know Jesus. That's why we want to offer you a copy of God's Word. The New King James Bible is available to you to give to someone between the ages of 10 and 19 who needs to know the Lord. We are so delighted that people have responded, and we ask you to respond now. To get your Bible to give away, call 812-867-2418. Thank God for His Word and get His Word to someone who needs Jesus. There are youth out there whose whole lives could be involved in doing something wonderful for God's glory. Call 812-867-2418 for your Bible to give away. Christ through you can change the world. For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418. Or write triple T-13,000-US41-North Evansville, Indiana, 47725. Find us on the web at Every Saturday at 7.27 pm, Creative Christian Communicators are featured at triple T-13,000 US Highway 41 North at Booneville, New Harmony Road, 4 miles north of Evansville Airport, 4 miles south of I-64, music, skits, fun, and even first Saturday free food like corn dogs, nachos, cake and ice cream and more. So join some of the world's greatest teenagers, pre-teens and youth workers at Triple T Saturday Night. Visit the web,