Telling The TRUTH

081814 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
18 Aug 2014
Audio Format:

You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth" to and through teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to Galatians 6-6, New King James Version. Let him who has taught the Word share in all good things with him who teaches. Do you know that there are people that you could say thank you to in a very special way? A current or former Sunday school teacher. A pastor who cared or cares for you. An evangelist who gave the gospel to you and you responded. People in communications ministries sharing the gospel. You can thank those folks and you should. Meanwhile, why don't you take the gospel, the Word of God, and give it to someone who needs Jesus? We want to send you a packet and we want you to think especially about 10-19 year olds that you could reach if you could give this gift of eternal life, eternal significance. And I hope you will. We will enclose with the Bible copies of God's ABCs. To get yours call 812-867-2418. That's 812-867-2418. Yes, you can have a Bible to give away. God's Word will not return void. Carefully consider someone, a youth that you know who needs Jesus and give him or her God's Word. Christ through you can change the world. (upbeat music) (dramatic music)