Telling The TRUTH

081714 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
17 Aug 2014
Audio Format:

You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth" to and through teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president George Dooms. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. What kind of load are you carrying? Do you know that God will help you determine what it is you are to do and He will help you carry your load?" Galatians 6, 5, New King James says, "For each one shall bear His own load." What a load it is to know that you and I are responsible for those with whom we come in contact to share with them the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's our load, your load, my load, but let us look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. The Bible says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so we want to pray with you for the people you are concerned about knowing Christ and we want to give you a tool, in fact, several tools." The first is God's Word, the Bible, New King James Version. It's free and it's for you, not just to have for yourself, but to read, to heed and to give away, along with copies of God's ABCs. They're printed on the inside front cover, God's ABCs. Well, it's an extra copy to you if you let us know how many will prayerfully use. We want these to be a tool in your hands to help you with the load you are carrying. Get yours, call 812-867-2418. That's 812-867-2418. Christ, through you, can change the world. For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418, 812-867-2418, or write triple T-13,000 U.S. 41 North Evansville, Indiana, 47725, find us on the web at (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]