Telling The TRUTH

062414 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2014
Audio Format:

You're listening to Telling the Truth from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, Telling the Truth to and for Teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 12-12, New King James, give some insights on how to live. Listen. Rejoicing in hope, patient and tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer. Don't you want to do that? Don't you want to live that way? Rejoicing in hope. We have hope on the horizon that God will put us in the right place at the right time and eternally with Him. Patient and tribulation. There are difficulties that are going to come your way. They come my way. They come everybody's way. But are you patient with them? I'm not the most patient person that you've ever met, but God is helping me to understand that He is indeed in charge. And then continuing steadfastly in prayer. Pray about everything. Pray without ceasing. Pray for the people who need Jesus. Pray for those Christians that you could partner with to take the gospel to those who really could be reached. Then call 812-867-2418. Tell us how many copies of God's ABCs you will prayerfully present to folk who need to go to heaven but don't know how. You could tell them. You could show them. You could be the catalyst. Will you let God make you usable and use you? Well 812-867-2418 that has partnered with you to get the gospel to people you know. Christ through you can change the world. [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music)