Telling The TRUTH

062014 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2014
Audio Format:

You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth" to and through teenagers. Here is Triple T. founder and president, George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen, please, to Romans 1018, New King James. But I say, have they not heard? Yes, indeed. Their sound has gone out to all the earth and their words to the ends of the world. Do you want to be a creative Christian communicator to help get the gospel to everybody possible as quickly as possible, as effectively as possible? The beginning point is to make certain that you are personally a Christian, a believer on the Lord Jesus. Secondly, to pray and pray and pray some more. God make me usable and use me. Pray for friends who are believers and invite them to open the Word of God with you and determine how to go with the gospel to people. When you become a believer on Christ, when you receive His gift of eternal life, then you have this wonderful privilege of sharing the good news with folk who need the Lord. It needs to go, as Jesus said, into all the world, and it can if you and I will pray and then determine what our part should be. God is doing wonderful things in all kinds of places, through all kinds of people, but He wants you, where you are, to represent Him. Call 812-867-2418. That number 812-867-2418, become a creative Christian communicator, will send you the plan. You can put it into effect today. Christ through you can change the world. For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418. Or write Triple T-13,000 US-41-North Evansville, Indiana, 477-25. Find us on the web at (upbeat music) (dramatic music)