Telling The TRUTH
032313 Telling The Truth 3 Minute Program
Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m., creative Christian communicators are featured at Triple T, 13,000 U.S. Highway 41 North at Booneville and Harmony Road, four miles north of Evansville Airport, four miles south of I-64, music, skits, fun, and even first Saturday, free food, like corn dogs, nachos, cake and ice cream, and more. So join some of the world's greatest teenagers, preteens and youth workers at Triple T Saturday night. Visit the web, You're listening to telling the truth from Triple T Christian youth ministries telling the truth to and for teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and president, George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you a can-do Christian? The Bible says in Philippians 4, 13, New King James Version, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." What that is saying is that you can't, but he can. Would you need to be available to him? I can do all things through Christ. It is through Christ that you can accomplish the impossible. Christ will give you the strength to do what you need to do. So pray diligently and directly for wisdom and guidance from the Lord, and then endeavor to do His will. Do all things, not some things, not most things, but all things through Christ. The word "all" often appears, especially in the writings of Paul. It means precisely what it says. It leaves nothing out, it is all-inclusive, and that means all. Today, what do you want to do for God's glory? Jesus will give you the strength to accomplish it. If you are willing to be available, to be made usable and then used by Him. So reach out to people who need Jesus, fellowship with other believers, read God's Word, and go with the gospel. Somebody is waiting to hear, "Will you tell them the truth? Christ through you can change the world." For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418. Or write triple T, 13,000 US-41-North Evansville, Indiana, 47725. Find us on the web at Every Saturday at 7.27 pm, Creative Christian Communicators are featured at Triple T, 13,000 US Highway 41 North at Booneville, Harmony Road, 4 miles north of Evansville Airport, 4 miles south of I-64, music, skits, fun, and even first Saturday free food, like corn dogs, nachos, cake and ice cream, and more. So join some of the world's greatest teenagers, preteens and youth workers at Triple T Saturday Night. Visit the web,