Telling The TRUTH

091512 Telling The Truth 28 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2012
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[music] You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth to and Through Teenagers." Here is Triple T. Founder and President George Dumes. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the apostles said to the Lord, "increase our faith." Luke 17-5, New King James Version. That's a prayer that any of us could and should pray consistently. Lord, increase our faith. Your faith is very important. Do you really believe the Bible is the infallible, the inerrant, the changeless Word of God that all Scripture is inspired? That takes faith. But when you place that faith in God, in His Son, in His Word, wonderful things can happen in all of your tomorrows beginning today. Your faith can increase as you read the Word of God, as you pray, and as you fellowship with other people who are also believers. And then, when you have a compassion for people who don't know the Lord, you can go to them by faith, explaining to them that when they place their faith personally in God's Son, Jesus Christ, admitting they have sinned, turning to Him from their sins, believing with all of their heart that He is who He says He is. The Son of God, God the Son, and they are willing to share their faith in Him. Wonderful things happen. Do you know someone who needs to know that truth? Will you go to them, prayerfully, presenting the Gospel? The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith. So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mawberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you.'" Luke 17-6, New King James. "Yes, faith is available when you ask, but then you have to apply it. Do you really believe? Are you really willing to share your belief in Jesus with people who don't yet believe? There's no greater thrill than sharing the Gospel with someone who is not yet a believer and watching the Holy Spirit work in the heart and life of that individual, seeing them understand the necessity of believing and turning to Jesus from their sins, and then telling other people they believe on the basis of God's Word. And when that happens, and you were there helping it happen, sharing the Gospel, the thrill continues, and will linger and linger. But it's up to you to place your faith in the Lord, to share with people who need the Lord, to get other people praying with you, and then to go buy faith to those who need to know Christ personally. So will you? It's totally your decision. It's all up to you. Ten lepers came to Jesus. He healed them all, but one of them returned, and Jesus said to this man from Samaria, "Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well." Luke 1719, New King James Version. Jesus wondered where the other nine were, but He was delighted that one had come back to say thank you. So oftentimes, we assume that everything is going to be fine because we just keep on going forward without stopping to reflect and to give gratitude for what God has done. God wants us to be thankful all the time. He wants us to be appreciative for all He has done is doing and will do. Are you thanking God? All of the prayers that we pray should either begin or end or in the midst. Thank the Lord. God wants us to have thankful hearts. He wants us to put our faith into effect, and He wants you and me to tell others how they can by putting their faith in the Lord Jesus be born again and have life that will last forever. Anyone to go to heaven must admit that they have sinned, and then do an about face turning to Jesus, turning to Him from their sins and telling others they believe. Jesus concludes the first eight verses of Luke 18 with a question. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? Luke 18 8. It's a question that each of us should answer. Will He find you faithful? Are you going to be doing your Father's business? Are you going to be serving the Lord? Are you serving Him now? Serve the Lord with gladness, with joy. Joy is Jesus first, other second, and you last. But don't leave yourself out. Know that God wants you to be made usable and used by Him and for Him to reach people through Him. There are folk out there who need to know the gospel. There are people who do know the gospel that can be and will be your prayer partners if you will ask them. So why not form a group of believers to pray for those who do not yet know Jesus, who are not yet believers? And then together, work out your plans to take the gospel to those folk who need to know Him whom to know are right is life eternal. That takes faith. Will you put your faith in action? It's your decision. You can, if you will. And I hope that you will say, "Yes." A blind man was brought to Jesus and when Jesus asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" And He said, "Lord, that I may receive my sight." Then Jesus said to Him, "Receive your sight. Your faith has saved you." And immediately, He received His sight and followed Him glorifying God. And all the people when they saw it gave praise to God. Luke 18, verses 41, 42, 43, New King James. Faith will make you whole. Faith will do magnificent things, but faith has to be in God and in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you have the faith to believe that others will trust Christ as you have? If you have, they also can receive God's gift of eternal life. Put that faith into effect now. Take the gospel to someone today. Let them know that God loves them. Jesus died for them and He was buried and He rose again. And what they have to do is turn to Him from their sins. Believing on the Lord Jesus, receiving the gift of God, eternal life. That's God's way to heaven. First, to admit we have sinned. To turn to Him from our sins. To believe and to tell others we believe. Will you tell someone today how to do that? Jesus knew that Peter's faith was shaking. And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, indeed Satan has asked for you that He may sift you as wheat. But I prayed for you that your faith should not fail. And when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren. Luke 22, verses 31 and 32, New King James Version. God will hear an answer prayer. Jesus will take our petitions straight to the Father if we have truly received Him. That is the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior. We pray in Jesus' name and Jesus says, the blood that I shed has been applied to the sins of the person who just prayed. If indeed we have turned to Jesus from our sins, believing on Him. We can pray and we can see God answer prayer. It's the faith that we place in Him that makes all the difference in the world, for us and for others. So do you have faith to believe that God can make you usable and use you to impact your world? Trust Him. Watch Him work in you and through you for His glory. God will use you if you will allow Him to make you usable. It's totally up to you. I hope you will. Alayman walked. Peter said, "And His name through faith in His name has made this man strong whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given Him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all." Acts 3, 16, New King James Version. Him and His is here several times. The first is his with a capital H, his name, and his name again capital H, and then comes through Him capital H. So we know that we are talking about Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. It was Peter's faith in Christ, and the man's faith in Christ that caused the healing to happen. God is still working, especially providing the gift of God eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. When we present the gospel effectively, when we present it scripturally, God works wonderfully. I hope that you will respond to the opportunity you have to tell people how to get to heaven. God's ABCs. A. Admit you've sinned. B. Believe on Christ. C. Confess Him publicly. We hope that you will know you have a mission to accomplish for the glory of God. Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m., you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 U.S. 41 North at Boone Building Harmony Road, midway between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday, a good news club for ages 6 to 9 is available in a separate room. For more information call 812-867-2418 or visit Being back at Mount Carmel August 8, 9, and 10 during ag days was an eye-opener for me. It's always good to see friends and meet new people. Triple T's 10 by 10 tent was visited by hundreds of youth and many adults. We gave cups of cold water by the gallon each evening. But my burden to reach my hometown really increased as I met many 10 to 19-year-olds and saw firsthand the need to continue trying to reach as many as possible as soon as possible. Ag days was the 11th fair share event during the summer. Triple T team missions international teams shared their gospel with fairgoers in 10 other counties. Clay Edwards Lawrence and Richton, Illinois, Knox Pike, Posey and Warwick, Indiana, Davies and McClain, Kentucky, in July and August. Some days taking three or four teams to fairs simultaneously. In those 11 Tri-State counties, we surveyed over 1,700 one-on-one and prayed with 170 who made their decision to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ from their sins, believe on Him and receive His gift of eternal life. All glory goes to God. In Mount Carmel, our team of four interacted with hundreds of youth. Thousands saw the many billboard, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and or personally received a copy with God's ABCs inside. This coming Thursday evening, September 20, at 7.27 p.m. Pastor Gary Underwood and the first General Baptist congregation are graciously hosting an event in their multi-purpose room. Triple T team and America's leading skit ministry. New Life Drama Company will preview the Tiger Team Impact key action plan and you are invited. Please try to be with us that evening and invite other people who care about youth and youth themselves ages 10 to 19 to be there. The objective is to return to Mount Carmel. Later this fall, for an all-out Tiger Team Impact Evangelistic Youth effort, details and interaction will be included at the September 20 event at 1st General Baptist. Really hope you can be there. The number one need we have is prayer. If you are a believer in Christ, will you please pray for these possibilities to reach the youth of Wabash County for Christ? Together, we can keep evangelizing youth. I hope to meet you one-on-one, personally, next Thursday evening. We're excited about the opportunity to come back to Mount Carmel to lay the groundwork for what can happen later this fall. And we need you to be a part of all of this. Following Saturday, just a week from today, September 22, from 11.30 through the rally at 9 p.m., Tiger Team Training will take place at Triple T. The Drama Team will conduct a skit drama workshop. We have leading you scholarships available and we have information to put into your hands. All you have to do is call, area code 812-867-2418, or you can write us. TTT Christian Youth Ministries, 13,000, that's 1-3-0-0 US Highway 41 North, Evansville, Indiana, 477-2-5. I'll repeat that address. That's TTT, 13,000, again 1-3-0-0 US Highway 41 North, Evansville, Indiana, 477-2-5. You can check our website. It's the same as I just shared almost as the address, but listen carefully, just That's We have lots of information to share with you on the website, and if you come to Triple T, great, if you come to the First General Baptist Church Thursday, wonderful. By the way, we have a free Bible for everybody between the ages of 10 and 19 who will come to this event. So spread the word and tell people to be there. See this great, great drama group presenting skit after skit, multiple ones during our time together. It's going to be a fast-paced evening. It's going to last about an hour and three minutes, and then you'll be able to answer those questions you have already formed in your head by coming. Or if you have a specific question, we'll try to answer them just for you. Again, we're excited about coming back to Mount Carmel. We're excited about being there with the New Life Drama Company. We're excited about being there on Thursday, September 20, 727, the First General Baptist Church Multipurpose Room. By the way, that location is 120 West 12th Street in Mount Carmel. And then we're going out across the tri-state in all kinds of circumstances and inter-dominationally, with churches of lots of denominations. And we're going out again and again and again with the gospel. And God's doing special, special things. In fact, just tomorrow morning, we're going to be over in Bone Gap, Illinois. And we keep going as God opens doors, and we're going to be excited about what God is going to be doing during this time together. Again, we want you to know that good things are going to happen. Oh, by the way, next Saturday at the end of the rally, free pizza, free pizza from Noble Romans will be presented and provided for everybody who attends. It'll be wrapping up what we call our leading youth day, our Tiger Team Training Day on Saturday, September 22nd. It begins at 11.30 a.m. and we have available some scholarships for people who want to come and be trained as Tigers. Tiger means teens involved, going, evangelizing regularly. Well, again, the ABCs are what we share wherever we go. And I want to share them one more time with you in case you've missed them or haven't remembered exactly how they all fit together. They're very simple, and yet they're totally scriptural. God's ABCs admit you've sinned, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, that's Romans 3.23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, that's Romans 6.23. Be, believe on Christ. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The sea? Confess Christ publicly. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart when believes under righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. That's Romans 10, 9 and 10. We want you to know that God wants you to go to heaven. Someday you're going to go into eternity. He that believes on Christ will be with God forever and forever. He who does not believe is condemned already because He is not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jesus said that, I believe that. That's what the Bible presents to us in John chapter 3. And so today can be your day for redemption, for salvation. If you are already a believer, tell somebody else how they too can go to heaven by admitting they have sinned, by believing on Christ, by confessing Him publicly. Again you've probably seen the billboards, you've seen the banners, maybe you even got a copy of the ABCs while we were in Mount Carmel. We'll have them available again Thursday night for everybody who comes. The banner says, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, telling the truth to teenagers. Then has our triangle with three cheese on it. A picture of teenagers carrying unfurled Christian flags following an American flag. And then the website If I were you, I would just hit that website right now and find out a whole lot more about who we are and how it all comes together. You can join some of the world's greatest teenagers this coming Thursday or any Saturday at triple T, 727 p.m. We're hoping that we'll be able to connect with you. We hope that you will tell other people what's happening and that we'll be able to have a wonderful, wonderful evening together with this spectacular drama team. They're very, very effective. They're very, very fast paced in what they share. And you'll like it and you'll say how in the world did this evening go by so fast. It starts at 727, it will end at 830. And we are looking forward to having you with us. Stay tuned as we give you more information that will help you understand how much God loves you and what He wants to do just for you. Know that we're taking the New Life Drama Company out across the Tri-State in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky and will be in 10, 11, 12 different communities, including Mount Carmel this coming Thursday. ♪♪ We have something special for you. Everyone who meets with us this coming Thursday, September 20, 727 p.m. At the first General Baptist Church multipurpose room, we'll receive a copy of Life at its very best by Dave Breece. It has several sections. One, the promise. Next, the pursuit. Then, the plan. The coming provision. The potential problems. And the projection for the future. I want to share something about that projection. And again, this is available free for you when you come. What then is life at its very best? It is that wonderful life offered to us by God, which is presented to us in the Bible as having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 1 Timothy 4-8. The promise, therefore, is that life at its very best can be known by each of us in this present world. And then it becomes a prelude to the best of life in the eternities to come. Think of it. In these quickly passing moments of time. And then for all the eternity, we can know something more than existence. We can know the best of life. What then is life at its very best in our present world? It is, first of all, the Christian life. The world, because it has rejected real life, can only know frustration, bewilderment, despair, and finally, the expiration of existence itself in this world. The Bible, in fact, teaches that the world is moving toward the consummation of history. As time draws to a close, the problems and perils of this world will grow worse and worse. There will finally come a time of tribulation in which the world will experience both the wrath of Almighty God and the inevitable consequences of its own iniquity. Who can doubt that the culmination is beginning now? But for the Christian, it is all different. A Christian, even while he lives on planet Earth, is not of this world. His true citizenship is already in heaven, and he is merely passing through this world on his way to the eternal dwelling place. The Christian, therefore, even while living in the fading spheres of time experiences the best of life, he is told not to be anxious, perplexed, worried, or even to take any unusual thought for his own provision and survival. While he participates in the life of this world by helping others as the Bible commands, he is not tied to this world; he is already having life from above. He knows that the life of which people boast in this world is mere existence. Only the Christian has a life that is a true life and is daily becoming more and more abundant. And remember that life at its very best in this world is the committed life. As we have seen, God calls every Christian to commit himself to be a witness, a soldier, an ambassador for the Lord in the world. To be saved is to have eternal life, but to be committed to serve Christ is to have life more abundantly. One who serves Christ well in this world will one day stand before the judge of history and hear him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." What a trophy he will receive on that sublime occasion. Life at its very best in this world is also the growing and maturing life. Even the Christian life has problems, perplexities, and critical decisions which must be made. In the midst of these, however, Christ is the answer. What a wonderful joy it is to share this with you, and I want you to have this book yourself. It's a small little thing that can fit in your pocket, but it is packed full of wonderful biblical truths put together by the pen of Dave Breece, who was one of the great, great minds of our generation. He is one of those writers who is left behind a series of statements and insights and thoughts that will go on on helping people just like you and me. So life at its very best is yours free if you'll simply come Thursday night, 727, 1st General Baptist Church in the building right behind the sanctuary, just off 12th Street, and we'll be looking forward to seeing you, introducing you to the New Life Drama Company. It's going to be a night to remember a night you won't want to miss. Christ through you can change the world. Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m., you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 U.S. 41 North at Booneville and Harmony Road, midway between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday, a good news club for ages 6 to 9 is available in a separate room. For more information call 812-867-2418 or visit For your free copy of The Telling the Truth newsletter, call 812-867-2418, 812-867-2418, or write Triple T, 13,000 U.S. 41 North, Evansville, Indiana, 477-25. Tune in to Telling the Truth next week at this same time on this same station. [MUSIC] (dramatic music)