Telling The TRUTH

082712 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2012
Audio Format:

You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth to and for Teenagers." Here is Triple T. founder and president, George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 25-3, New King James says, "Indeed, let no one who waits on you be ashamed. Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause." The Bible says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For is the power of God and a salvation to everyone who believes. What we need to do is to help people believe. We need to never be ashamed of the gospel. We need to never let our lights be dimmed. We need to be the light of the world, will you? Let those be ashamed who don't acknowledge God. We want to never be ashamed of Him, or of the gospel, and because when we have that opportunity to tell other people, we need to do it." So I challenge you, take a Bible, read it, and obey it. Put into effect those things God tells you to do and then go with other believers to people who need the Lord. We want to send you some tools, a Bible, New King James Version, and copies of God's ABCs. They are free. All you have to do is at the end of the broadcast, listen to the information, and write our call. Know this, Christ through you can change the world. For your free copy of the New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418, 812-867-2418, or write triple T-13,000 US-41-North Evansville, Indiana-47725. Find us on the web at (upbeat music) (dramatic music)