Telling The TRUTH

081112 Telling The Truth 28 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2012
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[MUSIC] You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth to and Through Teenagers." Here is Triple T. Founder and President George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle wrote letters to Timothy, a very special young man. First Timothy, for 11, New King James says, "These things command and teach." Paul had an agenda for Timothy. Timothy was to take the instructions, the information that Paul was imparting to him, and Timothy was in turn to share it with others. God has a plan for every person who is willing to be made usable and used of God. There is something that you could do that you can command and teach to others if you are indeed a believer. God wants you to fellowship with other Christians. He wants you to read the Word of God. He wants you to pray diligently, consistently, and then communicate Christianity effectively. Again, God has a plan for you just like He did for Paul, and for Timothy, and for me, and for many, many others. So read the Word of God and do what it says. Take the gospel to your world. Let people know that Christ died for their sins, for your sins, for my sins, that He was buried, that He rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. Let them know that by admitting they have sinned, turning to Jesus from their sins, believing with all their heart that Jesus is who He says He is, God will give them life that lasts forever. With the heart one believes to righteousness with the mouth, confession is made to salvation. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in Word. First Timothy 4-12, New King James Version. The first of six words, Word. I hope that if you are young, you will understand that God wants you to stand up and be counted for Him, and not let anybody look down on you because you are young. If you're not young, don't look down on those who are, but rather in a compassionate way, reach out to those who are younger than you are, and watch God make you usable and use you to reach those who need to know Him. The vision of Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries is, every youth will have the opportunity to hear the gospel with an invitation to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ before turning 20. Who do you know that you could share God's Word with effectively? Is there anybody in your world, in your family, in your neighborhood, in your spectrum of relationships, friendships that don't know who Jesus is and what He can do for them? I hope that if this is so, that you will take the Word of God and use words carefully. As you share the gospel, and make sure that people know how to get to heaven, youth are waiting for someone to tell them the truth. Will you be the one? Again, you can be if you will be. Use the right words. Conduct is a very important word. It's an important lifestyle. How we conduct ourselves will either please God or displease Him. First Timothy 412, New King James says, "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct." God wants your conduct to please Him. He also wants you to reach out to youth whose conduct might not be pleasing to Him. Kids can have problems. There are circumstances in their lives that can cause them to do wrong rather than right if they don't know Jesus. Knowing Him, whom to know right is life eternal, isn't a magic formula for total success, but it can be a lifestyle that keeps us moving in the direction God would have us to go. So reach out to someone today, make sure your conduct is holy and wholesome, and pray diligently. Read God's Word, fellowship with other believers, pray together for those who need the Lord, and then go with the gospel. Build the truth to youth who need to know Him, who need to know Jesus, who need to know that He died, He was buried, and He rose again so that they, by believing in Him, could have life that lasts forever. Will you tell someone right now, today, let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love. 1 Timothy 4, 12, No King James Version. Love is a very, very important factor for every Christian. In fact, for every person. God is love. The entire 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians talked about the kind of love that we are to have for God and for one another. The love factor is extremely important, especially in the world of youth. Many times, lust is misunderstood and misinterpreted as love, but love is real. Love is honest, love is pleasing to God, and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Some of those neighbors are teenagers, even preteens, youth who need love, God's love through people, who care about them, people who will communicate the gospel, the plan of salvation, and present the way to heaven to those who are not yet headed there, God's love is now and forever. Will you choose a youth to share Jesus with today? Will you pray for him or her? Will you read God's word? Will you fellowship with other believers? And then will you go with the gospel? To someone or someone's who need the Lord? If you will, great. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example of the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit. There are 7412 New King James. Cheered leaders are instructed to bring spirit into athletic activities and events that cause other people in the stands to get excited about their team. I hope that you will be a cheerleader for some youth in your world. I hope that you will let them know that you are for them. I hope that you will let them know that God cares about them. I hope that you will let them know that you are not going to look down on them, but you are going to lift them up. And if you are young, I trust that you will be an example for others to see Christ in you the hope of glory. I hope that you will let other youth know that they too can have a relationship with God like you have if indeed you have had a born again happening in your heart and life and circumstance. God wants you to serve him effectively and consistently. So pray. Read the Word of God, fellowship with other Christians, and then go with the gospel to people who need the Lord. There is somebody at your school, someone in your neighborhood, a person in your sphere of influence that you could share Christ with even today. How is your faith factor? Faith is of the utmost importance for every believer. Is your faith intact today? No one despise your youth, but be an example of the believers, in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith. First Timothy 4, 12, New King James Version. Faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You don't have it yet, but you know it is going to happen because your faith is implicitly placed in God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Holy Spirit will multiply your faith if you will allow Him to do that for you. Do you have the faith to believe that people who don't know the Lord, who are walking far away from Him, can be redeemed, can be changed, can be rearranged, can be saved for all of eternity? The gospel is clear when it is presented correctly. For God so loved the world He gave. Putting faith in Christ is the beginning of all the faith happenings in the heart of anyone anywhere at any time, so help people find faith in God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, who died, was buried, and rose again. He has come to save sinners. What we have to do is tell those sinners the truth. The word today is purity. In Paul's letter to Timothy, 1 Timothy 4, 12, New King James, it's the last word he uses in a series of six. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Pure thoughts are hard to come by because they must come from a pure heart and a pure mind. There are a lot of potty mouths running around, saying things that are totally unseemly, unholy, and unpleasant. But God wants us in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation to keep the purity factor intact in our hearts and lives and words and actions. How pure are you? Remember the ivory soap commercial, 99 and 44, 100 percent pure, but that's not pure enough. It needs to be 100 percent pure. And you and I need to know that there are youth. You may be one. You may know some, but youth need to have purity presented to them in love and in admonition. They need you to help them come to the pure understanding of faith in Jesus Christ. Will you be the one to share with someone today? I hope you will, you can, you know. Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m., you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North at Booneville and Harmony Road, midway between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday, a good news club for those in first through fifth grades is available in a separate area. For more information, call 812-867-2418 or visit Jeremiah 1, 4 through 8, New King James. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations. Then said I, O Lord God, behold I cannot speak, for I am a youth. But the Lord said to me, Do not say I am a youth, for you shall go to all to whom I send you. And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you," says the Lord. Isn't that a wonderful promise to youth? We've been working with youth for a long, long, long time. In fact, I've been involved with youth ministry since I was one. And we have been delightfully interacting with 10 to 19 year olds for the past several weeks. And during this five weeks of outreach, we have seen them shyly go up to people, sometimes even almost tongue-tied, and then we have seen them boldly go to people saying, "Wanna cup of cold water? You want to take a survey? Let me tell you something that you need to know." And they have shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every Saturday night youth gather at Triple T. Big splat lived up to the name Last Saturday. Nearly everyone took part in the activities, the seed-spitting contest, the watermelon roll, and the big splat itself, holding a blanket very, very tight and tossing the watermelon up once and then twice and then sitting it up into orbit and letting it splat and measuring the splats that went the furthest. Well watching youth in action is a delight. Shelly, Greg, and Nick told about fair share when Tammy shared the report. She related seed planting, watering, and the ultimate harvest as God gives the increase. I related the scripture I just did, Jeremiah 1, 4 through 8. And we challenged each youth not to be afraid to share their faith with everyone possible. Carol Woodie Young's led the Tiger Cub Good News Club for six to nine year olds. The next three Saturdays, tonight, next Saturday night, and the next, will build toward back to school burger bash September 1. In preparations for Sea with the Pole, Wednesday, September 26, the worldwide prayer event at school flag poles, fair share continued at Mount Carmel, Illinois through the ag days of last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We're praying for God's blessings and protection and guidance in all the days ahead. We're praying for many who have turned to the Lord to move forward and to grow in grace and in the admonition of Him. We hope that they'll be involved in Bible-believing churches and Sunday schools and youth groups. So several thousand have been contacted at 11 county fairs and street festivals. They have devoured thousands of cups of cold water, were given God's ABCs. Over 1,600 have been surveyed about teenagers, and at least 500 have received the Triple Teen New King James Bible, and well over 150 have made a decision for Christ. Hearing more quiet ones, speaking up and reaching out is encouraging. Please pray for all who have heard the gospel, for those who responded, for those already Christians, and for many, many who turned away, that they still will come to know the Lord Jesus. Pray for Tiger Team Impact and boots on the ground possibilities in many communities. Pray for more to be willing to be involved as tigers and tiger teammates, investing time and talent and treasure in these evangelistic youth efforts. A tiger teammate is a Christian adult willing to invest their time, their talent, and their treasure to reach people with the gospel. Expanders give a monthly average of $100 or more, enlargers pray, and give $25 or more monthly, and encourages pray and give $20 to $140, $150, $200 or more annually. The first $20 contribution given by every tiger teammate annually provides a leading youth tiger team scholarship, providing training and peer evangelism and Christian leadership for another teenager. We're excited about all those that have been trained and those that can be trained in the days ahead. Pray for local Bible-believing pastors and youth workers and congregations to be willing to partner in youth evangelism with Triple T. Pray especially for 1 million dimes for digital. Every day, 25,000 vehicles pass Triple T. After this month, 3,000 students, staff and faculty, going to and from North High School and junior high, will go by Triple T. Just one mile north of where we're located is the North Complex. A large digital sign would reach many with God's Word, inviting them to Triple T happenings. Triple T computers need to be upgraded, and an audio video system will enhance Triple T's ministries. For the dimes being added consistently, we are very, very grateful. If you're one of those who's given a dime, great. If you haven't, well, why don't you send a dime or dimes? Every penny out of every dime goes to the Motorcycle Sunday School Mission across Africa. A dime from every dollar, a dollar from every 10, $10 from every 100 goes to reach kids who have been orphaned because of AIDS. And we are reaching out to them in Africa, and we're delighted about the reports are giving us about what God is doing out there. We have a very special financial need right now, and we're praying for the remaining dollars of the additional 30,000 needed before September 1 to come in. We're praying that the renewed balance will come, and we'll be able to pay off the total debt of the expansion here in the ministry. We're so delighted that you have been praying for us if you have. We're excited about those people who have been giving to the ministry, and we ask you to prayerfully consider a gift right now to help us reach more people for Christ. We're thankful for people, pastors and wives, Richard and Ethel Comer, Fort Branch, Indiana Wesleyan, and Don and Sally Sigler, Evansville North Park Baptist, Shelley Bernard, Kim Foltz, other youth workers, parents and grandparents, bring youth to triple T. Combine teams from Team Missions International and Triple T total 34 going to 11 counties. Acts later, Faith Bible Church, Illinois was the leader at the Richland County, Illinois fair share, and the 10 to 19 year olds personified God's challenge to Jeremiah everywhere they have gone. The group from Triple T was able to reach out through a relationship with the Team Missions International group. They left last week, made it safely back to Merritt Island, Florida on Tuesday afternoon, July 31, and they're now scattered back to their hometowns in the USA and Canada. The Team Missions team that served in Montana this summer overnight at Triple T again on their way back to Florida for their debrief. My wife Mary, my daughter Tammy and I have gone to several memorial services for friends who this summer have gone on to their heavenly rewards. Please pray for the families and the others who are suffering physically. Pray for the youth who have served the Lord through fair share to be strong in their Christian witness and walk forward full speed ahead when school gets underway. My aunt, my marriage, Juanita Belcher-Jones-Madden is turning 100 on August 21. While she was able, she was a diligent prayer warrior and supporter of Triple T. She used her musical talents effectively for Christ, playing organ and piano, and leading the Belcher trio. She and her two sisters and at times their brother in a long-lasting ministry via radio and in person. They sounded like the secular Andrew's sisters. Her harmony was absolutely astounding and they were able to minister to literally hundreds and hundreds of people all across the tri-state and beyond. We're having a very special birthday party for her at the Oakview Heights Convalescent Center in Mount Carmel, Illinois on that particular day when she turns 100, August 21. If you're a round-mount Carmel, we invite you to come at one o'clock to Oakview Heights and celebrate with us for the 100th birthday of my aunt Juanita. Tell us what's happening where you are and we'll pray. We want God to bless you and your efforts for His glory. We hope that you will understand that as a Tiger Team mate, you can help this whole ministry search forward for God's glory. All triple-day activities involve Tiger Team peer evangelism and leadership training and evangelistic youth efforts. Youth are trained in biblically-based peer evangelism, leadership and creative Christian communications. Training includes Scripture memory and personal application as designed to equip and prepare participants to share their faith effectively. Stay tuned and we're going to tell you some more very exciting things and ways for you to be involved. A few minutes ago, I shared the vision, every youth to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel with an invitation to respond to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ by His or Her 20th birthday. Triple-T's mission to communicate Christianity to and through teenagers, to win them to Christ and train them for Christ, teaching them how to share their faith through their local churches, on their campuses, throughout their communities and into their world, wherever God leads them in their future. Triple-T's primary audience is youth, ages 10 to 19, within 100 miles of our headquarters. According to the 2010 U.S. Census data, there are 413,443 youth ages 10 to 19 in the 93 counties within this geographic area, 100 miles from U.S. 41 North at Boonville-Naharmony Road, one mile south of the New North High School. We're excited because of what God has done in our key action plan, K.E.Y. stands for Keep Evangelizing Youth, provides biblical and practical youth evangelism training and resources for adult youth workers. Domestic youth efforts are conducted in local communities, in partnership with local churches and Christian organizations. It's really a delight to work with so many who are interested in seeing youth come to Christ. All Triple-T staff are involved directly with various aspects of Tiger Team training and the key action plan, along with many adult and youth volunteers. Training programs are conducted by Triple-T staff, volunteers and special guests. Every Triple-T evangelistic youth effort requires a team of volunteers in every community working alongside the Triple-T staff. We need Tiger teammates involving their time, their talent, their treasure, because as we work together, as we form this exciting team, great things happen. Kids come to know Christ. Kids share their faith in Him with others. Whole families come to the Lord, and it's a real, real delight. Project Proclaim includes a public relations outreach, sharing the gospel message online through media, of television, radio, outdoor, in any way and every way that we can communicate Christianity to and through teenagers. We hope that you will avail yourself of the opportunity to stop by Triple-T. We want to take you on a quick tour, together toward tomorrow, showing you what's happened in the era of youth evangelism, beginning in 1931 when the first two youth evangelists, Clifford Lewis from Florida, Percy Crawford in Pennsylvania, began their ministries, and those ministries continue to expand and enlarge all across decade after decade, community after community all around the world, and we want to let you see pictures and artifacts and events and items about what's taken place and what is taking place and what can take place in the days ahead. Back in January, we celebrated our 2,400th consecutive Saturday, and God willing, coming up on the 28th of December of 2013, it will be the 2,500th consecutive Saturday, again the Lord willing. Within that 100-week period, we're hoping to reach lots and lots of people for Christ. We want to train a minimum of 100 youth workers as coaches, key coaches, to keep evangelizing youth. We're hoping to train at least 300 10 to 19-year-olds in pure evangelism. We're hoping to go to the streets as we have during the past five weeks to share Christ with people who go to fairs, who go to all kinds of events, street festivals, and so forth. We're moving toward the happenings here on September 1, as we get ready for Sea with the Pole. On the 22nd of September, we're going to have a training day, maybe a training weekend, where people are going to come, they're going to learn how to share their faith effectively. We want you to be a prayer partner with us, and beyond that, we hope that you will not just pray, but that you will decide to be a tiger teammate. The first $20 you give will provide a scholarship, and we hope that you will understand it by praying and giving. Wonderful things can happen. Teenagers, preteens can be trained in pure evangelism, and they can reach out to others. They can give Bibles to their friends, as has been happening all summer long, and will be happening again this fall. Know this, as you pray and as you give to God through Triple T, Christ through you can change the world. Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m. you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North at Booneville and Harmony Road, midway between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday a good news club for those in 1st through 5th grades is available in a separate area. For more information call 812-867-2418 or visit For your free copy of The Telling the Truth newsletter, call 812-867-2418, 812-867-2418 or write Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North, Evansville, Indiana, 477-25. Tune in to Telling the Truth next week at the same time on the same station. [Music] (upbeat music) (dramatic music)