Telling The TRUTH

050512 Telling The Truth 28 Minute Program

Broadcast on:
05 May 2012
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[music] You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth to and Through Teenagers." Here is Triple T. founder and president, George Dooms. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." Beloved, I beg you, as sojourners and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust, which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2.11, New King James Version. The world, the flesh, the devil, all of these three major enemies are yours, and they're the enemy of every other person. If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, you have an advocate with the Father through Christ Jesus, and you can pray and ask God to help you abstain from fleshly lusts. Temptations are going to come your way. They came to Jesus. They will come to you. But you don't have to yield. You don't have to give in. You can put on the whole armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil and having done all to stand. God wants you to be in tune with Him. He wants you to take a stand for right and righteousness. He wants you to be an example to and of the believers. If indeed you are a child of God, a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ. God wants us to represent Him in a crooked and perverse generation. Will you? Will you pray? Will you read God's Word? Will you fellowship with other believers? And then will you take the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus to people who need the Lord? God can make you usable and use you if you abstain from fleshly lusts. Listen to 1 Peter 2, 12, New King James, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evil doers, they may buy your good works which they observe glorify God in the day of hesitation. Peter is specifically addressing Jewish believers, but what he is saying can be applied to everyone who is a Christian. I believe that this is talking about people who are going to take pot shots at you. They're going to make up some things. They're going to talk about your being an evil doer rather than a doer of good works. So let your good works overwhelm the people that are apt to be critical. In other words, take a stand for good and for God under every circumstance, and then your conduct will be honorable among everybody. Don't let anybody speak ill of you purposefully because if you will do right, people will see it. They will notice it and they will respond to your presentation of God's love. Let them know that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, that He rose again on the third day, and that by believing on Him, they can have the gift of God, eternal life, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Who do you know that needs that message? Go to them today. Share Jesus. Have you come against some rules and regulations that are hard to follow, difficult to swallow? No matter what is out there, do right and be right. 1 Peter 2, 13, New King James says, "Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme." In other words, do it for Jesus' sake. Glorify the Lord in those things that you really don't like a lot, but they are there and God wants us to obey the laws of man as well as his laws. Because if we do the right thing in a mixed-up, messed-up world, if we take a stand for good and grace, if we will be what God wants us to be, say what God wants us to say, do what God wants us to do, people will notice. And when we become an example to the right kind of people of the right kind of persons, they will be drawn to us and then to the Lord if we represent Him truthfully and faithfully. Pray. Fellowship with other believers. Read God's Word and then go with the gospel to someone who needs to know Christ. Who do you know that you can go to today? Will you pray? And then will you actually take the gospel to him or her? God provides a formula to faithfully and successfully follow Him. Listen to 1 Peter 2, 15, New King James Version. For this is the will of God that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Yes, there are foolish folk. There are ignorant folk. But what you need to do no matter what you are confronted with or by whom is to do good. It is the will of God for you to always do right. Circumstances sometimes make us think that will is it really worth it? But yes it is. It is always right to tell the truth. It is always right to do good even when others are not. God has a plan for your life. He wants you to follow Him, to be in tune with Him, to pray consistently. Read God's Word every single day and then put into effect those things that you have read. He wants you to fellowship with other believers and then to effectively go to people who need the Lord. Share Jesus with them and do good in every aspect of your life. You can, you know, if you will. And we know that all things work together for good. To them who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Have you ever heard someone say freedom isn't free? Listen to 1 Peter 2 16, New King James. As free, yet not using your liberty as a cloak for vice, but as servants of God. Yes, there is a price to be paid for freedom. Not using your liberty or your freedom through doing bad stuff, for messing around with sin and sinful situations. Avoid doing wrong by doing right. Don't say, well I have the freedom to do this or that or some other thing. No you don't, because God holds you responsible not just for what you do, but for how you influence other people by your actions or lack thereof. So listen carefully one more time to this verse. As free, yet not using your liberty as a cloak for vice, but as servants of God. The word servant is so important. We want to be ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. That's who I want to be for you and hopefully you will want to do that for others. Read God's Word. Pray consistently. Fellowship with other believers and pray with them. And then together share your faith as effectively as you possibly can. Take a target and then go to that person with the gospel. Isn't it significant that God tells us what to do and how to do it? Listen carefully to the Word of God. 1 Peter 2 17 New King James Version. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. For specific instructions. Honor all people. Boy that's difficult isn't it? There are people in the world that it's really really hard to honor, but God says to do it. God loves all people. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That is everybody on planet earth. All people. Secondly, love the brotherhood. Those are fellow believers in Christ. Others who have trusted the Lord. Love them no matter what fault you see in them. And then fear God. If you read Proverbs 1-7, it will tell you that this is the most essential beginning point of doing the right thing under God's scheme of things. And honor the king. There are politicians that we just don't like at all. But God wants us to honor those in authority. He tells us that in the book of Romans. So let's do it. I can't specifically give you a moment of instruction saying do this, do that, do the other thing. But I can say read and heed the Word of God. Servants be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh. 1 Peter 2-18, New King James. Are you a servant? Yes, you are if you are a child of God. We are to be submissive to the masters with all fear. And then there are two kinds of leaders. Or in this terminology, masters. People in charge. People that we have to report to or respond to. Two kinds. The good and gentle. Isn't it great to work with people like that? Both good and gentle? It's a wonderful way to live. But also to the harsh. There are folk who are not gentle. They are not even good. But they are in charge and we have to follow their leadership and it's difficult. But we are to be submissive in spite of them and sometimes in spite of ourselves. So read the Word of God, heed the Word of God, pray diligently and then fellowship with other believers. So together you can take the gospel to those who need the Lord personally. Have you called yet for your copy of the New King James Bible? To get yours, call area code 812-867-2418. Again, 812-867-2418. Every Saturday at 727 p.m. you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North at Boone Building Harmony Road, mid-way between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday, a good news club for those in first through fifth grades is available in a separate area. For more information call 812-867-2418 or visit ♪♪ Redeem the time. It's later than you think. And do this, knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. God wants us to understand that his word hangs together. He has a perfect plan for you and for me, and he wants us to follow his leadership, his guidance, his direction. I hope you will. One of the things that happened to me when I was in high school in my hometown of Mount Carmel, Illinois was I had a pastor who knew just about anybody who was everybody in the circle of evangelical happenings. And one of the people that he invited to come to town was a person that I got to know later as a very, very special friend. At that time, he was young and he was involved in writing his first couple of books, his name, Ken Anderson. He was born December 23, 1917 and lived until March 12, 2006. Ken Anderson will be remembered as one of the world's most significant communicators. As a public speaker, he spoke to audiences in more than 100 countries. As an author and editor, he created Youth for Christ's first magazine and 77 books, including Where to Find It in the Bible. God has used Where to Find It to help millions interact quickly and successfully with God's Word, the Bible. Ken made his greatest contributions to the Kingdom of God as a filmmaker. He began in film ministry at Baptiste to films, then later founded Gospel films, Ken Anderson films, and Intercom. He produced more than 200 films that have been seen around the world. Countless others, now serving in ministries worldwide, dependent on Ken as a mentor and an encourager. And I'm certainly one of them. We had Ken with us at Triple T numerous times. We interacted every summer at Teen Missions International. And we sat together during the evening rallies when we were both there. Ken was complimentary. He was a very, very encouraging person. And he is a person that I respect so highly. Every day I begin my prayer time by praying for his widow. We call her Mrs. A. Her name is Doris, but we always refer to her as Mrs. A. Then I pray for his children, Ken D and wife Beth. And I pray for Lane and Jill, his son and daughter-in-law, who operate Intercom around the world. And then the others that are so special and are doing so much to serve the Lord. God has wonderful things for you to do too. To put into effect those things that God wants you to do to glorify him. Ken wrote in his forward, in this book actually called "The Preface", where to find it in the Bible. These words, listen. My lengthening ministry as a Christian writer and audiovisual producer has long-volved constant dependence on the Bible as a constant resource. Concordance has helped me locate specific words, verses, and passages. But where do you look for Bible verses dealing with today's contemporary topics? How do you locate Scripture on topics such as credit cards, diet, race, networking, computers, women's rights, and politics? I saw the need for a topical resource where, unlike a traditional concordance, the descriptive references used everyday speech rather than verbatim Scripture or fancy theological language. I developed a card file, elementary at first, then expanded. This should be a book, a friend said one day. The end result is this combination of traditional and contemporary words, topics, and phrases with relevant Scripture references. You will find it equally useful for personal study of the Scriptures as well as for teaching or even sermon preparation. Ken says, "My wife and family teamed with me in the development of the final manuscript, making our comradery entry even more apt." The crew included two preteen grandsons, who also diligently looked up verses to ensure the references are correct. May God bless you as you use where to find it in the Bible to enrich your life and service. We give where to find it in the Bible to every Tiger team participant who earns 6,000 points. At entry level, as a Tiger, they get the transformer. The Bible for you adults, it's the New King James Version. It's a wonderful Bible with lots and lots of helps, and it just is magnificent to watch the kids get this and find out that God really is doing something so very special in their hearts and lives. I want you to know that God has a plan for you too. He has something for you to do, like nobody else can do. We hope that you will be a part of what we're trying to do to reach people for Jesus. We hope that you will understand that there is a plan that can be put into effect as we partner together in ministry. Our whole thrust this time is to multiply your ministry, and together we can accomplish so very, very much. We want to connect with you, and we would like to offer you your personal copy of the New King James Bible. All you have to do to get yours is either come by tonight at Triple T at 727, or to write us. And the address is Triple T, 13,000, that's 1-3-0, US Highway 41 North, Evansville, Indiana, 4-7-7-2-5, or even call. The number, area code 812-867-2418. Again, 812-867-2418, and ask for the New King James Triple T special Bible, and we'll get it to you. Again, coming by would be great because we can take you through the ongoing impact. It continues, reflecting from 1931 to now, projecting to 2020 and beyond. We call it "together toward tomorrow." Multiply your ministry was launched the week of Triple T's 2400th consecutive Saturday, back on January 28th, this year, and February 4th, our 46th birthday. The multiply theme will go on through December 28, 2013, God willing, which is to be Triple T's 2500th Saturday. During these 100 weeks, an objective is to partner with at least 100 local Bible-believing churches. Tiger Team Impact Peer of Angelism and Christian Leadership Training for 10 to 19-year-olds is being offered monthly. Adult Youth Worker Key Coach Training and Resources are available. Key K-E-Y stands for Keep Evangelizing Youth. Grad Night is tonight and next Saturday and the next and the next every May Saturday, and we're calling it Grad Month. But in the middle of all that, on May the 19th, will be our next Tiger Team Training and Adult Key Coach Training Day. Travel and Tiger, many camps are scheduled for three weekends, May 31, June 1 and 2, June 7, 8, 9, and June 14, 15 and 16. They start at 7, 27 on Thursday evening and end on Saturday at the rally. And so during the time that they're here, those who are with us can stay in our A-frame dorms. We have three of them, and they're air conditioned, and it's going to be a delightful thing to have people coming to be with us for these mini camps, these Tiger Training or Travel and Tiger Training weekends. And then on June 2nd, which is the Saturday following that very first Thursday, Friday and Saturday happening, we're having hot dog, it's June. It's a wonderful experience that we have of every year, having a big old wiener roast outdoors, and being around the campfire, and it's just a neat, neat event that we make available. And then we get ready for the summer with water wars on July the 7th. July 9 through 11 fair share happens. As team members, 10 to 19, and adult drivers, leaders in adequate transportation become available, the Gospel can be shared one-on-one with thousands of fair gores in up to 20 counties. July 11 through 29, team missions international team will join the Travel and Tigers. They're coming from several different states across the country, and they're coming up to be with us to go to the fairs together. We're excited about this, and then right after they come. On July the 14th, we're having Jesus Christ change in the world summit. If you'll stay tuned, we're going to give you a little bit more information about that, and about the other happenings that are coming together. We have an information packet for you, and if you come tonight at Triple T 727, we're located 4 miles south of I-64, 4 miles north of Evansville Regional Airport. Hope to see you tonight. If you can't come, give us a call, and we'll communicate with one another. Stay tuned. May I remind you again, it's later than you think. Listen to God's word. Ephesians, chapter 4, beginning with verse 14. Therefore he says, "Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." See, then you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. God's will is revealed in Scripture after Scripture in the Word of God. For instance, read Romans 12. "I beset you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You may know what is it good and acceptable and perfect will of God." God's will, it can be shown to you if you will read his word, if you will heed what the Bible says. There are moments in life where truth must shine through. You shall know the truth Jesus said, and the truth shall set you free. He said, "I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except by me." That's why we do everything we can to advance Christianity by communicating the gospel message. Billboards are on the highways with the message, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." And with the triple T mission, "Chilling the Truth," two through teenagers, and our website, and a picture of teenagers with Christian flags unfurled, sharing their faith wherever they go. We take faith stands to courthouse steps. We've even taken it to state capital steps. And God wants us to unfurl our flag of faith and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that is desperately in need of knowing that Christ died for our sins, that he was buried, that he rose again according to the Scriptures. Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me." We have a Christian flag routine that some teenagers and preteens do, and they lift the banner high with the cross of Christ there, emblazoned and read, because this is how we draw people to him by lifting him up. And if you don't know Jesus, this is a wonderful time for you to listen carefully to what we call God's ABCs. God has a plan, a plan of redemption, a plan for you to help you get to heaven. There's only one way, only one possible way to get to be with God forever. Here's how you do it. Admit you've sinned. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, that's Romans 3.23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, that's Romans 6.23. Then believe on Christ. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That's John 3.16 called the gospel in a nutshell. That's how you get to heaven. And then confess Christ publicly, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart when believes under righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10, 9 and 10. And those are verses from the New King James version of the Bible. And we want you to have your own personal copy of the New King James. It's the triple T edition. And the cover has inside the front what I just shared with you, God's ABCs. And it tells you not only how to become a believer, but what to do once you have determined to invite Jesus Christ in to be your Savior, and to be your forgiver. On the inside back flap we have God's top ten, the Ten Commandments, and it all boils down to doing what God's Word says to do, accomplishing what God wants you to accomplish, and then following his admonition. He wraps up on the inside back flap with again Romans 12 1 and 2 that I just quoted with you a while ago. Also hidden behind those flaps are excerpts from Ken Anderson's book "Where to Find It in the Bible." And we hope that you'll get your copy. It's free. All you have to do is come tonight to triple T and we'll give you one. Or you can call us. Area code 812-867-2418. That's 812-867-2418. Either way, we want you to have your own triple T Bible. Christ through you can change the world. Every Saturday at 7.27 p.m. you are invited to attend a live youth event at Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North at Boondville in Harmony Road, Midway between I-64 and Evansville Regional Airport. Every first Saturday a good news club for those in first through fifth grades is available in a separate area. For more information call 812-867-2418 or visit Or your free copy of the "Telling the Truth" newsletter call 812-867-2418 or write Triple T, 13,000 US-41 North, Evansville, Indiana 47725. Tune in to "Telling the Truth" next week at the same time on this same station. [Music]