Telling The TRUTH
041812 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program
You're listening to Telling the Truth from Triple T Christian Youth Ministries, Telling the Truth to and for Teenagers. Here is Triple T founder and President George Dooms. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1-7, New King James Version puts our faith into proper perspective when we really trust Jesus. Listen, "That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." That's wonderful, isn't it? The genuineness of your faith. Is your faith genuine? Is it real? Is it secure? If it is, it's more precious than gold. Gold will perish, it will tarnish. Tested by fire. We will go through some difficult times. The moments of truth. But then we can praise, honor and glory at the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Give him the honor that he rightfully deserves and give all glory to God for what he has done, what he is doing, what he is going to do. Ask him to make you usable and use you. Read his word, heed his word. They consistently fellowship with believers and together go with the gospel to those folk who need the Lord. There is somebody waiting for you to tell them the truth. Will you? Christ through you can change the world. For your free copy of The New King James Bible, call 812-867-2418. Or write triple T-13,000 US-41-North Evansville, Indiana, 477-25. Find us on the web at (upbeat music) (dramatic music)