Telling The TRUTH
032512 Telling The Truth 2 Minute Program
You're listening to "Telling the Truth" from Triple T. Christian Youth Ministries, "Telling the Truth" to and through teenagers. Here is Triple T. founder and president George Dooms. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to please God, but he had faith in God and God honored that faith so that he provided a lamb and Isaac was spared. Listen to James 2.22, New King James, "Do you see that faith was working together with his works and by works, faith was made perfect? Sometimes we have to take that step of faith that activates the faith factor and puts it into effect. There are things that you can do that nobody can do exactly the way you can if you will do the thing that is before you. Who is it that you are concerned about? Are you praying for that person or persons? Are you reading the Word of God? Are you praying diligently? Do you know God's plan of salvation? Have you memorized Romans 3.23, Romans 6.23, John 3.16, Romans 10, 9 and 10. Are you able to share God's ABCs of salvation with folk who need the Lord? If you have it, you can. Let people know that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Let them know that what they need to do is to believe, to trust, to put faith in Jesus and then to tell others they believe. Christ through you can change the world. (upbeat music) (dramatic music)