
Unstoppable: The Jon Jones Mindset

Unstoppable: The Jon Jones Mindset

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12 Jul 2024
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How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down. It can wait. Don't drive distracted. Shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Enter the octagon crawling. And then the fight starts. And you're on all fours, essentially crawling when the fight begins. Yeah. Yeah. What's up, guys? This is John Boschon. Johnny Boschon's The Undisputed USC Light Heavyweight Champion of the World, John Boschon. So with Rampage Jackson, I kept having these nightmares that I would get knocked out. No matter how the fight played out, I would always get knocked out. And it was always within the first 30 seconds of the fight. So once scenario I'd run out, he'd run at me, swing a huge overhand, right? The other, he would throw a right uppercut. And then another dream, it was a left hook. And I couldn't avoid this inevitable knockout that I was going to experience in the first round. When you have butterflies and you're feeling anxious and you have anxiety or nervous, that's when you're most powerful, I believe. And a lot of people, instead of homing this power and using it, they allow it to just consume them. There's another quote that says, "A big challenge or a big pressure is like a fire. It's like a raging fire. Either you can allow this fire to consume you and just take it off completely, or you can gain control of this fire and harness it, and you blow it right at your opponent, like a Dragon Ball Z style." All right, so that's what I'm trying to do, try to get my emotions under control and use this adrenaline to my advantage. My idea to crawl towards him was the only thing that had it happen in all my nightmares, 'cause in every fight I started in my feet. So something just said, "Get on your knees and crawl up to him." And then automatically the dream voids itself of him knocking you out immediately. So I did that and I got to fight in an alter-equal kind of state and it was super powerful. Now to this day, I say that same kind of prayer over myself and I believe that it transformed into something. Around 2010, 2011, I went through this huge spiritual thing where I became obsessed with the power of the mind. And I got into it deep, like really deep, just meditation, visualization, and just realizing how powerful our minds actually are, like how we really do paint our world with our thoughts and our level of self-belief. I just feel like I was maybe at a place where I felt like I was throwing a lot of greatness away. And I believe that talent and you have opportunity, it's a terrible thing to waste. I feel like these days I just take more accountability for my actions and my emotions and my circle and behaviors and things like that. And so right around 2010, I just took myself to this different mental level where I took myself on being an average Joe. Who was that guy nine years ago? I was a bouncer actually, maybe $50 a night and I was applying to be a janitor because I would have benefits. And right when I was waiting to get the call back, someone wrote me on Twitter, got him Gary, a kid that I never met. And he said, "Hey, my cousin, I was an MMA gym. "I'm in Cortland, New York, "which is about 45 minutes away. "Didn't have a car." And I was driving my fiance's car to commute over to these practices. I got that phone call on a Saturday night and I was heading to my first practice that Monday, that next Monday. Kid changed my life forever. Just planted a seat in my space. - So I took myself from being very average-minded to actually believing that I was the shit and believing that I could be the shit and that I could be the goal and be the greatest and never lose. I took myself to a different place mentally. - To find something you love and do your absolute best at it, give it everything you got. And I'm truly blessed to know what I love and I feel like I was born to be a fighter. I genuinely love what I do. And the inspiration that you get out of the situation is just to give it everything you got every day. Deep down the side, I did feel that I would be in the situation and now. - Yeah, I've always had a very strong conviction that I could be the greatest ever. And sure enough, just years of belief and hard work and a lot of it came from mental practice and meditation and visualization and just seeking knowledge from people who are strong believers. 'Cause like Les Brown and Tony Robbins. - The reason why I know I'm going to win this fight is 'cause I have an inner belief that this is my era and this is what I was put on the earth to do. I feel like that I'm gifted and talented and extremely hard-working. It really just stems from a really deep level of self-belief. What I thought, Stephen Bonner, is when I really dug into the power of the mind and how important it is to look at yourself in a high regard and to believe that first you can't. And that's when I started to fly. - All of it has happened so fast. One second I was pregnant and we had no clue what we were gonna do in the next second. He's stepping into the cage for his very first fight. Two weeks later, he had another fight and another fight and another fight. And I was in it, just took off. - He's a nasty motherfucker. - He's a nasty motherfucker. - John Jones. - John Jones. - John Jones. - John Jones. - He's gifted and he's talented. - John Jones. - John Jones is the greatest of all time. - I believe that I'm already the greatest fighter of all time. - So what is that like being John? Like, what does that like thinking? There isn't another man on the planet that could do anything to you in hand-to-hand combat. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm sure he feels great. - Fuck. - Yeah. - It means the most, you know, knowing that you're one of the baddest men walking on the planet. I just feel it in my whole being that I'm the best fighter on the planet. And all my job is just to prove it. - He's accused of running a red light over the weekend, hitting a pregnant woman's car and then running away from the scene. - I definitely lost myself at one point in my life. - His arrest order from today says he's a risk to the public. - Slapping woman inappropriately at an Albuquerque strip club. - Jones tested positive for cocaine in December. - My mom, she's the strong one. The household, I think she wears the pants in the house. She's very bold. She tells how she feels. She tells exactly how it is. She's very compassionate at the same time. I've learned a lot from my mom. She's a strong, amazing woman. I remember from a young age, she's always kept us in the soup kitchens at our church, you know, beating the homeless. And you know, I always remember her helping out a lot of women who dealt with domestic violence. - Jones has charged a domestic battery and she was bleeding from the nose and lip and stated she was scared to return to the room if Jones was there. You guys got a lot of demons, man. A lot of demons. - Something that's gonna be tagged to my image and reputation may be forever. And I'm okay with it. We all have our pasts and that's what makes us where we are in the present. - So you're at peace with that? - Yeah, 100%. You know, I can't allow my past the whole weight over me. You gotta forgive yourself for mishaps in life and you gotta move forward. You can't hold yourself in prison. - Those are actually, you know that you were drag race. I want you to do it. - Okay, okay, let me talk, right? - Okay, we'll have that, right? - Mr. Jones, we're not having court out of here. - Do I have that? - You have a court. - Everybody else to hold yourself in prison. - Was that always the case or was that just a part of your maturation process where you started to say I need to start letting go of the past? - Yeah, it wasn't always the case. You know, it's taken a while for me to be able to be comfortable with some of the mistakes I've made and things like that. But I'm grateful that I am at a place where I'm comfortable with who I am, comfortable on my own skin. And there's no good without a family. - I want to protect the citizens from people like you, Mr. Jones. The things she kind of taught us at a young age is just to not judge people and be comfortable with people despite what their problems are, issues are. - I got the hall of pen tonight. And then you're going to put me on this, but I'll walk him down with you. - I have a good way of detaching something inside of me and seeing what's happening. So I'm not necessarily meditating these days, but I do have the capability of taking away who I actually am at this point and realizing that this is just a part of me or this is just a situation in my life. This is my actual life. This isn't my final destination. This is just a small moment in time that I'm going through right now. So that's my former meditation. I step away from terrible situations and look at myself as if it's the future. I'm looking back on what's happened to me or what's happening. And I say, hey, how can I get myself out of this? How can I make this better? What do I need to do to turn this around? Ultimately, people are going to love me and people are going to hate me despite what I do and how I carry myself. And Christianity is not for perfect people. It's for people who confesses that they have issues and problems and that they need a savior and they need to work to be better. So that's me, a center who's trying my best to be a good Christian. - Be the guy who embraces hard work with the grind. Don't be afraid of being hurt. Don't be afraid of a sacrifice in some blood. John, you should want this fight to be miserable. You should want this to hurt. Be the guy who thrives in that. You know, I think about the first person to climb over. I'm sure people died. Lots of people died, I respectfully say that. The first man who ran a four minute mile, I'm sure he was hurt and bad. To be the first person to do anything, you should look like this. That makes the victory even sweeter. - You've got people telling you now, you're the best in the world. But they don't tell you that once a month, they don't tell you that once every two months, they tell you every day. And if you're really into it, they'll tell you every hour, you're a genius. You're the greatest, you're a genius. You're the greatest. That over and over day in and day out, they can go to your head really quick. He's been exceptionally, exceptionally smart on how he's handled that. He's stayed humbly, stayed calm. He's kept the same people around him. And that's very impressive. - This journey that I'm on can go as far as I take it. And only I can mess it up. And I'm very aware of, you know, guys like Mike Tyson and guys who are on such high pinnacles. And they just, they messed it up. And I promise myself that I'm gonna learn from athletes of the past and not go there on the roads that they've gunned down. And be an ultimate, you know, great athlete. - It's my job to embrace the toughest challenges. I mean, that's what a champion's being about. You know, I've fought DC twice, had no problem signing the contract. I thought I was ended up just in twice. No problem signing the contract. - It's like where you've come from, what you've been through, the values you've had, you can be great starting tomorrow. People who know what they want, you know, the universe has a way of clearing the path for them. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (dramatic music)