
Price Of Glory.

Speakers: Sylvester Stallone, Kevin Hart, Kyrie Irving, Dana White, Andrew Tate, David Goggins, Dewayne Noel, Jeff Bezos, Jim Rohn, Alex Hormozi, Druski, Kevin Gates, Theo Von, Jordan Peterson, Andy Frisella, Curtis Jackson, Justin Waller, Greg Plitt, Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, Kobe Bryant.

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08 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. You see this guy here staring back at you, that you're top of the opponent. Every time you get into the wing, that's who you're going against. I believe that it pops and I don't believe that in life, okay? You are your own competition. There is nobody that can judge your actions, but you, if I'm putting, like you said, I'm putting 100% into my life, I'm going to put 100% into my play when it's time for me to play. I'm putting 110% into me and my family. I don't care what it is that we do. I'm going to give it 100% when it's time to, to enjoy ourselves on whatever level we want to do. That's, that's my decision. In order to achieve inner peace, you have to shut up and you have to shut down all distractions. Get off this device. People are addicted to this device. People are addicted to their social media. Apps people are addicted to watching other people's lives and comparing them. Why is that normal? If you want to be in the game and it's sports, it's business or whatever, there's going to be wins and there's going to be losses. You have to take them both in stride and you have to be able to, you know, there's a lot of people when you gamble, right, and you lose and you go into a deep, dark depression. I've seen this with guys to do it. Get depressed and gambling is a for you, you know? If you are the type of person that's on social media and people say horrible things to you and you get depressed and that you shouldn't be on social media, you know what I mean? These are all part of being in the game. When you're in the fucking game, great things happen and really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day, strap your fucking shoes back on and get out there and go to fucking war again. That's how it works. What if a lot of times I'll be in a tour of my run or something like that and I'm all jacked up, bodies broken, minds broken, spirits broken, I started to say, what if I can pull this off? When I first walked into the Navy City Recruiter's office, he looked at me and said, "There's only been 35 African Americans in 70 years making it through." You know I said to myself, what if I can be the 36th? It's the what if I can pull off a fucking miracle? What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that, just me talking about that, I have the hair going up on my arms because it makes me just like what if? The more times I've had W's and then realize that right afterwards I felt nothing. I had to think back of like what are the things that I enjoyed most in my life and it's always in pursuit and I'm like, well then, why don't I set something really big really far so I can be in pursuit for the longest period of time possible and that's where I think a lot of people from the outside, you know, they cast their expectations of life on to me and say, "I wouldn't live my life that way, you're always working, you're always doing these things." It's like I'm actually always spending my time in pursuit because in pursuit is my button for enjoyment. But I think without those brokey days, without those original days to compare it to, without that juxtaposition, that I don't think being rich would be fun at all. I think it's only fun because you can compare it to the days when you weren't rich. That's the only thing that makes it fun. The only thing that makes about $10,000 steak fun is that you can laugh saying how you never had 10 grand in your bank till you were 27 years old, like that's, otherwise it's boring, otherwise you can, okay, steak, and I think if you're born with too much money that you'll never truly be happy. I think you need the brokey days of the business. Your life was basically the perfect, the perfect grounds for training for where you need to go in your life. All the beatings, all the bullying, all the, you know, you're going through learning disabilities, all the struggles, it was the absolute perfect training ground for you to go to where you need to go. When I saw I started looking at my wife versus what was me, poopy pants, kicking rock down the street mentality, it was not, God just hooked you right the fuck up. You might think that bed's worn, feels all comfortable. You come here, you kill it, give it everything you have, leave it all here, won't do you feel after that. Second to none, no she can provide that comfort for you. When you give it all here guys, and you leave it all here, you are your weakest state. The bottom of the barrel was about to happen, your greatest triumph. You kill yourself on pride in here, leave nothing spare, what's going to come, the growth of opportunity. You can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life, because that's what I've done. My whole life has been like that, inside of me it has been. As soon as it's all lined up, I'm going to show you myself. As soon as I've got it all looking the way I want, I'm going to show up for you. I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay, where everything looks a certain way. And in the meantime, I'm burning the best time I do have available. I'm burning that candle up, I'm burning this candle down, and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough, or warm enough in here, I'm going to show up, but the candle's getting smaller. I'll say honestly just lock in man, I think the biggest thing nowadays, everybody has social media and stuff, and like sometimes you just got to put the phone down, sometimes you got to figure out who you are, and I see people all the time be like, how do you figure out what you want to do, and like I got big dreams to be rich and famous or just rich, but I just don't know what to do. I got so many things I want to do. A lot of people don't like remove theirself from the crowd, or like you never put down the weed, or you never put down the alcohol, or you got to really remove yourself from all this stuff, and like maybe put down your phone for one's just think, and like just sit back, and sometimes it might make you cry, you might be to go into some deep depression shit, but it'll trigger that thing in your brain to think, and to figure out what you really want to do. Man, I've trained 99% of my life alone. No one pat me on the back. I did all of the work alone, and while I'm still hard on myself, I know what I did. So whenever times get bad people, all this, who's going to carry the bolts and look, that's real. I hate that people know me for that guy, because that guy is not every fucking day, like when they see me, they want that energy. That's not me every day. I can extract it immediately when I need you, because when you train alone, and I lived alone for so many years in this misery, and you're able to get out by yourself, I can take myself to such a level of real, real passion and purpose. The decisiveness, moving forward quickly on decisions, as quickly as you responsibly can, is how you increase velocity. Most of what slows things down is taking too long to make decisions at all skill levels, so it has to be part of the culture to get high velocity. Amazon has a million and a half people, and the company is still fast. We're still decisive. We're still quick. You're going to have doubt, you're going to have frustration, you're going to have anger, you're going to have mistakes, but those things are necessary for you to gain the skills. So when you really look at what it takes to build something, like from my perspective, I can very confidently say, it is very simple. Its inputs, equal outputs, is what I do and what that creates, and if you show up every day and you're effective every single day, and you continue that for as long as you can and keep the ratio of wins much higher than you do losses, meaning like you win, let's say 95% of the day, or even 90% of the days, bro, there's no denying that you'll get where you want to go. It just depends on how long it's going to take. I also think that God is pleased with you when you show him the beauty of his creation. I think that God is pleased with you when you work as hard as you possibly can and you do the best you can and anything you're going to attempt. God loves people who work hard and try hard and in my own personal life, I can see that God is very happy with me when I give it 100% and very few people give anything 100% anymore. It's very rare you meet somebody and they're honest with themselves and with you and with God and say I gave it everything I had. They gave it some, they tried a bit, they got demotivated, they got distracted, they got tempted, but when you truly give your 100% to something, I think that makes God very happy with you and I think it rewards us for that. I think that you have to live, there's a lot of practical advice I can give. In terms of the religious sense, I would say you need to live like God is always watching. You may have the opportunity to do something bad or you may have the opportunity to steal some money or snake somebody, but in the end you're going to pay for that and the bill will be paid. I think if you do the right thing, in my experience, if you're a person who does the right thing, the firm handshake is on time, doesn't lie to anybody, does what he's supposed to do, is honest with a good heart, is genuinely polite to everyone he meets. If you are that person, you get very far in life. I have yet to meet people who just do all the simple things right, who completely fail at life. Look at your circle, right? And in your circle, if the conversation is all about what we hate, I can't stand that song. You see that new fucking car came out, that shit is ass, I can't stand that fucking car. Y'all man, I can't stand this city. Well, I'd fuck we even in this city, what we eatin', I hate that place. So easy, if you, people don't even listen to it, it's so easy, you can be the smallest shit in the world, the smallest shit, but if it's always hate. 'Cause see somebody that taught good to you and trick your man, that's why I say suspect evil or no one to tell see it, one see it, forget it not, but once the enemy could never be afraid, the exam told me when they painted you a picture, don't let them paint you another picture. You could talk good as a bitch and trick my man. Yeah. Now I'm back believing in you again, but you already showed me that you wasn't my friend. So we reward loyalty, and we reward this loyalty with distance. I forgive you, but I ain't about to forget and be naive, that's unintelligent. Feelings has nothing to do with it. This is my dream. This is what I'm going to do, and I'm going to do the things that I don't feel like doing. I'm gonna do the things I don't wanna do. I'm gonna do the things that don't come easy to me, that do not come natural to me. I'm gonna get up and do it. You can't live your life on feelings. You're gonna have feelings, okay, but you cannot let your feelings dictate what you are or are not going to do today. I think you would give me everything you own in 25 years' time to be the age you are now and as healthy as you are right now. And I think it's a really interesting meditation to think about, right? If you had a time machine, if you were 30 years in the future, if you could be this healthy and feel this good, and be this age, you'd give everything materially that you own in 30 years' time to be back here, and just to take that in for a minute, just to take a moment to think about, wow, this is amazing. The most expensive thing we really spend is time. Well, the time put into the relationship and that energy that's over that time period. Do you know what I think love is? Yeah, I think. If I describe love, it's when I'm in a friendship with women and I'm finding a gratification out of seeing her happy. There's people who come from fucking literally nothing. No parents, fucking adopted, no money, dirt poor, we're in the same clothes every day, who have built literally billion dollar businesses. If those motherfuckers can do it, I'm 100% sure that you can do it. But it might take that person longer because they didn't grow up with parents that taught them about business or parents that taught them basic things in life. So yeah, we all started a different place and that means that it might take you longer, but that doesn't mean it's impossible and that's what you have to understand. If you were born in a shitty spot and that's the card you got dealt, guess what? The reality is you got to do more work. That's what it fucking comes down to. And so as long as you can be in a place where you're constantly looking to the next place next place next place next place and you don't let anything get in the way of that or hinder that, then you have a really good chance to be everything you ever wanted to be in life. The only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow. To grow you must suffer and some people will get it and some people won't, but they have to see what their journey is to start their journey. Several people live to be 100 years old and they have great lives and they have great kids. The kids grew to college and all sort of stuff, but somewhere in their life there was a point where they had a decision to make. They can go left or right on this path. Left was the easy route. Right was a hard route. A lot of people take the easy route and they had a good life that way, but the better life was going to the right side. And you may have 20 years of pain and suffering to get past it, but a lot of us die and never truly start our journey. What age should you have everything together? For us normal people, it takes time because not only do you have to mature and grow, there's things in life that if you have a big enough dream, you're not the person you need to be right now to fulfill that dream. Now, you keep moving towards it. You keep doing what needs to be done, but at the same time you realize that you yourself are gaining in knowledge and in experience and in personal growth and that sometimes you're not ready. The dream isn't ready for you and you're not ready for your own dream. Why not just do it over and over again until you have it perfect? But the fact is, you don't get that chance. You get one shot, one shot at this gig right here, life, one life. That's all you've got and regret. In and of itself, it's worthless. It does nothing for you. In fact, the only valuable thing in regret is the lesson you learned. The knowledge that you gained, don't let regret beat you down, don't be a slave to regret. No, let it teach you, let it make you better. Let the fear of regret fuel you to take action today, now. It's dangerous to dwell on past mistakes because people sort of define themselves by the worst moments that they've ever had and if that's the case, some people are stuck in high school. They're stuck in failures that they had when they're first getting jobs and they always think that they're a loser and they don't like the feeling of failure so they keep low expectations so that they never have to feel that. You've got to get through it, you've got to get through bad feelings, you've got to get through failure. You've got to get through failure, it's very important and you get through it by just picking yourself back up and moving forward and going. You're not going to score on every shot, doesn't mean you shouldn't take the shots, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to hit the goal but part of being able to continue to take shots is to have the strength of character to tolerate the fact that in that instance you weren't on top. And the other thing that's so interesting about being alive is that you're all in. No matter what you do, you're all in, this is going to kill you. So I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because do you have anything better to do? Really? They're going to and you're also going to make a bunch of mistakes in life and you're going to do stupid things and it's because either you didn't know or that was the example you had. It doesn't mean that you're broken. You're just going through things and you have to evolve and a lot of times that evolution has pain in it and a lot of mistakes that sometimes you're even ashamed of. What would you do if you just learned today that you only had six months to live? What if you only had six months to live? What would you stop doing? What would you do more of? Who would you spend time with? Now the answer to that question is very interesting because what it tells you is what you really value. What is really important to you and what we have found is that self-esteem, satisfaction, happiness in life comes from getting your goals and your activities congruent with your values, with your priorities, with what you consider to be really important. You're out running on a track working out and you start talking to yourself saying, "Man, my knee is really sore right now. Maybe I'm doing too much. I need to back off. Man, my lungs are burning and maybe I can just slow down here. I'll do an extra two sets tomorrow. It'll be okay." That sort of stuff. That stuff's dangerous. And that's when you just got to say, "You know what? I'm not negotiating with myself." The deal was already made. The deal was made. When I set out at the beginning of the summer and said, "This is the training plan I'm doing," I signed that contract with myself. I'm doing it. Throughout that process, you'll start talking to yourself like, "Man, I think I need to maybe do if we--" nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, this is non-negotiable. Unnegotiable. Just become, when things go going well, become, don't think you're on top of the world in the sense. You always got to be wary because I've seen it, I've seen people come, I've seen people go, I've seen them come, I've seen them go, you got to be chill, you got to just take what's good in your life and move forward cautiously and carefully and thank God that you have that. It's very, very important not to overextend yourself when you think you've got it, no such thing. Everybody's dispensable. You have a brain, you have a mind, you have a mental model, you can't think of everything, you can't do everything. You can only have certain frameworks instilled inside of your mind. As a man, you should be hyper-competitive, you're just trying to be the best version of yourself you can be. You're competing against every other man on Earth. For the girl you want, the car you want, the house you want, the watch you wear, it's all competition, you should be as competitive as you possibly can, anything that's inside of your mind which doesn't allow you to be competitive should be erased. This is why I can't name a weakness, I can't name a weakness I have. I've compensated so heavily for any weakness that may exist, I don't even see them anymore. Nobody cares, you know, at the end of the day nobody cares. What we're going through, how your body feels, nobody cares, we got to do our job. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out of pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. 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