
HARD WORK PAYS OFF | Motivational Speech Compilation

HARD WORK PAYS OFF | Motivational Speech Compilation

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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Accession is going to be talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? Is it all you ever think about? Let's face it, it's you against you out there. You have to think I am the best ever. I'm the most brutal of the Michigan, most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Niggas is a conqueror. No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever. I give you the map. You are willing to do that. It's the main point, because everyone wants to be Cristiano, but I give you the map. You think you will do that? It's difficult, it's a discipline. The discipline is the most difficult thing, not only in sports, but in life. We did not come this far to just break down and lose now. I'm a winner. I'm going to win. Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Like I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends. Or just take vacations just to take vacations, or just hang out, just to hang out. Like I'm not, I never did that. Why didn't you do that? Why didn't you do that? Well, because when I retire, I didn't want to have to say I wish I would have done more. I don't want that. I'm already working all of the hours that I'm awake. And I've already given up Saturdays. So the only thing that I have left is like Sundays and evenings. And so I am no longer going to be watching any football. And I'm no longer going to have Netflix at all. Lazy people do a little work and think they should be winning. But winners work as hard as possible and still worry if they're being lazy. Success is the only revenge. As you expand, they shrink into a relevance. As you get louder, no one can hear them. You don't beat them. You cast a shadow so big, no one can see them to begin with. When people copy, they copy the wrong stuff because they don't know why it worked to begin with. And when it breaks, they don't know how to fix it because they didn't build it. So don't sweat it. Copy cats will always be behind. Champions are broken. People look at champions and try and find something that that champion has that they don't have. He's like, but it's not that at all. He's like, they lack something everyone else has, which is an off button. They just don't stop. Because if you're willing to go through all the battling, you've got to go through to get to where you want to get. Who's got the right to stop you? I mean, maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said, or something something, something something. And you're told no, even after you pay your dues, who's got the right to tell you that? Who? Nobody. It's your right to listen to your gut. It ain't nobody's right to say no after you earn right to be where you want to be a dude you want to do. In that life, the only thing I'm asking you guys to leave on the table is what's right. If you think the price of winning is too high, wait till you get the bill from regret. And that bill from regret is generational. From the social group I had before I quit my job, before going all the way like ground zero, to today, I talked to no one from that time in my life, compared to today, and I was absolutely miserable and unhappy and unfulfilled. And I would say that the majority of those people probably don't like me today, because I changed. I didn't do what I was supposed to do. He thinks he's so fancy now, et cetera, et cetera. And I think I'm just okay with that. And so I think coming to terms with the idea that I could be absolutely rejected by everyone I know, but like me, I was more okay with that because the alternative was I didn't want to live anymore. So you called up the road trip, tired, 14 days, 13 days, whatever the hell it is, don't mean nothing. Tired is only in the mind. You tell yourself you're tired, you're going to be tired. I don't get tired. Lakeshope, we come home. I truly believe we are all equal as human beings. And if we are obsessed with something and we truly pursue our passion with everything we have, regardless of anything else, if you are obsessed, work hard, put in the time you will succeed. And that is a philosophy that I carry, my coaches carry on. And to see LeBron James, nominal, phenomenal athlete, share that belief is inspiring right back to me. It shows that we are thinking correct. This is hard work. This is an obsession. Nothing can beat hard work. Here's the truth. This is the reality. Nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it. Nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it. All right, the work is going to come before the belief, which means you're going to have to work for a long time by yourself with no applause, with no awards, with nobody telling you good job. And then once you start to build something and people start to see the momentum and they start to see the result and you start doing some things, then you're going to get a little belief. You have to sacrifice, greater the sacrifice, greater the reward. This is so true. And when you when you do these things, you'll start seeing that, okay, why are you used to do this? And when you go out and you don't do it anymore, it's very, very clear that you've made the right decision, because your friends will still be doing that. And you'll find yourself that you don't fit in with that crowd anymore. You just don't fit in. Do you want to be the best? Yeah. I read something where you said you want to be the best defender, the best shooter, the best. But how do you avoid complacency as an individual when everywhere you turn, you're the man. You're the number one sophomore in the nation. What pushes you to continue to get better? You know, every day you got to go out there and work, because there's someone out there working too. And if you stop, I think they can pass you up. So every day, my coaches push me. I push myself and my teammates push me. My mother brought me up real good. And it's pretty easy because the way I was brought up, she taught me so much things besides basketball. And I just hope that helps me be level. If all you guys are going left, it's that one person who says, "No, it's not the right way. I'm gonna go right." Who didn't follow the crowd? That person who's not afraid of doing what they believe is right in their heart and not following someone else because someone else said, "Let's go this way." And they agree with everybody. I don't like, "Yes, men," or "Yes, women." If you're right, you're right. We're gonna follow you. I like people who stand for something. They believe in something. And this is the way I'm gonna go, whether you like me or not. And that's what it's about. If you want to kill a big dream, tell it to a small-minded person. I told everybody, at 10 years old, I was gonna be on TV. I had no problem when I said that. I had a severe stuttering problem. I could not talk outside of my house. So when I wrote on that paper, the assignment was right on a piece of paper, "What you want to be when you walk?" I'm 10. I wrote, "I want to be on TV." That was that fate, the belief in things that you cannot see. I ain't seen no way I could be on TV, but I wrote it down. I didn't know no better. I just, I'm 10. I wrote it down. And she just said, "Why would you write something like this on your paper?" And I'm standing out. I'm trying to get out. She said, "Who in this school ever been on TV? Who in your family ever been on TV? Who in this neighborhood ever been on TV?" She said, "Look at you standing there. You can't even talk. How they gonna put somebody like you on TV?" So every Christmas I sent her a flat-screen TV. Because I don't want her to miss me. I want her to see what God had done for me. You know, I know lots of people who never became successful that worked really hard. Do you? Do you? Do you really? Because I don't think you do. I don't think you actually know anybody like that. I don't think you know anybody like that. I think people are where they deserve to be. People only root for people who don't need it. Like the amount of times when I was on my lonely path, where I was too different from the friends that I had, but not successful enough to be friends with the people that I wanted to be friends with. I didn't get up at that time. Trying at this time. I didn't train at that time. Don't eat this. I eat that. Don't drink that. I drink it. And these all just infiltrate my mental strength. Just little kind of defeat instead of wins. And I just culminate into all. And you just don't want to be here. So I'm just feeling myself out like I'm never throwing myself up on floor. No matter what it is. Many times you say to yourself, "I gotta lose weight. I gotta lose weight. I'm too fat." And then you know what? During the day you eat, you eat at night. And the next day you get married to yourself. Well, what do you want? What do you want? You gotta change something. You cannot change your life unless you change something. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. But I think my man's strength, it's my mind. I think it's my strongest point. It's my piece, the numbers that I don't like. If you see during the last 15 years, my level is always kind of the same. So effort, dedication, work hard, because the talent is not enough anymore. And if you don't dedicate it under percent, you're not going to reach the level that you want. Just work like hell. I mean, you just have to put in 80 hour, 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. And then the oldest things improve, the odds of success. I mean, if other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks, then even if you're doing the same thing, you know that in one year you will achieve what they achieve. You will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve. And so like, I used to tell this when I was selling weight loss to people, I'd say like, who cares if you get in shape for six weeks out of 80 years? And like, right as they're about to sign up for a membership, I was like, you want to sign, and then this is how I would sell longer memberships. But like, it's also true. It's like, you want to sign up for the six weeks, but like, Susan, like, who cares if you lose 20 pounds and you're still overweight six weeks from now and then you gain it back the next six weeks and you're still the exact same weight for the rest of your life. And so I just, I think the absolute dedication and maximization so that becomes a part of your identity and your character has been one of the outsized returns that I've gotten in my life and just being absolutely willing to suck. Like, I'm pretty violent about this, but like, list all the things that you aren't willing to give up for the dreams that you have. And that is what the person who will beat you is willing to give up. More work is always going to result in better results in everything we do in life. The more you put into something, the more you're going to get out. Don't do so much, you're doing too much. Bullshit. And I'm 33 and I've dedicated me for life for this. I had no, I had no youth life, I had no teenage life, I had no young adult life, because guess what? While all my friends and people who I knew were out drinking, aparting and enjoying life, what was I doing running 10 miles on a road in rain or killing myself in a box in gym? And then people say to me, you know what, you're lucky. You're a lucky man, you are. I'm lucky because I fucking worked all the hours that God gave me. I'm lucky because I pushed it further than everybody else would dare to do. I'm lucky because I've trained so hard that I can't be beaten. That's a lucky man. I don't think so. I'm not lucky and blessed. I'm blessed to have that determination, that drive. And it's not for success. It's just to be happy today, tomorrow and the next day. But most importantly, be happy for today. Because you know, tomorrow I promise to nobody. As we all know quite clearly, tomorrow is no certain gift at all. But today we have. Well, where do you go to? You wake up on a morning, it's cold, it's wet, it's dark, you've got no cartilage in your knee, you've got shorts, whatever it is that's the issue today. Keep talking. You've got these problems, right? I need you to keep talking about what you were just saying. It's warm on the couch. Your missus says stay in bed. It's comfy, it's cozy, you've got work later on, you had an argument last night, you're slightly hungover. Can I know every motherfucker ain't going to do anything? The life of the live guys is a differential margin that's almost unmeasurable. What is successful and what is failure, the differential are so small. We're talking about seconds. We're talking about reps. We're talking about the finest echelon of measurement that will make or break someone's life to be successful at that moment. And once at that moment successful, that gives a birth of a lifestyle that's unbeatable second to none. But in order to have that first success, you must ensure yourself that you're giving it all you can today. Because the future we don't know, do we? We're training for that. And when you hear people say terms like good enough follows me to an nth degree, because they are saying something that is justified at the moment, but not quantitative until future endeavor of life. So therefore, they are passing judgment or now for a future event that they knew nothing about. Their bullshit is good enough. You think about it, good to positive enough to negative. That's an oxymoron right there. It's hypocritical on its own sense. There is nothing that's ever good enough. The only thing that's enough is at the end of the day, the end of our final hour, whatever you're going for, that your hand is raised victoriously. That's when you know it's enough. And you're in the gym right now to ensure that that event goes your way and will never go your way guys. And you're saying today is good enough. If you never say good enough today, I promise you tomorrow will always be enough. Whenever good enough isn't enough, you can bet tomorrow you're having enough. Now I say it all time, you have to suffer. You have to make that a tattoo on your brain. So when that hard time comes again, you don't forget it. You may forget it for a second, but you can go back in the cookie jar. I call it it's something that we've all endured. I call it the cookie jar and we often forget how hard we are, but you got to reflect back. I think a couple of seconds reflect. I've been through this. I've been through that. And then remind yourself, I'm a bad mother. And then you can get through that. But if you don't believe it, you have it in storage. You're just blowing smoke, man, and you're not going to get through anything. You're willing to shoulder more than your responsibility of life, because you expect and demand something more of life. Champion's mentality, man. Hoping for a good result. You're demanding them a result. You're going above and beyond what's expected in the gym. What do normal people do? You do more than what's normal, because you want more than normal return of life as investment. Be the guy who embraces the ugly, the miserable. Be the guy who embraces hard work, the grind. Don't be afraid of being hurt. Don't be afraid of a sacrifice in some blood. I tell you, the harder and harder you work in here, the harder and harder it becomes, to accept failure out there. Second place isn't an option anymore, guys. The more you give in here, the more you get out there. Why would you not want to give it at all? What else are you going to do? You come here and kill it right now, or stay home on the couch. You know, watching the live test by. What else would you be doing right now? I'm taking the time off. I'm taking the time to get ahead. If it doesn't seem so, so easy to you, it's because you don't believe in yourself. You believe in yourself. You want to be in here killing it, because giving you that much more chance, because you believe you can't come there. Because they don't believe they can never get there. So if for a while I take the precautionary steps to sharpen and, you know, in holding the arsenal, they're really good at battle. Because they don't even want to go to battle because they know they're going to lose. How do you want to look in the mirror? Everything will be morning. Do you want a positive reinforcement? What do you want to make it about today? How do you want people to see you? It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. One thing important is that we all have these moments, these moments in time, that either make you or break you, that can determine the rest of your life. The rest of your life can be determined by one simple decision and had the decision to make. I wanted to quit. I wanted to give up. There wasn't some inspirational quote. There wasn't something. There wasn't nothing. It was me, myself, and it was freezing out here. I had to make a decision. The decision I make was to get up and keep on going. That one moment changed the rest of my life. To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. What if? A lot of times, I'll be in a tour of my run or something like that, and I'm all jacked up. Body's broken, mind's broken, spirit's broken. I started to say, what if I could pull this off? It's the what if I can pull off a miracle? What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be? And just me talking about that, I have hair going up on my arms, because it makes me just like, what if? In this job, you're looking for cockroaches, looking for rodents and stuff like that. This next morning or this next night, I went to work, and I hit all that cockroaches too much. I hit the motherload of cockroaches, and this restaurant got full of cockroaches and rolled in and everything else. And I sat there and said, this is my life. I said, this is my life. You are exactly who the this is it. And I said, this ain't going to be it for me. So in that restaurant, I quit my job, left my canister in that restaurant, my spray canister, got back in my eco lab truck, and I went home. And I started working out like somebody. I became the most obsessed person on the planet Earth. And I was basically, I had to invent a guy that didn't exist. I had to invent a guy that can take any pain, any suffering, any kind of judgment, be called, be called whatever the in the world and be able to stand up, room and say, go for yourself. I had to build, I had to build this callous mind, and I built it through suffering. I built it through downright and just crushing myself. If it was raining outside three o'clock morning, if it was snowing, the first thing I think is don't go out there and do stuff. My instinct was we got to go out there. Anything that was horrible in my life that I would normally say no, that was inhumane to most people, I had to go do it. And I started callous in my mind at this point in my life. Supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. People need to hear the story. This is an exciting story for people because there's a lot of people out there that feel trapped and they feel stuck and they feel like they can't do anything and this is who they are. You're a guy who felt that exact same way, but figured out how to not be that person and be a person that you would admire. How did you, what were the first steps? Like you had some slips before, right? Because you quit because of the water thing. But then when you went back the second time and you decided you're going to lose all that weight and you quit that job, was it just straightforward from there or there were some days where you just failed and then you picked it back up again. So my first run, when I decided to lose the weight, I was like I said 297. I was about 32% body fat and I went, my idea was to run four miles for my first run. I didn't know how bad it's going to fucking hurt me. I used to run before I was fat and I was like I can give this. I ran a quarter mile and walked home. I walked home and sat on my couch and cried. I looked at my mom's house who was about 40, about maybe 20 minutes down the road and cried and getting her couch and said I can't do this. I don't know what I'm going to do. I just got somebody pregnant. My life was just, I was making $1,000 a month. My rent was $8,10 a month and my mind just kept with me and kept, you're not good enough man. This isn't for you man. These guys are the best purpose of the planet on earth. You're not that. And what it was and it's kind of funny, I was obsessed with Rocky. Rocky won in particular and when I was a kid I come every day and I watched this show Rocky and I would fast forward with the little VHS tapes to round 14. Round 14 me up like nobody's business. Why? This song came on, right? So when I bought the pull up record I listened to the song for 17 hours. It's two minutes and 13 seconds and I'm able to visualize and dream like nobody's business and I know that I can create a vision that many people can't and I work for it. So the vision I had was when Apollo Creed beat the down at Rocky, beat the... He kept fighting. He was a dumb fighter, couldn't read, couldn't... That was me. Couldn't read, couldn't write. Just punchy everything about him and Rocky beat or Apollo... He's in that corner and everybody was saying stay the damn and him getting up, him getting up, Apollo Creed raises arms up in the fucking air, turn around and fight. He turns around and sees this guy getting up and it was the face of Apollo Creed that changed my life. The face of Apollo Creed, it was like just by that mother getting up, not winning, just by him getting the up. Apollo Creed was... Who's his champ? His best. Rocky had taken his soul, had literally taken his soul. His head goes down. He looks down like who the fuck are you? I want it to be that, not Rocky. I want to be the guy that people look at. I don't keep you like me or them like, I don't care. But I said this girl's gonna keep coming after whatever the is in front of him. I wanted that. I wanted that. I wanted that worse than anything in the world. I tell you, the harder and harder you work in here, the harder and harder it becomes to accept failure out there. Second place isn't an option anymore guys. The more you give in here, the more you get out there. Why would you not want to give it at all? What else are you gonna do? Are you coming here and kill it right now? Or stay home on the couch? You know, watching the life pass by. What else would you be doing right now? Taking the time off? I'm taking the time to get ahead. If it doesn't seem so easy to you, it's because you don't believe in yourself. You believe in yourself. You want to be in here killing it. Because giving you that much more chance, because you believe you can come there. Because they don't believe they can never get there. So if for a while I take the precautionary steps to sharpen, you know, and holding the arsenal, they're really good at battle. Because they don't even want to go to battle because they know they're gonna lose. How do you want to look in the mirror? Everything will move in it. Do you want to pause every enforcement? What do you want to make it when you go about today? How do you want people to see you? If you didn't withdraw in fear from anything, from everything that life threw at you, who could you become? I would say that's the central religious question from some real deep sense. There are more things thrown at us than we can manage. That's a tricky question because pretty dreadful things are thrown our way. And you might say, well, that's just presents an insuperable barrier to progress. That's not very helpful because you're alive. Here you are. You've got these problems to contend with. And if it's an impossible pass, then how could you be anything but hopeless and desperate? But then you think, well, wait a second. How would things transform if I took this on as a voluntary adventure? To get through where I became, to get through where I'm at now, there's nothing but pride I have for myself that I can't really show people because I have this face, this face that they see. Are you happy? What's wrong with you? I'm driven. I'm obsessed. And that's what you see. That's it. You have to pick a path of discipline. I've found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. Motivation is a feeling that comes and goes, and it doesn't matter whether it's there or not. Discipline is infinitely more important. So no matter how you feel, you get up and do what you're supposed to do. That's it. And that's discipline. It's not motivation. If you only did what you were supposed to do when you were motivated to do it, that's leaving it the chance. But if you're disciplined, you go to what you're supposed to do. That's the way it works. And this thing that people do, they avoid discomfort. It sounds ridiculous, but then it just creates more discomfort. You don't realize that in embracing discomfort and forcing yourself to do something very uncomfortable that you can control, like an ice bath, like a sauna, like a run, like a workout. You are eliminating another form of discomfort. I torture myself physically. I'm always working out. I'm always exhausted. I'm always taking ice baths. I was in the sauna before I got here today. I'm always doing something. Always. I never have a day where there's not some kind of struggle. If I have a day where I just lay around, I'm like, this is weird. It's one of the things that I have to do on vacation. When I get up in the morning, whenever on vacation, the first thing I do is workout. I'm like, I got to do this. Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to enjoy this time off with my family. I got to get up before everybody else, and I got to work out hard. Look, when you're a kid, you're all potential. It's chaotic potential. It can manifest itself in any number of ways. And maybe you don't want to give that up. So you're like Peter Pan. You want to be a kid forever, because you don't want to give up the potential. And you look out in the world and all you see are Captain Hooks, you know, who've lost a hand, who were chased by death, because that's the clock in the crocodile. It's already got a taste of him. It's terrified by death and he's a tyrant. Well, I don't want to grow up to be that. So I won't be disciplined at all. Well, that's no good, because the way the potential transforms itself into actuality is through discipline. Our minds are like a garage. And the garage, if you open a garage and it's all cluttered up, it's awful. You can't put your car in there. You've got fucking boats and you've got kids toys and everywhere. But if you organize that fucking garage and you put everything in this rightful spot, you can put that car in there. You can put two cars and you put bikes in there. And that's like with the mind. People talk about discipline and determination and, you know, repetitions and all the consistency. Why people fall off the wagon so often is because their mind is full of it. There's no room in that mind for discipline. There's no room for consistency. They may do it once or twice, but then the mind takes over and that cluttered fucking garage comes in. And then it's like a circuit breaker, man. A circuit breaker just overloads and sparks. And our minds, that's our mind, man. It's like a circuit breaker that's so much that you keep on loading it, you can't put any more into it clear and space in your mind so that you have room for all those discipline. Waking up early, taking those because they do mean something. But we don't get to that in the dark matter that is keeping you from clearing out that mental garage. Well, I don't know what to do. It's like, that's okay. Nobody does. Go do something. Do the best thing that you can think of. Put the best plan you have into practice. It's not going to be perfect and it will change along the way. But it will change partly because you become disciplined pursuing the path. And as you become disciplined, you become wiser. And as you become wiser, you become able to formulate better and better plans. There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living. I'm sure people have told you to make sure you have something to fall back on. Make sure you got something to fall back on, honey. But I never understood that concept of having something to fall back on. If I'm going to fall, I don't want to fall back on anything. I want to fall forward. I figure at least this way I'll see what I'm going to hit. The thing is with me is I don't give up. I don't give up. When anybody says or what anybody thinks, I have this mindset. I know exactly who the f*ck I am. I have my circle of people that I hang around with who know me and know what I'm about and whatever. And anybody else who doesn't like it or doesn't want them, isn't bad. There comes a f*ck day where push comes a shove. Where being mediocre, being like average and f*cking burns and sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more day and you get off your f*ck and you create something that's always been there. It's always been inside of you trying to come out. But you've never wanted to unwrap because there's too much pain and commitment. You are scared you want to fail. You're scared if you started, you never finished it. You didn't want to tell anyone about it. You knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something hits. You get fired or somebody else gets success. Remind you what you could have done. And then the b*ck is born. And no matter what happens, I'm never going to be in this boat again. And you get up and you go even get knocked and you just keep going, keep going. You're a wild man. And life has never been so sweet. And you learn from those mistakes, those failures that you have are so consequential. And then you don't want that to happen again. So you've got to be either quit or get way better. And then the next day comes and you're back playing again and you understand that life has this cyclical nature where it's what you're doing one day. It's fantastic but then Tuesday is a bad day. But guess what? There's Wednesday. So are we just supposed to live our lives like this the whole time? You know versus just staying like this and understanding that it's really just a journey of evolution every day. It's just constant improvement, constant curiosity, constantly getting better. The results don't really matter. It's the figuring out that matters. And we all get obsessed about the results. Now we get obsessed about like the output. Not the input of not figuring it out and not like changing things. What you said trial and error like the experimenting. If there's potential inside of you, which you know it's there, but you're too scared to tell anyone else about it. And you go on and on get over and over and over and over and over. And the winners of our twins are the clothes. And you knew it could have been given birth to but you never did it. I promise you it will haunt you. There'll be more. It's a living nightmare, dude. That fact that you had the ability to do something and you're too weak to turn the key and start the engine on it is a greater disappointment and a greater burden to carry than any of this physical sweat equity or pain in the gym or or or sacrifice. All that is just nothing compared to a life where you're burdened by regret guys. Emotions come and go. The important thing is to accept them all. To embrace them all. And then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being controlled by emotion. You know a lot of times I've seen players even myself and you know when I was younger being consumed by a particular fear. And to the point where you're saying okay no it's it's not good to feel fear. I shouldn't be nervous in the situation. It does nothing but grow versus stepping back and saying yeah I am nervous about the situation. Yeah I am fearful about the situation. What am I afraid of and then you kind of unpack it and then it gives you ability to look at it for really what it is which is nothing more than your imagination running its core. Yeah absolutely I love that because what you're saying is that when you're dealing with something it's almost like how can I get to the root of it. Yeah because sometimes what we're dealing with like you're saying it's an imagination illusion it's not really not really a thing. The next time you're facing a fear next time you're going against something do that like literally unpack it. Don't just settle for your first answer because the first answer is rarely the right one. Don't hide from it you know you got to be able to look at it and you know and deal with your head on. Yeah I love that man. Say man me and you are doing this together and you're gonna be on my head if I start slacking I'm gonna be on your head if I start slacking and I'll never accept mediocre again. I'm always gonna give it my 110 percent. That's the only thing I can ever say solid day's work. That's all that will ever find peace in. If you guys do not do that I promise you your life will haunt you for the rest of your days. I hope you guys get what I'm saying. I'll tell you what man once you get it come on over this side of the fence. You don't see problems anymore man. You see situations. You see possibilities and you can't wait to get them started man. You're like why did I wait so long to engage. It doesn't matter about the past it's today what we're doing today. What we're gonna engage now and once we engage we commit. There's no half commitment. There's no court commitment. There's no free court. It's full commitment. Once we engage it's every day we engage because that's the better life and the people you will surround yourself are like-minded and they're better friends. Friends and family for life man they have your back they're solid individuals doing solid tasks leaving a solid impact of legacy for other people. That's a solid life man. It's your option though. What are you gonna do? Monday get better. Tuesday get better. Wednesday get better right and you do that over a period of time you know not like one month or two months I mean it's three four five six seven eight not ten years and then you know you can get to where you want to go. Consistency doesn't guarantee that you'll be successful but not being consistent will guarantee that you won't reach success. An easy productivity hack instead of spending time getting in the mood to work just stop working. Confront the work people think they need perfect conditions to start when in reality starting is the perfect condition. One day in the gym is basically imperceivable. Two days in the gym you don't recognize any change whatsoever. A hundred days in the gym and you're almost a new person. One day of playing guitar you can barely play one chord. A hundred days of practicing guitar and you can play literally almost any song. So take the small steps every day do what you're supposed to do and don't expect some incredible results in one day or two days or ten days worth while things take a hundred days. We take five hundred days maybe they take five thousand days they take time. If you go to the gym and you work out and you come back and you look in the mirror you will see nothing but if you go to the gym the next day you come back and you look in the mirror you will see nothing clearly there's no results can't be measured it must not be effective. So we quit or if you fundamentally believe that this is the right course of action and stick with you can meet yourself to the regime the exercise you can screw it up you can eat chocolate cake one day you can skip a skip a day or two you know it allows for that but if you stick with it consistently I'm not exactly sure what day but I know you'll start getting into shape I know it going to the gym for nine hours does not get you into shape working out every day for 20 minutes gets you into shape it's not about the events it's not about intensity it's about consistency but more importantly consistency because without commitment you'll never start but without consistency you'll never finish those guys just passed me he said guys just be average today some of you just don't understand some of you've been average for so damn long you don't know what it is to do hard work but there's a lot of you out there who want to be much more than average but just don't know how to do it every single day the grind he defies they want to oil those fucking gears up so check it out this is a mindset maybe it's true maybe it's not but there's a girl out there who wants you to have who wants the position you are who wants the job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband with someone out there hungry it wants everything you can have maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is it's gonna be your it so make that a motivation for you stay hard some people it's attractive and they go I want to do that too like you seem pretty happy despite all the stress you're under like how are you doing that and I'll tell people that because I create my own book and my own book it's way harder than whatever I'm facing in the world and that's how I mitigate the stress of success and pressure and criticism and all that stuff like I do to myself way worse than they're ever going to do to me so that's that's how I mitigate it also I calm my body I calm my body through I calm my mind through calming my body and I calm my body through work I make it work and I make myself do things that are very uncomfortable but I don't want to do and by doing that I develop the strength and perseverance and some people hear that and they're like I don't want to find that pure exhaust like I'm not you I don't want to do that and they just like it takes them away from that and I'm like you don't even have to do that just go for a walk every day it sounds like it's easy to do but you're just gonna when that walk comes when you look at your clock oh it's eight o'clock time to go for that walk like I don't want to walk I was just about play video games I don't want to walk I'd rather like read email so I don't want to walk I'd rather like scroll through TikTok but if you just force yourself to go for that from walk every day you develop mental perseverance you will develop some tenacity you develop the ability to force yourself into work it doesn't have to be groomed it says to be a thing that you have to do or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know when your wife and kids run your asses they don't ask for it but there comes a fucking day where push comes a show we're being mediocre being like average and shit just fucking burns and sucks so much you can't deal it one more day and you get off your fucking ass and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap because there's too much fucking pain and commitment you're scared you're gonna fail you're scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anybody you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something fucking hits you get fired or somebody else gets success reminding you what you could have been and then that fucking spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even gets knocked and you just keep going keep going you're wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen at early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you think you're lucky stars that finally you're alive it's on the unwrapped and attention you be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have had risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's as they believed it and they're willing to work their fucking ass off to get it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it wasn't about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest fucking worker in the room do you ever have a daily just think yeah can't be asked to do anything I'm not going for a run I'm not stretching I'm doing nothing every day yeah so you have the thought when you don't have to die every day ever let yourself have a day we just watch Netflix never because you're on Netflix I'm haunted no I can't do it I can't do it there may be some days I get up with poopy pants that I'm like you know what man fuck this man like what am I training for yeah I have no race in the docket why am I having this this such a structured life why and I'm like you know what I'm good done I retire every day I'm done with this shit and I sit around I say okay and then this is my thought process so you want to be normal so you just want to be like everybody else that roams the world not knowing the power that's in them being fine with being mediocre you want to go back to who you were huh David I fucked up and I have that conversation with yourself every day not every day it's those bad days so bad it's got to see a whole bunch of people walking around out here we have no idea how talented they truly are now I'm talking about talent like some guy giving the building talent that sometimes you have to hold you have to work on you need to harness yourself and then just walk around it's on their phones it's clueless to how powerful son don't stop for nobody man son don't stop son gonna be up in the morning regardless that son is gonna be up in the morning regardless of how I feel and how depressed I am the son is gonna shine in the morning and the nighttime the moon gonna be there and you gonna look up these days gonna keep going by so do you let the days go by and look up and you don't waste it a year doing what or do you just pick it up all right that figured out made some mistakes that life goes on we figure out life from this point you want to become best you want to become champion and now you want to say like you tired who cares you tired it or not nobody care about it he was tired he had personal problem family nobody cares we're all writing a book what's your book look like what does your fucking book look like like your your life is a book you got a bunch of chapters in your book but when they closed that book how good was the book how good was your book what was the ending to your book yeah what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined well I mean I mean every day I mean since you know 20 years it was an everyday process and trying to figure out strengths and weaknesses for example jumping ability now my vertical was a 40 wasn't a 46 or 45 my hands are big but they're not massive right so you got to figure out ways to strengthen them so your hands are strong enough to be able to palm a ball and do the things that you need to do quickness I was quick but not insanely quick I was fast but not ridiculously fast right so I had to rely on skill a lot more I had to rely on angles a lot more I had to study the game a lot more and it just never changed what I found is that winning doesn't happen on show day it happens in early mornings painful workouts long cardio sessions and hungry nights happens in those moments of fear we all have when faced with a difficult goal and in more so what you make of that fear it happens in every second of every day before you win if you can take every opportunity you have to bring yourself closer to your goal win every one of those opportunities all while becoming more resilient in the process how can you lose that's an exciting opportunity I became obsessed with being the baddest because I got every created in my that I don't care I believe it and I was trying to tell him once you become obsessed with something obsessed it's okay to be unbalanced for a while it's okay don't be all this stuff people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do it's not about being a Navy SEAL people the best at what you do you have to be unbalanced to find every bit of energy and strength that you have to pull it off how bad do you want it there's two options to continue forward pushing upward and if you do that dream is given birth and forever you will live in the reality of it if you stop quit throwing it out I promise you there's no distance you can travel far enough to find that dream again for it is dead and it is dead it's replaced by regret what's the least amount of sleep you play the game on no there's there's a story where it's like you know no one knows about what you want to play the game and it was so insane for whatever reasons no sleep you play the game you're asleep you're asleep you're asleep it's like you know kids you know Natalia had a certain you know health situation would have you and you're staying up all night and then you got to go out and perform because fans don't know you know teammates don't know nor do they care nor should they that you've been up all night you got to perform like I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends and I'll just take vacations just to take vacations or just hang out just to hang out like I'm not I never did that why not go what why why didn't you do that well because when I retired I didn't want to have to say I wish I would have done more all week you was worked hard and all the week if you don't tell it this is good question you have to worry about this but this is certainly your sick day you work so hard of course you're gonna tired tomorrow rest and Monday we're gonna begin in one more training if you don't want go back to Dax and stay with your mom she's gonna give you everyday good breakfast you don't do nothing stay there but if you come here don't come playing you want to become best you want to become champion and now you want to say like you tired who cares you tired it or not nobody cares about he was tired he had personal problem I really know but because a lot of people live their entire lives not fulfilling their purpose one time in my life I felt that what was my purpose tell you find the center of your being you will continue to walk going through the motions the one companion that's always going to be with you is yourself yourself is what you have and you need to encourage yourself you need to look around and you need to be able to say look I'm not stuck here unless I choose to stay here if you don't have somebody who's gonna do that become that somebody what's something difficult you're going through that people don't often see I mean my mind is a storm I don't think most people would want to be me they may think they want to be me but they don't they don't know they don't understand there's 24 hours in the day when you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you pulling these different pockets you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to get there if you can't control your own brain it's over every day when you get out of bed life's standing right there to kick you in the face man life is going to throw all kinds of crazy and you have to be ready for it and you got to deal with it can't curl up into a ball you can't run away from it you can't hide you have to take all this head on great things happen and really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day strap your shoes back on and get out there and go to work again it's that mentality it's the mentality bring it on motherfucker i can take it you can't break this shit i'm stronger than you think i am and everything you throw at me and all the hardships you throw at me you might knock me down but i get back up and i'll be stronger for it it's that mentality that builds an iconic status that these centuries from now people still talk about nobody cares you know at the end of the day nobody cares what we're going through how your body feels nobody cares we got it we got to do our job and uh we we emphasize that to each other again today you know hey i got your back you got mine nobody cares man we got to go is it fair no life is tough sometimes and it's not fair and it doesn't care sometimes but you're going to hold true to what you believe and you're going to hold true to who you are and you're going to be that person whether it's easier or top i go to such places in my mind and i studied the darkness there was no team it was you there was no weight loss programmer mom and dad waking you up saying you can do it you can be better trying to build belief you built belief when you had nothing rock bottom i lived alone for so many years in this misery i can take myself to such a level of real real passion and purpose i've trained 99% of my life alone i did all of those work alone i never ran for anything because i know nobody to go to i've always had it when i'm going home to get me ain't nobody there you know i'm saying like so it's i've always been in a situation where i'm forced to deal with it myself you always have to be the person who roots for you before everybody lost us and it's usually a single clap in the auditorium for a very long period of time it is a slow clap that's just you rooting for you the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people the superpower of learning to be alone and enjoying it these times where you just think about things just be alone and think about things are so rare these days during those rare times is when you really get to understand what you actually believe or don't believe it's a lonely journey you're isolated those who used to keep pace with you will fall off they'll see what their world ends and yours begins your ability to suffer endure outwork must be greater you must be willing to extend yourself to the limit but no guarantee of success every day you must ask yourself did i do enough there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save it and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay children forever no one's effing coming to save you no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the tv off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you unless you understand that you've got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true largely everyone needs to go through the same challenges that you're going through every single difficult thing that you do is kind of like a massive wall that you need to get over and you go wow i'm so glad that i've got over that wall and think about how many other people are going to fall at that wall what i've learned is to to to always keep going always not come to find out is that you know no matter what happens the storm eventually ends when the storm does and you want to make sure that you're ready and so i've really learned to put one foot in front of the other uh good pattern different is eventually that storm passes you don't show up guys you know the outcome you'll never get the job never get the part never get the girl if you don't show up if you show up you put yourself in a situation to create those opportunities and when you show up how hard do you go that's the faster that opportunity will come to life for you it's up to you guys small down payment that you're willing to pay every day to the large investment of a greater life you only got one life guys if you work it right you only need one i told myself i couldn't quit i told myself this was going to happen this is destined whatever is really burning in your heart you got to really believe in yourself even when nobody else won't you got to believe in yourself and say i'm not stopping i told myself i'd die before i stopped when you feel like giving up don't when you thinking about giving up don't when it look like you ain't gonna make it keep going when they tell you you can't come on man who are they you got to be relentless i got to thank the man up top g o d because i'm nothing without it last but not least i want to thank me i want to thank me for believing in me i want to thank me for doing all this hard work i want to thank me for having no days off i want to thank me for for never quitting if you don't do it back do you be yourself and make sure that you love being yourself it's gonna be roblox it's gonna be tribulations but always remember this is a life experience accept the experience appreciate the experience find your journey respect your journey i love it you're going to realize it one day that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship it was never about being like the others that happiness was always about the discovery the hope the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go happiness was always about being kinder to yourself it was always about embracing the person you were becoming one day you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself that your happiness was never in the hands of others it was always about you it was always about you just shut up and let me enjoy this pain i don't want anything to numb it i don't want anything right now those times when you get up early and you work hard those times when you stay up late and you work hard those times when you don't feel like working you're too tired you don't want to push yourself but you do it anyway that is actually the dream when there's so many in the gym in the pumping iron days you say why is it that you're working out so hard five hours a day six hours a day and you have always a smile in your face the others are working out just as hard as you do and they look sour in the face and they told people all the time i said because to me i am shooting for gore in front of me is the mischievous title so every rep that i do gets me closer to accomplishing that gore to make this gore this vision turning the reality every single set that i do every repetition every way to the lift will get me a step closer to turn this gore into reality so i couldn't wait to do another 500 pound squat i couldn't wait to do another 500 pound bench press i couldn't wait to do another 2000 reps of sit-ups i couldn't wait for the next exercise but where do you go to you wake up on a morning it's cold it's wet it's dark you've got no cartilage in your knee you've got shitty shorts whatever it is that's the issue today i know every motherfucker ain't going to do what i'm going to do i know there's a whole bunch of people with that right there that fires me up that makes me fucking happy with you this set that brings joy to my life right there why because i know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch refuse to study a few more hours refuse to go deeper to go further and that's where i gained the advantage it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend because most people are weak i get happier about the harder it is because i know that no one else will follow it's a selection effect and i think if you can if you can shift from this is hard to no one else will be able to do this then it flips from being this thing that you're like oh poor me to oh poor everyone else is gonna have to fucking try be the guy who embraces the ugly immeasurable be the guy who embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a sacrifice to some blood there was probably a hundred days where i didn't want to do anything i wanted to stay in the poor stay in my in my bed and not get out um but those were the days where you have to you have to get up and do something because i think that's really what separates the good from the great the greats do things when they don't always want to do them rich people don't sleep eight hours a day that's a third of your life i had 130 days in game just sitting looking at a screen playing one character in one game if you think ordinary school ain't no problem but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you don't have to do extra imagine if i could put this kind of focus into something in real life and just make that seem a little bit like a video game imagine the results i could get done you have to decide if you're willing to do the things to put you in that category you know when you're kind of addicted to it uh you can you can play at any time you cannot be sweet eight hours a day you can't live in LA and wake up at eight o'clock in the morning it's 11 o'clock on the east coast the stock market been open two hours they already making decisions about your life and your ass was sleep and again so she's like imagine if i could feel like that but in real life turn life into a video game the bible says he who loves to sleep and the folding of hands poverty will set upon you like a thief in the night i have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they had suffered and sweated and sacrificed and kept their focus and fought through tears and trials and tests and if you have a dream and you commit to it it will come to pass a blade a blade does not become strong it does not become tempered until it's been through the fire until it's been through the fire nobody cares you know at the end of the day nobody cares what we're going through how your your body feels, nobody cares, we got to do our job.